* Denotes Attendance

Cllr R Moore Town Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr Clark – *
Cllr L Dilling – *
Cllr Mrs J Lidstone – *
Cllr Long – *
Cllr. I. Hatch – *
Cllr L. King – *
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – A
Cllr Mrs C. Pickering – *
Cllr J. Martins – *
Cllr. Ms. T. Roberto – *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr J Carter – District Councillor – A
Dist. Cllr P Coulson District Councillor – *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pc Mullin – A
PCSO Gibson – A


Members were invited to declare personal or prejudicial interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting as follows:
• Cllr Biggs wished it known that by virtue of his professional and development contacts he would leave the meeting should planning matters relating to clients he was aware of at such time were discussed and any item relating to land at RA3.


Cllr. Martins nominated Roger Moore to continue as Town Mayor and this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs Pickering and all present AGREED unanimously and such Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed.


Cllr. Long nominated Les King to continue as Deputy Mayor and this was seconded by Cllr. Hatch and all present AGREED unanimously and such Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed.
Cllr Mrs Lidstone arrived


It was AGREED to continue with the terms of reference as is for working parties and such representatives on both these and outside organisations were set as attached.


The following review of Leases, Tree Surveys and other legal obligations were APPROVED as detailed below: Cliff House Office Annual paid Rental Agreement
Council Hall Leases lapsed and now on Rolling Tenancy with Tourist Info Centre and Museum.
Valuation of market rental for Council Hall carried out February 2009. Increasing in steps to attain market value. Survey by Surveyor of Council Hall with regard to maintenance required carried out March 2012
Berry Lease at peppercorn rent between Town Council and District Council for a term of 28 years until 2017.
Tree Reports:
• The Berry – Valid until June 2014
• Redfern Woods – Valid until June 2014
• Bonaventure Woods — Valid until February 2012
• Shadycombe Cemetery – Valid until January 2012
• Bonfire Hill Cemetery Trees assessed as not needing professional free report as of limited height or risk
• Ember Diamond Jubilee Gardens – Papers with town council solicitor and District and transfer awaited. Town Council Risk Assessment document reviewed 12″ May 2010.
Cemetery Rents reviewed January 2010.
Allotment Rents review required along with consideration of the terms of the tenancy agreements. Grass cutting contract renewed to run from 2012 — 2015 — lain Randall Helping Hands.
Kyocera Photocopier— Annually paid maintenance agreement in place.
Annual Agreement with District for business collection of refuse at Bonfire Hill Cemetery. Town Clerk requested to consider whether to change service to private contract next year.
All Town Council insurance cover reviewed with agents WPS June 2011.


It was AGREED that the Town Councillors note the Local Government Act 1972 and have indicated their wish with regard to receiving agendas, minutes and documentation by email.


Ann Thompson was in attendance and re nested on behalf of the Regatta Volunteers assistance from councillors to join with their group to provide help on 4 June 2012 manning the Diamond Jubilee Working Group celebrations Road Closures as they must cover 14.5hours. The Mayor agreed 1-2p.m and a further evening duty. Cllr Mrs Pickering offered 2-3p.m as she would be manning the beacon in the evening. Cllr Long 7-8p.m and Cllr King 6-7p.m. Dist. Cllr. Coulson noted that the attendance at D Day Service would be transporting people down who could not walk from the road closure and this was noted to allow access.
Peter Goldsworthy attended following on from the Monday 21st  May 2012 Annual Town and Community Consultation meeting with regard to the Neighbourhood Plan. One issue raised by David Greening was such need for a better form of communication rather than strings of emails. Mr Goldsworthy noted a neighbourhood forum that already exists ie the ‘Salcombe and Kingsbridge Estuary Association! formed many years ago with regard to various activities in the estuary such as anglers, environmental groups etc and this forum brought people together. Five years ago less than 5 people were on email and he delivered information to everyone around town and Gerry Queue who now runs this system designed in Kingsbridge constructed a forum for this association which has all features necessary for the neighbourhood plan format. He stated that anyone can join this current forum and there was the ability to put links to important documents for people to read and comment on certain topics. It would be easy to make one whole page for the neighbourhood plan and he offered this to be considered by town council. To assist displaying the scope of this offer he would be happy to demonstrate the simplicity of such. There was no cost involved and it was ready and going to add to.
The Mayor noted that his personal initial thoughts were that town council wanted a separate Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan website but they might be interested to look at this tried and tested format. Also town council needed to discuss what to do about those in the community without email. All material involved with town council must be compliant with regulations but they could have a link on their own website to an site. Cllr Wheeler noted some points that he found hard to understand on this estuary website but he had looked at it further and used such to investigate provision. Cllr Clark suggested town council could have their own website but speak to the creator of the Estuary website to map over such template to town council.
Peter Goldsworthy left the meeting.
Jon Elwell noted he was conducting an environmental survey on site allocation RA3 and that he was distressed that all such equipment had been removed/stolen with regard to theft investigation on vertebrates. He went on to noted that he found it disgusting that people would do this and had advised the police. As a result he was going to increase the fencing around his land and put stock proof fencing between the cemetery and his land. He did not want to take any boundary that was not his and was assuming it would be in the centre of the raised bank at the bottom of the cemetery. His fence would therefore be on the lower bank and broadly the same as such that goes down the side of the cemetery and public footpath, 4-6inch square but no barbed wire. Cllr Hatch requested no barbed wire be placed adjacent to the cemetery perimeter. Also Mr Elwell advised that there would be more gates and formal accessways to his property due to this disruption of his surveys. A fencing contractor would be carrying out such works for 611 high Herds fencing. The materials laid were roofing felt etc to collect sloe worms and such like and the removal of this disrupts this exercise. Mr Elwell felt that it was ironic that town council were involved in the Neighbourhood Plan at a huge cost when it is about more development. Cllr Wheeler commented that town council were doing as much as possible within the local government guidelines that democracy sets down and that they could not have moved quicker if they wished. He was concerned at the continual snide remarks that they were stalling when town council had consulted and communicated but were duty bound to protect public land and ensure the best possible outcome for the community. Town council did not countenance any form of harassment such as the disruption of an environmental survey but also did not support any form of fencing that could harm those visiting the cemetery or showed disrespect to such area by its overbearing nature.
Mr Elwell left the meeting.


Dist. Cur. Coulson noted that he had attended the Development Management Committee which was fairly lengthy but had a useful forum on the Baltic Wharf development. This he felt was an exemplar developer getting out into the community and speaking about children’s areas and transport etc so such forum went really smoothly as a result of a great deal of communication with the whole of community and special interest groups. The afternoon had been utter blinding frustration as they had a small number of items on the agenda and such reasons for passing some applications were questionable. He went on to explain that a person was caught breaching planning permission and when he was caught he admitted it so District allowed the retrospective application. He had also been on visits with regard to waste to Langage Farm and there was to be a major reform of District 2013 contracts and they needed to plan so as to not copy the waste management changeover problems in Cornwall.
District was currently working on regeneration of high streets with regard to the Portas Report. Following questioning he noted that if District did not want boarded up shops just because they did not allow change of use. He did however note that the South Hams is felt to be economically active and yet every other shop is a charity shop so he did wonder why they bothered.
Dist Cllr Coulson noted that he attended the Annual Town Meeting but did not speak. He noted he found it irritating the continually sniping at District when he works as hard as he does. The comments at the ATM were noted but he questioned the assertion on disagreement on applications at planning as he felt that it was 14% not 50% up to 2010. If anyone could give him substantive evidence that it is not going right then he wanted to hear about it not at a public meeting but to him so he could investigate and respond. The three years delay on land being handed over was not District as it was going backwards and forwards with solicitors and the section 106 contribution was District money. It was noted that the Ember Land transfer is virtually completed now. The Mayor responded and noted that changes in management at District did not help and he felt that they were now moving on capital development from what had been seen in the last 15 years. The land transfer at Ember however a worry was and needed to be finalised so that town council could progress the open space project.
Dist Cllr Coulson however felt it had been a worthwhile public meeting and an interesting array of views but he was not sure that everybody actually really clicked as to what a wonderful opportunity this was. It was an opportunity to try and shape what people wanted this town to look like in quarter of a century. He felt that many were looking at it from the wrong end of a telescope. Town Council must be consistent as should District and thus if making a decision they could not change and treat the next application on another basis because this would be inequitable and inconsistent. If town council had a Neighbourhood Plan that had a vision of what the community liked and did not like then this would shape how any development suited the town’s needs.
He was concerned in the public meeting when people started talking about moving skips up the road and dog mess on Berry and missed the deeper aspect of a vision and planning for the future.
The Mayor asked Dist Cllr Coulson to comment on the issue raised by Jon Elwell with regard to the Harbour Hotel and such Section 106 contribution. He advised he could add nothing to the wording of lawyers and could do nothing further on this concern.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 9″ May 2012 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


Councillors considered the following applications and sent such observations to the District as Planning Authority:
• 0193/12/F REVISED PLANS Extension and alteration, garden landscaping Thimble Cottage, Higher Batson – Applicant Mr and Mrs Sowerby – No objection.
• 1026/12/F Householder application for alteration and extension to existing dwelling Cob Cottage, 14
Buckley Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DD – Applicant Mr and Mrs D. Slater —Objection. It was felt that the mass and bulk of the extension adding once again another floor to a property in the Conservation Area was
continuing, as has been identified, the alterations made constantly down Buckley Street constantly pushing the skyline higher. This made the rear and side untenable as it was the changing structure and views of the properties. Also removal of chimneys was changing the outlook of such Conservation Area as was introduction of a balcony to the front facing towards the estuary at the rear of the property overlooking the roof Such development was inappropriate in this Conservation Area and thus damaging and harmful to it. A Conservation Plan is in place and thus this is felt to be a material factor. The plan identified the eclectic
roof space as an essential character and if town council were to allow this creeping and continual driving up of rooflines such would be lost. It was noted that the proposed introduced a flat roof with bell lights in the centre in an attempt to keep the roof line down but such was changing the style of properties to get round
pushing the roof up too high.
• 1031/12ff Householder application for demolition of existing single storey extension on NW elevation and 2 storey stair enclosure. Construction of new storey extension at rear of property and other external
alterations. Woodcot Cottage, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JU —Applicant Mr and Mrs J. McArthur – It was felt that such proposals were sympathetic to this building and would balance out with the alterations intended to the front elevation. No objection if such materials used are timber for the windows on visible areas rather than timber and powder coated aluminium.
1051/12/F Resubmission of householder planning consent 41/0438/12/F for demolition and rebuilding of existing rear extension, alterations to fenestration and associated works Braemar, Herbert Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HN – Applicant Mr and Mrs S. Chadwick – No objection.
1060/12/17 Householder application for internal re-ordering of first and second floor accommodation with the formation of two small roof balconies from the existing flat roof dormer windows I The Strand, Salcombe TQ8 8ET – Applicant Mrs L. Hovey —No objection. This was creation of two small balconies in the roof area changing from flat roof dormers and although in a Conservation Area where usually there are no balconies, this was a relatively modern building and not situated in a run of older properties and from the angle they are placed they do not create harm in the Conservation Area.
1070/12/F Householder application for demolition of existing single garage and erection of replacement single garage and associated bin store Brackenberry, Fortescue Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AP – Applicant Mr B. Eighteen – Objection. It was noted that the plans provided were somewhat confusing. They refer to a slate roof in the application but there is no outline or plan that shows a pitched roof to the property. It was
felt these were nebulous plans showing an outline but no actual plans of aspects so town council were unable to clearly see a pitched slate roof as the plan appears to show a flat roof which town council object to. It was
noted that if the proposal was in fact for pitched then town council would not have objected. Another concern was that local opinion suggested that there might be a double garage.
1080/12/F Householder application for proposed car parking 35 St. Dunstans Road, Salcombe TQ8 SAN – Applicant Mr and Mrs Newman – No objection so long as the surface was permeable.


1040/12/TCA Proposal to Fell Cherry and Pittosporum Location: Friday Cottage, Robinsons Row, Salcombe No objection to these works within the Conservation Area.


• 0148/12/F Appeal Ref: APP/K! 128/1) 12/2175188 Site Address: The Bluff, Bolthead, Salcombe TQ8 8LL. Proposed development: Appeal against refusal of Householder application for erection offence around parking bay.
Town council NOTED this householder appeal and were advised that such process does not allow an opportunity to submit further comments.


• All correspondence emailed.
• Planning Working Party had also considered a pre application in Raleigh Road in relation to a double garage being turned into ancillary accommodation. This was a garage that could not be used as such by its location
and had no services thereto apart from electricity. All the applicant appeared to want to do is install roof lights and board it out. Town Council saw no problem as long as the plans submitted comply with what has
been indicated as proposed. A question was raised with regard to more vehicles in the adjacent road and visitors to the property but where the property was they could not get access to the garage for parking.


Cllr Martins noted that many of the comments people were making were particular to those people rather than an objective and overarching vision. He felt that in future consultations it should be emphasised that the vision is looking forward about a quarter of a century. The Mayor agreed he felt he did he not explain well about the plan intentions but noted that 40% of Salcombe population had apathy towards a plan because they had been here before with the previous Town Plan. If town council had a website it could incorporate a full explanation in simple terms as to the objective of a plan.
However the turn out for the consultation was very good with approximately 77 people excluding councillors, their partners and police representation. Some attending did have points and at a point started to listen to intentions. Most people in Salcombe wish to keep it as it is and all changes seem to be to the detriment of the town. Most councillors acknowledged their duty and were doing the best they could with no professional training and carrying all those represented.
The Mayor suggested that on the last three Mondays in June town council hold a surgery at Salcombe school to hear and collect peoples points of view thus giving everyone the opportunity to come along. Dist. Cllr. Coulson felt that an article in the Gazette would assist and be timely. Clare Carter, Kingsbridge Gazette was in attendance at the consultation meeting but Dist Cllr. Coulson suggested an article be sent. Cllr Wheeler felt that items had been identified that people felt passionate about.
Cllr. Biggs arrived.

Town Council needed to start forming their steering group and two councillors were requested to spearhead such. It was AGREED Cllr Long was to collate the comments already received and Cllr Wheeler would consider the website. One previous neighbourhood plan front runner noted the creation took them three months to get people talking and joining in but now they have a steering group of 10 or 12 with sub groups below this. Keeping the whole thing driving forward was the hardest factor and goal setting was most important.
On 19th June there would be training provided by DALC at Kingsteignton. A letter received by email from a resident had been circulated to all councillors and was noted.



Jon Elwell left the meeting.

132.AUDIT 2011/12

Town Council received the End of Year Summary and Accounts and then completed the Statement of Assurance within the meeting and it was AGREED that such papers be sent for external Audit.


The Mayor requested bunting for the park opening which Cllr Mrs Pickering said she would provide.


Cllr King – Cross Park they have cut the access across the cycle path and someone is now parking on that area. This section of land sits in Malborough parish.
At the information Centre meeting a landlady complained that when coaches reach the bottom of Onslow Road there was no sign that directed them to the coach parking and she wished this rectified as more coaches parking was good for town business.
Cllr Mrs Lidstone -. Noted it was dangerous driving up Newton Road as motorists could not see to turn right because of the builders skips sited there and how they are parked. Cllr Biggs agreed and noted that the skips are also not lit and with two skips and all the liquid rubbish going down Newton Road the area was a mess.
Cur. Clark – Bridleway 35 had still not been cut and was causing horse riders problems.
Cllr. Ms Pickering – Walked from Onslow Road through down the steps to Redfern Surgery and noted there was a tree down in the woods. Cllr Long will check this. She then reported on the swimming pool meeting and opening dip to be held on Saturday. She noted passes for the Park & Ride for the Jubilee choir and that contact be made with Janet Cohen and she will co ordinate such.
Cllr. Biggs – Harbour Board had moved the trailer with household rubbish within 2 days of the complaint. He had used the path between Raleigh Road and Onslow Road and felt it was getting dangerous as he slipped over. Water had caused a channel and the rocks used for the surface were too big and the hand rail stopped before tree and then restarted again leaving an unmanageable section. The path needed to be compacted down again.
A letter from Vickery Holman with regard to the town council hall maintenance was noted. Councillors had met with the surveyor to consider the contents of the report that indicated what needed to be done externally whilst scaffolding was in place and it was decided to included maintenance of the toilets as this was necessary.
Discussion took place in the meeting on the fact that the cemetery wall had failed and needed to be repaired immediately as the structural surveyor indicated. There were concerns that this be done before such quotes are obtained for the hall maintenance. Some councillors wished to go ahead with the wall first and others wished to proceed with the maintenance in tandem. The Mayor advised he would talk to the County Structural Engineer and then ask Scoff Wilson to provide a letter advising that town council can carry out repair without a ff11 rebuild. Then town council could ahead with costings from Vickery Holman. It was noted that local builders are to be asked to quote too but that the expert had noted that most locally do not have enough Public Insurance for such works.
Cllr Martins -Noted that the sign required to be placed next to the Victoria Fountain stating Alcohol Free Zone was on the town clerk’s desk awaiting installation. The 30 mph sign adjacent to the Park & Ride was still hanging at an angle and this will be reported to County. A resident in Batson goes from this point towards the dump/boat park area and picks up litter because the street sweeper does not cover this area and it was questioned how such areas can be covered for litter.
A meeting took place on Monday with Stuart Jellings, Rob Harkness, Dist. Cllr. Coulson, Cllr Martins and the Mayor wherein they talked about Waste Management and had responded with list of things District were doing. Stuart Jellings and Rob Harkness were being very co-operative but it was noted that Cliff House Gardens was only done every 10 days.
CIII- Long – Met with Steve Howrihane with regard to the cycle rack and had asked for confirmation of when District were going to put such in. He had however agree to four or five cycle racks at the entrance to Whitestrand Car Park and not just three. There had been complaints about a bonfire in the allotment as one was left burning all day and everyone said smelt of plastic. It was noted that the terms stated bonfires could not be left unattended. On another point it was also noted that smoke was billowing across the main road at the property halfway between Salcombe and Malborough. Number 2 Beadon Road had been planting shrubs in the Devon County Council verge that town council are contracted to cut. Town Council are to write and request the resident not to do such and to cut their hedge back from the main road signs.
Cllr. Dilling — The bushes at Cross Garden Cottages are overgrown and the Mayor is to email noting such.


• Balfour Beatty have confirmed that the South West Water foreshore works will not affect businesses or residents. All works will be carried out on the foreshore at low tide and thus the ferry will not be affected either. Any relining of pipes found necessary will be carried out at the end of the season and at present the works are only to install hatchboxes for overpumping.
• An advice note has been prepared by the Planning Aid Expert with regard to the difference between a Master and Neighbourhood Plan and forwarded to all councillors. Town council were offered a meeting with one or two working group representatives and the Planning Aid expert on Neighbourhood Plan process.
• There is an intention to set up a Kingsbridge and surrounding areas Food Bank to distribute emergency food items to individuals and families in appropriate need. A meeting will be held on Monday 28″ May in the Lounge at Kingsbridge Methodist Church to adopt a constitution and consider policies and procedure.
• Public Rights of Way have confirmed that they are unable to allocate funds to parishes that have not highlighted specific projects requiring finance this year.
• The external auditor for 2012/13 and future years is proposed to be Grant Thornton, currently the Commission’s largest auditor supplier for principal body audits, and anyone with an issue with regard to such should email by Friday 29 June 2011
– Jayne Wootton of Action Villages had advised that she had been approached by Geoff Goodyear of the Yacht Club for funding for their club. Active Villages are being asked to wind up this stage of the sport funding so she will proceed with these clubs.
• Letter dated 21st May 2012 from Helen Higgins Salcombe WI thanking town council for their grant.
• Letter dated 21 May 2012 from Vickery Holman advising of the works discussed with the town council
working group that are necessary and require scaffolding along with some required internal works.
• Batson are placing one or two trees at Batson for the Jubilee in agreement with Tim Pollard of District.


• None received other than that already emailed


Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
Aspire Electronics Consultancy – Presentation materials as per list 363.88
Wages – May 883.77
HMRC —May 382.43
One Bill – Telephone 29.28
SHDC – Recycling caddy/bins bags 56.47
SHDC – Rates for Shadycombe Cemetery 194.71
Merlin Fireworks – Diamond Jubilee Fireworks 4200.00


The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 13″ June 2012 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 630p.m.
Meeting Closed: 940pm
13th June 20l2.
Town Mayor.

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