Car Park terms and conditions


Salcombe Town Council’s Pay & Display car park is situated as you come into the town on the Salcombe Road (A381) at the junction of Main Road and Bonfire Hill.  The car park is owned by Salcombe Town Council and parking enforcement is operated by Devon County Council.


South Hams District Council Permits are not valid at this car park

Penalty Charge Notices Apply for Failing to Comply with Conditions of Use

A £3 DAILY PARKING FEE is payable all day every day of the year

Tickets from Pay & Display machines

It is possible to walk into town or there is a public bus service that runs daily and can be used for journeys to and from the town.  This is a very limited service on Sundays and Public Holidays.

The bus stops for this service into town (see photo below) very close to the Park and Ride Car Park, the other is just over the rise, past the garage and is known locally as Beadon Cross.  The bus stop in town is on Shadycombe Road in the town’s ‘Maritime Quarter’.  There is a flat walk from there into the centre of town.


  • A valid ticket or permit must be displayed at all times
  • No over-height vehicles (2.2M Max)
  • Park within marked bays only
  • No caravans, camper vans, lorries, boats or trailers
  • No unattended trailers
  • No overnight sleeping

          A penalty charge will be issued for non-compliance.

  • Advice on representations and appeals against a Penalty Charge Notice can be found on the County Councils website:
  • Vehicles and their contents are parked at the owners’ risk and Salcombe Town Council will accept no liability for loss or damage to vehicles or contents

A copy of the Salcombe Town Council Parking Order is available for inspection at the Town Clerks Office, Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8QJ


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