As we move through this year Salcombe Town Council continually looks for ways to support those in this community whilst being aware that everyone is being bombarded with changes every week.

During these strange, Covid times, across this parish everyone has come together to try and help each other, and with our beautiful surroundings and wealth of local outlets the wonderful weather through spring into summer meant lots of walking, gardening and enjoying being outdoors talking to people we meet on our way.

Now, with autumn moving into winter we will retreat inside our homes and for some they might feel shut away and lonely.  So please try to think who might need an over-the-garden-wall chat or phone call, and perhaps it is timely to just let you all know who and what you can turn to.  Your Town Council have put this information newsletter together so that if anyone feels that they do not know where to turn, hopefully something within this piece will help or point you in the right direction.

There are many websites out there but for those unable to access them we have also tried to provide telephone numbers.  If the details we have provided do not help then you can always phone the Town Council number and we can see what we can come up with to assist – 01548 842282.  The Town Council website at is where you will also find the names and contacts of each Town Councillor who you can also ring, along with any up-to-date news that we are asked to post on there.  If you know of anyone who is elderly or vulnerable and having to self-isolate, and who consequently needs assistance, we will try to find volunteers who can help, although for day to day things the local shops and supermarket deliveries seem to be coping well in this area.

Best wishes to all for now through to the New Year!

Remember – stay alert, keep well and whenever possible

Wash Your Hands, Cover your Face and Make Space.


Redfern Health Centre

Would like to remind patients that they are still running flu vaccine clinics.  If anyone, who is age 65 or over or in an ‘at risk’ group and has not been immunised yet, they would highly recommend you take this opportunity to be vaccinated.

They are not able to vaccinate patients 50-64 years old yet, who are not in an ‘at risk’ group.  They have to await further instructions from the government regarding this cohort of patients and this will depend on the availability nationally of the vaccine.

They are continuing to work in a very safe environment at the health centre, they urge patients to respond to invitations from them for routine reviews and blood tests when notified.   It is important for the well-being of their patients that they take up these invitations.

Information is trickling out to them from central government regarding the plans for administering the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available.   They will update patients when all plans are in place.

They wish all their patients a Happy Christmas and hope you all stay safe following the government guidelines.



Citizens Advice – There are things you can do if you are struggling to pay bills like your rent, mortgage, or energy bills because of Coronavirus (COVID-19).  Speak to the organisation that you owe money to. They might be able to help you by letting you pay smaller amounts or take a payment holiday. It is also worth checking with your bank or building society – they might be able to help you with your debts or let you delay loan or credit card repayments or have a payment holiday.  Otherwise visit the Citizen Advice website or telephone 0800 144 8848, alternatively, WhatsApp 07497758779.

Devon Carers have produced a recognised Alert Card so that contact can be made with the 24hr helpline to advise of a vulnerable person who might need help.  If you are incapacitated the emergency services, or any other person with you, can phone the number on the front of the Alert Card and activate the service.  To apply for this card go online at

Devon Coronavirus Emergency Helpline – If you have received an NHS extremely vulnerable letter, registered for support on the government website but you have not received a food delivery, or you need other help because you are isolated, call 0345 155 1011 (Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm)

Devon in Sight – supports anyone affected with sight loss by providing practical help, advice and support services for people who are Blind or Partially Sighted, their family, carers, friends, or anybody who is affected by sight loss.  Call 01392 876666 (10am to 2pm, Monday to Thursday).

Foodbank – the Kingsbridge Foodbank provides emergency food relief for individuals and families in crisis and experiencing financial hardship –, or telephone 07593 881633.

Salcombe Holy Trinity Church also hosts a local foodbank, situated in its entrance foyer, which will remain accessible during this second lockdown.  Telephone the administrator for any further information, 01548 842626.

Kingsbridge and Saltstone Caring offers a free befriending service to the lonely and isolated of all ages, providing companionship and support to those who need it.  Referrals can be made by statutory authorities, however, frequently a referral comes from a concerned neighbour, friend or relative.  Sometimes a person refers themselves.  What does a referrer do?  The referrer completes a referral form.  When KASC receive this, they normally contact the potential client and arrange to visit, although this might have to take a different form currently.  The visit is to assess the client’s needs in more detail.  They do not make a formal charge for their service.  However, they do ask for a donation to help with costs if possible.  For example, this could be a small contribution towards travelling expenses of volunteers, although of course they accept donations of all sizes.  Call 01548 854588 for further information.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO VOLUNTEER with Kingsbride and Saltstone Caring?

KSCC is busier than ever – phoning clients for a friendly chat, delivering weekly lunches with Kingsbridge Rugby Club and shopping for those unable to get out. Whether you would like to help on an occasional basis or have time for a more regular commitment, they would love to hear from you. For an informal chat give them a ring on 01548 854588.

NHS Voluntary Service – provides a ‘check in and chat’ for those coping with isolation and other mental issues.  Try giving them a call on 0808 1963646 (8am to 8pm).

Samaritans – will listen to any concerns call 116 123 from any phone free of charge

SHOUT – 24/7 help with mental health text free 85258

South Hams District Council Covid Welfare Support Fund.  The COVID-19 Welfare Support Fund can provide small emergency payments to help with basic essentials, including household essentials such as sanitary products or nappies, or electricity key and gas card top ups, etc to help people in financial difficulties.  Apply on the application form online ( or ring 01803 861407.

If you are required by law to self-isolate because you have been in close contact with someone who has COVID- 19, and you are on a low income, you may be supported through a payment of £500, which would be administered by your local Council.  For people who are facing hardship because they have been contacted by NHS Track and Trace and are required to self-isolate for 14 days, the Government has launched a grant to support scheme.  For information on both payments, you can either go online to apply ( or contact your local District Councillors – Mark Long (07803 233029) or Judy Pearce (01548 561370).


During these times everyone needs to stay alert to bogus operators who will play on people’s vulnerability or loneliness.  So please be aware of the following:

People need to be aware that with ash dieback, a disease where the ash tree can deteriorate very quickly, the landowner is responsible for removing unsafe trees.  Once trees have ash dieback, they can become unsafe to touch so if you have trees adjacent to a road or where people walk it is advisable to get advice as to whether your trees need works so as to not cause an accident.

South Hams District Council has advised that, unfortunately, there are rogue tree surgeons going around advising homeowners and landowners across the South Hams that works are needed and that they can provide a certificate to say these works are permitted.  Do not allow someone who cold calls at your property to carry out works.  Only use people who you have contacted directly, or who a family member or friend recommends, because you have decided yourself to have works done.

There are also bogus ‘green waste’ collectors who offer to take your garden waste away and then fly tip it or burn it in fields.  Always check who you use are reliable and/or have a certificate to move waste and, if possible, take their vehicle registration number.  If you see anything being fly tipped and/or can, try to take a photograph along with details.  If you suspect fly tipping or see any fly tipping ring the Environment Agency hotline 0800 807060.

Many of these bogus operatives can overcharge for substandard work.  Always try to find a well-known, reputable worker through your known contacts.

Unscrupulous individuals may take advantage of the current extraordinary situation to try to part people from their money and possessions. Please beware of any unusual phone calls or emails purporting to be from the NHS or other public bodies, especially any that request personal information.  Ignore any request for information that sounds intrusive, suspicious, or just plain wrong. Simply put the phone down or delete the email.

If you see any unlawful act or are aware of such you can ring confidentially Crimestoppers on 0800 555111



Devon County Council website has a ‘Report a Problem’ page.  The various things that can be reported are potholes, flooding and drains, faulty streetlights, overgrown vegetation, parking issues, manhole, trip hazards, fallen trees, right of way – footpaths, bridleways etc, obstructions and debris, ice, signs, bridges/walls, traffic lights, grit bins.  If you make a report through this site it is logged and you receive a report reference.  Also, you will get feedback and can send photographs (if you have them) and can describe exactly where the issue is and provide better details.

South Hams District Council website also has a ‘Report’ facility so you can advise of missed bin collections, dog fouling issues, noise, planning breaches, and abandoned vehicles and fly tipping.

If you are in receipt of any benefits you can also get assistance on the District Council website with pest problems such as rats, wasps etc.  However, if you are not on benefits then such matters must be dealt with through private company pest controllers.

The Government website gives up to date information with regard to national restrictions, travel information, self-isolating, and support guidance,,

For the latest NHS Coronavirus advice please visit and follow the guidance given. Please also use the NHS app, website and NHS 111 online.

It is important for us to look after each other in our community, so please

look after your neighbours and if you can, help them.


Advice being given at the moment by Devon and Cornwall Police is that the best way to report those believed to be contravening the Government Regulations is to report to the police via their 101 service, by phone or online, which they can then follow up.  Here is a link directly to the reporting page to save you looking it up.

To quote our local police, “Use of 101 will generate activity on our logging systems which are monitored by our senior management team.  The more logs we get, the greater the likelihood of more resource being pushed our way.  Please urge your residents to report directly to us on 101.”  So, the more reporting the more chance of some action being taken.

There have been instances where the police have talked to those who arrived at second or holiday homes after the restrictions on travel were put in place to find no legitimate reason for having travelled, and some have returned back to their primary residence, which is what we wish to happen.  Not all, granted, but the police do not have the power to make them go home.

There are others who are in holiday accommodation to be separate from their families whilst they work on the frontline in the NHS, and those properties are often donated for such use, all of which is to be applauded.  So not everything is always as it might appear.

Hence why it is important that first and foremost the police are told, and are then left to deal with possible infringements of the regulations.  We will get through this together, a strong community which cares.  Please use the 101 service.

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