The Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan Group is very pleased to announce that the Plan has now passed the crucial milestone of an independent examination carried out by an Examiner appointed by the Planning Inspectorate. The Examiner’s Report, which is binding on the ND Plan Group and on South Hams District Council, required a few minor amendments to ensure strict compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and to the recently officially adopted Joint Local Plan for the South Hams, West Devon and Plymouth area (JLP). A copy of the Examiner’s Report with the required amendments is available from the link below and the Plan itself is in the process of being amended accordingly. The Examiner’s Report has been formally ratified by Salcombe Town Council and by South Hams District Council. A spokesman for the Neighbourhood Planning team explained that this is a major milestone for the Plan as the policies now carry significant weight and can be used from now on by Planning Officers in the determination of current/future planning applications and appeals for all developments in the parish of Salcombe. Anyone considering applying for any development in the Parish should now take due account of the policies of the Plan as they could now influence all such developments, whether simple refurbishments, extensions, partial or full ‘re-builds’ or larger scale housing developments.

The next step in the ratification process is for the Plan to be the subject of a Local Referendum and the Electoral Office at SHDC have already been requested to commence the process of organising this Referendum. If the Plan is successful at Referendum then South Hams will formally “make” the Plan meaning it will become a formal part of the Development Plan alongside the JLP.

The Examiners Report

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