At Wednesday’s Annual Meeting the Town Council re-elected unopposed both the Mayor, Cllr Nikki Turton, and Deputy Mayor, Cllr Philip Lafferty-Holt.  In these changeable times nationally, a period of continuity and stability, at least for Salcombe, is very opportune indeed!   We also welcomed two new faces onto the Council, Cllr Graham Keeler and Cllr Spencer Williams, and returning Councillors Ian Hatch and Roger Moore, and we are all looking forward to a busy year ahead.   There is still one space to fill on the Council, and information and forms for co-option will be going up on our noticeboards and website in due course.  As always, please do contact any of us with your concerns about town, whether that is planning applications, tree works, highway issues, street cleansing, benches, bus shelters, signage or anything else – we’re here to help!

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