Minutes of the online meeting of SALCOMBE TOWN COUNCIL On Wednesday 27th January 2021


* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs Bricknell *
Cllr R. Moore *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr I. Hatch *
Cllr A. Hainey *
Cllr M. Payne *
Cllr Miss D. Ward *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr Mrs J. Pearce A
Dist Cllr M. Long *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
Tom Ladds Kingsbridge Gazette *
WPC Jo Pengilly N


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Mrs Turton declared an interest in application 4163/20/HHO Blue Haze Knowle Road as near neighbours. Cllr Payne declared an interest in 4163/20/HHO, 4262/20/HHO and 4263/20/HHO all being in Knowle Road.


Robert Smith was present online to listen to the planning application responses.

District and County Councillor Reports

Dist Cllr Long updated on the new business grants advising and simplified District Council website so that customers only had to complete one full application, which most would have done back in November which provided the required Data for fraud and security. There were two forms assessing eligibility and size of payments that could be made covering 11 grant schemes with 26 possible payments. The applicant did not have to understand the schemes. If they applied on the forms receipts could be worked out. A few business owners had contacted him with queries and generally officers were trying to get back with responses within 24 hours. The team was working 7 days a week processing applications to get grants out as quickly as possible. South Hams District Council appeared to be organised and dealing with payments far quicker than other parts of the country.

Across the District pay to use toilets were made free by District Council, during lockdown, with mechanisms switched off and this would be maintained open until the end of the current lockdown. Members computers had been reviewed to handle the increased Zoom meetings. When older computers were sent back in they were cleaned up and going out to the four secondary schools Kingbridge, Ivybridge, Dartmouth and Totnes to be used by students without this facility. With reference to SeaMoor Lotto where people had not nominated a specific charity District Council had a surplus of £4000 remaining so this was to be split between schools to help with providing further laptops.

Compliance officers had been out talking and checking with supermarkets, food shops and businesses, which were still open, to give information to assist Covid compliance. Broadly everybody was complying and trying to assist. If people had problems District officers would get out and meet them.

He was still receiving complaints regarding missed bin collections for recycling, but not as many. The problem was that the promised collection within 2 days was not happening and District Council had taken this up with FCC. The problem however was decreasing. The promised new recycling regime, delayed from September, would now commence from the end of March. It would not be rolled out in one massive hit but staggered across the District and rolled out perhaps commencing in Ivybridge to make sure it worked properly and then move on. Communication leaflets would be going out to households and the new containers would be delivered in each area two weeks before it started there.

Cllr Hainey asked, with reference to toilets being free whether there would there be a rebate on the money paid by Town Council to enable them to be kept free. It was noted that the Salcombe Agreement was not yet in place due to Covid and thus this was not an issue.

Cllr Miss Ward noted that the North Sands bird hide was sealed up June 2020 when there was antisocial behaviour with spray painting etc. It had remained closed but was illegally reopened and used by people staying within it and had suffered damage. Dist Cllr Long advised that Property Maintenance had visited and taken photos showing there was a hole in the roof and it was now on their schedule of works. He had also asked them to look at having the ability to lock the hide securely. It was initially screwed shut but this was removed so it needed proper locks. They were also looking at the boardwalk as edge pieces had been knocked off. Cllr Mis Ward advised that she had reported this at the previous meeting but knew for a fact that two local girls had been there the previous Saturday having invited friends from Dartmouth who were caught there. The locals ran off but the Dartmouth youngsters had nowhere to go.

Cllr Mrs Sinnott noted an amount of trees needed to come down due to Ash dieback but was concerned that many were coming down with various companies doing this work. She asked how anyone could tell the works were legitimate and necessary. Dist Cllr Long urged everyone to report anything they were concerned about but advised he had been out five times in the last week and each time the work was legitimate. There had been a lot of work within the Woodcot grounds under a Forestry Commission felling licence, they looked brutal and Dist Cllr Long had been rung but it was licenced. At the Topwood site on Sandhills Road some trees were included to be felled within the planning applications so these had been taken down. However he urged all again that if they had any concerns to ring him. Cllr Hatch asked whether the blanket Order through Bridleway was now obsolete and was advised this question was going through the proper channels at the moment. Cllr Hatch had been told the court case had gone through and it did not apply any more. The designation was challenged by the Devon Wildlife and Biodiversity team who said it was ancient woodland but it could not be defined as one however this did not have any effect on the TPO Woodland Order on that area.

Cllr Lafferty-Holt enquired whether the bird hide needed a door or could it just be a shelter. Dist Cllr Long felt it would still be used wrongly if open and this was the problem and perhaps being able to lock it each day would better. Cllr Lafferty-Holt continued that the North Sands plaque on the wall giving the history about that area was becoming illegible and asked if this could be updated. If it was the AONB group Dist Cllr Long could ask so he would make enquiries. On the footpaths up by St. Dunstans and Kingsale going down the road the first section of pavement was covered in moss and therefore slippery which was also the case down Sandhills at Beadon Road end.

Cllr Fice was concerned about the boat house end of Thorning Street which was recently approved for residential on the first floor with employment below. The owners had parked their car in there. Cottles Quay and the Boat House were for let on Salcombe Finest and it stated if someone rented the property they had a parking space. The contention was that this was not employment use. Dist Cllr Long would take this matter up. Cllr Fice also believed that the bottom section of the door had been adjusted as he did not think previously the area could be driven into as there was a lip. Dist Cllr Long would seek more information and then advise enforcement.

The Mayor raised the cycle path to Malborough where a landowner had been building up a large bank and asked Dist Cllr Long whether he had any information. He responded he knew nothing further other than it was with enforcement. The building of a bank and installing in a hedge would not necessarily require planning but the movement of soil from another site would need a transfer licence. If a hedge was planted on top it would take the view but was exposed to the wind which would probably hammer the structure. Unfortunately losing a view was not a consideration in planning terms and the strip of land left between the bank and cycle path seemed strange.


The Mayor advised she had received an update from Insp Nicky Baker that the police had attended properties for Covid breaches and some people had harrowing reasons for being there so situations were not always as they seemed. The police now focused on vulnerability and problem solving for those with chaotic lifestyles and these multi issues were what they are concentrating on. Therefore with less of these problems in Salcombe they were often not around here.

Insp Baker fully supported the changes made to the Public Spaces Protection Order by Town Council. She was also going to apply for any additional funding she could find to help with additional police patrols on Friday and Saturday nights during the holiday season and this was on her list.


The Minutes of the online meeting dated 13th January 2021 were approved to be duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


The applications below were considered by councillors and the following response submitted to District Planning by the Town Clerk:
The Mayor and Cllr Payne went into break out rooms whilst the Knowle Road applications were considered. They were taken out of order and these councillors returned once dealt with.
• 4110/20/FUL Proposed single storey ancillary outbuilding and associated landscaping Woodside, Bennett Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JJ – Response 11th February – Objection as whilst this was described as a boat store and hobby room it was queried why it needed to be so large, had so much glass together with a terrace and glass balustrade. If it was indeed intended as a boat store then it should be placed closer to the water’s edge. This application was contrary to the Salcombe NDP in many areas

ENV 1 (a) the development did not maintain the character of this area which had no significant buildings, ENV 1 (b) & (c) the size and design of the proposed development would have a significant impact on the AONB and there was no evidence that the AONB guidance had been referenced,
ENV 1 (f) the proposed building would have a significant impact on the enjoyment of the public view from Cliff Road,
ENV 5 (a) the development would remove wooded areas visible from the estuary,
ENV 5 (f) the prospect of additional water traffic would have an adverse impact on the SSSI.

If approval was considered to be granted then there should be a conditions that the building was only used for storage or as a hobby room in perpetuity.
• 4163/20/HHO Householder application for replacement of metal/masonry balustrades on North/East elevations with frameless glass balustrade Blue Haze, Knowle Road, Salcombe TQ8 8EQ – Response 11th February – No comment.
• 4238/20/HHO Householder application for conversion of previously approved under croft storage area to habitable space with external fenestration alterations Highwood, Moult Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LG – Response 11th February – No comment.
• 4262/20/HHO Householder application for internal alterations, replacement of existing front porch, erection of canopy to front elevation, loft conversion to form habitable accommodation, works to roof to include new front and rear dormer windows, front-facing gable, raised ridge height and proposed new cladding to dormers and gables Hideaway, 9 Knowle Court, Knowle Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8EH – Response 11th February – No comment.
• 4263/20/HHO Householder application for internal alterations, erection of front porch to entrance, erection of canopy to front elevation, reconfiguration of existing loft conversion to form improved habitable accommodation, works to roof to include new front and rear dormer windows, front-facing gable, raised ridge height, first floor rear extension and proposed new cladding to dormers and gables 10 Knowle Court, Knowle Road, Salcombe TQ8 8EH – Response 11th February – No comment.
• 4282/20/CLE Certificate for lawfulness of existing for lawful commencement of development of planning permission 41/2043/01/O and 41/2271/05/RM Lorima, St Dunstans Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8AR – Response 12th February – No objection however District Planning was to be advised that NDP H3 re Principal Residence should now apply.

5. PRECEPT 2021 – 2022

The proposals were considered and it was advised that Salcombe had lost 35properties from their band D baseline which had probably transferred to business tax. Even with a reduction to the precept of 0.2% it would show as a 1.6% increase on people’s rates demands.

It was advised that within contingencies a figure of £15,000 was included for security patrols if required in the next financial year, following the experience of this last year. At that point £7500 was expended but if the same situation arose, with the influx of a different type of holidaymaker, it maybe those patrols would be introduced earlier in the year.

No provision had been made for a contribution to keeping public toilets with no charge as this year £20,000 remained sitting in reserves. The Park & Ride figures had finally been received at £24900 compared to £27000 the previous year. However parking for July and September was only £100 less than the previous year and this was without the bus running.

Cllr Miss Ward congratulated the working party and noted it was an interesting point regarding the bus. She questioned how much bus provision cost and was advised £12000 nett cost with bus fare incomes each year. The October figures for parking were way up as well.

Cllr Lafferty-Holt asked if these allocated pots could be fluid to a point, perhaps Civic Functions, in the case of no events being held due to a circumstance such as Covid. Cllr Fice explained that at the end of the year a review of monies was made and adjustments made by an Income and Expenditure transfer. He further noted that Cllr Moore had suggested a heading be changed to include all maintenance pots on various assets and rebadged as Civic Infrastructure so it was now all in one pot to use where required.

It was AGREED that a request be submitted to District Council by 29th January for £92,550.

Cllr Fice also advised that a Government consultation had been held regarding the way local taxation was to be done in future. Currently there was no intention to cap Town and Parish Council precepts for 2021-22 but Government would review again. Government explained they noticed several towns and parishes had significant hikes in council tax above taxation and this was why they considered capping. Salcombe Town Council had responded that whilst they welcomed no cap for this year they would not want to see such in future years. With relatively small precepts any small expenditure could push parish or towns above inflation and the need to hold a referendum would take this above probably even the increase anyone was seeking. Salcombe had been mindful of the troubles this year and reduced the precept by using reserves.
Thanks were given to Cllr Fice and the finance working party for putting all these proposals together.


A request from Harbour Hotel for deferment of payment for their parking spaces located at Bonfire Hill for January, February and possibly March to reduce their liability as they were again closed due to the Government lockdown was received. It was AGREED to not just defer this quarter payment but cancel the £2750 required for the three months till the end of February. It was suggested that as this business did a lot for the town the annual amount should be written off but this was not carried and town council would consider any request on a quarter by quarter basis.

At this point it was also noted that the park and ride bus had not been run during the last season due to Covid and questioned whether town council should consider some sort of retainer payment to Tally Ho and/or whether to continue to provide a bus. It was requested that this be an agenda item the following meeting.

Cllr Lafferty-Holt noted the suggestion to write off the amount Harbour would pay and whether other payees should be included as town council must be seen to act fairly across all businesses that paid town council. These were Salcombe Information Centre, the Maritime Museum and Harbour Hotel. It was advised Salcombe Information Centre were given a significant rent holiday the previous year and thereafter advised they had done well with new brochure income for the forthcoming year whilst the Museum was given a rent free year.


The Mayor thanked everyone who had gone out and walked these paths. Cllr Lafferty-Holt clarified that with regard to Footpath 17 the fallen shrubbery 200 yards from Hangar Mill was the responsibility of another landowner. He had done works relating to Beadon Farmhouse as this was his and he had widened the path accessibility. Cllr Payne highlighted that the in town Piggy Lane needed pressure washing as did the one from Loring Road to Onslow. These would need to be addressed to Devon County Highways as town routes not parish paths.

Cllr Fice raised concern with regard to Footpath 2 at the Batson end as it was like a river forming a huge puddle at the bottom. Historically the path had been diverted as it used to go past the house but now this could not be walked. Due to the condition of the path walkers appeared to have been using another route going back around the Lime Kiln. He questioned the reasoning behind doing a footpath review at this time of year when the foliage had died back. It was explained that this review was for path and structures condition and the foliage cuts routine were explained and discussed.

The individual reports on each of the paths allocated, walked and checked had been provided so these could be combined into a report which was circulated to all parish councillors before it was AGREED to be forwarded to the County Footpaths officer by 15th February 2021.


Following a working party review and discussion on this policy document a report with proposals for a response to District to update the projects in this document was AGREED as tabled with the following explanations and suggestions included.

Cllr Lafferty-Holt asked about proposal 3 for indoor sport, skittles etc as he wanted to clarify this was the old Beehives Centre. Cllr Payne added that if this was the Beehives Youth Centre he had seen grants available and would like to see this building going back to being a Youth Club which historically provided table tennis, snooker and the like. The Mayor and Cllr Mrs Bricknell declared an interest at this point as they were Trustees of the Beehives Centre and explained they were trying to obtain a new Lease to continue use of the building. Cllr Fice explained that it was discussed how this building could be used for indoor sport but also provide a youth club facility a couple of nights a week. The Constitution was that this building was to be used by various town groups.

Cllr Moore noted the main proposal by the working group was in relation to a St. Dunstans play area extension.

With regard to proposal 2 Cllr Hainey felt that the trim trail wooden equipment might be better provided in steel due to recent vandalism. Following discussion about using in keeping materials and not to be led by a current spate of unreasonable behaviour the clerk was asked to speak to neighbouring parish with regard to maintenance costs of such equipment. The group explained they were looking for a natural effect in the woodland and Cllr Lafferty-Holt felt there was definitely an interest but when out running he did not see anyone using the equipment at Malborough. His experience from other areas such as Surrey was that Parkour equipment which used running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, plyometric, rolling, quadrupedal movement (crawling) and other movements would be more suitable for this situation. Whilst picnic benches at North Sands appeared a good idea it raised a concern from Cllr Miss Ward that she had seen visitors with their own barbecues which they placed on picnic tables leaving burn marks. She suggested sports activity tables like ping pong etc. although the area was windy and perhaps Frisbee golf. Also consideration of the South Sands seating area might be something else. The Hangar Marsh reed bed management required a specific project worked up.

When all this had been included a call should be put out to organisations but perhaps this time giving an idea of what the groups could apply for. Funding availability might get community groups going again this year after nothing happening during Covid.


The Mayor advised that the previous week she had helped organise volunteers for the first Covid jab session held at Redfern Health Centre with the second jab diarised for 17th April. Volunteers would be used again as the whole session had been a success.

She had raised the question put by Cllr Fice following the last meeting regarding the police. Sgt Timmis had wanted Town Council to report issues and then advised not to report as this was overloading the system so this point was made to him. Also the query that police were in attendance at other council meetings so why were they not at Salcombe. Insp. Baker then requested a Teams chat. She advised that policing had changed and they did not now officially attend council meetings as they did not have staff to do this. Town Council were told they must think differently and the police preferred conversations where information could be shared both ways rather than just reporting and leaving. Her suggestion was that a Councillor joined the Advocate Scheme to give access to discuss matters which could then be fed back to council. This position could be a councillor or a clerk which is what Kingsbridge did so the clerk would enquire how this worked for them.

Therefore the Mayor stated that the onus appeared back on Town Council to do all the running. Cllr Fice asked why Salcombe was the only town in South Hams who had not had police presence at a meeting. It was stated in the local newspaper that the last meetings at Dartmouth and Kingsbridge had a representative taking questions and giving a report. This was due to the police being based in Kingsbridge and not in Salcombe anymore. The Mayor had prepared for her Police Teams by going through all the Minutes from July 2017 till January 2020 and Salcombe had four police attendances in 2.5 years. Cllr Fice suggested that if there were no police and no representation at Town Council meetings would it be prudent for Salcombe residents not to pay the police portion of their council tax.

A letter should be addressed to Member of Parliament Priti Patel to ask what was happening along with a communication to Alison Hernandez, Conservative Party Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall, to outline that Salcombe did not receive the service they paid for. Salcombe Town Council had placed £15,000 in the forthcoming precept raised from tax payers for security officers as they were not getting an acceptable presence. It was felt that this matter should be highlighted in the local press and Tom Ladds was also asked to do an article. There were now PCSOs as they were never replaced. Cllr Hainey reinforced what Cllr Fice suggested, that the police should be told ‘we pay their wages and changes may have occurred but the town was receiving nothing’. Cllr Hainey offered to be the councillor police advocate. Cllr Miss Ward felt that with no police presence in town there was more reason for one to attend the meetings and receive comments and questions.

• Cllr Fice – Noted that as Tony Lang was no longer a councillor Town Council needed to appoint a replacement Feoffee representative as the Constitution required three councillors. Current there was Cllr Mrs Bricknell and himself as Ian Hatch even though a councillor had been put forward as the Salcombe resident representative. The current secretary wanted to know the replacement. All that was involved was one meeting per year at Malborough which was very short followed by a long protracted exercise where they considered people facing hardship and offered those help with their energy bills. Cllr Miss Ward offered to be the town council representative and her name would be put forward. He had also noticed a white van in the Park & Ride which had been there for weeks, not moved and had no obvious tickets. Town Council needed to ascertain why it was there and whether it had paid for parking. Pete Robinson had noticed it and ask Park & Ride enforcement whether they had checked this vehicle had paid. Cllr Hainey asked if County were paid for the enforcement service over the winter but were not attending why they were being paid. It was advised that just because no car park ticket was visible did not mean it had not been paid for online and therefore enforcement would be aware of it.
• Cllr Payne – Mentioned to Cty Cllr Gilbert his concern regarding a deep puddle close to the entrance to the park & rode as people standing to cross the road were getting drenched. Pete Robinson had in turn reported the concern and advised the response from the Highway Officer had requested he provide a photograph of the hole when dry. This was not a normal standing water report but the officer agreed if the highway dip needed to be dealt with he would raise a defect report so Pete was awaiting a dry day to photograph.
• Cllr Hainey – Noted an amount of empty alcohol bottles at The Berry above the playground zip wire. This needed to be highlighted as obviously it was an area for meeting. People, he advised, continued to be upset regarding the sale of the house at Ember Road to someone living and working outside Salcombe. He, in turn, did not know how to handle these concerns. At present there was nothing that Town Council could do as they had asked Dist Cllr Long who noted the s106 Agreement was historic and everybody thought the properties only staircased to 80% but this was not the fact. Property owners were allowed to staircase to 100% and then sell their property on the open market. Cllr Hainey advised that those approaching him stated they were only allowed to go to 80%. Cllr Fice agreed the matter needed complete clarification on the 100% as well as other properties within Bonfire Hill. Town Council needed to know whether someone had made a mistake as then these houses would not stay in the community. Cllr Mrs Sinnott noted that her own property elsewhere in Salcombe had a Devon Covenant on it so why was this not soon the Ember estate and over at McIlwraith. Cllr Payne advised he lived on Ember and was the first to move into his property in 2008 but although offered to stair case up he had never taken this. His was a flat which remained as 45%. Dist Cllr Long advised this concern needed to be investigated so that all information was out in the open. Cllr Mrs Bricknell did not believe there was any shared ownership on McIlwraith as they were bought outright.

• Fiona Cranford-Smith had agreed to continue on a voluntary basis to maintain the War Memorial Planters with a budget of £300p.a. to spend. Therefore this would not be included in the Maintenance Contract about to be offered.
• A resident had expressed concern that the Royal British Legion had spent £100,000 rebranding and suggested that the Town Council support other veteran organisations. It was explained that Town Council do not donate to the RBL but purchase wreaths for laying at services.
• The owner adjacent to the Council Hall wished to be present when scaffolding was erected which would cause access problems if the works were to be able to go ahead whilst the areas were still in lockdown. However the contractor had advised that he had been called to have his triple hernia operation and would now not be able to commence until May 2021. Discussions were currently underway with the adjacent property owner, scaffolders and other tenants to ascertain a suitable start date.
• An anonymous approach had been made to Sam Acourt, South Hams Journal, with regard to the sale of a house at Ember Road to a purchaser from up country. Details with regard to the staircasing scheme used for the purchase of these properties had been sent to Sam Acourt and she had been advised to see further information
• The officer at District had confirmed that his team would be able to repaint all the yellow feet once the weather permitted and he would purchase a gas burner to heat and dry the road surface which would assist drying time. No Keep Left template had been purchased for the road as yet as it would be prudent to order all new/additional signs out of the same sheet of material once the lockdown was removed and it was known what would be required.
• Pete Robinson had communicated with the Footpaths Officer who had agreed that the Salcombe to Malborough Cycle Path required routine annual maintenance and he would try to put something in place. Malborough Parish Council were also in discussion with Cty Cllr Gilbert with regard to edging the path to gain back the width.
• The Committee had advised that due to the current pandemic they were not able to carry out arrangements to host the Crab Fest this year and had postponed till Sunday May 1st 2022. On a positive note though they had been inundated with enquiries from stall holders so that they would be able to increase fund income going forward.
• Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce had advised by email that the residents of Beadon Lane had commissioned contractors to fill in the bad pot holes along their public road, which was categorised as maintainable by the adjacent private property owners. Therefore these works were authorised and permissible.
• District had been advised of the distance of illumination being provided by the newly installed lighting following the renovation of the public toilets at North Sands. They had asked maintenance to install a light sensor as quickly as possible.
• Vanessa Woods Census Officer for South West had forwarded various posters with messages on the need to take part and complete the census. A national media campaign was also being pushed out but with the current lockdown in place it remained difficult to see what could be done locally to enable residents to engage other than the church magazine and noticeboards because the national campaign would reach more. Suggestions were needed as to how to encourage people to complete the census and thoughts as to where people without the internet might do this. This census should be completed online either by phone, tablet or computer by 21st March. Thereafter it appeared that field workers would contact those households that had not taken part. Each household would be sent a letter with an access code so hopefully that would give details of how to obtain a paper version if required but could Town Council raise awareness so that neighbours or family could help with online response.
• A resident had noted that various public telephone boxes had notices remaining on them following the consultation for removal. These notices mixed with previous consultations of dates a year or so before caused confusion and then it was noted that some were out of order and in other areas then removed. An email had been sent to the BT contact with regard to renovation to ask what was happening for which the resident was very grateful. Currently North Sands, Malborough the opposite Kingsbridge Post Office boxes were out of order. The District officer who had dealt with the earlier consultations had not responded to an earlier email.
• It was advised that a flat within Chandlers Heights had come on this week for someone aged over 55yrs who needed a property to rent.
• Sue Sharp from Redfern Health Centre emailed to express great thanks for the assistance from town council to identify volunteers to assist with parking and direction when they administered the Covid vaccine. She had written personally to each of the volunteers and was grateful to Steve Moulineax who had arranged for them to have a section of the District car park opposite which greatly eased the pressure on the health centre car park. Cllr Hainey suggested that town council should write to Redfern Health Centre to thank them for putting in their own time to vaccinate everyone thus helping the community.
• Cllr Mrs Bricknell had personally been making ‘scrubs’ and wanted to advised that if anyone needed any to let her know and she would make more.


Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £476,753.73

Receipts:Devon County Council – Park and Ride payment £23,949.52
Adrian Mundy Funeral Director – Lovatt £95.00

APPROVED Internet payments to:
Wages – January £1853.03
NEST – January Pension £181.90
HMRC – Nat Ins and In Rev January £798.09
SHDC – December Maintenance £998.95
SHDC – Additional payment for scrub clearance at The Berry £477.18
Krystal Hosting Ltd – Domain Renewal – salcombecommunity.co.uk (2/2021 – 2/2026) £47.94


The next Town Council Meeting would be held at 6.30p.m. on Wednesday 10th February 2021.

……………………………………………….. 10th February 2021.
Town Mayor

Meeting ended: 8.15p.m.

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