* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs Bricknell *
Cllr R. Moore *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr I. Hatch *
Cllr A. Hainey *
Cllr M. Payne *
Cllr Miss D. Ward *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr Mrs J. Pearce *
Dist Cllr M. Long *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
Tom Ladds Kingsbridge Gazette N
WPC Jo Pengilly N


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Ian – TPO 0309/21


Mark Alexander and his wife were present to listen and he raised three points in relation to the resubmission for 0385/21/HHO Lealholme.

District and County Councillor Reports

Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted the budget had been passed and it had been to scrutiny that approved. There was a large increase in the rates from Devon County but District was up £5.00 pa. so hopefully this was not too much.

Breaches of travel for home use still were forbidden so this must be followed up and she acknowledged it was not fair that some people were doing this whilst others obeyed the lockdown. The regulation extended to election campaigning and no door to door leafleting was allowed at present. This may change closer to the election but if anything was received hand delivered at present please report.

District Council had provided each councillor with small IT units which in the new online meeting climate were not up to the job so their devices were now replaced by laptops. The old unit had now being handed to secondary schools in the South Hams along with additional District run lottery money. It was not a lot of money but at least it would be something to help in setting students up for online learning. Also launched was Explore from your door encouraging people not to take the car out but tempting them to look at new places when they go out for a walk. It would be good for when the area was opening up for holidaymakers to show the lovely countryside that could be experienced when walking. Grants to support people and business were going out apace and some Salcombe businesses had been pleasantly surprised at the grants they were able to obtain. In view of the fact that some businesses could not open till mid-April or May there would probably more grants coming on tap.

Leaflets for new the new recycling system would have been posted to properties and she believed parts of Salcombe had received these. It was noted that some had received two leaflets so she asked if any councillor had received a leaflet by the end of the week please advise so she could identify any areas which may have been missed. The new recycling trucks were starting to arrive and being driven around the area testing out the size of streets and access issues. The larger the truck able to get in the better the collection rate would be. There were lists of streets compiled where it might be a problem for new containers but she had only received it this evening. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce felt that she and Dist Cllr Long together with Town Council would compile a list of roads where people would need to bring boxes down to the pavement. Further consideration of Fore Street might be needed as there could be too many boxes left out. Dist Cllr Long advised he had a call with Max to discuss this and the roll out would happen all through April to May so Salcombe would not be happening yet.

Cllr Fice questioned when the boxes were to be delivered as a many of the houses in Salcombe were not occupied and he was concerned how long these boxes would sit outside. Locality Officers would be keeping an eye on the delivery of boxes and them being taken in. Letters were also going out to second home owners on the domestic collection where the council tax address was different. These owners should arrange with neighbours to take the boxes in but if they were still on the pavement 24-48 hours thereafter they would be removed. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce encouraged all to report if there was a problem.

Cllr Miss Ward asked for spare leaflets to be made available at the Information Centre as usually people with second homes asked them for local information. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce said she would ask the locality officer to deliver these acknowledging that the information centre was not open till mid-April. District Council could store some up and deliver nearer the time.

Cllr Lafferty-Holt noted the online information but there were no sizes and the imagines made the boxes look small. If a box was full what would happen to the overspill. Boxes were to be collected every week so unless someone was a serial drinker they would not overload. With regard to cardboard however they were only collecting domestic waste and only a certain size because the container on the lorry could only take a certain type. Other packing cardboard should be taken to the recycling depot.

Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce continued that new IT provision was coming on line for the District website. People could report more online as this was the most efficient way for people to do so and then the information could automatically be sent to where it could be dealt with. There would be a new planning system by the end of April which was far more user friendly should be an improvement for everyone. There was a consultation out on the New Homes Bonus which would not affect them directly but made development effective in that the local councils would be recompensed. They were using this to balance the budget as originally it replaced the formula grant so she was quite interested in what Government’s proposals were.

Dist Cllr Long felt Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce had covered all District matters. However as an update on Harbour activities they were due to make announcements and changes. On Monday March 8th the Harbour and estuary would be accessible for recreation and general boating along with allowing maintenance and preparation of boats. This would be limited to those for whom the harbour was locally accessible but not allow others further afield to travel and there would be no overnight stays for visiting craft. March 29th the Harbour office would reopen for one person at a time to access. On 1st April the harbour taxi would commence but with reduced capacity and masks required. 12th April the boat and harbour taxis would commence full shift and also holidays which included boats would be allowed and therefore the harbour would be open to visiting and overnight stays. The boat park would be supported from mid-May with more staff and thereafter going forward till September. Dredging of the harbour in Batson and Lincombe would be done but there was no date, it was due to start this week but the barge was currently stuck in Germany so would arrive within next 2 weeks. Movement of boats off the car park would normally lave a few but there may be a few more than normal which would be moved as quickly as possible due to reopening of lockdown requirements.

Cllr Lafferty-Holt questioned whether the housing advertising board at the top of town that had fallen down could be moved. Due to the demise of the company Dist Cllr Long had asked enforcement to view this as an unsafe structure.

The question of the use of Whitestrand car park during the summer was raised and Dist Cllr Long advised that this needed to be discussed and hopefully this week a conclusion would be formed. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce said the delay was not on the District side but relied on businesses responding on whether they wanted to use it or not. District could not proceed with half taking up the licence and the other half not. Cllr Lafferty-Holt noted he would hate to think that the car park did not get closed due to certain establishments not putting forward for a licence and would suggest the whole town should have a say and contribute. Cllr Mrs Bricknell questioned how someone obtained parking in the top section of Shadycombe car park. Cllr Fice thought this was reserved spaces for which there was a long waiting list which Dist Cllr Long agreed and advised that this area was business and reserved permits so only when people dropped off the list were places available.

The Minutes of the online meeting dated 10th February 2021 were approved to be duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.

The applications below were considered by councillors and the following responses submitted to District Planning by the Town Clerk:
• 0229/21/HHO Householder application for erection of a single vehicle free standing carport The Willows, Higher Batson, TQ8 8NF – Response 11th March – No comment.
• 0230/21/LBC Listed Building consent for interior refurbishment 80 Fore Street, Salcombe, Devon TQ8 8BY – Response 4th March – No comment.
• 0237/21/ARC Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4 and 5 for planning application 3525/18/LBC Cottles Barn, Thorning Street, Salcombe, Devon TQ8 8DW – Response 4th March – No comment.
• 0385/21/HHO Householder application for alterations to roof including dormers (resubmission of 3504/20/HHO) Lealholme, Allenhayes Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HU – Response 8th March – Objection as this was overdevelopment which would turn a two storey house into a three storey house thereby impacting on the street scene and would dominate the neighbouring property Eastone Grey. The proposal was contrary to Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan policy B1 in that it was not in keeping with the area and did not preserve or enhance the Conservation Area.


• 0308/21/TPO T1: Cedar – Deadwood removal (exempt works), remove primary limb at less than one metre from ground level on South side to enable heavy plant machinery to enter site for building of two houses; T2: Pine – deadwood removal (exempt works). Lorima, St Dunstans Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AR – Response 1st March – Objection as there was no arboricultural reason to remove a primary limb for heavy plant machinery and in the approved planning permission it was protected. T2 was deadwood exempt works which were agreed.
Cllr Hatch left the meeting whilst the following application was considered.
• 0309/21/TPO T1: Holm Oak – Crown height reduction by 3m and lateral reduction by 4m to prevent stress on main stem which is rotting. T2: Holm Oak – Removal of 2x lower limbs at 1m from ground level on South side back to main stem – leaning over grass. Removal of limb at 3m from ground level on West side back to main stem – leaning towards car parking area. T3: Sycamore – Removal of whole crown leaving leaving main stem at approx 7m from ground level – crown is dead and in close proximity to power lines. The Moult, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LE – Response 1st March- The main stem of T1 was starting to rot so this was sound work which should be allowed. Objection to T2 removal of 2 lower limbs as stated leaning over the grass was not arboricultural need but aesthetics and there was no rot, they were leaning towards and not over the car park area. T3 no objection.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce left the meeting.
Dist Cllr Long advised there had been revisions for some changes to hourly rates for staff along with changes to the number of people in crews coming out. Cllr Fice noted the sizeable 23.5% increase over the 3 years of the contract. Dist Cllr Long responded that actual staff wages had been reviewed and some previous wages were low or not appropriate so District had pulled them up to a more appropriate level and included training for staff. It was acknowledged that the service provided over the previous three years had been good and improved on previous maintenance levels. At the end of this three year contract town council would seek to consider other providers at an earlier point. Pete Robinson advised that there existed a good relationship with the contract team and elements of work provided that were not charged for, such as clearance of ivy on the wall at the cemetery and extras town council asked them to do as they were resourced to respond. .

Following provision of ongoing charge increases consideration was given to extending the grounds maintenance contract with the current contractor;
(a) firstly as to whether to include the garden and surrounding area of the town council parking bay – AGREED.
(b) for a further 3 year term with a monthly payment of £1233.36. (inc VAT) – AGREED


The Harbour Board would again pay half the cost for provision if approved. Harbour Hotel would also contribute £250 as would Dist Cllr Long. Cty Cllr Gilbert apologised but due to the forthcoming County elections in May his funding pot was empty and frozen. Jayne Lavender had offered to contribute and advised she had two other households that may also. She did however feedback that one previous contributor did not feel the project had worked and that pricking eggs or a cull was felt to be more effective. She also noted that Dartmouth had signs that discouraged feeding of seagulls and this should be something considered for Salcombe.

Cllr Lafferty-Holt believed the project was effective but noted the comment about alternative options because whilst it unsettled gulls in town all the birds went onto the water. This meant much more mess on boats than normal and as a business owner on the water he observed this. The Hawk handler was happier to come earlier in the season and would not charge extra as it was believed the gulls were already pairing up. In the first year of the hawk being flown it seemed to cover more of Salcombe than last year and it was important that if it was tax payers money then then it needed to ensure that all areas were covered by this service. Others believed they had seen the hawk at the top of town last year and it was known it covered Raleigh Road, St. Dunstans, Camperdown and Loring Road and was flying to Herbert so covered the top section. When it was going through Fore Street the handler went up through Cliff House Gardens or along Newton Hill and it flew at that point so was doing top of town.

A discussion took place as to whether this should be paid for out of the park and ride money but whichever pot it was noted as tax payers money. Pete Robinson advised that the handler had advised he would log on and off when he was in town so that it could be recorded and it was requested he commence as soon as possible.

The following decisions were made with regard to the Hawk program;
(a) whether town council wish to co-ordinate and contribute to this provision – AGREED
(b) any increase of charges and/or changes to route and areas – AGREED as the charge would remain the same and an initial route map would be provided so areas could be added if necessary.


The Mayor noted further information was required from the police regarding the public using driving licences for proof of residency. She would be attending a catch up meeting with the police on Friday so would ask thus question then and respond to town council at the next meeting. The Government road map for emerging from lockdown would be considered and then signage around town considered. The STARS working party meeting would be called in due course to arrange volunteer working party days.

• Cllr Fice – Whilst it was believed that the Neighbourhood Plan had gone through a consultation for modification he now had to produce three more documents for a 6 week consultation which must also be sent to all statutory consultees along with all original respondents to the first consultation. Thus he was working on this.
• Cllr Miss Ward – Noted a resident had reported people on Devon Road that had been reported to the police and although one household had 5 visits nothing changed. The Mayor was aware of this matter and was raising this up at the next police meeting as it was worrying. Cllr Miss Ward continued that she had spoken to a young lady in the bakery who advised there were a lot of people coming in asking for coffee and magazines so they were obviously not local.
• Cllr Payne – Highlighted people purchasing low level properties and raising them two or three levels. He advised he had historically written to the local newspaper on this concern and was worried that the area would be affected by such overdevelopment as in Monaco where they were starting to build into the sea. Dist. Cllr Long had taken this concern on board but Government had relaxed planning regulations and some matters were now permitted development. Cllr Payne voiced further concerns and felt that the town was becoming like a building site.
• Cllr Moore – Did follow up on 101 and was pleased that police checked the house in question and reported back by telephone which was a positive outcome. The driving licence change of address was an intelligent civil criminal aspect and a lot of people that did not live here permanently had already done this. Sadly on May 12th this would be forgotten but it was sad that some bent the rules.
• Cllr Lafferty-Holt – Agreed that the edging work to the footpath to Malborough was fantastic and running down there such a difference and so much better. Going up hill opposite Bonaventure Woods he had noted that a few posts had come out of the ground and fallen across the pavement, about the third post up from the bottom. The Mayor had already had a word with the property gardeners and they were going to deal with as the fence was down to the householders. Dog mess had increased and it was staggering how much was left on the ground.
• Cllr Hainey – Observed that the Government were proposed to open in July and he hoped that town council was not going to waste money on security guards this year. He had reports regarding the fencing at the park and ride down to the cemetery that had different forms of fixing and splinters. He would send photographs and this would be checked.

• A resident had advised that he had been collecting rubbish from within Redfern Woods but it did not appear to make any difference because more appeared each time and it appeared that someone/people frequent the woods in the evening to drink and eat sweets. He enquired whether a ‘No litter’ sign might make a difference.
• The contractor approved to do the renovation and repainting of the Council Hall had advised that he would be unable to commence until after an operation and convalescence. However the property owner would not let scaffolders in until she could be present to agree the siting of the scaffolding and wished a diagram of the installation position to consider. With the lifting of lockdown the property would now be let and with the contractor not able to commence immediately work would probably have to await September/
October 2021.
• Pete Robinson had acknowledged to Peter Guy County Footpaths Officer the good edging work carried out along the cycle path. From the response received the officer was looking at changing the bollards to railings and had advised that this path was now within his remit. The section in Salcombe would therefore be added to the Parish Paths Partnership annual report.


Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £479,241.76

HMRC – VAT Reimbursement £5,084.49

APPROVED Internet payments to:
HMRC – Tax and NI February £797.89
NEST – Pension February £181.90
Wages – February £1853.23


The next Town Council Meeting would be held at 6.30p.m. on Wednesday 10th March 2021.


…………………………………………….. 10th March 2021.
Town Mayor

Meeting ended: 19.47p.m.

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