* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang N
Cllr R. Moore *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr M. Long (also District Councillor) *
Cllr I. Hatch *
Cllr A. Hainey N
Cllr M. Payne *
Cllr Miss D. Ward *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr Mrs J. Pearce A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
Tom Ladds Kingsbridge Gazette A
WPC Jo Pengilly N


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Ongoing advice was that Cllr Long would not take part in planning decisions due to him being on the District Development Management Committee. Cllrs Mrs Sinnott and Miss Ward declared an interest in the Council Hall rent item along Cllr Hatch who also advised of an interest in the Tree Preservation Area application relating to The Moorings.


No members of the public being present this part was dispensed with.

The Mayor reminded all present to mute their sound throughout but raise a hand if and when they wished to speak. She further reminded everyone that this council was nearly six months into holding Zoom meetings and this was still called by a summons so all must respect this and were required to give apologies the Town Clerk as early as they were aware they needed to. Even though these meetings were held remotely the six month rule applied regarding nonattendance.

District and County Councillor Reports
Cty Cllr Gilbert noted that everyone seemed well and he did not to focus on bad news as there was a lot around relating to the Covid information so he would stick to County matters. At St. Dunstans Street the lights were still out and he had been trying to get this sorted as it had been a long time. The fault was due to an underground power cable which was down to Western Power Distribution to repair. County Cabinet had approved £6million towards economic recovery for Devon and whilst this was a lot of money a considerable amount of work had gone into the document and the amount was a small price for the billions being spent.

The Mayor advised that Courtenay Park and Main Road street lights were also out and she had reported these online following a drive around the whole of Salcombe to check problems. Cty Cllr Gilbert acknowledged this and asked to be told if works were not done soon. Cllr Fice noted that he and the Clerk had been trying to obtain parking figures regarding the park and ride as these were supposed to be sent with a quarterly report and to date no money had been paid over. Cty Cllr had not been going into County hall so was not aware and asked that this request be resent copying him in. He further questioned the new contractor for the online pay system and how this was handled over the season. Cllr Lafferty-Holt noted that RinGo was installed during the middle of the peak tourism season which he felt was wrong as it knocked out the car park for a whole weekend. Thereafter no complaints from tourists were received and only one problem with payment and a parking enforcement ticket had been received this week and felt to be an isolated incident.

Dist Cllr Long advised on a general note across the South Hams area that the Environmental Health Team were working with colleagues to carry out Covid secure spot checks on business premises. This was not a crackdown but ensuring measures of protection in place were correct. The Health and Safety Executive were doing checks on businesses they had responsibility for and working with locality officers too.

The following week the trees at the Hockey Club area which were ash trees would be taken down for District Council by Devon Tree Services and this would take them 2 – 3 days depending on weather. District grounds maintenance would also be clearing Herbert Road and Kingsale hedges to clear the pavement back. These works would look brutal but quickly recover and look much tidier. North Sands toilets would be closing for 4 weeks to be refurbished but whilst they were South Sands would stay open whereas usually they closed for winter. Once North Sands was completed and open South Sands would close and also be refurbished. At North Sands toilets he had requested reinstatement of the shower facility and the comment he received back was that other showers at Bigbury, Wembury were removed due to legionnaires concerns but he was still hopeful.

Concerns had been raised with him regarding leaf debris around town so he had asked District for a sweeping blitz as pedestrians and cars found places slippery and leaves clogging drains but he was waiting to hear whether this would be done. Some complaints were made about non collection of recycling bags and these were being swept up as quickly as possible but Salcombe seemed to have fared better than other areas. Those missed were being put on the system to quantify what was happening and why they had been missed initially.

Cllr Payne raised 1 – 6 Ember Road as the area designated for bins had been missed by the new system and they were not going into it to clear so it was completely full. Dist Cllr Long noted this was the waste locker area and he would flag this up.

Cllr Miss Ward asked whether the recycling bags system was changing? It was now to change in the Spring/March for a full completely new system and blue and white bags would go. The current route change/day collection needed to be bedded in firstly. For several months there had been a dreadful shortage of recycling bag stock and it took 8 weeks to get a delivery. Before Covid hit the new recycling system was supposed to come in during this year so reordering new bags had been on hold but once it was reinstated it took time to obtain them as District must not overstock in view of next March changes.

Cllr Fice noted he sent an email to both Salcombe District Councillors with regard to Brewery Quay being approved under delegated authority and a comment that the explanation was within the officer’s report, but the report was still not online. Cllr Fice noted that the applicants previously agreed a Section 106 agreement for a principal residence policy but this had come out as a planning condition. The problem was legal with the Appeal inspector’s response not mentioning the Section 106 so the applicant could not be pressed and therefore a condition was placed. However the main point was that the Planning Portal information was not up to date and Cllr Fice had sent his chasing email 6 days previously but there had been no response from either District Councillor.

Cllr Lafferty-Holt noted on the matter of drains, trees and such debris there had been a problem with a recent deluge due to a Corsican Pine near a driveway. Cllr Long agreed the tree needed cleaning up so this all fell under Devon County drains. On another matter Piggy Lane from Onslow Road down to Knowle Road had become mossy and there was concern that it would be lethal underfoot and needed treating/cleaned. Dist Cllr Long noted that on the rota Piggy Lane should be a monthly clean by District so he would look into this.


The Minutes of the online meeting dated 14th October 2020 were approved to be duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


The applications below were considered by councillors and the following response submitted to District Planning by the Town Clerk:
• 1203/20/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Loft conversion 2 Moult Moor, Moult Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LG – Response 12th November. Objection due to the overbearing impact on the character of the building, detracting from original features and potential light pollution in a secluded dark area of the AONB. This was felt to be unneighbourly with potential overlooking, and noise and light pollution, and additional strain on an overloaded drainage system with new bathrooms
• 3037/20/FUL Roof extension to create additional bedrooms (resubmission of 0764/20/FUL) 7 Grafton Towers, Moult Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LG – 12th November – Objection as it would impact on the character of the building, detracting from original features. There would be an impact on the AONB in respect of light pollution in a secluded dark area and over prominence in the landscape. No local consultation was undertaken with the town council as suggested within the previous Design and Access statement.
• 3055/20/HHO Householder application for alterations to dwelling and erection of outbuilding Sunsets, 9 West View Terrace, Salcombe, TQ8 8AB – Response 19th November – No comment.
• 3068/20/VAR Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of householder consent 2762/19/HHO (Re-submission of consent 0795/20/VAR) 6 Puffins, Bonfire Hill, Salcombe, TQ8 8EE – Response 12th November. Objection due to the impact on neighbour amenity in respect of overlooking, noise and light pollution
• 3123/20/VAR Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning consent 41/1023/15/F Spion Lodge, Bennett Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JJ Response 19th November – No comment.
• 3136/20/HHO Householder application for proposed rear first floor flat roof terrace to existing dwelling Widdecombe, Herbert Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HN – Response 12th November – Objection as this was unneighbourly particularly in respect to overlooking of Melbury Cottage.
• 3259/20/ARC Application for approval of details reserved by condition 4 of listed building consent 145/20/LBC Old Porch Cottage, Shadycombe Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8DJ – Response 19th November – No comment.

• Appeal reference: APP/K1128/C/20/3257607 Location: Moult Hill Barn, Moult Hill, Salcombe, Devon TQ8 8LF and Moult Hill Barn, Moult Hill, Salcombe TQ8 8LF Appellants Name: Mrs Nichola Murray. The Appeal will be determined on a written representation basis with all comments to be submitted by 16th November – The original application (41/1139/12) stated that the livery building would be converted to a camping barn with the stalls being converted to sleeping accommodation for walkers, cyclists, and small groups.
The second application (41/0429/14) stated that the existing building had faults that needed to be remedied for health and safety reasons. The proposal was to retain the previous format with dormitories, and communal seating and dining areas. The building would remain looking like a barn and was intended to replace the Youth Hostel at Overbecks which was closing.
The existing property has none of these features as the bedrooms are en-suite and the property is being marketed by Coast & Country Cottages to sleep 12 at over £1,400 per week and this was not as requested on the planning application

• 3167/20/TCA T1: Oak – Section fell to ground level, tree is diseased. T2: Leylandii Cypress – Section fell to ground level, tree is diseased. Jilmar, Croft Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8DZ – Response 2nd November. No comment as these trees were already noted as diseased.
• 3273/20/TCA T1: Acer (Maple) – Lateral reduction on all sides by 1-1.5m, crown height reduction by 2m. T2: Hornbeam – Crown lift by 1-1.5m, crown height reduction by 2m. The Moorings, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HQ – Response 4th November – No comment as works felt acceptable.

• The response to the Planning For the Future White Paper prepared by the working group following full town council input had been circulated to all. No further comments or amendments received this was to now be submitted to the consultation. Dist Cllr Long felt this work was valuable and it was important for this area to get these representations in.


Requests had been made to Town Councillors to seek to reopen certain areas covered within the Traffic Order to allow parking during the winter period it was discussed how this would affect the Temporary Covid Order going forward.

It was AGREED after much discussion and input to lift all the restrictions under the Order on Monday 2nd November and seek guidance as to the lead in time required should a new Order be sought next year.

Cllr Lafferty-Holt raised a question whether Whitestrand Car Park and limiting bay parking could be done in future. If the Covid Act was still in place and such required a new application could be made but otherwise normal Highway Act legislation came into play and needed much wider consultation. All felt that going forward a ‘whole Salcombe traffic plan’ needed to be undertaken to consider resident parking and zonal areas.


The consultation on the Highway Act to include, accessibility for wheelchair users, pushchairs and those with visual impairment, by way of consideration of parking on pavements, had been forwarded to all town council.
his matter was DEFERRED for response by 22nd November following a working group of Cllrs Lafferty-Holt, Payne and Mrs Sinnott meeting and bringing their findings to the next meeting.


Cllr Long advised that much of the Ash would need to be cleared along with clematis, buddleia and white man’s beard. The views from this area had disappeared so this proposal was to clean up and clear the area ready for replanting with the trees obtained from Woodland Trust so something would be established before the eventual loss of Ash. People may see canes with white tops being placed but these were to indicate to the grounds maintenance team shrubs that should not be removed, this would flag up and protect them. A message would be put out on social media message to explain.

It was AGREED that town council wished to proceed with their current chosen maintenance contractor to clear scrub land identified at Primrose Field, so that trees obtained within the Woodland Trust pack could be planted, at a cost for this additional works of £397.65.


Cllrs Mrs Sinnott, Miss Ward and Hatch were put in an outbreak room whilst this matter was discussed.
Following the town council deferral of payment of rent due to the Covid restrictions imposed by Government further consideration had been given following feedback on the current financial position of the Information Centre and it was AGREED the Information Centre did a lot of good work for the town and whilst their funds were healthy there would have been a loss of income so rental for this year would be charged pro rata from 1st November 2020 till February 2021.


The Mayor noted that for Remembrance Sunday it had finally been agreed that this year the Mayor and Vicar would be laying two symbolic wreaths. If possible this mark of respect in laying of wreaths would be live streamed and go out to all in the community. All others organisations wreaths would be pre-laid at the memorial on Sunday early morning but Town Council were responsibly trying to discourage people from congregating and attending.

She gave a huge thanks to the volunteers who did clearance work on the garden area of the town council car parking as it was a superb job. She suggested that perhaps more plants and bulbs could be placed in this area sometime in the future. Cllr Mrs Bricknell advised that an amount of bulbs were already there. More bulbs could also be obtained for the Main Road bank which had been planted up with bulbs.

She noted that confirmed cases of Covid were getting closer to Salcombe so it was asked whether town council felt an encouraging and updated newsletter should go out cautioning everyone and advising of sources of assistance. Consideration would need to be given as to numbers of newsletters and to where to circulate such. The Christmas Lights Committee was going ahead to put lights up around town. Cllr Moore advised that the three ships display would be in front of Colemans but the usual amount was not being erected as scaffolding could not be used. There would also not be the usual fundraising but a social media call for support, all low key. Sadly there would be no opening ceremony. When asked about the Rotary Christmas tree and whether they would put it up and decorate Cllr Moore was unsure but believed so.

Another suggestion floated was whether town council should encourage everyone to decorate their houses to bring good tides earlier in the town and cheer everyone. Town Councillors were asked to think about this and perhaps email their thoughts to the Mayor.

• Cllr Fice – Advised that with regard to Remembrance Sunday Nigel Blazeby, Parade Marshall, was not surprised to learn it could not go ahead but would happily assist the following year.
• Cllr Payne – Enquired about actions in relation to the St. Nicholas property usage of a summerhouse for rental. Enforcement action was taken as it was installed and it was advertised on AirBnB. The kitchen and bed had now been removed and enforcement advised the building reverted back to a garden room for the property. It now met development rights within scale for this property.
• Cllr Lafferty-Holt – Asked how much was hoped to be raised for Christmas lights. It was not much for replacement bulbs but normally they required £1200 – £2000p.a. plus electricity to ensure a display along Fore Street.
• Cllr Long – Raised the Redfern Woods tree felling at the weekend which included a large tree and when he heard the branches hit and fracture it was evident this was Ash Die Back. All were now down and it did look messy. The Health Centre was concerned about some materials which had overspilled and been left in their area and contact would be made with contractors to get it tidied.
Cllr Long continued that Devon Contract Waste felt they were unable to bring their large glass collection lorry through Fore Street due to scaffolding outside the coffee shop. The scaffolding was erected according to County Highway stipulation. It had to be said that the contract company used a large lorry and they did have a smaller lorry system in place but had requested Town Council to identify a location for a large amount of bins. He felt that these requirements were requested for economies for collection but the space somewhere in town was not available due to boats having been lifted and using all available areas. Cllr Long would ask District Council but did not feel that this could be accommodated and the glass dropped around could cause further problems. Although the Playground at the back of Beehives was suggested this area was not big enough for the vehicle to access safely to empty so was not appropriate.
• Cllr Miss Ward advised she did not receive any emails. Cllr Fice suggested she sent an email and all town councillors respond to trace where there was a problem.
• Cllr Hatch – All drains around town were blocked again and this needed raising with County.
• Cllr Mrs Sinnott – Residents had asked if traffic could be slowed down around Loring, Camperdown, St. Dunstans etc due to those who used it like a race track. She wondered if the speed limited could be reduced to 20mph as sadly animals had been killed. Others felt this was something that needed to be part of a whole town traffic review.

• A complaint had been received that the Park and Ride location was not acknowledged as registered and the person making contact had received a parking ticket. This had been taken up directly with Devon County who operate the RinGo system. However they had directed it to the RinGo enforcement. Further discussions had provided a response that the location number was now recognised the amount of parking fee taken from the users account but the resolution of the parking ticket unknown at present. It had been advised later that the parking fine had been quashed.
• At the beginning of the season County grass cutting asked if town council contractor would be able to do visibility splays. As District at that time was unable to service the contract it was advised no. Since that time District had come back in and carried out the entire contract as usual. Therefore when County advised all parish and town councils who had carried out works to claim their payment the question was raised that these works within the town council contract had been continued when possible so could the monies be claimed. County grass cutting advised that as their approach had been to wait and watch, and no complaints had been received from Salcombe area, town council could claim these monies.
• Works to the trees within Redfern woods had been carried out and confirmed all works in order by the Tree Warden. However a concern had been raised by Redfern Medical Centre with regard to the brash and debris left by the contractor on the medical centre land following the tree works. Cllr Long and Pete Robinson had attended to discuss and were liaising with Devon Tree Services with regard to clearance of adjacent land and a repair.
• Devon Contract Waste had contacted town council through the website page to advise that they were currently unable to make glass collection in the centre of Salcombe due to scaffolding erected in Fore Street. The height of the bar was 13.5foot and their vehicle was taller than this. They asked if town council could source a location to store 15-20 240litre bins (domestic size). This message had been forwarded to the District Councillors for input also and following discussion it was noted that the scaffolding had been approved as the correct height by Devon County. Unfortunately District and Town Council had no suitable locations that would provide adequate storage for so many bins and also easy access for such a large vehicle. This would be advised to the company and it be suggested they use a smaller vehicle for the time of the works.
• County Footpaths advised that there had been a landslip on Footpath 20, Splatcove to Starehole and therefore this path would be temporarily closed until 18th November. Cllr Long noted he had been advised by Bar Lodge development contractors as soon as there was a slippage as they were doing work nearby and had placed someone along the route to stop people going on to the footpath. The Health and Safety Executive advised this should be done and an assessment was being done as to what works were required.


Bank Balances
Current Account £5001.00
Deposit Account £465,001.82

Dignity Funerals – £285.00
Harbour Hotel – Park and Ride £2875

APPROVED Internet payments to:
SHDC – September Maintenance Contract £998.95
Wages – October £2120.16
NEST – October £211.11
HMRC – October 989.42


The next Town Council Meeting would be held at 6.30p.m. on Wednesday 11th November.

……………………………………………….. 11th November 2020.
Town Mayor
Meeting ended: 20.10p.m.

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