* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr R. Moore *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr M. Long (also District Councillor) *
Cllr I. Hatch *
Cllr A. Hainey A
Cllr M. Payne A
Cllr Mrs D. Ward *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr Mrs J. Pearce *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
Tom Ladds Kingsbridge Gazette *

Graham Keeler had resigned due to personal health and commitments.


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Long advised that he would not take part in planning decisions due to him being on the District Development Management Committee. Cllr Hatch declared an interest in an item covered in the Town Clerk’s report concerning funeral arrangements.


John Elwell advised he had applied for a unit to accommodate Coast and Countryside and their expanding business. He wanted to park some containers at end of Motherhill Court and put up some units. This would fulfil the requirement to have 250sq metres of commercial space as the office building had become vacant and he had applied for planning permission to convert this into a house. The original development application for this area allowed for 50 houses and so far 44 had been built so putting the office into a dwelling would bring it to 45 houses. Cllr Moore enquired why he had deviated on design and footprint and was advised this was to fit the space by keeping the roof low and would have less impact on the affordable housing. Cllr Moore continued that they were using different materials and surely with a slightly larger footprint there would effectively be a loss of parking space. John Elwel responded that they were pushing the car parking into the car park. The garages that were currently Coast and Countryside were not part of the parking allocation so there was no net loss. Regarding the upper unit 5 was there not building in front of this house to which John said there was no entrance onto the car park. Cllr Fice explained this was further up so no. John noted that Coast and Country were keen to stay in Salcombe but he was mindful of the fact that they had a large operation in Dartmouth and could maybe move to Halwell or Dartmouth so did not want to lose the laundry element. He was encouraging local employment, but it was asked why anyone would convert the office space to housing and then build more industrial. John Elwell said he had shifted the industrial as Coast and Country did not want office space and this would provide 45 houses being built on the entire site.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce arrived at the meeting.

John Elwell noted that original outline planning permission allow 55 houses for the site but Bloor Homes applied for 44 and hit problems during build and bailed out. Versant had taken the site but he felt they were difficult to deal with. Cllr Mrs Bricknell asked if this was more a launderette with washing machines but was advised no he felt they wanted storage. She continued that she personally knew that sewerage was awful and areas were going to have to be dug up as the original drainage had been put in back to front. John Elwell was concerned on this point and asked to be included in her personal knowledge discussions. She advised that her father lived here and that the investigation had to jack rod the area. Cllr Fice noted the current employment space was office space so why could it not be converted to be used as laundry storage. John responded that it could be but this was an opportunity to convert to more housing along with adding more industrial space.

County and District Councillors Report
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce did not have much to report apart from noting that they were in budget mode at District but nearly completed.

Dist Cllr Long noted that the retrospective application for Cheesewring was refused at Development Management on an 8 votes to 3. They were obtaining photographs that had been taken of the wall before it was rebuilt. There had been local discussion regarding the Whitestrand development and he along with the Mayor met the landlords of The Kings Arms to discuss their concerns. There was to be another meeting this Friday with Enterprise Inn officers in attendance. There had been additional plans drawn up by District changing the roof and this was to be discussed and these presented difficulties with site, Dist Cllr Long would see how it went. Issues had arisen around the covenant held which should have been brought up prior, or during the planning process. To be advised of this two weeks before demolition was crazy. So those attending the meeting would see Enterprise Inns’ reaction to the new drawings on Friday. Cllr Fice enquired if the new drawings were to be the subject of a new planning application to which Dist Cllr Long noted the revision but felt at present it depended if EI accepted this and then it might be a variation with consent. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce stated it would be a non-material rectification. It was noted that this was a very unsatisfactory position to be in and the project could have been delayed to next year to sort out. Cllr Moore asked if the outcome of the Friday discussions could be circulated as to what would be happening on site.

On a positive note Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that Landmarc had been allocated to other projects so they were well used and no contract for these works had been signed as yet and this was being held over awaiting this Friday meeting. Then an announcement would be made. Cllr Hatch noted that all the electrics inside the harbour office had been removed and would need to be replaced if anything did not go ahead. Dist Cllr Long responded that if the work did not go ahead there would be a need for new electricity and water supplies to be installed and these were programmed for March and he would like to see this go ahead. Currently there were poor electrics and water pressure affecting cleaning and flushing etc. If there was a decision not to go ahead the toilets should be refurbished to improve this facility. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce acknowledged this work would have to be done so as there were road closures in place it would go ahead.

Dist Cllr Long continued that there were discussions scheduled the following day with ‘Development Management’ and ‘Overview and Scrutiny’ along with the budget to come forward. Noting the discussion and emails about support of the CVS and proposed withdrawal of £10,000 by District there was a motion to reinstate this payment from District. There was also a proposal to increase car parking charges by 4% together with a contrary proposal put forward to freeze car parking charges, this was the following day ready for recommendations to go to Executive.

Cllr Fice noted the signage for Whitestrand works. The car park itself had a sign stating it would be closed until June whereas at the last meeting it was advised that part of the car park was to be re-opened as soon as possible. There was a paper sign attached to a triangular sign situated by Cross Gardens wall saying Whitestrand car park was closed. This sign could not be seen let alone read by motorists. Dist Cllr Long advised he had conveyed this to the engineers that it could not be read and was in the wrong position and wrong type of sign. A question was raised as to whether the defibrillator sited at the Harbour Office been moved and if so to where? Dist Cllr Long responded that it should have remained on the temporary harbour office but Cllr Moore said he would check.

Cllr Fice continued that the ‘Do not feed the seagulls’ metal sign at Victoria Quay provided by District Council had disappeared. At North Sands the hatch onto the beach from the stream had gone. Whether this had been removed for maintenance he was not sure but it was advised that District employees had been in attendance there today. The small mechanical road sweeper went along Buckley Street and also included Market Street but there was a concern that it travelled up and down five times between 11.30 to 2.30p.m. Cllr Moore noted that the manual road sweeper did an excellent job especially on Shadycombe and Gould being, as ever, very thorough. He was now targeting Baptist Lane to Devon Road steps doing just as well. Cllr Mrs Ward noted that a smashed Vodka bottle was still in-situ on Allenhayes Road steps and had been there for a week.

The Mayor noted that a planning application had been received that was then withdrawn going from garages at the bottom of a garden to being resubmitted as storage units. It was questioned what reason there may be and would there be any gain from this change. It was felt to be applicant driven only and as there was no vehicular access no doubt just storage and could not be referred to as a garage.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 8th January 2020 were approved to be duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record although it was noted that item 4 reporting on the Appeal only contained half of the response comment submitted and this needed to be included.


The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.

  • 3994/19/HHO Householder application for loft conversion with rear facing dormer window (Resubmission of 0964/19/HHO) 17 St Dunstans Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8AL – Response 7th February – No comment.
  • 4140/19/FUL Erection of new B1 business units and change of use of redundant sales suite (B1) to dwelling (C3) Motherhill Court, McIlwraith Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8FH – Response 7th February – Objection as the proposed dwelling would replace existing employment units which currently were less than required by RA3 and the surrounds had insufficient amenity space. This would be contrary to NDP Policy H2 as this sort of housing was not what was deemed required from the survey carried out for the Neighbourhood Plan. The new business units were shown situated too close to existing houses and would impact on the light amenity of the current properties contrary to NDP Policy T1 and B1 as they would remove parking spaces. This proposal would also be contrary to B1 as the design did not integrate with the built surroundings in that area. If approval was to be given then a section 106 agreement in respect of principal residence would be required for the dwelling to be in accordance with NDP H3.
  • 4145/19/HHO Householder application for new roof terrace and dormer for access 10 Victoria Place, Salcombe, TQ8 8DB – Response 7th February – Objection as this was overdevelopment of the site, overlooking of the Over 60s outside space and contrary to NDP B1 as the proposal did not preserve and enhance the Conservation Area nor contribute positively to the four character areas as set out and was not in keeping with the surroundings. It would also have a negative impact on the AONB.
  • 4159/19/FUL Construction of new two storey house with ancillary external paths and terraces and renewal of external staircase (Resubmission of 0201/19/FUL) Land at SX 738 387, Lower Rockledge, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HJ – Response 7th February – Objection as this proposal would have a detrimental effect on the AONB, was overdevelopment of the site and had no amenity space provision. There were also numerous areas where the proposal was contrary to the Neighbourhood Development Plan but that many trees had already been removed. ENV1 – it does not maintain the intrinsic character of the landscape and seascape, has a visual impact on the AONB, and does not have regard to the AONB guidance ENV5 – it is removing a wooded area visible from the estuary ENV7 – the site is within policy area B and the proposal has a detrimental effect on existing low-density development, mature gardens and trees B1 – it is not retaining existing wooded areas. The new development does not propose any new parking spaces. There would be potential overlooking of Poundstone Court and Hamstone Court. There was a large amount of glass incorporated in the design both outward and upward which potentially could cause significant light pollution impacting on the surrounding AONB. There was a major concern raised over protected trees both at Rockledge and on the site itself that could be damaged during construction. There was concern in relation to the construction management as the only access was along the drive of Stonehanger Court. This activity would remove up to six parking spaces, during construction, and there were also structural concerns due to the topography of the site. If approval was granted, then it would need a S106 agreement re the Principal Residence policy as set out in H3.
  • 0053/20/FUL Single storey extension of the existing building at basement level to the rear of the building 3 Albany House, Allenhayes Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HT – Response 14th February – No comment.
  • 0058/20/HHO Householder application for refurbishment of Studio including replacement of windows and external door 30 Seahorse Studio, Fore Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8ET – Response 14th February – No comment.
  • 0059/20/LBC Listed building consent for refurbishment of Studio including replacement of windows and external door 30 Seahorse Studio, Fore Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8ET – Response 14th February – No comment.
  • 0075/20/HHO Householder application for alteration and extension to dwelling 9 Croft Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8DZ – Response 21st February – Objection as this would be overdevelopment of the site and impact on the neighbouring property amenity as the proposal would further enclose the rear space and was contrary to NDP B1 as it did not preserve and enhance the conservation area, did not contribute positively to the area re the four character areas and did not use appropriate materials for the conservation area.

2540/19/VAR Appeal reference: APP/K1128/C/19/3241305 & 3241979 Received. Location: Vantage One, Sandhills Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8JP Appellants Name: Mr S Culley and Mrs Culley. Objection. Salcombe Town Council’s initial response was purely in respect of the variation proposed on the above application. However, there were numerous other considerations regarding the whole scheme as originally approved under application 3040/17/FUL, as the Salcombe Neighbourhood Development Plan had now been made by South Hams District Council and needed to be given full weight.

The development was contrary to NDP policy ENV 7 as the site was situated within Area A and was detrimental to the character of the area as it was overdevelopment of the site. The scale of the development meant that there was not enough outside amenity space.

It was also contrary to NDP policy B1 as the development was not in keeping with the area, nor does it provide adequate parking.

The development was also considered to be contrary to NDP policy H2 as this was not the type of housing required to correspond to the Housing Needs survey.

It was requested that should the appeal be successful then there should be a S106 agreement for the new dwelling in respect of the Principal Residence requirement set out in NDP policy H3.

0091/20/TPO T1: Eucalyptus – Fell due to decay present at the base of the tree. T2: Pittosporum Tenufolium – Fell due to poor health. T3: Magnolia – Removal of central limb to 1m from base due to decay. T4: Turkey Oak -Lateral reduction of split limb at 10m from ground level on South sideby up to 4m. T5: Acacia Pravissima – Lateral reduction by up to 3m on South side to relieve stress on weak unions and give adjacent tree space Overbecks, Salcombe, TQ8 8LW – No objection as these works were identified to be required to these trees.

Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce left the meeting at the same time John Elwell departed.

PLANNING CORRESPONDENCE – Cllr Long advised that the Tree Officer had noted TPO 37802 application for Woodcot which requested works to a Holm Oak that was leaning. The officer had suggested lesser alternative works which would not support any height reduction but lateral works of 1.5m only to basically move some weight from the tree in one direction. Town Council were asked to support this lesser proposal and the officer wished to have their acknowledgement. This response would be submitted.

5. PRECEPT 2020 – 2021

The proposals from the Finance Working Party were tabled and the precept was AGREED at £93,450.00 (to include the £675 Government grant). This equated to a 0.8% increase in budget which when worked into the District formula, due to the number of houses taken into consideration, having taken into account the government grant it would be a 1.4% increase on a Band D property being just 67pence per annum. The Mayor thanked Cllr Fice for this and his input.


Cllr Lang advised that on the bridleway from Hangar Mill to Motherwell Farm there was one tree down across the path although it was passable and there was another trunk lying there. Cllr Long noted there was a lot of water running down through that area which Cllr Lang agreed and advised there was a stream. Cllr Lang felt this was a permanent water route and did not think anything could be done. Cllr Lang suggested that the seat along Collaton to Hangar Mill about halfway up the hill should be reinstated and this could be a location to consider if someone wanted to install a commemorative bench. It was suggested to Cllr Long that he could work up a project to look at the water coming down the Hangar/Motherwell path and this could be put forward to County Footpaths for funding. On the track halfway along between North Sands and South Sands by the house was a tree lying across the path with headroom, but Cllr Lang felt it should be removed. It was probably situated on the Stumbles ownership side. Thanks, were given to Cllr Lang for his footpaths report.

The report on the Salcombe County footpath network was received and it was AGREED that this would be sent as the annual report to Devon County Definitive Footpaths.


Suggestions regarding this commemoration were requested and it was advised that the VE official website advised there would be pipers around the world playing the same tune and at 3p.m.a celebration that would involve all pubs in a toast to heroes. At 6.55p.m. Town criers would herald and at 7p.m. church bells, hand bell ringers and others would ring out for peace. Some communities would hold parties. On Sunday 10.30a.m. the whole country could come together in churches as a tribute along with buglers and the last post.

It was AGREED that this commemoration was to involve the church and pubs and anything that local organisations wished to arrange. Cllr Moore felt something could be arranged and held at the War Memorial and he would try to find a piper and it would be seen if a Road Closure could be applied for Friday 8th May 2-4p.m for this to be held.


A request by the Clerk for her to be able attend update training at Woolwell Centre, Plymouth on 29th January at a cost of £75 was APPROVED.


The Mayor had attended a meeting at District along with the clerk and they were advised that an update on the role of the Locality Service was going before the Overview & Scrutiny Panel on the 23 January.

As part of District’s commitment to tackling Climate Change and habitat loss they now had a dedicated website – – which provided hints and tips for residents, organisations and businesses in the South Hams, as well as highlighting the work they were doing to reduce District Council’s own emissions, for example more agile working and they had bought and made provision for one electric pool car. They would also promote any work being done by local community groups and would be consulting on this issue with the Town and Parish Councils soon.

The restructuring had been completed for the Case Management Team with Sarah Moody overseeing all operational delivery. Waste Services were gearing up for the change of recycling collection in September 2020. From April more information would start coming out to the Towns and Parishes so that they could all work together to help everyone transition across to the new arrangement. All Towns were reminded that FCC (the waste contractor) was open to talk about any add-ons that might be required, but this would come at additional cost to that town.

All rubbish left on the floor at the bottle and paper banks should be reported as fly tipping using the online function otherwise it would not be cleared up as this was not part of the driver’s job when collecting the containers. About 250 business rated properties had been identified and asked for their waste contractor’s name and proof of an ongoing contract. If this was not provided, then those owners would be charged by District for waste collection.
Homelessness in the South Hams was averaging between 4 and 8 people per year, but this had now come down to only one person.

The Budget update reported a gap of £51,500, which was down from £900,000. Cllr Judy Pearce stated that car parking charges would be going up 4% across the District but then there would be no more rises for the remainder of this Council, ie 3 years. The Mayor and Clerk did argue that parking in Salcombe was already more expensive than elsewhere, but this effectively fell on deaf ears. The permit review was still ongoing.

The extension to Shadycombe car park remained on hold but Salcombe were assured that it should happen but did not advise when. This also applied to the redrawing of Creek car park spaces as and when the harbour workshop project was started. They stated that they were always open to offers of land for more parking.

Kingsbridge mentioned that people could renew their parking permits but that new permits were not being issued. Cllr Mrs Judy Pearce, District Leader, said that the report on parking permits was being written by Emma Widdicombe and going to the Executive in March.

Regarding the Revenue Support Grant, there would be a gap of £600,000 for 2021, but this included a negative RSG of £400,000 (where District had to pay back rather than receive). They believed there would be new Government arrangements for 2021/2022. District also suspected that no capping on Town Councils’ precept would stop, especially if parishes raised it too high in anticipation of a cap next year. But it would suit the devolution agenda of Government if they saw good practice and use of money to not set a cap. District’s precept would be £5 or 5%, and Devon County Council’s would be 4% plus 2% for Social Care.

District was starting to write policy and then consult on a Council Tax Multiplier on empty homes in the area with the hope that the threat of this would help bring the empty properties back into use. There were only 60 or so empty homes in the entire district. They were looking at an additional 50% up to 100% on properties which have been empty for between 2 and 5 years, and those empty for 5 to 10 years they were looking at 200% additional charge plus a further 100% in the second year.

They were now live webcasting District committee meetings to make the decision-making process more transparent and reducing the need for the public to attend in person if they merely wanted to observe.

Finally, the Chief Executive Sophie Hosking was leaving her post on the 13 March, returning to Cornwall for a new challenge. Steve Mullineaux would be holding the fort whilst they recruited.

The Mayor referred to the housing issue on tenancy exchange and not complying with Salcombe Town Council’s Section 106 and Salcombe Allocations Policy. She thanked everyone who responded so quickly to Cllr Mrs Bricknell’s email. Unfortunately, the Head of Housing at District had already made the decision by the time town council were asked for an opinion. This was because the Housing Act had strict rules regarding refusing permission to swap and Live West/District Council could not legally refuse in this instance. Salcombe’s local allocations policy only applied to new tenancies, not exchanges. However, the new tenant was being asked to sign an agreement that they would comply with Salcombe’s allocations policy if they wished to exchange in the future.

Whilst talking to Live West it transpired that a 3-bed house that had just come up on Church Street and that District Council wanted to sell it. The agent had stopped that happening and assured the Mayor that he is going to keep a very close eye on things in the future as he well understood the housing need in Salcombe.

District Cllr Mark Long and the Mayor were contacted by Mr and Mrs Milton, who ran the Kings Arms, with major concerns over the development of the new harbour office and public toilets. It appeared that the roofline had been increased on plans dated December 2019, which no one had been informed about and did not show on the planning portal. This change would have an impact on their premises and ongoing livelihood. Furthermore, the District Council claimed not to know about a Covenant which the pub held over any development on Whitestrand until the Friday before work was due to commence on Monday 13 January. This could not be true as it was known that District was told about the Covenant by several people on many occasions over the last four years and was certainly brought into play when the last development of the toilets took place, and when the harbour office was built. District Cllr Long, the Mayor, Cllr Fice as planning lead, and the Clerk were attending a meeting with the Miltons, their business partners and the freeholders on Friday and would report further at the next Council Meeting.

The contractors started work at Courtenay Park on Monday 13th January as arranged, but only due to the Clerk’s dogged and expert assistance in getting the Licence for the containers, skips etc in place and in time. The Mayor met Alexis Huggins, the District officer running this project, on site on Wednesday 15th and she acknowledged and was very grateful indeed for the Clerk’s input, particularly as the problems arose just as everyone went off on their Christmas holidays. She advised she had walked past again the previous day and the gardening team from District had been hard at work sorting out the shrubs and the borders which were already looking much more open and cared for.

Graham Keeler had resigned from the Council on Monday, and the Mayor formally thanked him on the Council’s behalf for his contribution over the last eight months.

  • Cllr Mrs Sinnott – Courtney Street drains were blocked and the recent deluge just raced down the hill past the Information Centre. The drain downhill was blocked as was the one further up.
  • Cllr Long – Noted that regarding the Community Voluntary Service he would be voting at the District Committee against this as the facts being used were not felt to be correct. They were also to ask to allocate £400,000 New Homes funding to set up climate emergency projects with £200,000 proposed to be allocated out to projects from local communities. An Economic Officer post was being recommend but the view amongst some of his fellow district councillors was that this post remit should already be being carried out/done by other officers or perhaps all district officers.
  • Cllr Fice – Attended the Development Management meeting at District wherein the Cheesewring application was refused. There had been another invoice received from the solicitor in respect of professional charges for registration of the lease for the Berry which was registered in April last year. The Finance working party had reviewed this and believed this should not be paid although it was acknowledged that the land registry expenses should be covered. A response would be sent raising these concerns.


  • It had been noted that the seven-year agreement for provision and maintenance of a defibrillator by South Western Ambulance Service was due to expire. Contact had been made and the new Assistant Community Responder Officer who had agreed that there would be no charge for the newly installed equipment and that an agreement for four years would be provided. The agreement was written with the Spar Shop as a signatory and this would require changing but if there was no further charge for installing the new equipment the town clerk asked were town council content to continue with this agreement and sign it. This was approved and a meeting would be set up. Cllr Moore advised that Rotary had funded five defibrillators in the local area, and he would check that people were reporting on them daily and that the Ambulance Service were aware of their locations.
  • A Local Government Association report had highlighted that in some parts of the country, office conversions were carried out under the permitted development rights which allowed homes to be created without going through the planning system, amounting to almost half of all new housing. The LGA advised that councils wanted to work with the Government to tackle the housing shortage and ensure new housing met the needs of communities. As part of this, the LGA was calling on permitted development rules to be scrapped and local communities to be allowed to have a vital say on new developments in their area. Latest figures showed that since 2015, there were 54,162 new homes converted from offices under permitted development in England. The LGA estimated this had potentially led to the loss of 13,540 affordable homes.
  • Although Salcombe Town Council had raised their concerns with regard to the effect of parking changes within Salcombe the Devon County Council (Traffic Regulation & On-Street Parking Places) Amendment Order 2020 and Devon County Council (Traffic Management) Permit Scheme Order 2020 reference IMR/B16273-5781had been issued.
  • It had been advised that Nick Tee had passed away and the family wished to bury him at Bonfire Hill cemetery. In view of his historic contribution within the town it was questioned whether this burial should be dealt with as a resident or non-resident rate. Given the amount of work he had voluntarily carried out it was agreed that a compassionate residents rate would be applied.
  • The Kingsbridge and Salcombe Chamber of Commerce had supplied and application format and advised that they offered grants to community organisations of up to £250. The criteria and details were within the form, but this was to highlight that community groups could be advised to approach them.
  • Bus not running signs were delivered without fittings included and it was felt that the blanking plates needed to be secured and in order to do this it could add another £50 (this cost to include two padlocks). This expense was necessary, and purchase would proceed so that fitting could take place.
  • WPc Jo Pengilly had been contacted with regard to the recent spate of vandalism and advised that if a specific meeting was being held and she was available she would attend but these incidents were very difficult to detect. She advised that CCTV was the best Deterrent, and also the most likely way of catching the persons responsible. Although these areas would not have been in such coverage. She asked if there had been any witnesses to the damage that came forward and whether the incidents had been reported to the Police and recorded as a crime. Town Council had reported and recorded all these incidents previously. Town Council was not content with this response as they felt the area needed better police presence to reduce the incidence of such vandalism. This message would be transmitted to the police with a request for a higher presence or explanation.

Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £402,989.20

Receipts: Nil

Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
SHDC – Maintenance contract December £998.95
Devon County Council – Park and Ride Seasonal Signs £555.00
HMRC – NI and Tax £787.26
NEST – Pension £177.01
Wages – £1791.05
Day Signs – No bus running signs £48.00


The next Town Council would be held on Wednesday 12th February 2020 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe, at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 20.00p.m.

……………………………………………….. 12th February 2020.
Town Mayor

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