* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang A
Cllr R. Moore *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr M. Long (also District Councillor) *
Cllr I. Hatch *
Cllr A. Hainey *
Cllr M. Payne *
Cllr Miss D. Ward *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr Mrs J. Pearce *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
Tom Ladds Kingsbridge Gazette *
WPC Jo Pengilly N

Cllr Hainey logged in but left the meeting during the District Councillors report.


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Ongoing advice was that Cllr Long would not take part in planning decisions due to him being on the District Development Management Committee.


Cllr Miss Ward advised that Tony Lang had removed the banner across Fore Street because it was damaged. Phil Lafferty-Holt was present to be considered for co-option and would speak at that point.

District and County Councillor Reports
Cllr Gilbert emailed the following report. The Recycling rate across Devon had a 12% increase with 1000 more tons of glass and 670 tons of food waste deposited over the lockdown period. Attendance at schools was now 90% with Devon County using 75 extra school buses to ferry young people. With regard to highways there were some Covid related delays to road repairs. With regard to grit bins town councils needed to advise if they required more grit and they could do this by reporting online via the Devon County website ‘report a problem’ page. He noted that the Highway Officer had responded regarding concerns relating to Church Street and a section of re surfacing missed due to scaffolding in the way.

At Edmeston, just outside Modbury on the A379, there continued to be traffic lights and work was scheduled to start early January 2021. The Devon County budget would be £45 million overspent due to Covid-19 related expenditure so far this year with Government set to make up most of this overspend.

Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that the Kingsbridge leisure centre was now fully open so she urged everyone to spread the word and encourage people to use the facility as District Council had invested money in it so it could open. She had visited the leisure centre and could assure everyone that everything possible had been done to make the facility safe. The pool was a wonderful opportunity with only 7 or 8 people using it at any one time so was brilliant for swimming. All other areas were set up socially distanced and safe.

Waste collection changes had commenced and everything in Salcombe appeared to have gone well in Salcombe on the previous Friday which was the new collection day. Cllr Fice advised that his recycling bags were taken but not the food caddy. He had reported this and someone collected the caddy the previous day as Buckley Street was missed for food caddies. These properties had a weekly caddy collection. He raised another concern that on the District Report It page someone could not report an issue on the same day as collection. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce said she would look into this. Cllr Miss Ward noted a problem at Salcombe Information Centre as they had received no top up delivery of recycling bags to give out and there were now none in the town at all. She was advised that they were on order and due in any time but Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce would check and report back to the clerk.

With regard to the forthcoming precept discussions Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce reminded town council that the final Government grant subsidy would end the following year so this needed to be factored into this precept. The Covid virus epidemic was leaving Devon relatively untouched but it should be noted that there were more cases now than the area had seen before. Figures were only in the 20s each week but everyone needed to get back into response rather than recovery phase. She was being kept updated and the rise was probably caused by students attending Exeter so hopefully it had not leaked into the South Hams.

There was still an element of overnight camping at North Sands with camper vans et al. This was not basically a problem due to public toilets being available in this location but there was ‘no overnight camping’ in place. However if enforcement pushed these away from the District car parks there was a concern they would go onto residential roads. Over winter District would consider what could be done as there were concerned residents are close by. People could park up all night and fish but were not allowed to sleep as this was camping. Cllr Miss Ward suggested a change to the overnight parking tariff charging £50 overnight. This would perhaps encourage users to go to a camp site.

Dist Cllr Long noted that within the District car parks the Ringo APP was operating and the ridiculous convenience fee had been removed so that users were paying the same as cash users. Ringo was now the one provider for council car parks across Devon apart from the Plymouth area. So if someone had the APP it now covered the whole of Devon. Mobile phones were also working in places like Shadycombe and not dropping out like they used to. At St. Dunstans Play Area the District maintenance team was in replacing the rope and so it would be fully open and the vandalised wooden bench by the gate was to be removed and a recycled plastic one was going in which was more solid and vandal proof.

He has met the South West Waste Water Team Leader to talk about the sewage discharge and how they had improved the system and estuary links were to be attended to in November. This would cleanse links and then going forward South West Water would schedule pre and post tourist season flushes and this would most probably stop any problems. Both occasions occurred during an almost perfect storm of a high tide for a pressured system and high sewage and then torrential rainfall at same time. When they disconnected the rainwater going into other areas of the system because of the age of the Fore Street system they could not do this but this should not happen again.

Cllr Mrs Bricknell had received a phone call from a LiveWest Officer who kept getting parking tickets when he visited to deal with tenants properties. He asked for assistance on how to deal with this issue and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted the Devon County had a cheap permit that contractors could obtain so he needed to apply for this.

Cllr Fice gave a report on his conversations and emails with Cty Cllr Gilbert relating to resurfacing along Buckley Street. Scaffolding and a car left on sections of the road meant that the works could not be completed but he was hopeful the contractors should be back. He had suggested that the contractors, who did a superb job on the sections they could access, should apply to the scaffolding for reimbursement due to the trouble caused.


Phil Lafferty-Holt explained that he wished to re-join the council. He had enjoyed his previous time on the council but his son was a year younger and he had many challenging things happening and it got complicated so he stood down. He had continued to keep an eye on town council matters and with the challenges around Covid he wanted to return and help steer Salcombe through this period.

It was AGREED that Phil Lafferty-Holt be co-opted onto the town council and the Acceptance of Office and Declaration of Interests forms would be provided to him by email for completion and return.


The Minutes of the online meeting dated 23rd September 2020 were approved to be duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.

Cllr Mrs Sinnott noted that under works to trees in a Conservation Area relating to a Magnolia that Town Council objected but that the tree report decision was no objection raised. Cllr Long advised that this was the report and comment from the tree officer and it was his view that this Magnolia was not appropriate to be covered by a Tree Preservation Order so he granted the works.


The applications below were considered by councillors and the following response submitted to District Planning by the Town Clerk:

  • 2719/20/HHO Householder application for extension to dwelling 16 Cranford, Coronation Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8EA – 22nd October – No comment. It was welcomed to see previous town council comments had been taken on board.
  • 2749/20/HHO Householder application for new steps bolted to South East boundary wall to provide estuary access The Ferry Cottage, Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8JE – Response 29th October – Objection as materials proposed to be used were not conducive to the area and would have an impact on the AONB and SSSI, and as such were contrary to NDP policy SALC B1. Timber steps would be more acceptable.
    The District Councillors advised that Richard Gage, District heritage specialist, had looked at this site today and he would also be requesting timber. An MMO licence would also be required due to proximity to the foreshore unless it was not touching. Therefore Town Council comments appeared to mirror District.
  • 2750/20/LBC Listed building consent for new steps bolted to South East boundary wall to provide estuary access The Ferry Cottage, Fore Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8JE – Response 29th October – As above.


  • Moult Hill barn enforcement notice was going to Appeal so consideration of this would go to the next meeting.

It was AGREED;
(a) to ratify the town council response submitted by the Planning Working party on the Changes to the current Planning Procedure document
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce left the meeting.
(b) that the input from this meeting be used by the Planning Working Party to formulate a response to the New Planning Regulations consultation then emailed to all town council for approval, before being sent by 29th October.

Discussion noted that it was disconcerting as the White Paper appeared to be a charter for development even though Salcombe was a protected area but also the glib reference to using digital technology. It was question who was going to pay for this technology or was this going to fall back on each planning authority as that was not fair to achieve all these proposals.

The ‘devil was in the detail’ and it was felt there were massive holes in this thinking. Also the paper would go through unless some MPs challenged it. The Mayor noted that the proposed time scales were quite dramatic and questioned whether the South Hams Joint Local Plan would need to be re written. The timing expected was acknowledged and it was advised that the JLP would come up for review and producing this in 30 months with all the consultation up front and not seeing a draft of such before it went to Ministers was a concern. Regarding Neighbourhood Plans there was not much that stated what the roll of them were and where they were going to be placed. It said that neighbourhoods would decide on design but that was subjective. A defence of Neighbourhood Plans should be focused on. There was a lack of any real serious community engagement, more lip service and mostly at national and Government level. This was Localism out the window and back to centralism. Point 9 said Neighbourhood Plans should be retained but must be digital. Community input was for designs but not control over numbers and houses and the Principal Residence policy whilst not specifically mentioned in the document would become a big issue if this changed, Neighbourhood Plans then would tend to drift away.
Dist Cllr Long left the meeting to attend other parish councils.


It was AGREED that town council wished to seek quotes for exterior maintenance works to the Council Hall.


The Mayor advised that she and the Clerk met with the church representatives and Father Daniel wanted a service held in Cross Park Gardens with social distancing. Research showed that all around the country authorities were not holding services but encouraging people to show respect in their own homes whilst a small group place wreaths.

Cllr Moore suggested that the 8p.m. clap for the NHS worked so why could a maroon not be fired at 11a.m. and when the silence finished so all could be standing together in Salcombe in a maritime way. All present agreed there was no way people should be bought together for a service. Cllr Fice advised that the lifeboat crew no longer set maroons of as they did not hold them. Recently such was marked by a cannon but it was not possible to obtain maroons. A flare was discussed but this would require clearance with the coastguards, and should be green. Cllr Fice and his wife proposed to hang out the commemorative poppies but if events were to be held in different places where should they be placed? The Mayor confirmed that Cross Park Gardens was not suitable and permission had not been requested of District as it was an acknowledged narrow entrance into the area and would not pass a risk assessment. Also the average age of attendance for Remembrance Sunday was the older residents. Cllr Fice agreed he would place the poppies on the railings as previously but also some would be hung by the Salcombe Information Centre. Cllr Miss Ward questioned that if all other possibilities were exhausted why not ring the church bells.

Covid had changed what could be held this year and a small remembrance service could be Livestreamed and wreaths could be laid at first light. Cllr Fice asked that whatever was decided this be well publicised. Tom Ladds of the Gazette was present and agreed to place any remembrance arrangements notification into the paper. This would also go on the internet and social media.

The proposal put forward regarding holding a Remembrance Sunday Service during Covid was outlined and it was AGREED that this could NOT go ahead this year. Other low key arrangements would be discussed and arranged.


Cllr Lafferty-Holt noted that as a parent the lack of the sandpit piece of equipment did not make any difference and grass was fine. Cllr Mrs Bricknell had been approached with a request for an extra swing but felt maybe there was not enough room. Pete Robinson advised that when the sandpit was removed people questioned this but no formal requests or suggestions for replacement equipment had been received.

It was AGREED that there was no need to replace the sandpit with another piece of play equipment.


The Mayor advised that on the 24th September she, Cllr Long and the Clerk attended a Zoom meeting with Kingsbridge, West Alvington and Malborough councils to discuss next steps regarding a possible cycle path linking Kingsbridge to Salcombe.

These 4 parishes jointly commissioned a feasibility report looking at route options which was produced back in November 2019. Grant funding was awarded with top up money being paid by the 4 councils. Unfortunately, this report only looked at one scenario following the edge of the estuary as much as possible, as opposed to town council’s expectation, along with other councils, of different options being put forward, to include a route parallel to the main A381, and incorporating the existing and very well used cycle path that runs between Salcombe and Malborough.

There will be another meeting in November, after each council had looked at maps of their areas and come up with other possibilities, to see if the idea could be progressed.

On the 29th September she and the clerk attended a parish meeting regarding Remembrance Sunday, which was discussed at Agenda Item 9. They also met with Jason Parry, Manager of the Salcombe Harbour Hotel, to confirm for him that town council would not be holding a Civic Lunch this year, which he totally understood in view of the situation everyone found themselves in with strict rules on social gatherings.

On the 30th September, Cllrs Mrs Sinnott, Long and she met with Chris Browning at Yeoward’s to discuss his concerns regarding Island Street and Church Street. The main problem appeared to be keeping traffic flowing on these busy streets as parked cars, the proliferation of builders’ vans, scaffolding and pedestrians all used the same space. As his business was constantly towing boats, as did others along these roads, the problems were getting worse and he would like to see better control of badly parked vehicles hampering access to Island Street from Church Street, particularly on the tight corners, and consideration of the parking bays at the Church Street end of Island Street being removed due to difficulties turning onto Island Street when towing and facing cars parked there which were too wide for that location and so caused difficulties. Chris understood the need to put in place Pedestrian Priority this summer due to social distancing requirements, but this did cause problems when driving along when people walked slowly and did not move out of the way. It was a very useful meeting and both sides were left understanding the problems that each other faced.

On the 1st October the Clerk, Cllr Fice and she attended the South Hams and West Devon Playing Pitch Strategy Zoom meeting along with Kingsbridge Town Council. The current situation was discussed along with schemes under progression, identified priorities for the Playing Pitch Strategy, and identified further people to consult with. Cllr Fice would be moving forward with this, so she suggested he might like to join the Open Spaces Sport and Recreation working group, because that Plan would need to be reviewed once this particular playing pitch strategy had been completed and could be fed in. Cllr Fice agreed to join this group.

Also on the 1st October, she and the Clerk attended a Business Engagement Kick Off meeting between Salcombe, Modbury and Kingsbridge, again, on Zoom. Attendees were 5 District Councillors, District officer Chris Brook, representatives of the Kingsbridge and Salcombe Chamber of Commerce, Kingsbridge Traders and Kingsbridge Town Council. Although Town Councils were included in this, it was in fact so directed towards the businesses that it was probably be best to let the Chamber and Traders run with this and report back to Council via the knowledge gained from attendance at Chamber meetings and information sent from the District Council, and town council could input at those times.

On the 7th October she attended the Devon Association of Local Councils AGM on Zoom. There were 52 attendees and it was very well run indeed with such a large group (well done and thanks to Cara Stobart, the County Officer). The accounts were accepted, a new Board of Directors elected, auditor appointed, and new Company Articles agreed and adopted. The National Association of Local Councils was recommending a 3% increase in member subscriptions for 2021/22, but the meeting approved a very slight decrease on this at 2.9%. The next meeting would be on the 6th October 2021 and the new DALC website should be launched this month.

Over the last 2 weeks she had also participated in Zoom discussions with 2 students looking for the Town Council point of view for their dissertations on the subjects of ‘The Coronavirus and the attitudes towards second home ownership. A case study of the ‘South Hams, Devon’, and ‘Tourism, second homes and gentrification? An investigation into the socio-economic impacts of second-home ownership on the British Coastline in Salcombe, South Devon’.

As there had probably been enough time left for all responses to be received for the Mortuary Building Consultation, she advised she would ask the Clerk to send all the paperwork to the working group so they could meet and bring this matter back to the next meeting as an agenda item with recommendations as to the direction town council could take on this project.

She was going to ask the Emergency Plan working group, plus any others who wished to join them, to undertake a review of pandemic reactions and measures taken. In light of the fact that the country was very much in the middle of this, with a possible further full lockdown coming along, she felt this would be premature and suggested holding this review in the early New Year.

She wondered whether a volunteer group could meet and sort out the state of the Council car park and small garden area. Or if it should be included in the town gardening contract, or even ask the handyman if this would be something he could take on. Both areas were looking unkempt and were quite embarrassing, but this needed to be dealt with on a regular fixed basis and not just when or if someone remembered. Cllrs Mrs Bricknell and Lafferty-Holt volunteered to do this and the Mayor’s husband would assist.

It was noted that whilst a meeting had taken place to consider the difficulties regarding accessing and operating maritime businesses along Island Street. However the prime building with easy access on the corner of Island Street was sold to accommodate the shop Toffs and therefore the access difficulty had been created not that there were changes of user usage of the area.


  • Cllr Fice – Noted he had received questions with regard to the parking restrictions in place on Market and Fore Street and whether they would revert. Cllr Mrs Sinnott noted that whilst parking spaces were lost on Church hill those wishing to use the town now had reopened parking on Whitestrand so people could park there. Cllr Lafferty-Holt noted Whitestrand being closed and why did the parking restriction continue and the mayor explained that the parking along Fore Street was removed to allow pedestrian distancing which was still in place to give space. It was felt that a good level of communication as to why the order was still in place should be put out, especially as Whitestrand was now open. Cllr Miss Ward advised that in restricted areas disabled badge owners could still park and this had given them a lot more area to park so this has been welcomed as easy access. Cllr Fice continued with his report noting that the banner that had been removed across Fore Street and the one by the Information Centre were out of date and should be changed and replaced with something different. The Mayor requested the different wording – Keep left follow the yellow footprints. If the banners were redone the town should potentially get more social distancing ‘keep left’ signs. This was agreed but it was places to hang them. Maybe the ‘keep left’ could also be on the road so a template should be sourced. As Covid appeared it was going to be around for some time this should be actioned.
    Cllr Fice also enquired about free tree saplings which were going to be available and what was town council doing about this as planting was required along Herbert Road. As this was County verge the Highway Officer would have to be approached as to what could be planted.
  • Cllr Mrs Sinnott – With regard to the trees to be delivered during November she advised that Niall Rudd had offered that he and a band of helpers would plant trees so advise him when they were received. There was a tree in St. Dunstan’s park which was lovely but the fir had ivy on which would kill it. The maintenance team were at St. Dunstans Park so this would be put to Dist Cllr Long to be looked at along with their upgrading of landscaping.
  • Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Advised that Cllr Hainey wished to raise Newton Road as it had fallen in and was very dangerous and if anyone leant on it there could be an accident. Pete Robinson responded that this was reported to Devon County but they were not interested due to it being a private wall. District Council attended to considered and agreed that it would fall into the garden but raised this issue with the homeowner. He did the same and sent such to building control, but Pete noted that recently the wall was in a bad way. Town Council should advise Environmental Health as well. Cllr Mrs Bricknell continued to maintain the telephone boxes and noted a door had been damaged on the bottom left-hand corner.
  • Cllr Moore had written to Hayley Duffy regarding the compactor bins trial on Whitestrand and overviewed his concerns. The Onslow Road fence had fallen down along the steep section to Knowle Road and a lady had fallen there. The concrete posts had fallen in so that needed to be reported to highways. He was in regular contact with Cty Cllr Gilbert on tarmacking noting the parked car and even though it had a Salcombe resident’s Sticker County would not release the information of the owner. He felt this was ridiculous as no one local could help deal with these sorts of local issues. Cllr Fice noted that contractors were not allowed to move vehicles, so they had to work around it. The Clerk advised that she had further communication from Hayley on another matter and it appeared that the compactor bin trial could not go ahead if there was only one to be located there.
  • Cllr Lafferty-Holt advised he reported to Dist Cllr Long that people were sitting on the slipway but further down from the top there appeared to be a 2-3ft of incline that was slippery. Regarding the car park being closed to allow more room for tables and distancing he felt it was a fantastic success to close it for the summer and should this be taken up again. The Mayor agreed that conversations would be had. He also wanted to compliment one bin operative this year that had been brilliant. He was hand picking and clearing tables and filling up bins before removing the sacks. The yellow car park signs made it really obvious as to where car parks were, and this also helped visitors. Sadly, on the Park and Ride the Google search stated closed but it was open. This was acknowledged but the Mayor, Clerk and Project Officer had all tried in vain to get this amended but the Google page did not update. At Courtenay Street the new playground was fantastic but there was a lack of seating for parents to be near to the equipment. Benches were sited a way away from the equipment.


  • Cty Cllr Gilbert had been approached by residents concerned that the St. Dunstan’s streetlights were not working and had not been repaired. The response received said that it was felt that only one remained to be repaired but further emails and communications to town council indicated that many lights were out and the work was down to Western Power Distribution. Following the later emails this was communicated to Cty Cllr Gilbert in the hope that he could chase up what the problem was.
  • A report was received regarding Devon Road and Main Road junction due to vegetation obstructing visibility when pulling out of the end of Devon Road. The Western Power substation was sited adjacent to this vegetation so they would be contacted and a review of the Land Registry map made to ascertain whether this piece of ground was part of a residential property.
  • Allotments association subscription and insurance together with a concern on the maintenance of adjacent hedges had been considered and it appeared that the adjacent owner owned the hedge. A request was made for ‘Please keep dogs on a lead at all times’ signs. A further email had been received advising that one allotment holder had requested to erect a greenhouse the previous year but the allotment committee had consulted town council and refused due to not wanting concrete bases on the allotment land. This person had made the same request this year and the allotment committee were not in support but asked for an opinion from town council. All agreed to obtain the dog sign out of council funds. This was a windy site and thus a danger for broken glass. Allotment holders rent a site but if they install a concrete base then the next owner has to get rid of it. Cllr Hatch noted that broken glass also came from cold frames not just greenhouses so they caused problems and it was agreed that it was preferable that smaller plants be brought on at tenants properties but the cold frames were lower and out of the wind.
  • Comments had been received with regard to the state of the hedges the Salcombe end of the cycle path. Historically Malborough had obtained funding and carried out more cuts so an approach was made to them as to the current situation. Malborough Councillor John Yeoman advised that when the path was installed it was assumed that as a Highway County would deal with it. However no provision was made for ongoing maintenance and this was only learnt as defects appeared. Currently Malborough Parish Council get Jack Stone to cut the path when necessary and with the help of Cty Cllr Gilbert they reclaim this money. He also advised that Cty Cllr Gilbert had obtained funding to ‘plough’ the sides of the track to stop the grass making the track narrower. Unfortunately Jack Stone’s hedge cutter was awaiting repair so they might have to try with a larger hedge cutting machine. The problem of the larger machine was that it cannot do the section at Blackdown Bottom which was narrow.
  • It had been reported that Bridleway 17 was impassable for horse riders and Cllr Long had walked and photographed the track. These had been sent to the Footpath Officer who advised that he wrote to all landowners that the path crossed last year and they had ‘universally ignored’ his letter. When he had time he would need to issue orders but this would take time.
  • An email received from South Hams District Council officer Emma Widdicombe regarding changes to District car park charges in Salcombe was forwarded to all town councillors in order that they could request this on the next agenda, arrange a conference call with the officer or offer comments within this meeting to meet the 30th October response deadline. All agreed that the Shadycombe increase brought it in line with the Creek car park and therefore this was accepted.
  • Pete Robinson advised that the knock bar at the park and ride had again been hit and bent but that he had managed to straighten the shack and refit.
  • Paul Chambers South Hams District Council maintenance and repairs had advised that toilet refurbishment at North and South Sands were to be carried out over the forthcoming winter period.
  • A meeting was to take place the following Monday but it was believed that the Christmas Lights Committee would erect the lights in Salcombe to give a cheer to the town but sadly there would be no light switch on event held during this unprecedented Covid pandemic.
  • The Forster Road Residents Association emailed as they were concerned about:
    Condition of the Cemetery wall adjacent to Forster Road
    The cement pointing on the wall they stated was in a poor condition due to being undermined by extensive ivy growth and other plants.
    A large buddleia tree was growing through the wall beside the Public footpath creating a large horizontal crack, which appeared to be growing.
    Modifying grass verge adjacent to cemetery wall, which may affect the wall
    The grass verge beside the cemetery wall had become damaged due to vehicles parking on it. The residents wanted to modify the grass verge to prevent this from happening in future and wanted to notify the council as ideas to resolve this may impact the cemetery wall. They were seeking some advice from the council as to what would be acceptable before work started. A summary of proposed solutions included:
    1. Decrease the size of the grass verge, by laying more tarmac and kerb stone closer to the wall
    2. Reinforcing the grass verge with plastic netting, allowing cars to park closer to the wall
    Public liability of footpath that joined Forster Road
    They also wanted some advice on the public footpath that started/ended on Forster Road, beside the cemetery. They wanted to ascertain whether they should seek Public Liability insurance, should a member of the public injure themselves whilst transiting their road to or from the public footpath.
    Pete Robinson had spoken to the resident with regard to the damage to the wall so he would go and take a photograph and Cllrs Hatch and More would meet with the residents.

Cllr Fice enquired where the TTRO sign at the junction of Fore Street had gone. Access only would be the only wording remaining after removing all other references to Whitestrand car park and there were two signs coming down Market Street that said no motor vehicles it was going to be seen how this went. Town Council felt that the sign should be reinstated and Pete Robinson would tape up the sections put it back in position.


Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £466,562.80

Adrian Mundy – Bonfire Hill £150
Dignity – Bonfire Hill Thomas £95.00
South Hams District Council – Rate rebate for park and ride less back payment for office £8634.23

APPROVED Internet payments to:
Parish Online – Mapping subscription £60.00
Salcombe DIY – Jetcem for a volunteer to repair Baptist Lane step £7.95
Hawthorn Accounting Sers. Ltd. – Payroll June – Oct £74.00
Salcombe DIY – Gorilla tape for TTRO signs £9.50


The next Town Council Meeting would be held at 6.30p.m. on Wednesday 28th October.

……………………………………………….. 28th October 2020.
Town Mayor

Meeting ended: 20.16p.m.

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