* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang N
Cllr R. Moore *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr M. Long (also District Councillor) *
Cllr I. Hatch *
Cllr A. Hainey *
Cllr M. Payne *
Cllr Miss D. Ward *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt *

Also in attendance:

Dist. Cllr Mrs J. Pearce A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
Tom Ladds Kingsbridge Gazette *
WPC Jo Pengilly A


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Ongoing advice was that Cllr Long would not take part in planning decisions due to him being on the District Development Management Committee.


No members of the public being present this part was dispensed with.


The areas around some residential roads and Jubilee Park that were highlighted for anti-social behaviour had been patrolled but nothing recorded at present. Following a report of a camper van parking overnight at Devon Road the police had walked this area the previous night and it was not in attendance. They would build this route into a patrol on following nights to observe.

District and County Councillor Reports

Dist Cllr Long advised that generally matters at District meant that with lockdown they had gone back into responding with regard to Covid 19. Additional funds were released for the area and linked as previously to rateable values of properties and another pot for discretionary grants for those without property related businesses to allow additional support. Support from Environmental Health and others was ongoing to provide these support channels. In the short period the question was whether there could be the same support as previous. Officers were there to deal with whatever came forward.

The Coast path remained closed whilst a retaining wall was built. There were not many people walking there but it was hoped to be done in two weeks. Waste collections and changes were still giving problems. He was probably getting 4-5 calls per day advising of problems. There was a new bin at The Berry car park to be installed as the current was rusted. At Woodcot woodland area there were a large number of ash with die back and due to the number affected a Forestry Commission licence had been approved so this had given them a good assessment and the licence expired 2025 so there was time to do the works but it was the number of trees to do, due to concerns. There would be a restock proposal before June 2021 and this would include Monterey Pine to go in with 1100 stems per hectare with a 10 years replacement requirement so District had powers to ensure this. Once planting took place the area would become a lot more diverse.

The works to Primrose Field would be completed by the grounds maintenance team. It was hard work and the chippings were placed on paths and this would provide a good state for replanting so he could get on site with the tree packs from Woodland Trust. A comment from someone was that the view now visible had not been seen for 15 – 20 years so this would enhance and open up the area. He had laid a District Council wreath this day to observe the 11a.m silence.

Cllr Fice noted he had been personally troubled by lack of waste collection. His emails and missed collections were reported online twice before refuse was collected. Cllr Long noted that some of the issues raised by others meant that this was quick by other standards as someone he spoke to had not had a collection since the change started. One point of relevance Cllr Fice noted was that some refuse that was taken was not collected till late in the day and he suggested that perhaps the new routes were too rigorous and hard on the workforce and should be reviewed.

Cllr Fice advised that the Brewery Quay officer’s report was still not uploaded on the planning portal. Cllr Long had been advised it was going up so would chase this issue. Cllr Hainey enquired about financial help for businesses. Cllr Long responded that Government made an announcement but only last Friday and therefore there was to be a briefing at District the following day. There was the discretionary element but other sections were linked to properties and business rates as previously. Cllr Lafferty-Holt acknowledged the support from the Government and noted such for people with rateable businesses and the self-employed where the amount provided was similar. Cllr Long noted that there were the same arguments raised last time so he did not believe it was much different this time round. He continued that at the playground at St. Dunstans up the top by the zip wire was alright but in the lower area there was a lot of grass and weed. Cllr Long responded that when spraying they must be aware of children but he would raise this again. Cllr Long advised that he and the SOS group were ready to plant trees but due to lockdown this would be the second week in December but help from the Allotment Committee was not known. He would arrange all this planting. Cllr Payne advised that the bottle bank was completely full and needed clearing and was advised it would be done this week.

Cllr Mrs Sinnott requested further information with regard to Woodcot and replanting of the trees. They had until June 2025 as the licence allowed but he expected works earlier depending on what could be felled in that time but it must be restocked. It was asked if they replant as they took down or did they fell first, fell first and then replant as Forestry Commission liked batches of planting but it all depended. The main thing was that the works were being monitored by the Forestry Commission and Tree Officer.


The Minutes of the online meeting dated 28th October 2020 were approved to be duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


The applications below were considered by councillors and the following response submitted to District Planning by the Town Clerk:
• 4063/19/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Replacement dwelling with associated landscape work (amendment to design previously approved 1125/17/FUL) Sandnes, Beadon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LU – Response 26th November – Objection as although the design of the building had been amended, there was still too much glass meaning that the proposed property would not merge into the woodland as with the approved application 1125/17/FUL. This would have a detrimental impact on the AONB and was therefore contrary to Salcombe NDP policy ENV1. It was also contrary to NDP policy ENV7 as the proposal did not maintain the character of the key area A as defined within the NDP. The design of the property was contrary to NDP policy B1 in that it did not respect the context and setting. As the new proposal was a third larger than the approved application it was also felt to be overdevelopment of the site. Despite the report on access town council still considered that the size and weight of vehicles to be used in accessing the site were too large for the designated route and would cause irreparable damage to Beadon Road (or Beadon Lane as it was known locally). There was also no provision for the protection of pedestrians on what was virtually a footpath. There was also concern about the transfer of trailers from the lorry unit to a tractor, where would this take place as it was not mentioned in the CMP. The surfaced part of Beadon Road from its junction with the A381 had parking on it all year round and was a residential area. There was not felt to be sufficient parking on site and therefore Parking should be provided offsite and contractors transported to the site as development parking must not put additional pressure on street parking within the town which would be contrary to NDP policies B1 and T1. There was a concern over the timetable shown in the CMP as this had planning approval for 6 November as a start point; as this date
had already passed then it could be assumed that the whole programme would slip back, if approved, meaning that the house assembly could be in the busiest time of the year.
• 2350/20/FUL Proposed single storey porch extension and WC to rear of extension Lower Deck Flat 1, Gardenhurst, Raleigh Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8BH – Response 26th November – No comment.
• 3244/20/HHO Householder application for alterations to existing terrace/patio, along with forming of new aperture on north-west elevation 4 Forsters Reach, Forster Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8EB – Response 26th November – No comment.
• 3278/20/HHO Householder application for alterations and single storey extension to dwelling The Lanterns, Fortescue Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8AP – Response 26th November – No comment.


District Council had today advised that due to the impact of Covid 19 on their budget they had taken the decision to pause the work to update the Local Green Space Development Plan. They had also advised that on 1st October 2020 Government had introduced the amended permitted development rights. The new rights permitted the construction of additional storeys on existing residential or commercial premises and the demolition and redevelopment of free-standing building blocks of flats without the requirement for planning permission. On the 1st September 2020 government also updated the Use Classes categorising land and buildings for different uses, specifying which needed planning permission or not. This introduced a new class system that was more flexible.
Dist Cllr Long left the meeting to attend South Huish Parish Council.


It was felt that the Highway Act consultation had some pertinent points that should be responded to. It was AGREED that the working party would give further consideration and discuss then send their proposed response around town council before this would be submitted by the 22nd November deadline.


A brief resume of the response for or against received had been collated by Cllr Moore and provided to town council. He advised that the working group were split on their opinion with Cllr Hainey wishing rebuild, Cllr Lang he said was ambivalent but suggesting refurbishment of the building and Cllr Hatch and himself favoured repair with no services installed.

The responses, Cllr Moore felt, suggested many were against any use and he highlighted Heritage Lottery funding for cemeteries and gardens with applications opening on 25th November. He advised that he believed that due to burials/cremation ashes having been laid within the last 50 years that any building works proposed would need legal or ecclesiastical advice due to the consecrated land. It was advised that the mortuary however was not consecrated as it was provided to be used by those going into unconsecrated sites. Cllr Hainey saw no point in spending public money repairing a building and getting no return for the town. He suggested either improve it and use it as a community or office space as community use was not necessarily a commercial venture. Cllr Hatch suggested a storage facility and nothing else as respect was needed for the people buried there.

Cllr Fice suggested that the group were not as split as they felt. He however felt the suggestion of various organisations that might use such space were not necessarily correct as he was not aware of people queuing to use the space. His opinion was that there would be no return if the building were developed with services and offered for rent. As a council office/meeting room there were those who had been on the council previously and for some time who were against this and if the Hockey Club building was transferred to town council this would make a much better council office location and community space. It was felt the building should not be demolished as it had historical value. Funds should be spent to repair and make the building watertight and left as is with no services installed as there was not much parking and it was located in a very dark area so people walking there by evening to use it would not be viable. Cllr Lafferty-Holt additionally thought that there could be reason for considering using the building for young people, choirs etc. The cost to provide water and electricity, with no drainage at present would mean installing such would probably be more than the building work. Cllr Hainey suggested that the return financially was not necessarily a consideration against the community benefit for an additional space for groups. Cllr Miss Ward said that Cllr Moore had mentioned a grant to refurbish and as this was sacred ground this should be pursued and leaves the Rugby Club and Young Salcombe Centre outlets to support the community with this building as storage or something quiet. Cllr Mrs Sinnott agreed that it should not be used for commercial as it had no parking, was dark and should be left as a resting place.

It was AGREED that quotes would be sought for reparation of the mortuary building together with the surrounding cemetery perimeter walls and quotes for installation of electricity along with looking at grants and then return to town council with a list for consideration on which elements would be followed. It was requested that South Hams District Council be approached to resurrect discussions with regard to the Berry and the Hockey building now vacant.


It was AGREED that the working party to comprise of the Mayor, Cllrs Fice, Mrs Bricknell and Moore, review the update information received from District Council on the projects in the current plan and feedback to town council with a recommendation at a future meeting.


In the light of the second Governmental lockdown now in place it was AGREED to approve the draft town council newsletter and its circulation would be as before being emailed to community groups and social media including the Gazette together with being placed on noticeboards.


The Mayor noted that the reduced Covid Remembrance Sunday small service at the memorial went off well and only a handful of spectators happened to be around. This was then livestreamed although some complained they were unable to find this link.

• Cllr Mrs Sinnott – At North Sands there was an enormous pothole at the end of Beadon Road near to the public toilets. The Tides Reach had been monitored on their deliveries and cement lorries for such highway damage and it was felt that this problem had been noted as a repair required when finished. In the meantime Cllr Mrs Sinnott was afraid that someone could hurt themselves due to the size of the pothole.
• Cllr Moore – Noted that there were houses nearby to him that were now occupied which were not normal residences and due to the concern that people coming to the area would mean that hospital beds would be reduced he would check his facts and then report such to the police
• Cllr Payne – As Covid was now within the town and some had tested positive he questioned whether this should be notified to residents. It was noted that town council did not want to scare people but perhaps a low key sentence could be included in the newsletter make people in the community more aware to be vigilant.
• Cllr Fice – The cases of Covid were common knowledge around town and 90% of people knew who were isolating and to name and shame would be wrong. He noted at the Remembrance Service that when the cannon sounded there was a bugler playing somewhere and wished to know who it was because it would be great to have this person attend the following year. The person was known to live in Coronation Road and had attended South Pool the previous year but could be approached.
• Cllr Hainey – Noted at Kingsale Road junction of Fortescue Road the dragons teeth had been snapped to ground level. He highlighted Newton Road wall and was very concerned as it was deteriorating. Cllr Fice noted that the house was as in a bad a state as the wall. Pete Robinson reported this issue and had contacted District Council again. Previously it was with Building Control as Devon County highways did not think it was an issue as it was not a roadside structure, all were aware. Sundowners had builders in but it was the lower property where nothing had been done but it was correctly reported with Building Control dealing. Cllr Hainey continued that at Plantation Wood on the footpath the wire fence was down which was dangerous for walkers.
• Cllr Ward – Advised that she was now receiving all council emails.

• The Christmas Lights Committee had advised that their intention was to put the lights up but they felt they could not ask for contributions in the usual way. Therefore they were planning a very low key flyer to advise of this and request donations so if the town council were able to assist it would be left to them to contribute.
• The office Brother photocopier currently held by Pete Robinson had stopped working. The larger Kyocera in the office was no longer able to be repaired due to the components no longer being made so quotes for a replacement would be sought.
• Devon County had reopened their Covid 19 Fund, 9th November to 2nd December, to assist organisations working with the community to support them during this pandemic. Grants would be allocated between £300 to £700 but in exceptional cases could be up to £1000.
• Co-op Community Fund Programme has funding of £1000 to £3000 available to eligible groups with a focus on foodbanks and provision of emergency meals for people affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Priority would be given to rural, volunteer led groups with applications by 13th November.
• Mike Stickland on behalf of Kingsbridge Foodbank had written to surrounding parish councils requesting that they each apply for £1500 from the Western Power Distribution Fund by Sunday 15th November and pass such grant obtained on to the Kingsbridge Foodbank to assist their £20,000 per month outgoings. An email had been sent asking for an outline of the number of households in Salcombe assisted. It was felt that Salcombe were already well covered at the Co-op gave all their unsold perishable produce at the end of the day to the church who handed this out to those in need.
• A letter dated 29th October had been delivered to the Cliff House office from Salcombe Maritime Museum. This letter listed items held in the museum that they wished to know whether they could continue to display either on loan or gifted to the museum. This would be placed on the next agenda for consideration and the letter circulated with details.
• Devon Home Choice was seeking consultation on proposed changes to their Policy, to be effective by 1st April 2021, and this would be placed on the next agenda.
• Parish Paths Partnership annual forms for completion by February 2021 had been received.
• As the Covid Temporary Traffic Regulation Order signs had all been taken down, allowing enforcement previous rules to come into effect, but the Order continued with no changes it had been agreed with the officer that with further discussion next year this Order and signs could be reinstated without reapplying.
• The fence at Bonfire Hill Cemetery had again been raised by the correspondent from last year that wished the fence reinstated but town council felt the hedge would suffice. However on checking the issues raised again this year it was noted that the section that was now stand alone was leaning and should be removed. Also there were five fence posts from the entrance that required replacement and maintenance. Within the Park and Ride the fence adjacent to the noticeboard also required replacement/maintenance. One metal post around Jubilee Play Area also required reaffixing and could be included within any fencing works carried out. Quotes would be obtained for reinstatement/repair of the cemetery section of fence, Park and Ride and Play Area fixing along with some additional hedge planting. The outer gate to the cemetery was not required and would just be removed.
• Communication with the Handyman had not resulted in jobs being looked at or quotes received and therefore different contractors needed to be approached in future.
• Devon Tree Services had not returned to clear the works around Redfern Health Centre. Also no date of when the Tree Surveys would be carried out had been furnished. Pete advised they had advised they would be there next week to complete the works.
• The contractors from District Council had commenced the clearance works at Primrose Field and a plan for the Woodland Trust tree packs was required and the second pack was to arrive this week.
• Dan Field had advised that District Council’s application to the European Fund for the Commercial Units and Harbour Depot had failed at the last hurdle. As all the work in plan preparation had been put into these proposals and the Harbour would pay for their depot they wished to continue. No price for build had been obtained by going out to tender so it was District Council’s intention to do so on the commercial units and depot in the next four weeks to ascertain what the end cost would be. They would then have a contractor on board by March 2021 for works to commence September/October. In order to put the tender documents out they needed to advise the contractor what restrictions they would be working with. The Harbour Office wanted to keep boat parking in that area so that those users who currently used it did not find alternative space and not return. To accommodate this they would park the boats on a first in last out scenario rather than access for all at any time but this would mean that the parking spaces would not be available. The proposal for the completed development did seek to find 20 spaces used by the building when completed by realigning the car park entrance and setting out the parking differently. However to provide parking for the current permit holders District did not want them just moving to Shadycombe so the three options were – A – no cars parking during winter, B – permit holders directed to the park and ride or C – permit holders directed to the park and ride and consideration be given to District providing bus travel for October and February half term. These were all unknowns without a contractor having been found to consider options and funding to go ahead but the final outcome would be a discussion when all the factors were known. Dan wanted everyone to know that this would be in the tender documents rather than find out later. A question as to why the Shadycombe car park extension could not be implemented first was put with the response that the extension proposal arrived too late in the process and was now low down on the priority list and these projects had to be implemented first.
• Avian Flu had been reported as close as an outbreak within the black swans in Dawlish and any dead birds seen should be reported to DEFRA. Owners of birds locally were being advised to self-register for updates and take precautions to keep wild birds separated.


Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £465,137.55
Receipts: Nil

APPROVED Internet payments to:
Royal British Legion – Remembrance Wreath £20.00
Spar Shop – Office mobile upload £10.00
Totnes Fire Protection & Signs Ltd – Allotment dogs on leads sign £22.56


The next Town Council Meeting would be held at 6.30p.m. on Wednesday 25th November.

……………………………………………….. 25th November 2020.
Town Mayor Meeting ended: 20.30 p.m.

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