Minutes of the online meeting of SALCOMBE TOWN COUNCIL On Wednesday 10th June 2020
* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr T. Lang A
Cllr R. Moore *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr M. Long (also District Councillor) *
Cllr I. Hatch *
Cllr A. Hainey *
Cllr M. Payne *
Cllr Miss D. Ward *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr Mrs J. Pearce *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
Tom Ladds Kingsbridge Gazette A
WPC Jo Pengilly A
Welcomed members of the public to Zoom meeting and councillors as been a long time.
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Ongoing advice was that Cllr Long would not take part in planning decisions due to him being on the District Development Management Committee.
Freya Pearce South Sands Hotel requested their team member join. Charlotte Grice of Coastal Living Property Management also asked if she could attend as did Kate Allen of Salcombe Finest (Holidays). Liz Matthews and Phil Lafferty-Holt attended but declined to speak as only wished to listen to discussion.
Update from Salcombe Community Land Trust. Nikki Turton explained that she and Caroline Bricknell were taking off their Councillor hats for a minute and putting on their Salcombe Community Land Trust ones because they had an update for Town Council and the wider community. After a positive response to their ‘Call for Land’ after the first public meeting way back in July 2019, they were pleased to be able to announce that a possible site had been identified for the first social housing project. Due to this they had succeeded in drawing down the second tranche of Grant from the Community Housing Fund, Homes England. As a result, the relevant professionals were instructed and they had now completed their reports for a feasibility study, which meant that they were only weeks away from submitting a pre-planning application. The CLT were going into partnership with south west based Aster Housing Association, who would develop the dwellings alongside Salcombe CLT and their chosen architect, Bailey Partnership. Aster would also manage and maintain the properties from their Plymouth office. The site was a field owned by the Weymouth family, located at the top of the road leading down to Batson, opposite the Bloor Homes development. The architect was putting together plans for 20 or 22 properties consisting of a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom houses and flats, all with their own parking and amenity space. This number of properties would not fulfil the Salcombe housing need by any means, but it would be an extremely positive start. This update would be going on their website and would be sent to their Members the following day, with posters also going up around town to inform as many people as possible because they were not allowed to hold a public meeting at the moment due to the Coronavirus rules.
Babs Allen Salcombe Finest joined the online meeting at this point and was invited to speak but wished to listen to discussion.
Cllr Hainey congratulated Nikki and Caroline for all they had done and wished them well and Cllr Moore echoed this statement and hoped good practice would be followed making this a great development.
District and County Councillor Reports
Cty Cllr Gilbert was present but had emailed to advise that Devon County had been made a Beacon council for Covid Services, being one of only eleven counties in the country designated as such. He acknowledged the problem for Salcombe with regard to pedestrians along Fore Street but highlighted various information advised of funding assistance for this. His feeling was there was not much that could be done. Recycling Centres were now fully open with some delays at peak times. The Government had allocated Devon £27M funding to help improve the highway network on top of the £50M Devon County had budgeted for this year. Highway defects were below one thousand now which he noted was the lowest for a long time and helped by the recent dry weather and less traffic. Devon’s economy had been hit hard by the pandemic as things were not good before, with Flybe and Appledore going to the wall. All this economic consideration came under his Cabinet portfolio and was keeping him fully occupied.
With events focusing on recovery and moving into the peak season he hoped Salcombe had a peaceful and reasonable summer. He advised that several announcements were to be made imminently by the Government on recovery with the first expected on June 15th with others to follow. Much of this would affect Salcombe and his other parishes.
Cty Cllr Gilbert added to his above report that 91% primary schools in Devon were open and functioning and had a take up at absolute maximum. He noted the Clerk included reference in her report to the updated bus services. Social distancing was to be discussed but he noted that Adam Keay had put an entry in for future Government funding with some suggestions of what could be done, but currently there was not a lot of money.
Cllr Miss Ward noted that schools were open but only year 1 pupils were attending. Cllr Gilbert acknowledged he was not aware of actual intake criteria and it was believed that no other age group children would be going back until after September. He continued to explain that the children of vital workers take spaces as the got priority and this meant that if someone turned up with a child the vital worker one should be taken even if this meant another child had to be sent home. Senior officers at County were pleased with how school returns were going.
Cllr Fice had noted that morning the bins were removed due to access concerns to the Open Reach boxes. This highlighted that on the door of the Open Reach box at the bottom of Market Street was a sign stating no parking, 24 hours access required. These boxes were next to time limited parking bays and were confusing. Cty Cllr Gilbert had noted the same issue in Malborough and these were brand new stickers so he would try to find something out about this. Cllr Fice noted that the town did not want to lose another parking space. Cllr Mrs Sinnott raised parking at the park and ride field as if there was no bus running many people might be parking there and using the pavement into town. There were deep furrows on the pavement which could be a major trip hazard. Cty Cllr Gilbert would raise this issue and see about pavement repairs. Cllr Long had spoken to an Open Reach technician who advised if the box was sitting back and the pavement distance allowed opening this was fine but the sign was due to a concern if someone parked up on the pavement and blocked access. Open Reach said it did not relate to parking on the highway but on pavements, but Cty Cllr Gilbert agreed this was not clear on the notice.
Cty Cllr Gilbert left the meeting.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce apologised for not having time to do a written report. At District they were working on the discretionary grant fund and there were a number of applications from Salcombe and most look good and would be paid by the end of the week. Other applications might need a bit more information before payment.
At District no-one had been there since lockdown but they had now got back onto a normal schedule of meetings. Current there had been no Development Management as it had not been needed as there was a broad scheme of delegation and no applications required committee. District was now looking at a recovery and renewal plan which would alter the council strategy and overview and scrutiny were looking at it and it would be going to Executive the following week. There would be online meetings over summer to get something worked out by September. They were also looking at businesses and how they could open up but had decided to leave this to the town as this would be mainly between towns and highways. This was the grant of £2500 to town council but District was there for consultation with Environmental Health, licensing etc. Salcombe beaches had not been bad compared to others around the District but she was not sure about litter. Over the weekend at North Sands the car park did not appear to be full whereas they were at Bigbury and Slapton Sands. District had felt it was sensible to open those car parks to access the beaches so that vehicles were not left outside local residents’ entrance gates. District was now looking at all land around the towns to see where there would possibly be some outside seating space. Guy Pedrick, Dist Cllr Long and herself had identified places which included Whitestrand but might mean the car park would go. This would require at least one space on the road opposite Boots to be disabled parking. District would welcome town council thoughts on this plan. If this was acceptable they might be able to achieve this by 1st – 4th July. Noting the movement of the bin on the corner of Market Street she had asked if anyone knew whether the first cabinet was still in use and the second additional as this had disturbed a good site for bins. Cllr Long advised he had asked waste management to go back to Open Reach and check whether the original cabinet was redundant so that could be removed and the bins replaced. There were no further questions raised.
Cllr Lang joined the meeting.
Dist Cllr Long had already mentioned the waste bins and Open Reach box. He felt a similar bin as the larger one in Whitestrand should be installed at Market Street to take more waste and was better for no gulls. He was pressing for Gould Road and South Sands toilets to be open the following week. Cleaning procedures took a lot longer than previously due to Covid so they had to work out the timing of operatives getting around. Now before cleaning they had to make sure nobody was inside and shut the doors for 15 mins for the air to drop before going in and cleaning. Cleaning standards over last week had been very good and he hoped this would be kept up when the town was busy. Discretionary grants first tranche had been applied for and there had been an amazing amount of support requested by businesses so he was pleased to see those on the list that came in who had missed out on previous grants. North Sands, Hangar Marsh bird hide had been vandalised along with graffiti so the door had been screwed shut along with the shutters a view that maintenance could in time be carried out to restore it. A large rock was thrown up onto and through the roofing that was only redone the previous year. Burn marks and drug taking were found but this had been cleared and there were posters to explain the closure. This had been reported to the police for the area database as it might be the same people who had vandalised around town.
On planning Westcombe, Lower Batson he had questioned the Construction Management Plan as not being good enough. Cllr Mrs Sinnott asked when childrens’ play areas might be open and was advised when Government announced reopening they could be used. Cllr Hainey asked whether the extra toilets cleaning would cost more or covered elsewhere. Currently it was covered as a Government requirement but timing would take longer due to the length of time needed to clean.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 8th April 2020 and delegated responses and decisions notes dated 23rd April, 14th May and 27th May were approved to be duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
The applications below were considered by councillors and the following response submitted to District Planning by the Town Clerk under delegated authority:
- 0764/20/FUL Roof extension to create additional bedrooms 7 Grafton Towers, Moult Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LG – Response 3rd July. Objection as materials to be used in the extension had not been disclosed.
- 1350/20/HHO Householder application for alterations to dwelling including provision of first floor WC Sea Breeze, Herbert Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HN – Response 26th June – No comment.
- 1355/20/FUL Construction of fuel store compound Tides Reach Hotel, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LJ – Response 26th June – No comment.
- 1417/20/FUL Construction of two storey extension to existing dairy including removal and replacement of mature tree Salcombe Dairy Ltd, Shadycombe Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8DX – Response 10th July – Support this being a vital business to the town and located within the area defined in JLP policy TTV 29.20 which was endorsed by Salcombe NDP. There should be a condition that the replacement tree should be a well-established tree and not just a sapling.
- 1507/20/FUL Construction of new two storey property Rock Point, Knowle Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8EQ – Response 10th July – Objection new French doors caused overlooking and Town Council required a Section 106 agreement re Principal Residence per Salcombe NDP H3.
- 1528/20 Wescombe. Objection to an application for removal of a condition. The Construction Management Plan proposed having a large industrial skip on the coach parking site next to the Creek car park, although there are no coaches at present this could become a problem later. There was also a problem that heavy dumper trucks would be using the road between Lower Batson and the coach park on a regular basis, this was a road that already had significant indications of subsidence as it was on reclaimed land.
- It was noted that Town Council were looking at and deciding on online planning applications much quicker that previously so comments from members of the public might not have been received. It was decided that applications should be left before deciding upon and responding to give members of the public time.
5. COVID 19
It was advised that South Hams District Council had requested a small article from Salcombe and put together a four page spread for the local Gazettes. Salcombe Town Council had received a grant from District of £2500 towards measures for reopening the town high street.
(a) Town council discussed what actions might be possible to implement or request to assist with social distancing on highways in town There was a concern that anything implemented that was not enforceable by the police was a waste of time. However the Mayor highlighted that signs were to remind people to use common sense when moving around where other people were. Another councillor believed that social distancing was enforceable by the police but whether people heeded the advice was the dilemma.
Two A frames were suggested for either side of the pavement on entering Fore Street from Market Street to highlight pedestrian priority. Social distancing was currently not happening on Victoria and Customs Quay as people blocked the access to push through and this should be highlighted to District Council as it was land in their ownership. Additional signage for pedestrian priority plus a number of signs reminding about social distancing should be provided so it was clear to visitors. Signs could be placed along Island Street and Fore Street advising users to keep to the left hand side, these could be markers on the road to keep to the left. Due to the problem on Victoria Quay it was suggested that a No Entry sign be placed on Island Street end with a diversion up Buckley Street as when businesses reopened on Island Street it would get a lot busier. It was noted that the footpath on Victoria Quay was an acceptable width but the problem was those crabbing and swimming did not move out the way. Customs Quay was privately owned so it was felt there nothing that could be installed there. Whilst compliance was peoples personal decision town council must implement strategies to protect and keep people safe to assist the businesses trying to open safely. Business A boards needed to be removed to make pedestrian passing easier and safer with no obstacles.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce advised that there was thinking at District that Whitestrand Car Park could be closed to vehicles to allow the parking space areas to be used for additional seating to help the food outlets. Although there would be lost income on the car park it was much more important to get the local area back on its economic feet so that was a priority over District Council finances. Such a move would take pressure off pontoons access as well.
This was welcomed but there was a concern that more seating on Whitestrand and allowing customers of local businesses to take food there to eat would create a problem as to which business would be responsible for clearing up. It was advised that the previous weekend every single bin in town was overflowing from takeaway wrappings. These bins were emptied every day but were filling up much quicker to overflowing. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce said it would be the responsibility of the businesses to clear up so this would be a condition of usage of the area through a licence which could be withdrawn at 24 hours’ notice.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce and Cllr Long left the meeting.
Large banners should be placed at the entrance to and halfway along Fore Street by Whitestrand even if a scaffold tower was used. It should not just be distancing and advisory signs but Welcome Back, Please Protect Our Town by Observing Distancing as well. Another sign should be placed opposite the Petrol Station.
If Whitestrand car park shut pedestrianisation could be considered. If the parking spaces opposite Boots became disabled only and with nowhere for cars to park only access for deliveries or properties would be required. The railings in Market Street could be used for a sign stating no parking available in Fore Street other than disabled. Volunteers continuing to pick up prescriptions would assist the need for people not to drive along Fore Street and it was noted that a sign at Shadycombe Car Park turn off to state Whitestrand closed would divert traffic there before they went down to Market Street. With holiday home cleaners, tradesmen with vans and trucks needing to deliver through Fore Street a balance of who to allow access to for work purposes was needed. It was suggested that leaflets or an electronic template be provided to holiday home agencies to advise everyone of what was being implemented and ask holiday properties/agents to ensure everyone was aware of this and complied.
Pedestrianisation – Barriers for a full road closure would need to be manned by someone with Chapter 8 training. With Whitestrand car park closing this did free up traffic needing to go along Fore Street as they had nowhere to go. A 11am-3pm closure could be confusing and having to decide about allowing disabled, property owners and delivery vehicles through such a closure was not favoured. Just a sign saying road temporarily closed due to Covid 19 Access Only or Car Park Closed Access Only with a sign at the junction of Onslow and Main Road to encourage motorists to think about where to park would prepare them. Market Street could be used for disabled only. With regard to the parking spaces outside the bakers and butchers these should be delivery only to assist people queuing for these shops in a narrow area and allow space for deliveries.
Town Council was to request that the District licence for hair braiders to work at Whitestrand be revoked for this year.
It was advised that Adam Keay, Highways officer, had added a proposal for pedestrianisation of Fore Street into the Register of future COVID Funding Schemes as the current funding did not cover for this. There may be further funding in the future so this was just registering interest but it was noted that it needed town consultation.
(b) much discussion took place on whether town council wished Tally Ho to reinstate the park and ride bus provision but on a vote nobody felt this could be reintroduced due to the Government rules on social distancing. A sign would be created for the car park apologising and explaining.
(c) any further proposals from councillors for actions, assistance or information that may be required by town council highlighted that Devon Road had beautiful outlook across to Millbay but the two public benches were in need of replacing. Town Council funds could cover this and ones such as those on Victoria Quay made of recycled plastic were suggested. The hand rail along Devon Road was broken and desperately needed repairing. On the matter of car parking charges District had recently not charged for usage. A concern was that currently users would have to feed the park meter every day as District did not have the option to pay for a week. This would encourage users to go back every day and touch the machine. As mobile phone signal was not good and by the time the system reminds users to renew their ticket it had often run out and there were fined. Town Council would ask District to change this to provide for 7 days as it was not the provider but District.
It was good to see the District public conveniences were opening up slowly now as each was deep cleaned.
As to whether town council should or could provide sanitiser points it was felt that these could be abused or vandalised. Provision should be by the businesses inside their front door to protect their staff as well as users.
The Information Centre had been advised by holiday rental outlets that from 4th July all businesses were full to capacity so the town would get very busy. If for any reason travel regulations were not lifted the companies said they would just refund so all were prepared that visitors would all come. It was felt that the police needed to be seen in the town by parking outside the ice cream shop and walking through the town. Town Council felt they must support the businesses as if they did not open up soon they would endure something akin to three consecutive winters. On the other side from 4th July it was acknowledged that all older residents would be on further lockdown with so many people coming down. These people would need more support once town was opened up so volunteers would still be required.
Due to the need to obtain signs and/or banners quickly it was acknowledged that there would not be time to get three competitive tenders and so with reasonable price from someone who could provide quickly they would be used.
A suggestion from a business had been for shops to have earlier and later trading hours to spread customers out through the day but it was not felt that the shops in town would do this as when approached historically they had not opened in the evening for Regatta, Christmas opening etc. Many shops were using order and pick up systems already. It was advised that letting agents and housekeeping businesses needed to have longer change overs as properties must be vacant for 24 hours between guests but that would be down to their health and safety.
The East Portlemouth Ferry was running with 4 passengers on each ferry unless all were from one family (i.e. 6). Use of the Ferry Steps would be their responsibility for social distancing. The South Sands Ferry had been seen out on the water this week, perhaps just a trial and getting ready. Social distancing for users would have to be worked out with harbour authority. As to crabbing continuing from the quay it was down to individual people and town council could not do anything or stop it. .
It was suggest that monitoring of Fore Street was done so that if social distancing could not be maintained due to the amount of people the police must be advised and it was down to them to do something. It was felt that town council needed to make a firm point that they were extremely disappointed and upset that the police did not attend this online meeting and in way that the town had not been policed. It was noted that the police said they had been busy and fined the maximum £3200 many times in Salcombe. On this point it was asked where this money had gone. It was suggested that the Rugby club could be approached the loan of their line marker for installing a line down middle of Fore Street.
In the light of Government phased lifting of the lockdown it was AGREED as follows;
- To discuss with County highways and highlight pedestrian priority and, if possible, pull the start back further up Market Street to the Church.
- To discuss with County highways and divert pedestrians at the end of Island Street up and along Buckley Street with a one way back along the quay
- With Whitestrand car park closed to parking to request to make Fore Street and Union Street sign Car Park Closed – Access only
- Signs required – Pedestrian Priority,
Observe Social Distancing wording,
Keep Left when walking,
For top of town Main Road – Whitestrand Car Park Closed please use Park and Ride and Shadycombe and Creek Car Parks,
If the bins are full please take your litter home??, - Banners – Welcome Back, Please Protect Our Town by Observing Distancing,
Apologies but due to the Government rules on social distancing no bus is running from here.
For the railings in Market Street – No parking in Fore Street, disabled access only. - No park and ride bus would be provided this year and a sign created to apologise and explain.
It was AGREED to respond to this consultation, which specifically covered Courtenay Park, with the following comments by 31st July. Dogs should be on a lead in Courtenay Park and further stated that there should be no dogs in all play parks across Salcombe. The proposal to change access at South Sands Beach was not supported as there was plenty of space on North Sands. Therefore there should be no change to current ban times on South Sands.
Babs Allen left the meeting.
DEFERRED as internal audit paperwork only just received.
DEFERRED as internal audit paperwork only just received.
It was AGREED to DEFER this matter pending questions regarding the break clause.
They Mayor advised that since the last online Zoom Council Meeting on the 8th April, she had been kept busy dealing with emails and telephone calls from residents, second home owners, worried family members who live away from their Salcombe-resident relative, and businesses, all with a wide range of issues, not all of which were Coronavirus related. They were all reassured and had their individual concerns dealt with appropriately, always being guided by the Government rules at those specific times.
She was invited to attend the School of Communication Arts final year students’ online Zoom presentations on the 29th May. This was based around promoting a seaside resort of their choosing as they came out of lockdown, and Salcombe was chosen by two students for their project. The Mayor had just been sent the recording of all the students’ presentations, which she would send on to the Information Centre as it was an interesting and enjoyable event, and could even be of future use.
On Friday 5th June the Clerk and Mayor attended an online Zoom meeting for the Towns hosted by Steve Mullineaux of SHDC to discuss an upcoming article for the Gazette that they were putting together for this week’s edition. The deadline was extremely tight, Monday at 5pm, which was why town councillors were asked for input ahead of tonight’s meeting. Steve also confirmed that Salcombe had been given £2,500 to spend on measures to help us as Salcombe welcomed visitors back with the easing of Coronavirus restrictions.
- Cllr Mrs Sinnott – If Government advice mean that Salcombe town would reopen 4th July it was looking shabby, some weeds had been sprayed and some not, some areas swept some not. The electric sweeper operator was doing a good job but this was not enough to get the area up and ready. With regard to vegetation highway verges had been cut between Salcombe and Kingsbridge but in town Shaws Corner was extremely overgrown and a nightmare to walk along. At Main Road before Beadon Cross the hedgerows were coming out across the road. The Clerk noted that the Salcombe to Kingsbridge verges would have been County whilst in town was District. These points would be raised.
- Cllr Miss Ward – Noted further that there was bird mess everywhere on all shop fronts and was hoping that window cleaners would be returning to deal with this before people arrived. Trees had been cut down at St. Dunstans Road but the foliage left on the land of the flats on the corner in the car park. All was now left to rot and die and she felt should be moved. Cllr Hainey advised that the owners had asked the contractor to take the hedge down and put the cutting in their private space for future use in their log burner. Cllr Mrs Sinnott also noted she had spoken to the contractor about his trees and his response was that he was permitted to leave it there as he could not take it to the tip as his truck was not permitted to unload during the current Covid restrictions. Cllr Miss Ward continued that currently vandalism was being carried out and it was getting to the stage that it was worrying as it was starting to cost the town council money. It was a few youngsters causing problems. The Mayor noted that this matter was on the police radar but they needed factual evidence. Other felt a higher police presence was required.
- Cllr Hainey – Raised concern at what he saw as complete disregard to the town council by not attending meetings and that the police were not giving Salcombe enough consideration.
- Cllr Fice – Noted the amount of rubbish amassed from takeaways with only the chip shop and Flints operational. The previous weekend the bins were emptied early Sunday morning and come mid-afternoon they were overflowing and 95% of the rubbish was pizza or chip paper. Seagulls were now coming back in to town due to the overflowing bins. Compactor bins were needed or premises needed to generate less rubbish. If District were opening Whitestrand up to tables and then the pizza or chip shop supplying visitors the adjacent premises were not going to clear other outlets rubbish.
- Cllr Moore – Felt town council needed to pressure the police to do more.
- The tree required under the TPO works for Bonaventure Wood had been received and put in place by Pete Robinson and Cllr Long. Pete was continuing to water these young trees.
- A response to the invoice for payment towards the public conveniences had been sent and a draft agreement was awaited from District. No terms had been discussed during the Covid lockdown.
- Two incidents with regard to the boundary between the properties at Salcombe Heights and the allotments had been dealt by Cllrs Turton and Long attending and discussing the issues with the residents.
- Zoom meeting last Friday with District advised that £2500 would be provided to Salcombe and Modbury with the other larger towns receiving £5000 each to assist in reopening high streets. District was to create further signage for their car parks and toilets but wished towns to create their own. District notes later advised that they would ascertain what the funding could be spent on.
- District had advised that they moved the two bins from Market Street due to Open Reach not being able to access their box. One bin had been placed on the edge of the pavement and town council were asked for an alternative location for the other bin. Town Council did not agree with a bin being placed on the edge of the pavement in this location. Discussion took place for resiting of the other bin which was decided should be by Chattels for now. The one currently on the corner should be moved to Whitestrand at the opening of the car park to assist with the District allowing table and chairs for increased takeaway use this year.
- Chris Rook of Devon County advised that parking enforcement officers would be restarting visiting towns and asked whether the park and ride car park should be included again.
- Update email from Devon County with regard to changes which mean that the bus service in the area would revert to normal from 15th June was received. This also included a poster of what would be displayed at each bus stop advising of the precautions travellers must take.
- District had advised that the maintenance contractors FCC were holding a competition for children to either colour in a downloaded sunflower or draw their own. These can be in their recycling container for the next collection and the bin crew would leave a packet of seeds for them to grow. Then the winner of the competition would be the one who could grow the tallest sunflower.
- The grass cutting contract was held by District who had pulled staff to assist with the Covid requirements. The team also had two vacancies and early on were not allowed to travel with two in a van. Works had recommenced in the last few weeks but District was still only providing a reduced service to that of the contract.
- Email received this day from Dale Cropper at the request of Dist Cllr Baldry regarding whether the correct level of service was being received from the Grounds Maintenance Team. It was not clear if this approach had been made with regard to the Contract or District land work. There had not been a full service for March and April and therefore town council should not pay one month. With operatives having reduced days and teams, being sent away to other areas and the general town maintenance had not been as regular as it might have been.
- Cutting of footpaths by County contractors had commenced but with the lockdown and safe working requirements it was taking longer to get around the parishes. The P3 scheme coordinator had requested that should any area wish to do some work themselves that they must contact County to ensure that they were aware, any sensitivities regarding users and landowners were acknowledged and that safe working practices were being used.
- An email from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner outlining the Councillor Advocate Scheme had been forwarded to all councillors for consideration.
Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £440,221.26
Receipts: SHDC – Reopening High Streets funding £2500.00
APPROVED Internet payments to:
Parcel2Go – Audit papers £5.87
Hawthorns Accounting Services Ltd – April – June and Audit £280.50
Amazon – Photocopier Ink £54.93
The next Town Council Meeting would be held online on Wednesday 24th June.
……………………………………………….. 24th June 2020.
Town Mayor
Meeting ended 21.30.