Members of the public please note District Planning have made the following applications available online at Due to the Covid Virus restricting meetings Town Council will make comments, via delegated authority to the Town Clerk, following consideration and email input from Town Councillors. If anyone wants to comment stating objections or support for these applications and wishes Town Council to take these comments into consideration please could these be made available for the Town Council by email, as above, or dropping a letter into Mayor Nikki Turton at Puffins, 6 Knowle Road, Salcombe before 12 noon on Wednesday 27th May. These will then be taken into consideration before Town Council makes a recommendation direct to the District Planning portal. Should anyone however need to speak to an application they should advise Town Council, in due time, and a Zoom meeting can be set up or an alternative arrangement made to suit parties.

Councillors to consider the following applications and send observations to the District as Planning Authority:

  • 0642/20/HHO Householder application for two storey extension to existing dwelling and external associated decking (resubmission of 2602/18/HHO) 2 Walton Leigh, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HQ – Response 19th |June
  • 1200/20/HHO Householder application for formation of new balcony off first floor master bedroom, over part of existing rear courtyard, Poll Cottage, Robinsons Row, Salcombe, TQ8 8EU – Response 26th June
  • 1201/20/LBC Listed Building Consent for formation of new balcony off first floor master bedroom, over part of existing rear courtyard, Poll Cottage, Robinsons Row, Salcombe, TQ8 8EU – Response 26th June
  • 1225/20/HHO Householder application for proposed construction of new bedroom/sitting room on existing terrace, and creation of replacement, recessed terrace within existing roofline, Mill Bay, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HJ – 12th June
  • 1254/20/FUL Application for alteration and extension to existing property, internal re-modelling, landscaping and a new outbuilding (resubmission of 1714/19/FUL) Burleigh, Coronation Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8EA – Response 12th June
  • 1278/20/HHO Householder application for proposed extension and renovation Towans, Grenville Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8BJ – Response 12th June

1334/20/TPO G1: Holm Oak x5 – re-pollard to 2-3m from ground level to reduce weight and risk of failure onto shed and damage to rock-face Rockside, Flat 3 Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JQ – Response 12th June.

………………………….. Dated 20th May 2020
Gill Claydon – Town Clerk

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