* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr R. Moore *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott A
Cllr G. Keeler A
Cllr M. Long (also District Councillor) *
Cllr I. Hatch *
Cllr A. Hainey *
Cllr M. Payne A
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr Mrs J. Pearce *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Long advised that he would not take part in planning decisions due to him being on the District Development Management Committee. Cllr Mrs Turton declared an interest in application 2931/19/FUL.
No members of the public being present this was dispensed with.
County and District Councillors Report
Cty Cllr Gilbert advised that he had found £28,000 to ensure repair of the Batson road and this would be done by Spring but dependent upon weather. On the enquiry regarding no enforcement in Salcombe he had been advised that on those days they had no officers available and therefore nothing was done. Regarding the Swimming Pool enquiry he was happy to meet with committee members on site to talk through any land encroachment and Cllr Mrs Turton would attend as she had been in attendance at a previous County meeting. On the FlyBe issue the Competition Commission were looking at a buyer and hoping for some flying slots to be provided out of Exeter.
Cranbrook town was expanding fast and expected to have 18000 residents by 2023 and County was currently putting in place community facilities such as doctors’ surgeries, youth services, a town council office and all would be under one roof. It was a mini Milton Keynes, and this was on top of between 6000 and 7000 houses to be completed around Exeter. Certainly, in another ten years there would be 10,000 more houses.
Cllr Fice enquired about the Parking Enforcement response to what had been very busy weekend, so he was concerned that there was nobody from enforcement going to the Park & Ride over that weekend, either. Cty Cllr Gilbert said the honest answer provided was that there was nobody around so Town Council should raise this matter by email with him expressing their concerns regarding the Park and Ride Enforcement within the contract.
Cty Cllr Gilbert left the meeting.
Dist Cllr Long thanked everybody who responded to attending planning sessions on 15th and 29th and if they had not done so yet please let him know but it looked like a full house both evenings.
The good news was that he, Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce and Cllr Fice had spoken at Development Management on the Sharpitor Cottage householder application which all felt was part retrospective. The committee had gone against the officer recommendation and the application was refused on the grounds of design, materials, amenity space and impact on the AONB. This was undeveloped coast and heritage coast so enforcement action would commence. He felt this was a good result. Cllr Hatch asked what enforcement action would be and was advised the applicant would be asked to take the structure down. It was hoped that this was another signal that development should not be carried out without planning permission. Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that District did not want to be seen to give green light to others on these sorts of matters which was why action would be taken.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce advised that there had been no Executive or Scrutiny Committee meetings since the last full council. District had commenced budget negotiations for next year and the situation changed from day to day. Government appeared to be carrying over arrangements as they were last year but there was trouble living year to year not knowing long term as this did not help financial planning. She noted that there was no cap on Parish and Town Council precepts, but the District limit might be 2% or £5 but it was reduced from the previous 3%. When there was a bus crash between Totnes and Paignton the previous weekend District Council was informed and ‘stood too’ to assist but the emergency services were amazing and took over. She referred to the Enforcement system and explained the new matrix.
The Mayor wished thanks given to the locality officer, Dan Taylor, as she had reported a strewn rubbish bag and within 36 hours it was all cleared up. She complimented the good relationship that Dan had with town council.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce left the meeting.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 25th September 2019 were approved and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
- 0964/19/HHO Householder application for conversion of loft space to living space and installation of rear facing dormer window 17 St Dunstans Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8AL – Response 25th October – No objection.
- 2711/19/HHO Householder application for small extension to existing loft conversion 9 Thorning Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8DW – Response 25th October – Objection as the new dormer would eliminate the effect of the hipped roof, impacting on the Conservation Area and would change the profile of the roofline impacting the street scene by removing the uniformity of the properties (numbers 8 & 9) and ruin the symmetry of the building. It was also unneighbourly, would cause a potential loss of light to 1 Island Terrace, and the design and materials were contrary to Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan policy B1.
Cllr Mrs Turton left the meeting. - 2931/19/FUL Erection of two storey rear extension for Upper and Lower Flats, Powderham Villa, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HQ – Response 8th November – No objection.
- 2933/19/HHO Householder application for new pedestrian access with gate, landing &steps down from road level Boathouse, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JQ – 25th October – No objection.
- 3017/19/VAR Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) following grant of planning consent 2704/16/FUL to include ramped access and additional refuse store Ridge House, Grenville Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8BJ – Response 8th November – No objection.
- 3035/19/FUL Subdivision of dwelling to form additional dwelling Beaufort, Beadon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JT – Response 13th November – Objection as the original planning permission on 41/2771/10 followed by 41/1923/13 had condition that the garage should remain available in perpetuity for the parking of motor vehicles to ensure off street parking facilities and remaining so available in the interests of highway safety. There would be three properties and five parking spaces for these properties, but they would need at least six.
- 2990/19/TPO T0038: Oak – Deadwood removal (exempt), crown height reduction by 2m, lateral reduction by 2m on North and West sides to rebalance crown after dead limb removal and reduce lean towards garden Salcombe Guide Hut, Allenhayes Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HT – Objection as it was felt that the crown height reduction was excessive and not needed as was the lateral reduction and the tree only needed removal of dead wood within. Lesser works for dead wood removal would suffice.
PLANNING CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing further received.
Dist Cllr Long left the meeting.
Previously there had been a contractor carrying works but over the last six months there had been no contact and no invoices received. The contractor was contacted for an update and this person was insistent there had been attendance but would waive all invoices.
It was AGREED to defer a decision for two months to ascertain whether there was still a vermin problem and to seek further quotes.
The Mayor advised she and the Clerk met with Dan and Sarah Moody on 26th September to update bin collection and general litter problems. The trial moving one bin from outside the Crew shop to Market Street had worked and there had been no further fly tipping. Some bins still required replacement flaps but the overall review on bins for Whitestrand regarding size, quantities and amount was yet to be finalised. There had been issues with cleanliness of connecting steps and alleys, but County had provided information to state these were to be included in the District sweeping and these were now being cleaned.
The Mayor wished to advise that she had accepted an invitation which included a free meal value of £50 at Salcombe Harbour Hotel who was promoting events for Christmas, so businesses and organisations were invited. In attendance had been a magician, photographer and disco provider also advertising.
On the 30th September she had been at the review on Courtney Park redevelopment and Wickstead were now finalising plans and works would be carried out. They would not be starting before Christmas but just after so the equipment would be in before Easter. She had then gone along to the Standards and Governance training at District Council on 3rd October. Most of the information imparted was common sense but it was also about public perception, what an ordinary man in the street might think on statements and actions of councillors. Salcombe Town Council had social media and Code of Conduct policies which the Mayor asked all councillors to please read and abide by. If in doubt don’t say it or do it, always declare if anything said is a personal opinion because others see you as a councillor. Town Council had a clerk and should run all things by the clerk to ensure she could protect them, and the media officer was the Mayor, so she urged councillors to refer things to them to check. The District presentation slides would be sent around. If any councillor had a disclosable pecuniary interest, they must leave the meeting room. If it is a personal interest a councillor should declare but could stay, debate and vote.
She had also attended the Development Management site meeting on Monday so was pleased with the decision success. On 8th October she attended Salcombe Information Committee meeting as a representative. However, she had not been sent the previous minutes so did not know of previous items which were to be raised so could not answer questions fully. The Salcombe Live Music started on the coming Friday with all events free to attend apart from the final church event which was tickets, she urged all councillors to please share this whole town event.
- Cllr Mrs Bricknell – A resident of Camperdown Road enquired about residents parking bays as they were upset they could not park when coming home as the road was full of holidaymakers’ cars. It was noted that this was discussed at the last meeting. Cllr Fice advised it would not help to change any parking priority as other road users were given permits anyway. Cllr Moore noted parking did improve when second homes owners and their off spring were not around. He wanted to look at parking studies done by universities and consider this matter. Revoking the down town permits would mean the problem would move back in. Cllr Hainey suggested that zoned parking appeared to work. Cllr Moore would raise this matter at the Highways Conference to obtain a County contact. Cllr Fice believed a look at the whole parking process for residents permits needed to be done as a driver had a resident permit for Salcombe and another for London in the windscreen. General discussion on this topic took place.
- Cllr Fice – Advised that for both planning applications considered by District the Neighbourhood Plan had played a part in getting these overturned.
- A report was provided by a resident who felt criminal damage had taken place to hedging adjoining their land on Onslow Road, adjacent to the public bench. This report went on to state that the land did not belong to the District or Town Council as much of the damaged hedge stood on land owned by the complainant. It was felt that the works were an attempt to influence the opinion of the visiting Inspector for a planning Appeal on the owners’ land and names provided of adjacent objectors who had also been informed of the Inspector’s intended visit. The vegetation in question sat on land from which it was claimed there was a view from a bench adjacent, but the complainant felt this had been independently judged to be nonexistent by the examiner of the Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan. It was requested that Salcombe Town Council confirm that they had not requested nor approved these works, not because the complainant felt that the council had done so, as a message to those who had carried out this action. Cllr Fice corrected that the Neighbourhood Plan had not removed the Onslow Road public view from the bench but included the whole road vista. There was concern at the new height of the fence, but it was felt not to be a planning breach as it was not adjacent to the road.
- A resident of Kingsbridge had highlighted the Devon County Councils current Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2026 and referred to page 87. He raised a concern that Kingsbridge was classed as a coastal town and Salcombe was not regarded as a town despite having one of the regions life boats. He suggested the two town councils should enlighten Devon County as to their errors in this Local Transport Plan strategy.
- Regarding the report that a vehicle was parked in Church Street over a whole weekend in residents’ spaces and then double yellow lines Cty Cllr Gilbert had sought a reply. Enforcement at County advised that upon checking the dates provided they did not have enough resource to visit Salcombe on these days. There was no Enforcement Officer in Salcombe on the weekend of 21st/22nd September, so no officer had ignored this parking. This was discussed within the County Councillor report.
- The location to carry out a SCARF had been raised with the Highway Officer and he had confirmed that it could be moved back towards the Mandalay corner and probably sited on a lamp post nearby. Yet he was unable to advise when such could be done but had been advised that it should be within a busy visitor period.
- The urban steps/footpaths had not been included within the District street sweeping as it was believed by District that these were town council owned. A formal response had been obtained from County along with HMPE maps which had now been furnished to District.
- On 3rd October, the Government issued a technical consultation on the Local Government Finance Settlement for 2020/21. Paragraphs 5.3.1 to 5.3.3 related to Town and Parish Councils and Government proposed to continue with no referendum principles for Town and Parish Councils in 2020-21. As this was a consultation and Government would make a final decision around December time District had alerted Parish Councils in case they wished to respond by 31st October 2019.
- Chris Brook had requested to attend a Salcombe Council meeting to update on Whitestrand and suggested early November but then changed this and had asked to attend the next meeting on 23rd October. The 23rd October would be confirmed with Chris Brook.
- A report had been received that a digger was carrying out works on land adjacent to Beadon Lane and a track had been installed along the side of a field. A request had been made for this to be checked.
- Devon County Road Closures had refused to issue a Road Closure for Remembrance Sunday as the Chapter 8 licences ran out at the end of September. Devon County had advised in October 2018 that their training provision was no longer available, and no further reports had been received. This had been questioned and they were now using CorServ, Notter Bridge. Contact had been made with Notter Bridge previously and all costings sought but there were no training openings until January 2020. However a date of 30th October could be provided but those needing to attend, Salcombe, Kingsbridge Town Councils and the Regatta/Crab Fest organisers and payment by Devon County for council representatives needed confirming. If training could not be arranged before Remembrance Sunday County were saying town needed to find someone else who was Chapter 8 trained.
- On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 District Council would be hosting the annual District and County budget meeting for towns and parishes to be held at Follaton House commencing 6.30 pm. This year the agenda would also include an item by Devon County on Climate Change Emergency Declarations. Cllr Moore wished to attend.
Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £382,716.13
Receipts: None
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments for September to:
Geoxphere Ltd (Parish Online) – Mapping subscription £60.00
Members of the public and press were excluded from this part of the meeting as the item under discussion contained information exempt under the LGA 1972, Schedule 12(a) Part 1, Section 1 and the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
A review of outstanding enforcement matters was carried out and consideration given so that input from town council could be given to District Enforcement as AGREED.
The next Town Council would be held on Wednesday 23rd October 2019 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 8.10p.m.
……………………………………………….. 23rd October 2019.
Town Mayor.