* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott A
Cllr K. Baker *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt *
Cllr M. Long *
Cllr Mrs Kemp *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
WPC Jo Pengilly A
PCSO P. O’Dwyer A
Kristen Bounds Kingsbridge Gazette *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.
Police Report
None received.
Geoffrey Woods from Sandhills Road was present wished highlight how planning application 3579/18/FUL flew in the face of a number of objectives within the Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan, whilst also praising those who had worked had to create the plan. If such an application was approved it would be the first construction of a new building for over 50 years on Moult Hill and North Sands valley. There had been extensions and infill but this was virgin green land designated as wildlife site in the Devon County records. He then outlined all the information surrounding this land as ancient semi natural woodland.
The title of the application stated the structure was for a garden store but he did not believe it was because it was a full sized double garage and the owners of this land had publicly stated to neighbours they intended to build a four bedroomed holiday home on this site. If approved by District this proposal would set a precedent for potential new applications in an area that had no newer housing than 1970.
Sara Lovick owned the Coach House just in front of the land in question and was available at the meeting to answer any questions on points already highlighted and forwarded in her objection. She noted that District had passed an application at Bridleway House, Salcombe even though Town Council objected and she feared this should not happen as she was aware of two other developers around who wanted to develop on Moult Hill and North Sands valley.
District and County Councilors’ Report.
Dist Cllr Wright did not have much to report. He did follow up on his question relating to the Batson Master Plan following the workshop as he and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce wanted to host a consultation in Salcombe perhaps in Cliff House. The format would be similar to the Whitestrand consultation when they both stood with boards illustrating ideas to take feedback. The Mayor noted receipt of Dist Cllr Wright’s email before Christmas wherein he proposed to hold a community Masterplan meeting on a Friday in what she felt was an inaccessible place. Cllr Long suggested that rather than pick one day have a number of different days at various locations and times (e.g. Cliff House, Beehives building or fire stations new meeting room – so they were down on the site and possibly the school). Whatever was decided should be publicised. Cllr Mrs Kemp advised that Thursday morning would be good for the bottom of town because the minibus dropped people on that day. Another suggestion was to run one event from midafternoon perhaps till 7p.m using a venue such as the school to allow those who work to attend. What must be clear was what the event was about as people needed to know what they were coming to discuss. Dist Cllr Wright said he would work with town council on the preparation for these events.
Dist Cllr Wright then asked about progress on Courtenay Park and it was advised that Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce had been working on this and he would be forwarded recent emails. He noted the business rate consultation response by Town Council and felt this was excellent.
Cllr Fice asked about missed waste collections as he recalled that if reported through the website it would be collected within 2 days. Dist Cllr Wright agreed this was his understanding. In Cllr Fice’s road one end was collected and the other was not and many residents had reported this, but the email sent out said the matter would be dealt with by 29th January. It had however been collected that day, but it was over a week. As a stock reply the District seemed to say aa response would be 3 – 4 weeks on most things but this was not a good message for such all matters when the need to email meant action was required sooner. Dist Cllr Wright would investigate this.
Noting the forthcoming introduction of paperless planning Cllr Fice highlighted that users could not download all the documents with one button. Blank pages were still being encountered along with errors reports and things within applications that changed from day to day. When the working group went out around the parish they could not take a computer and many areas did not have reception. Dist Cllr Wright acknowledged that a download all button was there for a short while, but the system did not work but he had been informed there was one that could be used now.
Dist Cllr Wright stated that at the moment the final decision to go paperless had not been made as this was part of the budget process. However, his attention was drawn to an email that had already been sent by officers advising that planning would be paperless from April 2019. A site visit was to take place at Captain Morgan’s café as this was District land and the application would go to Development Management Committee.
Cllr Lafferty-Holt enquired about the application for Captain Morgan’s as he was curious to know what the area was designated for use as outside the tender. Was it a free car park free, for permit holders or what? Dist Cllr Wright understood the confusion, but this had arisen at the landlord of the Kings Arms applied for permits to park contractors’ vehicles in the car park over the Christmas period. District Councillors were opposed this to due to the siting of the Christmas tree so they refused but said if the contractors were allowed to use the Captain Morgan area for a fee that could be used to offset the cost for new poles. Any vehicles without such permits could not be parked there.
Cllr Long noted dog notices which had appeared across Salcombe on lamp posts, at The Berry, on dragons’ teeth etc giving the appearance that dogs should be kept on leads. When trying to ascertain public spaces and the Protection Act criteria for Salcombe he could not find this on the District Council website. Whoever had put these up had been over enthusiastic and had no real reasoning as to how such were placed. Some areas had masses of notices and some did not. In other areas some notices were placed over the alcohol-free zone notices. He wanted to know from District Council where this Order applied to in Salcombe and suggested the officers needed to be clearer with operatives as to where and how they were applied. They also seemed to have been stuck on everybody else’s property other than Districts own!
No further applications received this was dispensed with.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 12th December 2018 were amended to change Cllr Face to Fice, that within the County Councillor’s report the £5000 was towards parking not paving and a few words removed to note that there was concern if increased work from taking on public toilets fell on the office staff, before being duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
- 2602/18/HHO Householder application for a 2-storey extension to existing dwelling and external associated decking 2 Walton Leigh, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HQ – DEFERRED till next meeting awaiting paper plans due to difficulty in viewing this application online.
- 2854/18/HHO Householder application for single storey side extension with minor exterior adjustments to access including internal adjustments to create open plan living/kitchen 19 Round Berry Drive, Salcombe, TQ8 8LY – No objection.
- 2987/18/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans) Householder application for alterations and extension to dwelling 21 Church Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DH – Objection. This proposal was not felt to compliment the street scene by proposing two dormers as this would unbalance the visual frontage and to the rear was not in keeping with the locality and thus too large. The extension could have a loss of light impact on the neighbouring property number 22.
- 3173/18/VAR – Application for removal or variation of condition 2 of planning consent 4339/17/FUL Cadmus, Bonaventure Road, Salcombe TQ8 8BE – Objection as neither the planting nor planters were in keeping with the locality adjacent to a footpath. It was felt that the stone-faced wall should be continued with horizontal timber cladding above as this would fit with other town walls and not require ongoing maintenance on the footpath or boundary side and was therefore more sustainable. It was suggested that the white painted render should be replaced with horizontal timber cladding. The movement of siting for the properties, bin and parking adjustments were felt acceptable.
- 3262/18/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received to indicate amended site boundary) Proposed residential development of two detached dwellings on vacant land. Revised scheme submission of refused application for three dwellings ref: 1240/16/FUL Lyndale, Onslow Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AH – Objection as the design and materials were not in keeping with the locality nor did they fit the context of the emerging Neighbourhood Plan notably policy D1 which referred not just to the Conservation Area but all development within the development boundary. The design was felt to be overbearing and there was concern that one property proposed within the plan had a terrace looking out over Onslow Road and thus would create overlooking to those properties. Notably this design brought the proposed properties closer to the road and there was concern that currently the properties down Onslow Road followed a line that was set back. Access onto the highway with the proposed properties being situated close to the road was also more difficult. It was acknowledged that drainage would incorporate attenuation tanks, with the approval of South West Water, but town council highlighted concerns that this site would still over burden water runoff into pipes in this area. A vast amount of money had been expended to remove surface water around the area from sewers although it was accepted that attenuation was to be used and not soakaways. There would be further impact on the AONB and Neighbourhood Plan policy ENV6 highlighted important views, this was not just withstanding the bench view but also views from the other side of Batson Creek and Shadycombe looking up at this location which was identified as a locally important view. Policy T2 of the Neighbourhood Plan also stated that there should be three parking spaces per 3 bedroomed properties which this did not provide and in fact provided restricted car parking with minimal turning. The sight lines shown on the plans meant any car would have to be over the pavement and not within the property and planting would further affect sight lines. Should consideration be given to approve this or any future development in this area, as it was situated so close to the highway and due to the topography, there must be site management plan as it was the busiest access road into Salcombe and town council would wish to see a Construction Environmental plan to cover constructions run off as well as water run-off.
- 3529/18/HHO Householder application for alteration and extension to rear dormer 6 Fordlea, Coronation Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8EA – No objection.
- 3579/18/FUL Construction of garden store and associated works Land to North of Bridleway House, Bridleway, Moult Hill, Salcombe, TQ8 8LF – Objection as this area was designated woodland area and not a domestic garden. No such large store was felt to be required and this plan was in fact for a double garage. This structure would severely impact on the AONB and bridleway and contravened the emerging Neighbourhood Plan policies ENV1 and 2, ENV4, ENV5 (although not tested it was felt it could be seen from the estuary as the estuary was visible from the property), ENV6 locally important views and ENV7. This was felt to be infill development although it was not necessarily a dwelling. This was also an important wildlife site and there was photographic evidence of deer and birds present. The notification for this application was sited much further down the hill and there was nothing posted on the Bridleway or either at the entrance to the driveway
- The Dart Tree Report was challenged as within the Design and Access statement it stated it provided sustainable development within the landscape. This construction would affect root protection within a tree zone affecting 30% of the trees so was contrary to Tree Preservation Order regulations. The layout would be banked up so would be changing the soil above roots of trees but in a TPO area this could not be done so the report was showing the development would cause damage to these trees but stating it was acceptable, this was wrong. The Design and Access surface water drainage, to a soakaway on site, was a negative to the trees as they would be digging into the tree roots and water of such a volume in one area could also damage the trees due to the density of trees in that area. This was not sustainable arrangement. One scale plan was also obviously wrong due to how it depicted this. The District Councillor was asked that should the officers feel inclined to approve this application then it should be requested that this should go to Development Management Committee.
- 3632/18/VAR Application for variation of condition 2 and removal of condition 4 following grant of planning permission 41/0372/12/F Old Vinery Boathouse, Bennett Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JJ – Objection to removal of condition 4 as this was the mainstay of this application being approved originally. It was again requested that should officers move to approve this application that it be taken to Development Management Committee.
- 3775/18/HHO Householder application for replacement of garage (with new Gym under) and Associated parking/garden landscaping. Modifications to house facade to suit access to garden areas, together with general material modifications to house externally Dartview, Main Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8AA – No objection but Town Council wished a condition that the area was not to be used in future as ancillary accommodation.
- 3969/18/HHO Householder application for proposed alterations and extension Blue Lagoon, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HQ – No objection.
- 3978/18/HHO Householder application for extension to living area, creation of ensuite bedroom wing, attached garage and courtyard garden (part retrospective) Sharpitor Cottage Bolthead, Salcombe, TQ8 8LW –Objection as this was overdevelopment of the site sitting right on the boundary against and overhanging the flats. The materials were felt inappropriate in this setting and it was not sustainable development being of poor design not meeting required standards within a protected area. It was questioned whether such development construction had affected adjacent TPO trees and the application was felt to be wholly retrospective as there was no previous planning history on this site.
- 4081/18/HHO Householder application for replacement garage with accommodation over (Re-submission of 1824/18/HHO) Oversteps, Froude Road, Salcombe, Devon – Objection This was felt to be overdevelopment providing a separate dwelling and would create the loss of an important public amenity also being contrary to the Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan infill development policy. Felling of a tree in this location was not felt to be appropriate merely to afford such development.
- 4089/18/HHO Householder application for construction of external mobility access lift and associated alterations Castle Keep, Sandhills Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JP – No objection.
- 4095/18/FUL Change of use from one retail space to two, replacement of section of roof tiles & windows and new door, removal of render on rear elevation 7-10 Union Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8BZ – No objection to the change to retail spaces.
- 4096/18/LBC Listed building consent for change of use from one retail space to two, replacement of section of roof tiles & windows and new door. Removal of render on rear elevation, 7-10 Union Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8BZ – Objection to the impact on the CA and listed building with regard to the first floor window changes and the detail should be kept along with current materials.
- 4136/18/HHO Householder application for first floor extension and alterations to existing dwelling Uppercot, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HJ – DEFERRED till next meeting awaiting the paper planning application.
- 4156/18/VAR Application for variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) following grant of planning permission 2906/18/FUL Lloyds Bank 60 Fore Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8ER – No objection.
- 3772/18/TPO Removal of 2 x B category mature sycamore (T12, T14), 1 x B category mature hawthorn (T15) and 1 B category early mature ash (T16) to enable creation of temporary access route to construction area. Replant 5 x Crataegus monogyna and 5x Quercus robur Overbecks, Sharpitor, Salcombe, TQ8 8LW – No objection due to replanting.
- 4072/18/TPO T1: Sycamore – Removal due to decay in crown and concerns over branches falling on public steps Cliff House Woodland, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8HQ – No objection.
- 4188/18/TPO T1: Cypress Macrocarpa – Remove for public safety as above public footpath and road Castle Point, Sandhills Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8JP – No objection but town council would request replacement planting within the grounds on the flat section of the garden with Monterey Cypruss or Monterey Pine.
- The following application had been advertised near the property but not advised to Town Council and they had been asked to comment to comply with the Planning Authority response deadline. Therefore, this application was considered under correspondence received and duly RATIFIED herein.
3131/18/FUL Demolition of dwelling and erection of 2 semi-detached dwellings with off street parking Loring View, Loring Road, Salcombe TQ8 8BL – Objection. This application was felt to be overdevelopment, unneighbourly, providing loss of light amenity to neighbouring Windjammer which was set lower and thus over all overbearing. The emerging Neighbourhood Plan ENV7 sought ‘Maintaining the character and density and green infrastructure in this area’ and does not support sub division of an existing plot anywhere within this area. The property was set forward and thus its development was more visible as it was sitting in front of neighbouring properties and not in keeping with Neighbourhood Plan B1. There would be insufficient parking as it was stated that two parking spaces would be provided, one per property. Firstly, the area designated for two cars was not physically big enough for two cars to sit side by side. Secondly the off-street parking access would remove one on street parking space from Loring Road. Emerging Neighbourhood Plan T3 recommended three parking spaces per property and thus an application for two properties would require six spaces. There would also be no amenity space whatsoever, not even a patio, and yet this provision was stated to be family homes for local people. Such lack of amenity space fell within policy requirements in the District Joint Local Plan that required amenity space for family homes so would also be contrary to the Joint Local Plan.
Dist Cllr Wright left the meeting along with the two members of the public.
6. PRECEPT 2019 – 2020
The draft proposals were tabled and the following comments, deletions or additions for consideration by the Finance Working Party to advise budgeting and enable them to bring a final proposal to the next full council were AGREED; - That due consideration be included for future tree works due to Ash die back which was present and moving through as reported by DEFRA. They would issue a report as to how tree works should be carried out on such trees if near to highways etc. Town Council might need a 5 – 10-year plan as to how to deal with areas such as Redfern Woods which had 14 Ash trees.
It was advised by email that the town council legal representative was moving company and Town Council were asked if the matters being handled should follow the current legal representative. It was AGREED Town Council would move to Stephens Scown but required a letter of engagement to check ongoing fees.
Discussion took place regarding local comments stating that legal matters had not been pursued, when they had, and the cost for obtaining the possessory land section within The Berry lease when the main aim was to obtain transfer of the whole of The Berry. It was AGREED to obtain an idea of ongoing costs and place an article in the Kingsbridge Gazette explaining the problems to date and considering the route to take.
The Mayor gave a Coastal Communities Fund December update. Neither of District’s applications for funding for the marine business units and improved facilities for commercial fishermen in Salcombe had been invited to proceed to the next stage. British Marine South West’s “early start” project to encourage more visitors to South Devon harbours and marinas had been awarded funding of £53,000.
She attended the Kingsbridge and Salcombe Chamber of Commerce meeting on 2nd January. 2019 was to be all about promoting Kingsbridge on the back of their win as Best Small Town in the Britain In Bloom 2018 competition and the 800th Anniversary of Kingsbridge becoming a Market Town. The Business Clubs were getting more popular and very successful. The Youth Achievement Awards were being resurrected, probably in October. Police were to be patrolling outside the Community College at school leaving time to hopefully lessen any trouble. Kingsbridge reported that the District Assets team seemed to have completely pulled the employment land at the K5 development, and instead were planning on developing this on the quayside somehow.
On 2nd January there was a joint Town Council/Harbour Board meeting regarding the six toilets wherein both organisations were considering taking these on. She was therefore currently in the middle of several walkarounds and discussions alongside Dist Cllr Brazil as Chairman of the Harbour and Cllr Long to ascertain what facilities shops and businesses had, their opinion regarding District’s proposed changes, and whether they might be prepared to help financially, or even practically. The Fixed and Variable costings, and whether financial support from relevant car park income could be requested, was being requested of District by Cllr Mrs Pearce. Cllr Fice was talking informally to independent cleaning companies to find out possible costs from their point of view, which would be useful to compare with District’s calculations. They had a further meeting the following day, 10th January, to move this project forward and an official letter would be sent from Dist Cllr Brazil and the Mayor to all the businesses explaining this joint venture, more fully, in the next week or so.
Regarding the Mortuary the search for a project/funding manager had moved on a bit and appropriate people had now been identified and approached. Hopefully there would be further information to progress this project at the following meeting.
The Town Map had been found as a PDF file, but currently was not a workable document so the working party were still looking into it. The Mayor and Cllr Mrs Sinnott would get together to discuss the obvious changes and report back for any additional input.
Paperless planning was coming in April 2019 so to prepare properly ideally town council should keep a log of any missing pages, error reports, etc, noting the application number and date and time when the error occurred so that town council could report these to District. This was because if District did not know the issues faced then they could not fix them. Town Council should also be looking at the practicalities of projecting images onto the wall during Council meetings.
For Courtenay Park town council had 3 quotes plus associated plans so far. The working party would look at landscaping needs and quotes would be sought, hoping to go out to public consultation sooner rather than later so that there was time to take on board community opinions. The working party did try and push for work to commence in February/March but it was probably too tight a deadline to achieve, with October being more realistic.
Now being in January election purdah would commence in March, so the Mayor advised that all needed to start thinking about campaigning for skilled people who wished to give something back to Salcombe to stand for election to the Town Council. Town Council could promote their current ongoing projects Courtenay Park, The Berry transfer, other possible land transfers, the mortuary building, the joint venture with the Harbour Board re taking on the toilet blocks to urge people to join.
- Cllr Fice – The Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan was now going through Regulation 16 having commenced18th December – 29th January for consultation. District had individually consulted statutory consultees and landowners but not residents and the Neighbourhood Plan group were not proposing to contact residents again as they had their say to date. Hopefully after this stage of the process the Inspector would look at the plan and respond. Malborough was currently just about to go to Referendum.
- Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Noted that the Shadycombe Road nameplate needed to be reported as needing repair and this would be done by Pete Robinson to District Council maintenance.
- Regarding the project to remove the sandpit and erect metal fencing having laid the fencing out it needed an extra panel at a cost of £135 plus VAT (£163.40). Turfing at this time of year was not suitable so it was suggested that seeding could be done at a cost saving of £170.
- Devon Association of Local Councils had emailed to request that councils nominate two people to be entered for selection to represent parish and town councils at the Royal Garden Party on 19th May 2019. As nominations had to be in by 23rd January, short deadline this year, and this was the following council meeting, so this matter was raised at this point and decided that the Mayor and consort would be put forward.
- Attempts to contact people who may be interested in project managing the Mortuary works and seeking funding had not managed to raise anyone. However, contact had been made with someone else who had asked for a week or two to consider the project and possibly talk to others whose field this might suit. Progress would be reported as soon as possible.
- Maintenance of the paths within the cemeteries by the District maintenance team was felt to be of a higher standard than previously and this was to be acknowledged. Ongoing grass cutting, and general maintenance of the contract was also well received.
- The works to move the Women’s Institute Oak at the Bonfire Hill cemetery to the bottom adjacent to the shed had been carried out satisfactorily with the tree being fed and a pipe provided to ensure that water could be routed directly to the roots.
- Work on the Batson path had necessitated a drainage pipe being dug up and freed of all debris along with two adjacent pipes and these had been laid beside at an angle to alleviate the flooding. All other grips had been cleared and the path compacted down. It was noted by the contractor that in time, probably five years, the path would need further smaller grade gravel laid to keep its integrity.
- Handyman contract was for one year from 2016 and asked whether this should be reviewed. It was requested that this be done offering a three year basis for the contract.
- Friends of Salcombe Library and Dementia Friends were holding a coffee morning on Tuesday 22nd January 10.30a.m. – 12.30p.m. and invited town council to attend.
- Considering the calendar, the Civic lunch would be held on 20th October this year.
Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £326,202.81
Received: Nil
Income – Neighbourhood Plan reimbursement from SHDC £2570.00
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments in January to:
Foot Anstey – Legal fees £346.20
Hawthorns Accounting Services Ltd – Wages Oct – January 2019 £72.00
The Hire Shop – Continuation invoice for heras fencing at Jubilee Gardens £258.48
Devon Wildlife – Vermin at cemeteries £35.00
Softcat – Office 365 final payment £12.28
Jacksons Fencing – Jubilee Garden play area metal fencing £196.08
N. Turton – Mayor’s Allowance and stamps £157.35 and £6.70 = £164.05
Pulse 8 – Office 365 and broadband £63.40
M. Long – Travel June to December £154.45
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 23rd January 2019 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 8.45p.m.
…………………………………………….. 23rd January 2019.
Town Mayor.