* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr R. Moore *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott A
Cllr G. Keeler *
Cllr M. Long (also District Councillor) *
Cllr I. Hatch *
Cllr A. Hainey *
Cllr M. Payne A

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr Mrs J. Pearce *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
Tom Ladds Kingsbridge Gazette *


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Long advised that he would not take part in planning decisions due to him being on the District Development Management Committee. Cllr Hatch declared an interest in planning 3168/19/FUL.


No members of the public being present this was dispensed with.

County and District Councillors Report
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce apologised for not being at the last meeting as she was on a course. Currently there was not much happening at District due to the impending General Election. The next Executive meeting would have been the following day but was now delayed till 19th December to be outside purdah. They would meet to formalise the polling station changes as detailed as an action on the listings as this needed to be officially endorsed before the election on 12th December. There had been District discussions regarding dog bins but not specifically regarding Salcombe. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce met with Sarah Moody and discussed litter collections during summer and it was hoped there would be a marked improvement next summer from lessons learned. She had noted a new large bin in Whitestrand but again it was a different design so that all looked a mismatch. Due to changes across South Hams there would be some spare and some redundant bins which she has requested. Over the winter, after cleaning had taken place, she wanted to ensure all bins in Salcombe were the same colour and design to make provision uniform and so the area looked cared for. Also they would be badged to state not for domestic waste. The domestic waste notice on front of the large bin in Whitestrand was illegible as moisture was going through the screen making it blurred. The bins would probably all be black but this was a decision to be taken on the best available supply and that they must have seagull flaps. She further noted there was a mess up on notices on the parking meters as they advised the car registration was required but the machine did not support this so she would report that.

Dist Cllr Long wanted to update town council on the Whitestrand works to commence in January 2020 and with a number of elements to impart he had asked Dan Field to attend and update at the following town council meeting.

Cllr Hainey raised concern with regard to scaffolding erected and straddling half the steps area from Devon Road to Courtney Park along to the lower end. There was no lighting along this thoroughfare and at night it was pitch black and well used so dangerous.

Cllr Lang raised Whitestrand works and enquired if anyone was told District was going to totally close the car park? He had believed it was just the public toilets that were closed. Dist Cllr Long advised that they were closing the car park during demolition, which would be in January, as they would be ripping up the footpath alongside the Kings Arms to lay new water mains and services so access would be around Normandy Way. Cllr Lang noted there was nowhere to park in the middle of town and Cllr Long stated Dan Field would provide the dates and schedules. Cllr Hatch asked when the toilets would be closed and why District could not open Cliff House Gardens toilets. Some felt they were not fit for use, but others disagreed so Cllr Long said perhaps this could be reviewed in light of this work. Otherwise, it was noted, the nearest toilets for workers were then out over Batson side of the estuary.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 13th November 2019 were approved and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
Cllr Hatch left the meeting whilst the following application was considered.

  • 3168/19/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised description): Proposed roof alterations to provide loft conversion for Beadon Prior House, 1 Beadon Prior, Sandhills Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JP incorporating minor roof work to 3 Beadon Prior, including cladding to front and side elevations to 1 Beadon Prior only 1 and 3 Beadon Prior, Sandhills Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JP – Response 13th December – Objection on design as cladding on part of the property would severely impact the symmetry of the building and as this was a prominent building it would have an impact on the AONB in contravention of SALC ENV1. No objection was raised in relation to the actual loft conversion.
  • 3558/19/HHO Householder application for new garage to rear of property 29 St Dunstans Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8AL – Response 13th December – Support.
  • 3589/19/HHO Householder application for internal alterations and conversion of existing loft space into habitable accommodation 7 Island Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8DP – Response 20th December – The neighbouring property dormer was completely inset whereas this application wanted a balustrade which was felt to be dominant. There would be no objection if the design matched the neighbouring property with an inset.
  • 3600/19/HHO Householder application for alterations to existing elevations and proposed garden office to rear garden Mapperley Lodge, Bonfire Hill, Salcombe, TQ8 8EF – Response 20th December – No comment but town council wished to highlight a concern regarding the mixture of cladding textures being used.
  • 3619/19/HHO Householder application for new cladding to gable ends, reduction of window size to dormer and replacement of existing cladding to dormers to match gables Fintry, Loring Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8BL – Response 20th December – No comment.
  • 3655/19/VAR Application for removal or variation of condition 9 of planning consent 41/0189/13/F The Crab Shed, The Fish Quay, Gould Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8DU – Response 20th December – No comment.
  • 3678/19/HHO Householder application for installation of 2 roof dormers 1 Strand Court, Fore Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8ET – Response 27th December – Objection as this proposal would have a negative impact on the roofline and detract from the original design which was to replicate the previous boatyard. This was contrary to NDP policy B1 in respect of being in keeping with the local area


  • 3316/19/TPO T1 and T2: Beech – Fell and remove. T3: Beech – lateral reduction by 4metres on East side to a height of 15m from base of tree and crown raise to 10m from ground level. Reason – to clear the roof of the building, allow more light into garden and open up the view from the front of the house
    Greystones, De Courcy Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LQ – Response 9th December – No objection to the felling and removal of T1 and 2 as long as replacements were planted in an appropriate place within the garden. Objection to T3 as there was disagreement with works for a view that had no arboricultural reason.
  • 3489/19/TPO T1: Chestnut – Crown height reduction by 3-4m to reduce canopy weight due to heavy lean towards building, G1: Ash x 3 – Remove due to dieback infection. T2 and T3: Whitebeam – 10% crown thin and 0.5m crown reduction on all sides. To retain trees in their space and prune away from building. Lazylands, South Sands, Salcombe, TQ8 8LN – Response 12th December – Works to T1 were agreed and G1 for three ash were due to ash die so appropriate replacement planting of three trees was required. T2 and 3 were referred to but on the plans there was reference to T4 so it was believed these were the trees in question. The decision on this was split as the tree to the rear of the property for works to thin and crown reduce were felt appropriate but the one at the front of the building did not need crown reduction on all sides although lesser works could be required on branches closer to the property.

PLANNING CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing further received.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce left the meeting.


The District Council proposals that would ensure free to use facilities within Salcombe and ongoing provision of a toilet sited across at Millbay for a financial contribution from town council was discussed. It was advised that East Portlemouth Parish Council had offered a £500 contribution.

Cllr Lang noted the 3 choices but felt town council could save money by contributing to the pay on entry predicted income and put nothing to Millbay. Others present noted that Millbay would then be closed. Cllr Moore felt the figures provided were acceptable as there was no overhead for money collection so he proposed town council should go ahead and contribute but align payments with the precept twice yearly. Cllr Fice suggested to try to negotiate for monthly payments. Cllr Lang then stated any consideration should be deferred until Whitestrand was completed.

Discussion took place regarding pay on entry across the District, importance of tourism to Salcombe, provision of a toilet across the estuary, double taxation and ongoing calculation of annual contribution and whether the Harbour Board should pay for Millbay.
On a vote;
(a) town council wished to provide toilet facilities free from Pay on entry in Salcombe.
(b) as to whether a contribution be made for free from Pay on entry to the Millbay toilets it was 6 for and 2 against
(c) for a contribution to Maintenance for Millbay it was 2 for and 4 against

It was AGREED that the Harbour Board would be advised of this concern and question whether they would contribute more towards Millbay and then brought back to town council before discussions held with District.


The quotes received for additional dragons’ teeth to be installed along the track up at St. Dunstans were considered and it was AGREED for H2Environmental to carry out these works at a cost of £917.70 plus VAT, work to include installation of 4 or 6 additional posts due to some original posts having rotted out.

Cllrs Hatch and Long declared an interest at this point and left whilst the following item was discussed.


It was AGREED that;
(a) a request by Salcombe Information Centre for them to be allowed to carry out works to the fabric of the section of building they rented was accepted in principle, but town council requested to see further information and drawings of design, materials etc before any works commenced.
(b) estimates would be sought by town council for maintenance to the entrance doors and handrails.


During 2019 a falconer had operated from March for 4 days a week, 3hrs a day for a period of 6weeks. This was followed up by another 6 weeks and the total cost was £2500 for twelve weeks. Half of that figure was contributed by the Harbour Board. This facility had been underwritten by Salcombe Information Centre and then contributions sought from organisations and businesses to that at the end there was a final contribution from the Information Centre of £150. This action had worked in reducing the nesting period and depleting the number of gulls. Some education in advising holiday homes and businesses to monitor and clear their properties of nests was also required. The information centre wished town council to take this on going forward. Cllr Hainey asked who was going to do the leg work in obtaining the financial contribution and Cllrs Long and Moore said they would walk around approaching businesses and doing a letter drop. Cllr Keeler enquired whether the Harbour Board was prepared to put 50% support towards this again.

The Information Centre request to organise sponsorship to provide this service to the town was AGREED as above.
Cllr Moore noted an interest and left the meeting whilst the following matter was considered.


It was AGREED for a grant of Five Hundred Pounds (£500) towards the provision of Christmas Lights in the town.


A report on areas of historic concern with regard to vermin activity was considered and it was AGREED to instruct Grenville Bint to carry out such work at £50 per calendar month.


The Mayor attended a meeting at the swimming pool with along with Cty Cllr Gilbert and Mary Kemp from the Swimming Pool Committee to consider land issues. Concerns had been highlighted and they were working to formulate a letter to go before the committee before being issued. This letter would be sent from the Committee or the Mayor. She also attended the Salcombe Information Committee meeting but most of these points had already been discussed above. There had been an enquiry relating to building restriction in town during the holiday season which had been investigated with an officer at District. From the advice received this would be passed to Dist Cllr Long for him to discuss further with Pat Whymer, Planning.

Also there was attendance at the Cliff House Trust AGM wherein they advised it had been a challenging year and they were investigating grant funding for works to the building. An outline of plaques being designed and created by Jim Martins was given and reference made to plans for VE day on 8th May 2020. Reference was made to town council’s lease of the office which was up for renewal the following year and this would be on the same terms but possibly with a rent increase.


  • Cllr Keeler – Asked about his report on the Lincombe and Horsecombe fingerpost sign and was advised this had been ordered by County.
  • Cllr Moore – Advised that on Tuesday 3rd December Salcombe Christmas lights would be switched on and this would be done by a representative of the lifeboat crew in recognition of their 150th Anniversary.
  • Cllr Long – Noted that VE Day would be 8th May and wondered from a commemorative point of view whether anything was taking place. He was advised that at this point town council were awaiting input from the Lord Lieutenant’s office. He had been up to look at the Elms trees on the allotments and marked them up for necessary works as some were dead and needed felling and some were to be cut back to previous pollard points to provide an Elm hedge. There were some along Bonfire Hill bank edge which were growing out so quotes needed to be obtained and he offered to meet contractors. He noted that highways had been out clearing drains around town, this time properly, and it was a pleasure to drive down Sandhills Road in monsoon weather and not be keeping up with the water as it was going into the drains. This was brilliant work and it would be interesting this winter to see which drains blocked up.
  • Cllr Fice – Passed on thanks from the person who requested the Plantation footpath be cleared and Cllr Lang was acknowledged for this work.
  • Cllr Lang – Was preparing the annual footpath review and had shifted a few trees/branches which were across paths. He highlighted the vandalism to Pixie houses placed up on the Berry and asked what others felt. It was noted that this recent spate just tied into other vandalism over the past year with the Redfern fence, bench seat at the top of Herbert Road, road signs et al so this was not visitors but local.


  • Work to fell the damaged tree at Primrose Wood, The Berry had been completed. The area appeared trodden, but vegetation would grow up quickly. This tree had been removed as the branch removal would have destabilised the tree.
  • Handyman works to carry out necessary works indicated by the Play Inspection report on Jubilee Gardens covered eight tasks and totaled £367.50 which would be actioned by Adrian Dornom as handyman.
  • Park and Ride metal arm had been delayed and works were commenced today and would be completed Friday and therefore this work would be checked and reported back.
  • A resident of Coronation Road had emailed town council to complain that people along there could not sleep at night now due to the newly installed LED County street lights. It is stated that they were so bright that they blocked out the stars and reflected off all the roads and buildings and the resident felt under a spotlight and asserted that a lack of sleep was a serious health issue. The resident had made a formal complaint and was asked if others felt concerned about this as support was needed to do something about this. Cllr Rogers was surprised by this as he lived in Coronation Road and had not noticed a problem and believed the lights were turned out overnight.
  • The consultation documents for the Plymouth and South West Devon Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) had been made available with any comments to be sent by 6th January 2020. Town council planning group would consider this and deal with on the next agenda.
  • Rob Shea of Sea Salt requested some guidance over the display of A Boards in the town. There was no town council policy as Devon County did not have resources to support continual removal. The Clerk was asked to respond that they should not obstruct the pavement in order that people could pass safely.


Bank Balances
Current Account £333.00
Deposit Account £408,887.21
Receipts: Bonfire Hill – Dryden £1300.00

Councillors APPROVED Internet payments for November to:
Wages £1791.05
HMRC – Tax and NI £787.26
NEST – Pension £177.01
Claydon – Office sundries £7.00
Krystal – Annual subscription for hosting town council website £119.99
Devon Assoc. of Local Councils – AGM and Conference x 2 delegates £50.00
SHDC – Maintenance contract October £998.95


The next Town Council would be held on Wednesday 11th December 2019 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe, at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 20.30p.m.

……………………………………………….. 11th December 2019.
Town Mayor

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