* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr K. Baker *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt *
Cllr M. Long *
Cllr Mrs Kemp *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright A
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce A
Cty Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) A
WPC Jo Pengilly A
PCSO P. O’Dwyer A
Kristen Bounds Kingsbridge Gazette *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Baker declared an interest in 0492/19/VAR and Cllr Lafferty-Holt declared an interest in 0677/19/FUL Overcombe.
No members of the public being present this was dispensed with.
Police Report – None received.
District and County Councilors’ Report.
The District and County Councillors’ were all at another event. Dist Cllr Wright emailed a report as follows: –
- District had adopted the Joint Local Plan
- They had also adopted the Malborough, Stoke Fleming and Bickleigh neighbourhood plans
- He further requested that town council helped spread the message that contaminated recycling came at a cost. Unwashed plastic bottles, dirty cans, pizza packaging with food still contained within all reduced District Council recycling credits
The Minutes of the meeting dated 13th March 2019 were amended at Cllr Long’s report to include the words “regarding the Spinney” before being duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
- 2933/18/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans) Demolition of existing dwelling and replacement with new dwelling Highwood, Moult Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LG – Objection as this was a prominent position overlooking South Sands and the bar and would be overdevelopment of a site which was very steep and in the context of where it was proposed to be sited would fill the whole of the wall running along Moult Road. There was concern regarding the light amenity to the neighbouring property as this would develop the land all along that side and remove their morning and early afternoon light. A public footpath ran above, and such development would remove the public amenity view out over bar, across to South Sands and that range. The proposed upper section was open and heavily glazed and would cast light pollution to Overbecks, Soar and even be seen from East Portlemouth and Gara Rock being very visible from the water. The bulk of four levels was a dramatic development as this replacement dwelling was more than twice the current footprint. It also had an impact on Locally Important Views as defined in SALC ENV 6.
- 4219/18/HHO Householder application for storey extension to rear, erection of single storey garage with log store to front of property and creation of parking space to rear of property Brambles, Higher Batson, Salcombe TQ8 8NF –Objection as the proposed parking space at rear of property would involve removal of large section of a Devon bank adjacent to the road towards Horsecombe in an AONB. Whilst removal of an established tree was not covered by a Tree Preservation Order it was hoped the plan could be modified to retain this important local tree.
- 0439/19/FUL Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and erection of 2no. dwellings Rock Point, Knowle Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8EQ – Objection as this was overdevelopment and infill of a site and contrary to Neighbourhood Plan SALC ENV7. Concerns were raised with regard to overlooking of two properties situated in Coronation Road. One being Suncrest, which was the redevelopment of the existing house, and would be overlooked from the upper storeys and Wellsummer, which was a new building, as the patio doors would look straight across. There would be a lack of amenity space and highway access due to the turning angles together with insufficient parking.
Cllr Baker left whilst the following application was considered. - 0492/19/VAR Application for variation of condition 2 of planning permission 41/2361/14/F The Ridings, Bennett Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JJ – Objection. This application was not felt to be a variation as it was a complete redesign and should have been required to be submitted as a new planning application.
- 0545/19/FUL Demolition and rebuild of 2 existing dwellings Hill Cottage, Herbert Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HN – Objection as this would be contrary to Neighbourhood Plan SALC ENV7 being infill development.
- 0550/19/FUL Retrospective application for a change of use from residential/office/storage to residential at first floor Creek House, Island Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DP – Objection due to the removal of employment space which would be contrary to the Joint Local Plan policy DEV 14 and Neighbourhood Plan policy SALC EM2. This was never used as residential as although called a night watchman flat it was for the overnight use by harbour patrols as a base.
Cllr Lafferty-Holt whilst the following application was considered. - 0677/19/FUL Demolition of existing detached house and detached garage, and the erection of a replacement detached dwelling and detached garage, outdoor pool and associated landscaping Overcombe, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HJ – Objection due to overdevelopment of this site and its impact on the AONB. It was clearly visible from the estuary and coast path providing light impact on the AONB and was overbearing in its context presenting four storeys overlooking the estuary. It would be contrary to Neighbourhood Plan SALC B1 in respect of the materials used not being in sympathy with the area.
- 0744/19/HHO Householder application for proposed rear single storey extension, including internal and external modifications 1 Lakeside, Salcombe TQ8 8EJ – No objection.
- 1568/18/OPA Appeal reference: APP/K1128/W/19/3221648 Proposal: Outline application with some matters reserved for erection of 1no new dwelling Elworthy Cottage, Higher Batson, Salcombe, TQ8 8NF Appellants name: Mrs G Lane Appeal start date: 13 March 2019 – Objection and it was AGREED to add that this would be against Neighbourhood Plan SALC ENV 7 due to infill development and this emerging plan should now be taken into consideration.
- 2193/18/FUL Appeal reference: APP/K1128/W/19/3222231 Proposal: Demolition of existing single dwelling to provide 4 new dwelling units Rendoc, Herbert Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HW Appellants name: Mr E and D Basham Appeal start date: 13 March 2019 – Objection and it was AGREED to respond that Salcombe Neighoubrhood Plan was now at Examination stage and this would be in contravention of SALC ENV 7. The reference to Ridge House was noted but this was set well back off the road and although Trennells had been developed it remained on the same footprint as before and was also set back from the road.
- Ref No: 0582/19/TPO Proposal: T1 & T2: Holm Oak – pollard to height of 6m from ground level to prevent damage to property and parked cars. Location: Old Vinery, Bennett Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8JJ – Objection. There were no arboricultural reasons for these works and no visible indication of dead branches. For Holm Oaks these were very compact specimens in good shape and of a high amenity value particularly when viewed from the estuary as they acted as a screen for development sitting behind. Any works allowed would increase visibility and such could impact on the Listed Building set below.
- Ref No: 0618/19/TPO Proposal: T1 & T2: Monterey Pines – deadwood removal. Location Landmark, Main Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JW – No objection.
- An email from a resident highlighting the use of two mobile homes was considered. The planning working party visited one on Collaton Road which someone did seem to be occupying but the concern was that although it was a mobile home the ground had now been surfaced with hardstanding. The other caravan was in the grounds of Plympton Cottage situated right up against a hedge with fencing to screen and had a satellite dish. These would both be reported to enforcement.
It was AGREED to;
(a) approve the Mayor (Cllr Mrs Turton) and Cllr Long as signatories to the engrossed Lease.
(b) request that the terms within the Letter of Engagement for the new firm of solicitors be amended to only refer to the completion of the Lease until further instructions were provided and then terms of engagement provided on a case by case basis.
It was explained that the contractor advised there had been increased work as the centre of the tree was rotted and therefore the job took longer to carry out. They returned to the property owner regarding the increase in cost and they said continue with each paying half. A lesson to be learned was that a shared payment issue should be communicated to both payees. In future town council would always insist on direct contact with the contractor.
It was AGREED that the increased invoice of £270 for works at Shadycombe Cemetery, for which town council had approved a contribution of £180, should be honoured and the town clerk was instructed to pay immediately.
It was AGREED to approve the protocol, as drafted, to be put in place on the announcement of the death of the Sovereign or member of the Royal family.
- It was noted that town council did not fly a flag, but this section was retained to inform others around the town.
- The book of Condolence would be best placed at the Church.
- It was felt that black bands and ties need not be provided as all attending would be asked to observe a sombre dress.
- Consideration would be given to provide a black collarette for the Mayoral Chain and a black ribbon for the Deputy Mayor emblem. Cllrs Mrs Bricknell and Mrs Kemp offered to consider and carry out these works with materials costed and provided.
The Mayor noted that a meeting took place at Cliff House on Tuesday 26th March with councillors Mrs Turton, Baker, Long, Lafferty-Holt, Fice, Mrs Pearce and Wright together with Dan Field, District Engineer, present. Dan outlined the reduction in Commercial Units to be provided to five and explained the reasoning behind this and that a new planning application would go in. It was however mentioned that there was not good enough room for a delivery vehicle to pull in. A question was raised as to whether there were toilets and power provided because anyone wishing to take on an apprentice had to provide such. There would be toilets, but this facility had been moved up out of the flood zone. It was anticipated that build would commence 2nd September to be completed by the end of March 2020. Alternative coach spaces would need to be found but it did not appear that District were actively looking for any. Recycling would be rehoused at the other end of this area.
Regarding the Harbour Quay Depot/Workshop. Parking provision at Shadycombe was discussed together with where depot employees would go and it was advised that District would alter the car park entrance before the build commenced to ease access. Space for lifting out 7/8 boats at the end of the season would be lost and the Harbour Master was aware of this. The question of construction vehicles was raised but it was stated they would contained within the site. After discussion about the parking problems Dan agreed he would negotiate with the contractor to see if the contractor could contribute towards laying on a bus and parking the contractors up at the top of town and ferrying them down.
At Shadycombe there would be an additional 34 spaces created which would be accessed from above. The build material was questioned as this was a residential area and metal plating would make a noise as vehicles crossed such and so was not suitable. This installation would only take 5 weeks but with the holiday period already on Salcombe they would not be able to carry this out until later in the year. Regarding Whitestrand the draft plan proposal was not well received in this meeting as it illustrated blocking the public open viewing space. Dan Field was asked to move the buildings back into the space allowed behind and come back to town council with another idea. This project could be delayed for a year but for the others it was hoped that planning would go in 29th April 2019. Town Council asked that the Whitestrand project proposals be put out in the public domain so that everyone was aware and could comment.
On a positive note Dan Field had bid into funding and had only just heard that they had received £50,000 that would be spent on doing a feasibility study and some works to Jubilee Pier.
The Mayor advised she reported the damage to The Berry football ground to the police and they were going to ask questions but nothing further had been heard on the culprits.
The Mayor advised she was very pleased to be invited to the Citizens Advice South Hams reception to celebrate their 80th anniversary and was honoured to be introduced to Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal. It was a very relaxed event and a great opportunity for District and Town councils to get together with the advice centre staff and volunteers and establish or renew contact with such a vital resource.
The Mayor and Town Clerk attended the Mayors and District CEO meeting. Phil Baker was present regarding an update on the Joint Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plans. District was confident they could demonstrate a 8.7 years land supply although the stated 5 years had been challenged by an Appeal at Bonaventure Road, Salcombe. The plan would be adopted by District and then West Devon followed by Plymouth. Thereafter there would be a six-week cooling off period before it came into force. Anne Balkwill attended this meeting and noted that Kingsbridge people needed housing now, but developers were holding onto land and not building. Community Land Trusts were also working with them to provide different provision.
An update on the waste management was given and it was advised that FCC Environmental Group would commence their contract on the 1st April retaining all District staff. In September 2020 they would introduce changes to recycling collection.
In 2020 the District budget would need to find £700,000 of cuts or additional income. District would welcome a second home tax because currently many opted for business tax and then obtained small business relief and were thus paying nothing into the area. Government was considering adopting the Welsh idea as owners there must prove that they let their property more than 21 weeks to qualify for business rates.
The matter of where the books of Condolence, London Bridge, would go was raised and it was advised that District Council would collect them and send them all together to London.
Further matters of local interest were discussed and the Town Strategy being rolled out by Tom Jones acknowledged. This was a change in focus for District Council regarding planning.
- Cllr Lafferty-Holt raised concern about the large advertising sign on the new development at Batson Cross. He was advised that this had been questioned already and the sign was permitted until all the houses were sold. He noted parking availability in Shadycombe Car Park and questioned whether those with permits and other arrangements could be moved around. This is a problem in the winter, but changes were implemented in the summer. Hopefully the ongoing review of parking provision in Salcombe could address this.
- Cllr Mrs Sinnott – Previously spoke to Cllr Wright about Salcombe Holiday Homes who had offered to sponsor provision of a plastic recycling bin in town. Most holiday makers were now geared up to recycle and they were looking for somewhere to do so. Nothing appeared to have moved on regarding this offer and she did not want another season and no plastic recycling. Discussion took place relating to the mobile Lloyds Bank which was still being provided but kept changing its times of arrival. It was noted that the traffic warden appeared this morning when people were trying to use the bank and there appeared no common sense or leniency used towards potential customers in cars. It appeared to depends on the enforcement officer who hit those waiting for the bank but turned a blind eye to vans parked on pavements. Cllr Baker suggested asking Devon County to change the parking restriction from an hour to 15 min to allow people to pop to the shop or bank and go.
- Cllr Mrs Kemp – Was upset as she rarely used the public toilets in town but had children with her and found they were filthy. She felt that for anyone coming to Salcombe it was sending the wrong message. She also felt it was unhealthy for children to even be in there.
- Cllr Fice – Had received thanks from the community for the daffodils planted along the verge on Main Road. Whilst clearing out a neighbours property he had found a Salcombe Parish Magazine dated July 2001 which indicated that Rev Fairweather had presented a gift to the Queen for her Golden Jubilee. Proceeds from the sale of other copies of the book gifted were supposedly to go to Jubilee Pier and it was asked where these proceeds were. Also, he had an article from Country Living regarding Woodland Trust urging schools to plant trees and giving away thousands of packs to schools. This offer was open till May 2019 so was handed to Cllr Long to research and come back to town council.
- Cllr Fice then advised that the Neighbourhood Plan was under examination and the examiner had sent several questions and the responses been sent back. Andy Barsby had spoken to the examiner who estimated his report would be with the plan group, to check facts, by 20th April. They had a week to look and correct factual errors and then his final report would be issued promptly thereafter so they were looking at the end of April.
- Cllr Lang – Noted that builders were parking in Fore Street dangerously, by Cuba wide pavement. Two builders vans were there and the traffic wardens were allowing this abuse. This allowed no room for lorries making deliveries. He also questioned that there used to be a restriction in Fore Street stating no scaffolding through July – August and this was believed to still be in place.
- Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Noted that the Onslow Road telephone box now had its first red top coat on.
- Further grass seed would be sown at Jubilee Gardens play area but the heras continued to be hired and a decision needed to be taken as to when it could be removed to reduce cost. The heras fencing would be removed in a week (circa 4th April and town council would just have to consider the newly sown grass as an ongoing item.
- A chain and padlock had been obtained and installed at The Berry but South West Water stated that they needed access through the shared gate and did not want it locked. For now, it had been removed and a meeting requested to discuss this matter further.
- St. Lukes was providing a Compassionate Friends Free Awareness Session to be run by St Luke’s Hospice on 11th April from 10am – 12 noon at The Hen House, Kingsbridge, Coombe Farm, Coombe Lane, Kingsbridge TQ7 4AB. This was so that people in the community could learn how to lend a helping hand or friendly ear to friends or neighbours who have a life limiting illness or had been affected by loss. Those wishing to attend should advise so that numbers could be gauged.
- Kingsbridge Town Clerk had advised that Iain Stewart, Sustrans Development Manager (South West), would complete the Kingsbridge to Malborough/Salcombe footpath Feasibility Study on 1st – 3rd April. Thereafter a report would be provided for discussion.
- Tom Jones had advised that the first of the Town Centres Strategy Working Group meetings was to take place on Wednesday 3rd April in Modbury. Due to the interest shown in Modbury by residents he was having to limit other town council numbers attending and requested just one representative from Salcombe Town Council. The Mayor asked Cllr Fice to attend as Neighbourhood Plan Chairman.
- Following town council’s response to a Variation to Premises Licence application by The Boathouse District Licensing had advised further information to be taken into consideration. If further information could be provided or the objection withdrawn they would not need to hold a hearing so further views were requested. It was noted that a TEN licence was used in this way last year during Crab Fest but that was whole purpose of such a limited time licence as this community event would have brought a lot of noise near this area. However the majority of time it was a quiet area and if this licence was permitted it would cause disruption to the residential area on the other side of the road. Also from this location noise funnelled so it would not just be Island Street but higher up.
- Further artwork on signs for the park and ride had been received for consideration with the base cost being advised at £435. It was agreed this should this be placed on the next agenda for ratification and County instructed to proceed to ensure the signs were ordered and installed ahead of the summer season.
Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £338,980.73
Salcombe Information Centre – Rent £4250.00
Salcombe Maritime Museum – Rent £5000.00
Harbour Hotel – Parking Provision £2875.00
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
Screwfix – Two padlocks and a chain to secure gates £51.97
HMRC – Tax and NI £763.59
NEST – Pension £146.20
Wages – £1752.31
SHDC – Car park council tax charge £2583.50
Devon Wildlife Management – February payment vermin control £35.00
Salcombe Information Centre – Grant towards Harris Hawk £250.00
Pittman Trees – Cost of shared works to Shadycombe Cemetery overhanging tree £270.00.
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 10th April 2019 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 8.40p.m.
…………………………………………….. 10th April 2019.
Town Mayor.