* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell A
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott A
Cllr K. Baker *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt A
Cllr M. Long *
Cllr Mrs Kemp *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce A
Cty Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) A
WPC Jo Pengilly A
PCSO P. O’Dwyer A
Kristen Bounds Kingsbridge Gazette *


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting.

  • Cllr Long declared an interest in Item 18 – Harris Hawk, due to his involvement with Salcombe Information Centre.
  • The Mayor declared an interest in Item 21 as her husband was providing expert advice to one contractor, Pebbles, so she would not take part in the discussions.


Mr Rest introduced himself and outlined the Lighthouse Project which was working with young people and families. Over the years churches had come together to give support to families and with the recent tragic loss of life it had acted as wakeup call highlighting families struggling behind closed doors with knife and drug problems. Pastoral care was being provided in this difficult time by the coming together of the churches to offer assistance. Drug abuse was raised and concern for what it was doing to young lives. At the ages of 10,11 and 13 there was nothing in the community being done for the youth to highlight about drugs and other such concerns and this was needed through a community support group, youth work, parenting and pastoral care. They were already doing work in Loddiswell, Kingsbridge and Chillington but they needed to get further to prepare youngsters with life skills and communicating with parents to assist the project. Father Daniel and Salcombe Rotary Club had made contact and were offering their help and the reason for this visit was to bring this to the attention of town council so that others could be directed to them.
Mr Rest then left the meeting.

Police Report – PCSO O’Dwyer provided a police report for the last 30 days. There had been 5 crimes – 2 assaults at one address, 1 theft from a shop in town, drug Class A cocaine personal possession with intent to supply and a burglary to commercial property in Fore Street with ongoing investigation. This was compared to last year which was 2 crimes. The Neighbourhood Team had been dealing with burglaries around the surrounding area doing a lot of work through CCTV, witness statements and local comments and had apprehended individuals with a boat, caught red handed. This was good positive work and these people were responsible for about 90% of burglaries recently in the area. Now they were in possession of stolen items to be got back to owners.

Acknowledging the sad news of a youngster who died he explained the ongoing investigations and how the police had been supporting the local and wider community. Kingsbridge Community College had brought in a professional to raise awareness and skills to pupils to explain how to deal with this sort of incident. They had also explained to parents what they were doing as local police team. He noted that the police team was only as good as the information they received and unless people provided evidence and statements matters could not go to court, they needed fact not fiction. Devon & Cornwall Police had the Devon and Cornwall Alert which was like the Neighbourhood Watch but going into the 21st Century by allowing information at the touch of a fingertip. Once registered people would be sent information informing them of police matters in those areas they had highlighted. The Police Force had been going through a change and the Neighbourhood Academy now advised officers not to base reports on figures but priorities. PCSO O’Dwyer however felt figures were important illustrate priorities for Salcombe. Warrants had been issued for Friday for pro-active work on drugs. Cllr Fice expressed his thanks that the police were trying to clamp down on drugs as well as they were. Cllr Lang noted that Kingsbridge Community College had excluded some youngsters and because this was done they had nowhere to go were a problem. He felt this was the same with knife crime that if excluded from education what did they do.
PCSO O’Dwyer left the meeting once his report had been given.
District and County Councilors’ Report.
Dist Cllr Wright noted that the waste collection details for Easter had been sent out early so people could get this message out. Last week he had been invited to Westminster for the Annual Achievement Awards for Local Authorities and SHDC had won bronze for their work during Storm Emma as being an authority that was fully functioning. Another council received an award for communication and Dist Cllr Wright noted that their scheme reflected what District Council had provided through their Locality Officers for four years.
Cllr Long noted the public toilets at North Sands and that the showers were removed and wondered if there had been any feedback from officers on this. As they were removed the local working party were discussing a partnership for taking over these public toilets but there was no commentary as to why the showers were removed. It was noted that they were previously well used. Four people who surfed had commented to Cllr Long that it was crazy due to the usage and now heading towards Easter the partnership would have wanted this facility in place. It was a key use for families showering children off, not just during summer but all year for surfers, paddle boarders etc.
Dist Cllr Wright advised that District was pursuing having a water fountain provision within Whitestrand and as an interim this could be sited adjacent to the public toilet block where there was a tap. Any new building would include one and they were looking at having a blue fish, as in Dartmouth, to highlight this facility.


No further applications received so this was dispensed with.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 27th February 2019 were duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.

It was advised that the Planning consideration was carried out paperless this time. Within the new online system the response could state object, support or no comment but there was no provision for no objection. It was advised to Dist Cllr Wright that sometimes Town Council did not want to support an application but would not object and wished to make comment. Support sent the wrong message to the planning officer whereas no objection left it to the officer to consider the comments overall. Dist Cllr Wright would take this concern back.


The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.

  • 0453/19/HHO Householder application for garden building (revisions to approved application 1931/17/HHO) 16 Church Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DH – Objection. This annex was felt to be overdevelopment and would affect the light amenity of the building on the other side of Church Lane. The rear extension would also affect the light amenity of 17 Church Street. Any permission granted would require a condition that the annex remained ancillary to the main building and was not used separately.
  • 0530/19/FUL Removal of low-level parapet wall and replacement with new balustrade 2 & 4 Devon Court, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HE – Objection as this property was within a Conservation Area and removal of the stone wall would replace it with (partially opaque) glass and stainless steel which was not in keeping. It was clearly visible from the estuary so would have an impact on the AONB.
  • 0636/19/FUL Sub-Division of Ground Floor to Provide Two Retail Spaces, Amendments to Layout of Approved First Floor Apartment & General Repairs / Refurbishment, 7-10 Union Street, Salcombe TQ8 8BZ – No Objection.
  • 0637/19/LBC Listed building application for sub-division of ground floor to provide two retail spaces, amendments to layout of approved first floor apartment & general repairs / refurbishment 7-10 Union Street, Salcombe TQ8 8BZ – Objection. The rainwater goods were to be uPVC. Although it was noted that others were uPVC, as this was a Listed Building, it was felt that going forward it should retain and enhance its traditional aspects.


  • 0960/18/HHO & 0961/18/LBC Appeal reference: APP/K1128/W/18/3209231 & APP/K1128/W/18/3209232 Proposal: Proposed modification to external steps The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JQ Appellants name: Mr Alasdair Nicholls Appeal start date: 1/02/2019
  • 2730/18/HHO & 2731/18/LBC Appeal reference: APP/K1128/W/18/3209825 & PP/K1128/Y/18/3209829 Proposal: Proposed modification to external steps Location: The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JQ Appellants name: Mr Alasdair Nicholls Appeal start date: 1/02/2019
  • 3231/18/HHO Appeal reference: APP/K1128/D/19/3223450 Proposal: Householder application for alteration and extension to dwelling (Re-submission of 1538/18/HHO) Location: 9 Croft Road, Salcombe, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ8 8DZ Appellants Name: Mr J Crossley Appeal start date: 1st March 2019. The Appeals were noted and all comments stood.


  • 0515/19/TPO T1, T2: Sweet Chestnut – deadwood removal within main crown over driveway, footpath area (Exempt Works); T3: x3 Beech – deadwood removal from ends of secondary limbs overhanging footpath no greater than 10cm diameter (Exempt Works); T4: x2 Sweet Chestnut – fell, leaning heavily towards property, main crowns dead (Exempt Works); T5: Holm Oak – reduce heavily leaning lateral secondary limbs within main crown by 3 metres to alleviate weight towards property and rebalance; T6: Horse Chestnut – fell, crown dead and diseased, small tree but leaning over Cliff Road (Exempt Works). Woodcot, Cliff Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8JU. Exempt works removing dead material from within trees two elements where felling to take place Horse Chestnut and 2 x Sweet Chestnut. – No objection but where trees were felled town council wished replanting take place in close proximity with appropriately native trees. Replacements for such removal would be required.


  • Ref: 1046176 No. 975 Moult Hill & Environs, Salcombe. Town Council SUPPORT this new TPO Order.
  • Cllr Fice attended the Development Management Committee wherein application 3262/18 opposite Lyndale was refused on a vote of 6 to 4 as it was felt overbearing, unneighbourly and had an impact on the streetscene.
  • 3838/19/FUL St. Valery, Herbert Road, Salcombe was approved unanimously at the same District Development Management Committee.
    Dist Cllr Wright left the meeting.


It was advised that no figures had been released from District and a further meeting was requested by District to meet with the working group and it appeared that District was moving the goal posts, so it was requested that consideration of this matter be DEFERRED.

Cllr Long provided an outline of the Harris Hawk project and having declared an interest removed himself from the meeting whilst a decision was made.
Resulting from concerns around town about attacks by gulls on dogs, them entering shops etc, and nesting a solution had been sought. For 4 days a week at 3hrs a day for 6 weeks the hawk would be brought in. Then for 2 days a week at 3 hours for further 6 weeks in the hope to break the breeding cycle. They had been operating already and were starting to see changes in the gulls behaviour and this project had the support of the Harbour Authority, Salcombe Information Centre, Salcombe Holiday Homes, the Bakehouse along with others. It was asked how much this would cost after this initial period/this year. It was explained that those involved had wanted to get it up and running to illustrate firstly what could be achieved before thinking long term. It was asked whether an approach had been made to the Chamber of Commerce and Ward members for contributions. It was also requested that Coronation Road be included in the coverage and that town council receive ongoing feedback.

A request from Salcombe Information Centre and Town Association was considered and it was AGREED to pay a grant contribution of £250 for provision of a Harris Hawk to assist with the seagull problem in town.


Quotes to carry out the specified works advised in the recent Electrical Inspection at the Council Hall were considered and it was AGREED to appoint Daren Ware EPEC at a cost of £2210.00


A request for Town Council to ask the Secretary of State to direct Devon County Council to determine the Schedule 14 application for the path from Cliff Road to Bakerswell ahead of the next Devon County review had been received. This path had been put forward after the last review was finished and was thus retained on a County Footpaths list for the next Definitive Footpath Review in Salcombe.

It was AGREED to respond to the resident that as it was possible to access this area in other ways ,and funding would probably not be forthcoming from Devon County or the property owner to renovate these steps, a request to the Secretary of State was not felt appropriate at this point.


The applications received for the three-year handyman contract to commence 1st April 2019 were reviewed and it was AGREED to appoint Adrian Dornom at £17.00 per hour.

The Town Clerk was asked to request that the current Handyman carry out the repair to the handrail down to Redfern Woods at a cost of £141.95 as it was too dangerous to leave. Quotes for the bus shelters cleaning/jet washing and repainting the shelter at Shadycombe Road, as it was showing signs of rusting (carried out 2 years ago), would be sought from the new handyman. Also, the noticeboards and cemetery gates required quotes for annual treatment.


Management of the website and Facebook account was discussed, and it was AGREED that it would be prudent to have a back up for input into Facebook and the website and some training would be provided by Cllr Baker to Pete Robinson on WordPress. It was hoped that Rich Whitfield would continue but this action would ensure that there was someone available for holidays, emergencies and to cover when other work did not allow uploading.


It was AGREED Salcombe Town Council wished for polling cards to be printed for the forthcoming election and the Town Clerk was asked to advise the District Electoral Services accordingly.
PCSO O’Dwyer arrived and gave his report at this point


A variation application received from Salcombe Distilling Company Ltd for The Boathouse, 28 – 30 Island Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8DP for use of the outside court yard area for serving drinks during the summer was considered and it was AGREED to respond to District Licensing as follows:

Objection as this was a tasting bar not a pub. There was nowhere else along Island Street that had outdoor seating onto the road and this could spill onto the street and was situated in an area that echoed. Also there were steps to traverse down holding drinks in glasses. The staff would not be able to look down on this area to check and control and disturbance. This matter needed to be monitored as it was noted that this usage was already occurring last year.


The Mayor advised that the RNLI had invited her to their book launch on 27th March at 5p.m. and she asked if anyone else would like to attend with her. Cllr Mrs Kemp indicated she would attend if she finished work in time and Cllr Baker if he was around.

An email was sent, to all town council, from a resident requesting information regarding Section 106 spending on Courtney Park and the protocol of such use. It was stated in this email that Section 106 to be used on Courtney Park was not recorded within previous Minutes, the email was noted. The Town Clerk was asked to respond and would highlight to the resident when this matter was mentioned within meetings and explain that the Section 106 monies held were District’s for use within Salcombe but not under the control of town council. The legal working group had restarted discussions with District Council regarding the Berry and proposed transfer as it had stalled. The legal working group met on 1st March 2019 with Chris Brook, Dist Cllrs Wright and Mrs Pearce. Agreement had been reached, through the solicitors, on the new Lease for a 15 year term. No meeting would take place again with District on this matter until after the forthcoming elections, but the Lease agreement had protected the towns’ position.


  • Cllr Long – Responded to a question about litter within the Plantation and met the complainant and rather than just leave filled bags, cone etc and sent a note to the Directors who now lease this site and explained and said perhaps if contractors in work doing ask them to litter pick. Bits of builders’ material so noted to those operating around but they responded that generally if they saw litter they picked it up. He reported to Honey Foskett and Lee Marshall that along Gould Road there were a couple of elm trees situated above/behind public seating which were dead, so he asked for them to be inspected. He had also put an enforcement notice request into District, along with photographs, to open an enforcement case for these trees.
  • Cllr Baker – Noted the trees along the pavement on Herbert Road section as some were getting high and one fell over. He enquired of Cllr Long, as Tree Warden, whether it was worth asking Devon County to check these trees and get them trimmed back. Cllr Long felt it was worth asking and advised he would look.
  • Cllr Fice – Noted that the last payment to Foot Anstey had been deferred but he had checked the work carried out and it must be paid. Going forward he wished to set up a formal system whereby any work instructing lawyers would review such engagement letter and charging by the legal working group considering it and the decision going before full council for approval. Town Council would proceed with the Lease, but further legal works must be agreed for the next phase.
  • Cllr Lang – Noted fly tipping on Island Street by the grass and had been reported and the builder was being prosecuted.
  • Cllr Mrs Kemp – Felt that the Police Neighbourhood Alert, District Council notifications alert and Devon County faults/notification reporting pages should be on the town council website. It was believed that all, but the new Police Alert page were there but the links would be checked.


  • A complaint had been received about the amount of general litter rubbish across Plantation Wood and Cllr Long had met with the complainant and personally carried out a litter pick of the area. He had then informed the Leaseholders and asked that accumulation of waste be watched.
    • Cllrs Long and Lafferty-Holt had responded and commented on the weed spraying maps, but no firm instruction had been given to the office as to payment though no evidence of works not having been carried out had been received and significant time had elapsed. Cllr Long had offered to be included in the District maintenance team meeting on 1st April to discuss weed spraying and rectify any “missed” areas and Pete Robinson had arranged his. Piggy Lane was still covered in moss and as this was District owned it should be raised to be carried out before town council’s weed spraying contract.
  • A new letter of engagement for the change of firm by the town council solicitor had been received and would be discussed by the legal working group.
  • Nomination papers had been received and could be completed and must be hand delivered, although this does not have to be the applicant, but the deliverer must wait for the form to be checked, to District Elections Office. This could be done from 21st March onwards and the office would be open from 10a.m. – 4p.m. with those arriving being dealt with on a first come first served and there could be a queue.
  • A review of the Reuse Credit Scheme was out for review until April. This included local ReFurnish outlets which were supported by a discretionary financial credit to 14 outlets. The consultation sought to find out how many used this service and whether they should continue to fund on a decreasing scale over the next three years, continue to fund with modifications or continue to fund under current arrangements. The two questions were what the benefits of this service were financial/environmental or other and did you use this service.
  • Cllrs Mrs Turton and Mrs Bricknell had met with Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce to advise of the play equipment companies researched. The District OSSR officer was currently writing up a tender specification which would be placed on Contract Finder by the District Council OSSR Officer. Consultation with residents/children would take place but it was felt that this should be after the elections as this would allow for any changes of representation and the ongoing continuity of this project.


Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £331,437.13
Received: Nil

Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
Foot Anstey- Legal Fees £554.40
Greenspace – Balance of invoice for fence works and path edging £536.99
SHDC – Weed spraying £992.90
SHDC – Gardening Contract February £998.95
Hawthorns Accounting Servs Ltd. – Payroll Feb – March 2019 £36.00
The Hire Shop – Jubilee Gardens Heras Fencing January and February £384.24
Claydon – Legal working party meeting tea/coffee, office ink pad £19.04


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 27th March 2019 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 20.43p.m.
…………………………………………….. 27th March 2019.
Town Mayor.

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