* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr R. Moore *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr G. Keeler A
Cllr M. Long (also District Councillor) A
Cllr I. Hatch N
Cllr A. Hainey *
Cllr M. Payne N
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr Mrs J. Pearce A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
WPC Jo Pengilly A
The Mayor advised that Phil Lafferty-Holt had resigned due to work and family commitments.
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Long advised that he would not take part in planning decisions due to him being on the District Development Management Committee. The Mayor declared an interest in application 2732/19/CLE.
Police Report
Nothing received to report.
County and District Councillors Report
Cty Cllr Gilbert hoped all present had enjoyed summer and advised he was looking forward to attending the Salcombe Civic Lunch.
As promised, he had discussed with Adam Keay the blocked gullies and was awaiting a list from town council highlighting the problems and hoped to get works done. He had ensured increased parking enforcement visits for the beach areas other problem places and other parishes had written thanking him, so he hoped that Salcombe had benefitted as well. Those present agreed that North Sands had been better with the visits from the officer. On the dispensation permits consultation Cty Cllr Gilbert had done his best to get this delayed but procedurally he could not find a way to stretch it. He was disappointed with the attitude of an officer, but he had not been for moving on this consultation process. At Batson Hill road repairs were needed and he had received emails from Peter Stratton and was going to get this repaired through his pothole action fund so it should be completed within a 12-month period but he could not say when. This a special pot of money which local members could call upon.
Regarding the siting of the tattooist the problem had been raised too late in the day to get it resolved year. However, District and County Council had a desire to seek a resolution so this had been left with District and Town Council to work on a policy for the tattooists ready for next year so that it would be ready to go. He had emails with Cllr Long regarding the Tides Reach development and tradesmen parking and enforcement would continue to take place down there, but it was difficult as they had permits for parking and this was the same problem as in Kingsbridge at Embankment Road. It was difficult for enforcement officers and they must have enough back up when dealing with a situation where they might be intimidated by some motorists. Cllr Fice had seen an enforcement officer in town who noted a vehicle but did not do anything about it until the builder returned to the vehicle which was too late. Cllr Moore noted another situation where the RNLI volunteers left vehicles everywhere and one vehicle was around for a little longer and enforcement needed to understand and acknowledge this service. Cty Cllr Gilbert had authority as cabinet member but when the policy was set officers had the say so which created a strange position for dealing with these matters.
In relation to the Edmonston traffic lights just past Modbury works to repair this would not to be done soon as it was civil engineering job, but he felt the traffic lights were working well, the traffic was flowing fairly fast as the lights were not staying on red too long. Cllr Hainey noted this was a major road and nowhere else would it have been left for so long. Cty Cllr Gilbert responded that the only reason the defect had been found was because the contractors, South West Highways, were getting ready to lay drains under the surface and install a new road but when they ploughed the road, they found huge cracks underneath that nobody knew about. So there had been no evidence that the road was collapsing which came as a total surprise. There was another section not long behind at Fir Tree Corner with another at Sorley Cross, but with limited funds it was not easy for County to decide what could be done.
Cllr Fice had a request as the council representative for the Salcombe Minibus Trustees. The Trustees wanted to improve an area where they parked the bus, but District Council had stated this was not within open spaces sports and recreation criteria. District suggested the locality budget of the County Councillor might be used. Cty Cllr Gilbert suggested he should approach the two Salcombe District Councillors on this matter, but he was happy to play a part and perhaps could help with some money when the time came. Cllr Mrs Sinnot noted that a resident from Ember Close was concerned that buses going to and from the Park & Ride were experiencing problems as a section of road by the entrance was being used by large vehicles, such as camper vans, for parking as there were no yellow lines. Cty Cllr Gilbert explained that to obtain yellow lines on the highway the Clerk should request that this area be placed on the Salcombe wish list to go to HATOC, following this request being approved by Town Council. This list was then looked at once a year to consider if the request was legal, could be worked up to a project and that the County Councillor for the area supported it and then finally it would go through on a Traffic Regulation Order to HATOC. Cllr Moore felt that the 10 metres down to the allotments should be included. Cllr Lang raised the matter of the vegetation overhanging on Bennett Road and that Devon County had been unable to trace the owners of this land. He took issue that District and County Council were responsible for carrying out these services and they should do this and not look to Town Council to include such within their flail cuts, as per a later agenda item. Cty Cllr Gilbert acknowledged that this matter had dragged on but to get it rectified it would be quicker for Town Council to include.
Cty Cllr. Gilbert left the meeting.
Mr and Mrs Wadey were in attendance regarding the Appeal for Loring View. Cllr Fice noted that Town Council had already responded to the Appeal removing one of their previous objections due to the Neighbourhood Plan change and Policy T3. However, they had stressed further policies in the Neighbourhood Plan regarding parking provision. Also, it was stated that if approval was to be given it required a Section 106 Agreement that this must be a Principal Residence.
They covered the wording on Section 6 Main Issues and the photograph within the appeal statement. They felt that the statements were correct, but the properties referred to had been chosen to illustrate the interpretation of the full impact. They asked whether there was anything more they could do as if permission was granted it would have a catastrophic effect on them due to the rounding up of measurements and other factors affecting their enjoyment of their property. Cllr Hainey asked whether this application was pre-Neighbourhood Plan and it was explained that Town Council had responded at that time according to the emerging Neighbourhood Plan policies, these had now been updated. It was hoped that the inspector could be encouraged to visit the site where the concerns were far more evident.
Mr and Mrs Wadey left the meeting.
Concern was raised and disappointment noted that at the end of the summer recess neither District Councillors were present and requested that an email seek clarification. He noted emails following the Development Management Whitestrand decision and that he had never received a response to his second email. He sought to ascertain why District Council bothered to have a consultation discussion with Town Council which they then ignored and questioned why no full public consultation was held on this proposal in view of the comments made after the Whitestrand benches matter. Cllr Moore felt that Dist Cllr Long had attended planning review knowing he could not attend
The Minutes of the meeting dated 24th July 2019 were amended on the third page, third paragraph fourth line up to note ‘used to having what they wanted’ and at planning correspondence changed to Cliff Road to Cliff House steps and corner of Devon Road before being approved and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
The following applications were considered during the August recess and responses submitted by the Town Clerk to the District Planning Authority:
- 2118/19/HHO Householder application for modifications to the existing parking area and detached garage Brambles, Fortescue Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8AP – Response by 23rd August – No objection.
- 2259/19/HHO Householder application for extension to living area, creation of ensuite bedroom wing, attached garage and courtyard garden (re- submission of 3978/18/HHO) Part retrospective Sharpitor Cottage, South Sands, Salcombe, TQ8 8LW – Response by 23rd August – Objection as this was overdevelopment of the site sitting right on the boundary against and overhanging the Bolt Head flats. The materials were felt inappropriate in this setting and it was not sustainable development being of poor design not meeting required standards within a protected area contrary to Neighbourhood Development Policy B1. It was questioned whether such development construction had affected adjacent Tree Preservation Order trees and the application was felt to be wholly retrospective as there was no previous planning history found on this site. It was believed that the proposed parking area was not large enough for 2 cars and so was felt to be contrary to Neighbourhood Development Policies B1 and T1. If permission was granted, then on the basis that this was a completely new property a Section 106 agreement re Principal Residence policy should be obtained in accordance with Neighbourhood Development Policy H3.
- 2361/19/TCA T1, T2, T3: Conifer – Fell and remove stumps. Trees have outgrown small garden and are damaging stone wall, blocking light and growing near to power and phone lines 8 Courtenay Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8DQ – Response by 15th August – District decision No objection.
- 2286/19/TPO T1: Sycamore, T2: Sweet Chestnut, T3: Holm Oak – Lateral reduction on all sides by 3m to prevent further failure of branches in the interests of public safety – lateral branches are too heavy and falling onto footpath and properties. Woodcot, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JU – Response by 15th August. Objection. The description in the application requested works to the South and South West on these trees was incorrect as the property Cheesewring lay to the South and South East of the trees. Such request for a blanket lateral 3m reduction on all branches on two aspects on these three trees was felt excessive and harsh. The amenity value of the trees would be impacted by the creation of an unnatural straight appearance to the edges of the trees. Any works should be limited to those branches overhanging the property or impeding the footpath and then only taken back as far as to sympathetically maintain the natural shape of each tree within its setting.
- 2287/19/TPO T1: Sweet Chestnut – Lateral reduction of 2no. branches at 2m from ground level leaning over Cheesering pathway and Anchor Watch by 3m as supressing new trees Woodcot Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JU – Response by 15th August. Objection. The description in the application was incorrect based on the site location map and the supporting photographs provided. It is noted that T1: Sweet Chestnut – Lateral reduction of 2no. branches at 2m from ground level leaning over Cheesering pathway and Anchor Watch by 3m was supressing new trees. The tree was not in the location stated in the application as it was close to a hedge on the boundary of Woodcot with Cliff Road. The works proposed would be excessive. There was no arboricultural justification for the what was, in effect, crown lifting of this tree on the edge of a woodland setting. The only trees identified appeared to be a hedge which was already being kept at a maintained level. It was noted that there was no evidence provided of other specific trees being suppressed between the tree and the edge of the bank adjoining Cliff Road.
- Ref: 1140626 South Hams District Council Parish of Salcombe No. 994 Tree Preservation Order 2019 Sunny Cliff, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JX. reasons for serving the Order are:-
In the interests of preserving the significant and readily appreciable public visual amenity benefits of the subject tree as amplified by its estuary side setting and paucity of blocking features.
T1 is a large example of a typically planted tree species in coastal locations, which as such serves to add significant visual interest within the maritime setting to multiple local and wide-ranging view receptors, including all forms of water uses. – Town Council supported this Order as Served.
- 3262/18/FUL Appeal reference: APP/K1128/W/19/3231239 Proposal: Proposed residential development of two detached dwellings on vacant land. Revised scheme submission of refused application for three dwellings ref 1240/16/FUL “Lyndale”, Onslow Road, Salcombe, Devon Appellants name: King, Cooper, Payne. Appeal start date: 23rd July 2019. To consider whether town council wish to make representations, or modify/withdraw their previous representation and, if so, to do so by 27th August 2019. Town Council wished to add an additional comment that if approval was given then there needed to be a Section 106 agreement re the Principal Residence policy under Neighbourhood Development Policy H3.
- 3131/18/FUL Appeal reference: APP/K1128/W/19/3233006 Proposal: (Re-advertisement – Revised plans received) Demolition of dwelling and erection of 2 semi-detached dwellings with off street parking Loring View, Loring Road, SALCOMBE, TQ8 8BL. Appellants name: Mr Alan Cookson. Appeal start date: 8th August, 2019. The comment with reference to Neighbourhood Development Policy T3 needed to be removed as this policy was no longer within the Neighbourhood Development Plan. However, Neighbourhood Development Policies B1 and T1 both required adequate parking spaces with no pressure on on-street parking and this application was contrary to both policies. If approval was given, then in respect of one of the properties there needed to be a Section106 agreement re the Principal Residence policy under Neighbourhood Development Policy H3.
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
- 3911/18/HHO Householder application for single storey extension and remodelling of the existing house including the roof Monte Petri, Bolthead, Salcombe, TQ8 8LL – Response 20th September – No objection.
- 2367/19/FUL New dining room extension on the western side Flat 4, Woodside, Bennett Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JJ – 13th September – Objection – this application together with the approved Garden Room (3881/17 which appears to be omitted from the plans with this application) would have a detrimental impact on the AONB due to the frontage of both buildings being a wall of glass which would cause significant light pollution. This second building would remove any amenity space.
- 2450/19/VAR Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) following planning consent 2224/18/FUL Bar Lodge, Sharpitor, Salcombe, TQ8 8LW – Response 13th September – Objection – removal of shutters would have light impact on the AONB.
- 2472/19/VAR Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning consent 41/1023/15/F for amendments to external works, retaining walls, internal layout and gross internal area Spion Lodge, Salcombe, TQ8 8JJ – Response 13th September – No objection.
- 2497/19/HHO Householder application for side extension, extension of terrace and new garage 1 Beadon Drive, Salcombe, TQ8 8NU – Response 13th September – No objection.
- 2512/19/VAR Variation of conditions 2, 5, 9, 10, 12 and 13 of planning consent 41/3050/14/F (Demolition of existing and construction of replacement dwelling with associated garage annex, landscaping and access) The Spinney, Moult Road, Salcombe – Response 13th September – Objection these conditions were felt to be important but the application made reference District Council Conditions Approval letter dated 1 February 2018 which was not included and town council had not had the benefit of seeing.
- 2540/19/VAR Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning consent 3040/17/FUL to authorise external changes Vantage One, Salcombe, TQ8 8JP – Response 13th September – Objection as the conversion of the garden to a turning area would take away the outside amenity area.
- 2595/19/FUL Alterations to front door within existing lobby to create internal porch 18 Loring Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8AT – Response 4th October – No objection.
- 2684/19/CLE Lawful development certificate for confirmation of commencement of works for three bed dwelling The Hollies, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HQ – Response 12th September – Objection as Town Council was not convinced that the works stated had been completed and suggested that the officer should attend to ensure that the works were sufficient for what was stated.
- 2693/19/FUL Formation of extension to car park Overbecks Youth Hostel, Sharpitor, Salcombe, TQ8 8LW – 27th September – No objection.
Cllr Mrs Turton left the meeting whilst the following application was considered. - 2732/19/CLE Lawful development certificate for existing building works including replacement roof tiles and fascia tiles, new porch roof 6 Knowle Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8EQ – Response by 17th September – No objection.
- 2762/19/HHO Householder application for alterations & extension to dwelling 6 Puffins, Bonfire Hill, Salcombe, TQ8 8EE – 11th October – No objection.
- 2763/19/HHO Householder application for alterations to front elevation of garage (Forms part of proposed changes to approval 1110/18/VAR) Sunnycombe, Lower Batson, TQ8 8NJ – 11th October – No objection.
- 2764/19/LBC Listed Building Consent for alterations to front elevation of garage (Forms part of proposed changes to approval 1110/18/VAR) Sunnycombe, Lower Batson, TQ8 8NJ – 11th October – No objection.
- 2790/19/HHO 2790/19/HHO Householder application for balcony extension, conversion of redundant garage to music room, 4no. velux roof windows 10 The Garden House, Platt Close, Salcombe, TQ8 8NZ – 11th October – Objection as bi-fold doors for the garage was felt not appropriate at the front ground floor level.
- 2653/19/TEX Tree Exemption Application T1: Sycamore – fell, remove, dead, rotten.Property The Moult Cliff Road Salcombe Devon TQ8 8LE – Response 19th September
- 2682/19/TEX T2: Sycamore – fell, remove, dead, rotten. Property The Moult, Cliff Road Salcombe Devon TQ8 8LE – Response 19th September
Approval notices received from Tree Officer and to just be noted.
- Email with attached documents for pre application consideration of proposals for a planning application for Creation of a Ground Floor Flat Beaufort, Salcombe. In principle on planning terms there were no comments or concerns raised regarding these proposals, but Town Council would require a condition that this alteration remained ancillary to the main property. Town Council would consider this matter further and respond as they see fit when they have sight of the actual application submitted.
- Noted at this point the email comments below in reports from Cllr Long advising of planning training.
It was AGREED that the specification for fencing along and within the woods would be to replace the whole fence following a draft specification to be provided by Ian Hatch and emailed to everyone and if most were in agreement quotes could be sought. Cllr Hainey suggested concrete posts wood faced might provide a more robust structure.
The application for The Boathouse, Port Waterhouse, East Portlemouth, Salcombe, TQ8 8PA – OS grid ref SX 750 389 for a licence to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises, Monday to Saturday from 12pm to 11pm; Sunday from 12pm to 9pm was considered. The proposed licensed area was the first floor and balcony only with the ground floor of the building boat storage and the premises was being used for ‘pop-up’ events and for private hire for special occasions. It was AGREED to respond there were no comments or matters raised.
It was AGREED that Cllr Mrs Turton and the clerk would attend a training session to cover updates to Standards and Governance to be held on Thursday 3rd October at 2p.m. at District Council offices.
Due to County Council being unable to trace the owner of a section of overgrown hedge it was AGREED that Town Council would assist County this time and add this cut to their annual tractor flail route for this year at an additional cost no more than £15 – £30. It was suggested that a Land Registry search be carried out to check that adjacent properties had not taken over ownership.
The previous Town Council survey of drains had been provided ahead of the meeting and a prioritised list of those highway drains that remained blocked which fitted the criteria where funding might be sourced by County Council for jetting clearance, drainage investigations & drainage works. It was noted that drains had been sucked along Dunstans Road on 10th September possibly along with other roads in Salcombe. Therefore it was AGREED that a further check would be made of drains and such results brought back to the next meeting
It was AGREED that the Mayor and Clerk would attend the Annual Conference held at Exeter Racecourse on 23rd October to obtain updates and training at a cost of £25per person. The Agenda of workshops would be provided to Cllr Moore to consider whether he wished to also attend.
The Mayor noted attending the Chamber of Commerce meeting on 4th September and advised that membership had increased. For the Salcombe Live music event 11-13th October £300 would be given by the Chamber of Commerce. Within Kingsbridge, District Council had now agreed to hold a public consultation with regard to provision of a budget hotel. She had attended a reception at the Dartmouth Naval College celebrating the 175th Royal Regatta along with the Kingsbridge Show wherein she, along with other dignitaries including the Kingsbridge Mayor, sealed the time capsule. Whilst there she also judged the best presented craft tent stand.
The Mayor provided a reminder of the Courtenay Park consultation dates and times. It was noted that the District online consultation did not address input from those who wished to complete the questionnaire but did not have children; this would be raised with District Council. The Mayor would be attending both consultation events. The RNLI commemorative weekend dates were also discussed, and the mayor asked everyone if they could attend on 21st September for the unveiling of the commemorative statute and then there was the church service on Sunday with a parade to the memorial.
- Cllr Mrs Sinnott – Regarding the regular sweeping of lanes she noted that the Grenville to Bonaventure steps still had a firework laying there which had been there since last November and she felt these had not been swept in all that time. She was requested to furnish Pete Robinson with a photograph of these steps for the forthcoming maintenance meeting. Cllr Hainey advised that there was also broken glass on the Onslow to Knowle Road junction.
- Cllr Moore – Had met regarding the Freedom of Information request and been sent a raft of information only the previous day which he would go through and advise the next meeting. He complimented Cllr Fice for his in-depth knowledge of a double planning issue at Woodside as it ensured continuity of response.
- Cllr Hainey – Raised Park and Ride bus issues with drivers leaving their engines running and mounting the pavement which had occurred frequently again this summer and was believed to be one particular driver offending. That said it was felt that the bus needed moving or something needed to be done to fine the operative for running their engines as it was affecting businesses on that corner. Cllr Mrs Sinnott sympathised and noted cars parked on the road which displaced the bus. It was acknowledged that the bus provided was larger due to disability access provision. Cllr Fice suggested that Town Council must consider payment of the final invoice if this matter was not being resolved by the company. Lorries needed to park in the area buses were also waiting to deliver. Cllr Mrs Sinnott also noted that at the Park and Ride there were no toilets for those arriving on their journey. Cllr Hainey advised that surrounding parking at the top of town this summer had also been awful giving an illustration of the lack of consideration and leaving of multiple vehicles in residential areas for a fortnight. Cllr Fice noted parking was as bad at the bottom of town as all properties were being allowed residents permits. Cllr Moore suggested a discussion with Devon County to seek a new strategy for parking although other felt there should be an overall Parking Strategy for towns. This displayed arrogance of those visiting and parking without paying and locals having too many cars so parking in other residential roads. Cllr Fice noted that District removing the weekly permits had just annoyed people and not helped anything.
- Cllr Long (Not present) – Emailed to advise that he had arranged for Pat Whymer Head of Development Management to provide planning training to Town and Parish Councillors within this Ward which given the Joint Local Plan, Neighbourhood Plans, AONB document and ongoing changes to Policy, was important to update. He had agreed two evening sessions to allow Councillors every opportunity to attend, both being held at Malborough Village Hall Annex, as central to the Ward with ample parking. The sessions would on Tuesday 15th October and Tuesday 29th October 7pm to 9.30pm. An invitation would be sent out shortly to Councillors and include the Clerks, if they wished to attend.
- Cllr Fice – Acknowledged the weed spraying and that it was now into September and nothing had been received from District advising of areas completed. Along a wall adjacent to the pavement in Devon Road had not been done along with several other areas. With no schedule received town council could not pay an invoice until they had checked areas to be charged for. On a positive noted he had met Nigel Blazeby who confirmed he agreed to be Parade Marshall for Remembrance Sunday.
- Cllr Lang – On the path between Camperdown and Kingsale Road garden rubbish had been dumped but he was advised that this had been placed there awaiting removal which had already been dealt with.
- Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service had responded acknowledging the Town Council consultation response by email and advising that they aimed to respond within 10 working days.
AUDIT 2018 – 2019
External Auditor Report and Certificate received for 2018/19 with no matters raised.
Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £352,300.77
Receipts September: ½ yearly Precept £45675.00
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments for August to:
WPS Insurance – Council insurance £2700.91
HMRC – Tax and NI £787.26
Wages – £1791.05
NEST – Pension payments £177.01
Tesco – Office Sundries £11.00
Choice Stationery Supplies – Printer Ink £27.84
SHDC – June and July maintenance contract £1997.90
BRT – Civic Plaque £52.94
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments for September to:
Hawthorns Acc Sers Ltd – Five months payroll May to Sept (inc) £90.00
Graham Fincham – Gold leaf on Civic Signboards £110.00
Pear Technology – Cemetery mapping £270.00
Marketing Means – Neighbourhood Plan Referendum printing £696.00
The next Town Council would be held on Wednesday 25th September 2019 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 20.25p.m.
……………………………………………….. 25th September 2019.
Town Mayor.