* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell A
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr R. Whitfield A
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott A
Cllr K. Baker A
Cllr Mrs N. Turton *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt A
Cllr M. Long *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright A
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) A
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
WPC Jo Pengilly A
PCSO P. O’Dwyer A
Charley Adams Kingsbridge Gazette A
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None given.
No members of the public present.
District Cllr Wright sent the following report:
SHDC report for Salcombe Town Council- 28th February 2018
• The 2018/19 budget has now been agreed. With no Revenue support funding from Central Government this has proved a challenging budget. It has taken 6 months to work up, involved a Members workshop, two executive meetings, a joint overview and Scrutiny panel and finally Full Council.
• The main parts of the Budget are:
a) Council Tax increase will be £5 per household
b) SHDC will no longer be accepting cash payments (payments by cards, Paypoint, banks, and Post offices all accepted)
c) Car Park fees increasing by 2%
d) Stopping weekly Car Park tickets
e) Community re-investment grants ceasing
f) Boat Storage fees increasing and similar facilities currently being offered in Salcombe will be rolled out in Totnes
g) Reserve being established to bring forward local employment, local jobs and local economy
h) Officers have been asked to look into the Authority building their own homes
Matters arising:
• Community Reinvestment Grant – Mayor to raise with District Councilors
• Item G) needs explanation – Mayor to raise with DC at next meeting
No applications having been received this was DEFERRED.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 14th February 2018 were considered before being APPROVED by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
The following applications were considered under delegation and such observations from town council submitted to District before this meeting.
• 0336/18/HHO Householder application for removal of existing roof and creating an additional floor to provide bedrooms at first floor level with master bedroom in attic space, and the creation of an ancillary guest suite in the garden Lamorna, Onslow Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AH – Objection. Overdevelopment of site causing lack of amenity space and potential loss of light amenity to neighbouring properties due to the building going further back into the plot. The separate annex was not ancillary to the main property but was a self-contained dwelling with its own access and due to its elevated position would also overlook the neighbours with views direct into neighbouring bedrooms.
• 0450/18/HHO Householder application for new steps to Foreshore (resubmission of 3874/17/HHO) Formerly Underdeck, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection due the impact on the AONB and SSSI as the proposed steps had no aesthetic value being in galvanised steel and were therefore out of keeping with the stone currently used for the sea walls. There would also be a loss of estuary foreshore and town council queried the need for an additional set of steps when the existing steps appeared perfectly adequate.
• 0455/18/HHO Householder application for amendments to previous approval 2806/17/HHO for revised external works including removal of existing swimming pool, extending terraces, revised window arrangement and additional habitable accommodation within existing undercroft Formerly Underdeck, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection. The increased amount of glass to be incorporated into the estuary facing side of the property would have a detrimental impact on the AONB and the change of materials on the wall on the road would be detrimental to the street scene (it was not clear from the plans what stone was proposed). The existing road side wall followed the contour of the road but this was not reflected in the plans and there was a concern that the wall would be higher than present. The plans did not indicate what the timber cladding would be but such would need to blend in with the environment.
• 0459/18/TPO T1: Cupressus Macrocarpa – remove snapped, storm damaged hanging branch at 8m on NW side over neighbouring property Miramar above garden/pathway, remove snapped, storm damaged hanging branch at 9m on W side over neighbouring property above garden area, remove snapped branch on SW side at 6m hanging into branch below, remove long lowest branch on the SW side at 2.5m from ground level protruding over parking area and BT line at 7m from parking bay, ivy to be severed at base, frequently used parking area, busy two way carriageway Sunny Crag, Main Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JW – No objection.
• Nothing further received.
The annual report on the condition of footpaths was considered along with projects for funding and it was AGREED to submit this report along with the comments below:
• Cllr Lang highlighted Bridleway 10 – Complaint from horse-riders regarding lower section as hardcore had washed down and was causing problem for horses. County Footpaths were aware of this problem
• Footpath 15 – Cllr Lang raised an email from a resident. Cllr Lang to further investigate.
• Footpath 27: Cllr Lang to liaise with County Footpaths,
• Footpath 30 (Piggy Lane): Town Council agreed this was often slippery throughout the year and as a District path would be raised with District.
Town Council suggested looking for project funding to facilitate works to footpaths with Cllr Lang to liaise with County Footpaths.
Discussion regarding the working group proposals took place and it was AGREED to obtain quotes for a Quantity Surveyor to provide costings on these.
Request for grants as below were tabled and DEFERRED:
(a) by the organisers of Crab Festival to provide a bus to ferry attendees from the park and ride into town up to a cost of £288.
(b) from Plastic Clever to provide 200 non- plastic mugs to be given to Salcombe school children up to a cost of £400
(c) from Plastic Clever to pay for printing of laminated A1 or 2 posters and A4 posters to highlight the plastic campaign up to a cost of £400.
Cllr Fice reiterated Salcombe Town Council’s support for the Plastic Clever campaign and that councillors should be doing their bit personally.
Adam Keay had advised that all HATOC TRO items to be considered were required by him for the end of March.
The request for a taxi rank within Salcombe town and possible locations was AGREED with the town clerk to advise County of the wish to add two linear parking ranks (alongside Chattels, corner of Fore Street and Clifton Place between the hours of 11a.m – 1p.m. – not to commence before 11a.m. due to impact on business deliveries) to any forthcoming Traffic Regulation Order.
The estimate received for reparation of a leak in the Council Hall were considered and it was AGREED to accept Chris Lane at a cost of £1240.
Due to the collapse of a section of this unstable wall during maintenance works further work was required to make good and therefore this decision was DEFERRED so that Cllr Long could meet with the stonemason on site to agree what other works were required to ensure that the wall stability was addressed in its entirety rather than piecemeal.
The tree officer had reported that in his opinion the oak tree was part of the hedge and could remain. The previous decision made by the town council to move the memorial oak was AGREED. Quotes were to be requested from specialist companies to transplant the tree.
The contractor had advised that works to remove a holm oak within the cemetery would provide more wood than they felt acceptable to leave within the cemetery grounds and advised a further £350 plus VAT would be required to remove such. It was AGREED to remove the timber to The Berry at a cost of £350 plus VAT.
The Mayor noted:
• The Mayor met with Chris Rook and Jamie Fitzpatrick along with Cllrs Mrs Turton and Lang and:
1) Agreed changes to the P&R signage to state, “Car Park with Seasonal Bus Service”. County to send templates of suggested signs. Signs to be added above the Pay & Display machines to state the bus was seasonal and that users should check the bus timetable on the main noticeboard,
2) Agreed 6/12 monthly permits in a format that could be used on multiple vehicles rather than affixed to the windscreen. Confirmed that a maximum of 25% unallocated spaces would be available for this service.
3) Confirmed that Penalty notices do not refer to Town Council.
4) District Council Parking Permit usage at the Park & Ride would not be possible.
5) All agreed the word “No Campers” on the sign at the entrance was ambiguous, however, Chris Rook confirmed that a camper van would not receive a parking ticket if it managed to fit under the barriers.
6) Devon County informed that Town Council had been overpaid some 2 years ago. Cllr Fice requested an audit trail to be produced by Devon County before any repayment was agreed.
• Snow Warden – this needed to be in place considering the current situation. Richard Turton, as a volunteer, had made a start gritting, as per the plan. Town Council offered their thanks to him.
• Raised Parking Charge increases proposed by District Council – It was suggested that the Town Clerk request District Council proposals for separate charging to be discussed at the next meeting.
Cllr Turton – Attended the Joint Local Plan hearing at Follaton House along with Cllr Long and noted it was interesting to see how minor Salcombe issues were in comparison to other Towns/Parishes in attendance. The Inspector appeared well informed on the Salcombe submission and raised appropriate points to District Planning.
Cllr Long – Attended at The Berry South West Water boundary along with the Town Clerk. SWW main concern was regarding the vegetation along the boundary and was not about overhanging trees. Quotes for work had already been requested to come to the next agenda.
He also raised the cost provided by Bayleaf for righting the tree at Jubilee Gardens and therefore this would be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
• Salcombe History Society wished to trace the history of Salcombe through reviewing the graves in Shadycombe Cemetery. A request had been received to have access to cemetery maps in order to commence this task and therefore town council were being asked for their agreement. This would be brought to the next meeting for discussion.
• The Traffic Sensitive Street Review by County Highways was raised and no comments were made.
• Reminder about Prawle Point Coastwatch invitation for their 20th Anniversary at a donation of £12 per person to attend Saturday 21sts April 12noon to 3p.m was provided but unfortunately no one was available to attend.
• Letter received from a resident complaining about the state of the pavement from Onslow Road to the junction with Knowle Road due to vegetation and tree roots. Reference within the letter was made with regard to historical excellent sweepers who were now replaced by an occasional lorry doing an inadequate job with revolving brushes. The correspondent asked if the businesses could contribute to the welfare of the town in view of their income generated in this area. Councillors present believed the vegetation overhanging was a County issue and they would be asked to address it with the property owner.
Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £315,657.72
Receipts: None
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
HMRC – Tax and NI £757.93
NEST – Pension contribution £145.26
Wages – £1736.84
Salcombe Maritime Museum – Grant £3000
Bayleaf (January) – £546.98
It was advised that Greenspace – Maintenance £XXXXXXX
SHDC – Weed spraying £548.10
Cheques: None
The next town council meeting would be held on Wednesday 14th March 2018 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 7:54 p.m.
……………………………………………….. 14th March 2018.
Town Mayor.