* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr K. Baker *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt A
Cllr M. Long *
Cllr Mrs Kemp *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) A
WPC Jo Pengilly *
Kristen Bounds Kingsbridge Gazette *


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.


Rob Wheeler was present to speak to the planning application for Cachel. He explained that the ghost line shown on the plans illustrating the building was ambiguous as it was the withdrawn application line. To achieve a lower ridge height they had dug the foundations in deeper the measurement 82.3m suggested 600mm to the ridge height. In reality either the architect had made a mistake and kept the lower height but indicated numerically 82.3 as it should be 81.6-7m. If approved with 82.3m and they strictly adhered to the plans it could be built to the greater height. That said he still firmly believed the proposal was in the wrong position as it was completely inappropriate sited that close to the road and there were civil actions regarding the land. A proposal for Herbert Road was refused in relation to infill building in a garden, as this was. It was overbearing and there would be a loss of light to Bingley on the lower side.

Rob Wheeler questioned whether the different measurement was a genuine mistake or figures to achieve a higher level. If a proposal was received for the same height as the garage or for a bungalow probably it would be met by neighbours with a different response.
Rob Wheeler left the meeting.

District Councilors’ Report.
Dist Cllr Wright did not have much to report as he had not received responses from officers to many of his questions but the proposed poster signs for public bins which were mentioned had been toned down. The works at Cliff House Gardens to reinforce the structure would be cleared away for Remembrance Sunday. At District full council the following day they would consider a Commercial Property Investment Strategy with a view to borrow up to £60million to invest in the community on various projects and a Health and Wellbeing building would be built in Dartmouth from this. Not all of the proposals would be for profit as District was trying to invest in the community and monies could be for a community asset and increase employment opportunities.

The medium term financial strategy, for a 5-year period, last year included a bid by Devon as a whole for business pooling. The Government had asked them to bid again but Dist Cllr Wright was annoyed that London Authorities automatically got through without bidding and he felt this was grossly unfair as rural communities were seen as second-class citizens.

Cllr Fice mentioned second homes which were classed/rated as businesses, but District refuse operatives still collected rubbish from these properties. Dist Cllr Wright agreed that if a property switched from residential to business rates they did not return householder bins and the holding of these this dictated whether operatives collected from that property. District therefore needed a system in place for future collection of waste to ensure business rated properties paid for their collection.

Cllr Mrs Sinnott advised that people came into the Tourist Information Centre to collect recycling bags and the staff tried to question where they were staying and find out who was letting the property to them and advising them to use these bags. They were seeing more and more properties that were used for visitors where the refuse was going into the council collection as guests were instructed to do this. Dist Cllr Wright acknowledged that throughout the country there was not a clear household collection scheme. He was on the waste procurement board and they had received tender documents to go through and they were making sure that if District outsourced this service they were able to correct these points. Cllr Mrs Kemp asked on a personal note about properties that were privately owned and used but not business rated or let out. When the owners came down and filled the bins they were put out on a Monday but never got emptied even though they were put out time after time but continually missed as they were not weekly collections due to the property usage. Dist Cllr Wright said he would address this matter if she would provide the address.

Cllr Lang noted that the bin men did not always tell the resident that the bin has been caught in the lorry mechanism. Dist Cllr Wright advised that from time to time this happened but that the operation had a system in the cab so at the press of a button they could order a new bin to be sent out to replace this.

Chad Benson had that day been awarded the number one member of staff who would volunteer to take on extra duties to help out. Cllr Lang noted that the banner flag on a heavy base still remained at the top of the steps to Cliff House café and asked why Dist Cllr Wright had not actioned this being removed. The response was that this was an enforcement issue.

Cllr Long asked if during the pay on entry toilet consultation District was giving consideration to where offices or companies could take on the toilets. Dist Cllr Wright advised that some businesses had offered. He also noted that whilst some smaller businesses relied on use of these toilets they were not paying any council taxes due to the small business rebate so were not contributing at all to payments.

The Mayor raised concern that she had watched the mechanical road sweeper travelling up a road so fast it could not pick up a single thing from the gutter. Cllr Fice also pointed out that Buckley Street had it been swept by the mechanical sweeper 4 times in 3 days but then had not returned for four weeks. The Mayor requested to know when it would be arriving i.e. a schedule. Dist Cllr Wright explained that the machine had areas to go to but there was no actual schedule as it was reactive to where work was required. Cllr Long responded that there should be a schedule as how would he know when to come to check areas and who judged the standard as to what roads needed. Dist Cllr Wright would try again to obtain this information for town council.

Cllr Mrs Sinnott noted that Grenville and Bonaventure steps/lane had the weeds and debris taken away but the broken glass had been there since Easter so she used her brush and dustpan on her way down this evening. She wished to know whether there was something that stopped operatives picking glass up. Another councillor noted that in fact this had been the mechanical sweeper operative who had done this lane because he was too early to commence at Beadon Lane.

The Mayor noted a proliferation of advertising signs on properties that were advertising that a property was let out by a letting company and was this allowed. As these signs were small and placed with the permission of the property owner it was allowed.

Discussion took place with regard to the works to be carried out into December on Normandy Way for sewer rehabilitation works. It was her belief that this year the Christmas tree would be sited on the Captain Morgans amenity space as this was to be for community use out of season and Dist Cllr Wright agreed it was public space. It was ntoed that Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce and emailed a response that noted this was a busy time of year for shops and consideration should be given to charging for the use of these car park spaces. Those present disagreed with this as the stalls on the car park were few and just for charity and would only be in situ for a few hours. With regard to the sewer works it was suggested that the contractors should do Normandy drains first so that they were out of the area long before Christmas and Dist Cllr Wright advised he was meeting John Sampson of Rotary to discuss this and invited the Mayor to also attend that meeting.

It was noted that a builder had set up a cement mixer in the District Whitestrand car park taking six spaces. This was so that District Council workers could re render the wall at the side. WPc Jo Pengelly also noted that these contractors had used police tape to tape off the area and wished to know where they had obtained this. The usage of the car park was bad timing as the weather had been so good and visitors then had problems parking. District workers were taking up half a car park during peak season when revenue could be obtained and then District wanted to charge charity stalls for use at Christmas.

Cllr Long asked if the Pay on Entry toilets would be by card payment as well as coins as everybody was going cashless. Dist Cllr Wright advised that card payments would not work in far off areas with no reception so he did not think this would be taken on but probably a pre-payment District card could be considered. Those present noted that this was no good for a day visitor without such. Cllr Long persisted that it was not good policy not to ask the proposed providers to even give this consideration and the Mayor asked that Dist Cllr Wright ask the question for towns centres at least.

Police Report
WPc Jo Pengilly did not have much to report.
Crimes since 31st July 2018.
2 x Dwelling burglary
3 x Assaults
1 x Harassment
4 x Theft (not marine)
1 x Criminal damage
1 x Sent letter/communication containing false information
2 x Public order
1 Theft of Motor vehicle
1 x Drive Excess Alcohol
16 Crimes recorded

Compared to 31st July 2017 – 26th September 2017
2 x Theft from shop
4 x Theft from Motor Vehicle
1 x Crimiinal Damage
4 x Theft Other
1 x Assault ABH
1 x engage in cohercive behaviour
1 Fail to Stop
14 Crimes recorded

The total marine crime this year still remained at zero. The police were still actively working together with security, IFCA and the MMO to ensure information was exchanged.

WPc Pengilly was actively engaged in dealing with drug crime within Salcombe and any information known would be gratefully received. She also suggested that District consider coating the public toilet flat surfaces to stop these areas being used for taking cocaine as Whitestrand toilets when tested were coming back positive. She was also working with the local pubs, clubs etc in relation to drugs and was changing her shifts to do lates and nights to target this problem.

PCSO O’Dwyer would not be back on active duty for quite some time and was doing 4 hours per day at the police station at present. Cllr Mrs Sinnott enquired who to ring with any information and was advised that if something was happening always ring 999 or 101. However information relevant to Salcombe should go to WPc Pengilly’s mobile directly and she would ring back and could act upon information. A CCTV meeting would be set up and a draft leaflet relating to notification for pavement parking would be provided from Hope Cove in order that one could be compiled for Salcombe.
WPc Jo Pengilly left the meeting.


No further applications received this was dispensed with.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 12th September 2018 were amended on the third page, second paragraph to note that Cllr Long said it was never too late to protect the Conservation area and that Dist Cllr Wright had stated the amount given out by SeaMoor Lotto was £27000 and not £7000 before being duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.

  • 0996/17/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans) Replacement dwelling with new double garage and parking area Westcombe, Lower Batson, TQ8 8NP – Objection. Glass panels were proposed at the top of gables that overlooked the estuary and this would cause significant light pollution. It was also felt that there was no reasonable reason for chopping down an oak, hazel and holly as they were significant and covered by Tree Preservation Orders. If approval were given, although this was not supported by town council, there should be a condition that any trees that were damaged or died along the shoreline must be replaced forthwith and apart from access lighting there should be no external lighting permitted.
  • 2080/18/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans) New driveway to existing dwelling and new detached dwelling Cachel, Onslow Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AH – Revised plans only change is a first floor window at rear of property, changed from double central to single window on one side. Objection as the emerging Neighbourhood Plan was proposing that infill development should not be allowed and this was infill. The proposed building was felt to be overdevelopment and thus overbearing for this site as it also removed all amenity space in the new development and reduced the Cashel amenity space. There would be overlooking of neighbouring properties and Town Council remained concerned with both points of access, by virtue of this proposal, being situated immediately adjacent to the school crossing hatchings and also in close proximity to the St. Dunstans turn off. Visually the properties in Onslow Road currently fell away gently down the hill.
  • 2615/18/FUL Extension to lounge space Gardenhurst, Lower Deck Flat 1, Raleigh Road, Salcombe TQ8 8BH – No objection.
  • 2847/18/FUL Replacement of the external cladding and rain water goods Monkston Point, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LP – No objection.
  • 2848/18/HHO Householder application for alterations and extension to existing dwelling to include a new garage Plantation House, Bennett Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JJ – It was felt that the description in the plans as a householder application was wrong as this was demolition and rebuild by virtue of only one part of the rear wall being retained. Objection due to light pollution and this appeared to be two houses linked by a glass atrium. The central atrium would cause huge light pollution in what is a dark area near woodland. This would be visible from the estuary and had a detrimental effect on the AONB, protected coastline area and surrounding landscape. There would also be an impact on Woodcot as a Listed Building.
  • 2904/18/ADV Application for advertisement consent to display 1 no. internally illuminated projecting sign, 2no. internally illuminated logo signs, 1no. non-illuminated fascia sign and 2no. non-illuminated wall mounted signs C0-operative Food, Gould Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DU – Objection. Whilst there was no objection to this signage town council did not feel it was appropriate to permit bright illuminated signs in a Conservation Area and thus object to the illumination.
  • 2906/18/FUL Change of use to provide ground floor retail unit (Class A1) and formation of two residential units over Redundant Lloyds Bank Building, 60 Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8ER – Objection as the front façade needed to remain as is, although the windows could be lowered. The design and access statement stated that the building was of architectural merit and the applicant had tried to keep the front façade the same there were changes to the windows on the ground floor and removal of brick pillars.
  • 2933/18/FUL Demolition of existing dwelling and replacement with new dwelling Highwood, Moult Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LG – This was a prominent position overlooking South Sands and the bar. Objection as this would be overdevelopment of a site which was very steep and in the context of where it was proposed to be sited would fill the whole of the wall running along Moult Road. There was concern regarding the light amenity to the neighbouring property as this would develop the land all along that side and remove their morning and early afternoon light. A public footpath ran above and such development would remove the public amenity view out over bar, across to South Sands and range. The proposed upper section was open and heavily glazed and would cast light pollution to Overbecks, Soar and even be seen from East Portlemouth and Gara Rock and be very visible from the water. The bulk of four levels was a dramatic development as this replacement dwelling was more than twice the current footprint.

Cllr Fice referred to the pre application consultation and noted that many of these pre applications had comments within that a pre application meeting had taken place and that the officer was in agreement with the proposal. Cllr Fice continued that it would be helpful for town council and others, if a pre application meeting had taken place, that the officer comments from such be on the website with the application so that the statements made within such meeting could be seen. Dist Cllr Wright acknowledged that recently District Councillors had been attending some of the pre application meetings in their parish and agreed it appeared that some of the information exchanged was different to what they had been reading in applications in the past. Therefore he felt it would be beneficial if reports formed part of the application in future. Cllr Long noted that previously officers included town councils in such discussions if they felt the application could be controversial and this would also be welcomed.
Dist Cllr Wright left the meeting.


Discussion took place regarding possible locations for a welcome sign to be placed at the top of town and it was AGREED that designs, costings and permissions would be sought for a location at the entrance from the highway onto the cycle path that ran alongside the park and ride as it was a reasonably sized location for a sign with good visibility splay. Cllr Long would also approach some local artists for their input. The Town Clerk would check whether permission was required from County Council.


A request to add a project to the plan so that funding for such could be applied for was considered and it was AGREED that this was not felt to be a suitable project for the OSSR funding.

Following a presentation by a resident and the attendance at a Town Council meeting by the estuary officer, Nigel Mortimer it was believed that a plan for a twice year cutting of the reeds had been drafted. The first cut had been carried out although Town Council was unsure if the draft document had been signed up to and the residents involved in that trial. It made perfect sense to carry out this trial to ascertain whether such cuts would weaken and change the growth. If that did not work, then the group could try something else. Once set in motion, by the first cut, there would be less work to do after each cut and Town Council wished assurance that the group was signed up to this plan and would not support anything else unless they were. When the trial had taken place, other environmental funds could be looked into by the group that might support additional avenues.


Cllr Fice reported that Nigel Blazeby had agreed to be Parade Marshall. As it was the end of World War I commemoration Janis Fice was knitting some poppies and offered to do some more so they could be wound round lamp posts and Cllrs Mrs Kemp offered and agreed to help.

The Mayor enquired whether the Salcombe Players might dress in period military costume and stand as sentries at the War Memorial. Cllr Mrs Sinnott was not sure if anyone could do this and noted that costumes would have to be sought. Cllr Fice asked if anyone knew a bugler and Cllr Mrs Sinnott did and would ask but would also put out a request on the Town Council Facebook page. Cllr Fice would check that those letting the cannon off were prepared.

It was AGREED that the above actions would be investigated and a final quote for the sound system be obtained but at present no decision on outgoings could be considered.


It was AGREED to obtain expert advice from town council’s broadband provider, Pulse8, regarding ongoing operational issues with office computer equipment up to a cost of £200.


A list of areas that required to be added into the open space areas and Main Road annual flail cuts were AGREED as follows:

  • Bennett Road
  • Sandhills Road – one side lower part and top part
  • Main Road on the corner together with some parts on the opposite side which were overgrown
  • Bonfire Hill along the narrow section on Ember Road side and the section along Salcombe Heights.


A list of proposed works was received, and it was AGREED that the actions on which costs must be obtained were as follows:
Three trees at Bonfire Hill cemetery – the elderberry in the car park the handyman could do.
Three ash to be felled in Bonaventure Wood – due being adjacent to the highway (dead/dying)
An ash in Redfern Woods which abutted two properties in Coronation Road and a sat on the top of their wall and blocked out light completely to one property – quote to cut and stack wood up in Redfern Woods

Cllr Long would walk Bonaventure and Redfern Woods together with the Berry and other town council areas along with Pete Robinson as an annual check. He would do this in the next week or two and add anything to these works as he had noted that at Bonaventure Woods some of the Holm Oaks were starting to grow out onto the private road side and the branches were sagging. Cllr Fice enquired whether the Women’s Institute Commemorative Oak could be moved. Cllr Long advised that once it started to drop leaves this could be done any time up to the beginning of March.


The Mayor advised that on the 17th September she had been invited to Salcombe Primary School to help choose the Head Boy and Head Girl for the year. She had also attended the Cookworthy Museum exhibition at Harbour House which included a lot of Salcombe pictures with many Salcombe faces that needed a name to them. An invitation to the Batson Project meeting had been received and the Mayor asked for any volunteers to attend the stakeholder meeting with her on 17th October. Cllrs Fice and Long were already attending and Cllr Baker would check dates and advise.


  • Cllr Mrs Sinnott – Somebody had approached her with concerns about a property on Bonfire Hill which had an existing entrance to the property which had been made clearer and was being utilised more but sat on the bend of Bonfire Hill. The assertion was that although it had always been there it needed more signage. Cllr Fice noted that this matter had been drawn to highways attention back in June but they replied no.
  • Cllr Mrs Kemp – Was concerned about a property on with the lights remained on for most of the night and was causing light pollution. She was advised that this would be an Environmental Health matter and to contact District accordingly. She was pleased to see that the Buddleia had been cut down from the entrance to Redfern Woods but noted that the pavement was narrow due to vegetation overhanging.
  • Cllr Long – Attended the Salcombe and Kingsbridge Estuary Conservation meeting and picked up some good points from Rob Price the Environment Agency Manager. In future they were going to be carrying out a consultation on flood risk management and its remediation along with tide changes. Natural England been mapping the sea grass beds and found some new areas around Salcombe and these would be included in a report coming out in March 2019. There had been a project by the Environment Agency to look at defused pollution i.e. septic tanks to reduce such flow around the estuary. They were studying materials going into the estuary and since South West Water had separated all the rainwater drains previously dispersing into the estuary any discharge from buildings by builders would be illegal because it would be going straight into a watercourse. Therefore, if anyone saw this happening they could telephone the Environment Agency 24 hours hotline. Depending on the severity someone would come out and have a look. Rob Price stated town council should be looking for Construction Environmental Impact plans to control discharge into estuary areas bearing in mind when looking at planning applications how the works could be implemented and the impact to the estuary.
  • Cllr Fice – Attended the District Council Batson Project meeting at Follaton House. It was commenced by an officer stating the meeting was not secret nor confidential, so Cllr Fice could report back although some topics were deemed sensitive. Things that were factual and happening were the improvement works to the fish quay and new access to the pontoon which they hoped would be completed by end of the year and would include the installation of new fridges etc. The proposed new Harbour Depot was going to be where the existing harbour compound was but also taking up 16 parking spaces and District was looking to go out to tender for this work and a planning application was imminent. The work units that currently had planning permission for seven units was to change and the proposal now was to reduce these to five and make them slightly smaller and this would reduce the amount of trailer parking space being lost, they would now only lose 40%. So there would be another planning application for the units but District officers had met with interested parties who wanted to rent the units. Cllr Long asked if there was any discussion around actual development as to how these units were to be developed and about tendering cost. Effectively District Council would borrow the money and recover the outlay over time, but it was not really settled on how they would be funded. In relation to the sixteen parking spaces they were losing District had said they could recover these spaces by changing the layout of the car park, moving the entrance to where the compound was going to be. Cllr Mrs Kemp asked if they realised all of this was built on land made out of rubbish rather than solid earth. Cllr Fice replied that District was going to be piling again for any buildings they placed there.

Things that were just thoughts at present were to be presented at the forthcoming consultation meeting but there was nothing concrete. Amongst these thoughts were the mixed-use development along what was currently known as RA4, from the fire station to include the South West Water/gig area. There were two sets of drawings one of which was for two level units all along the back into the field with a mixture of residential and industrial. The other was of six units and houses but if they did this they would have to build an access road behind. So, if they built that access road District could put another row of houses behind through a community housing scheme, Community Land Trust, to ensure they were truly affordable. The other element was that potentially there could be community housing built at the top of the field, in the square just above but Deonv County would not give highways approval for that proposal

At Shadycombe car park the thought process was that currently on the upper deck they would build another deck above it which would be accessible from below and perhaps also go around the corner so they could generate an extra 20 spaces. This was not costed and there was no proper plan as yet. District would be coming forward with some plans for Whitestrand car park in the future as must do something with the Harbour Office to upgrade it in line with regulations. There were no definitive thoughts as yet and more just discussion. Cllr Mrs Kemp asked if the Redfern Youth Centre might hypothetically go. Cllr Fice could not remember but believed so due to the number of houses proposed. What about gig shed would that be lost? Probably as they were looking for the rowing club to relocate as District owned the land around this site. There were worries that two community groups would be displaced but Cllr Fice felt they would not be as there were probably other things on the plans. At present District seemed to have three different sets of architects working on ideas. Cllr Long was interested to know the costings for this and where the money was coming from. It was advised that officers were discussing this with District members as to what they were putting in their capital budgets. District had applied for funding for the Harbour Depot from the Coastal Communities Fund but this application failed. Cllr Mrs Sinnott noted that when District previously created these hypothetical plans it was disconcerting that by the time they got put forward they appeared to have different ideas which were taken forward. This time it was made clear that all proposals must go to full public consultation and this had been supported by the members in attendance at this meeting. The works would also affect the harbour and fish quay and Cllr Fice advised the project meeting they would meet much opposition to the housing.

Cllr Fice had advised on another matter that he sent an email to Cty Cllr Gilbert regarding three skips that had appeared in residents parking areas and Adam Keay, Highway Officer, responded that there were no licences for such at present, so he would deal with this matter.


  • Post Office had written to raise awareness of scam mail in the community. This type of mail was illegal and usually targeted the most vulnerable in society and they wanted to put a stop to it. Even the most alert people could be taken in by such criminals and if someone felt anyone in the community was being targeted by such mail they could write to Freepost, Scam Mail, call the Helpline 0800 0113 466 or email
  • A letter was received from the Company Secretary to The Salcombe Company Ltd regarding the second phase of the refurbishment programme. Works would comment in October and conclude in April 2018 with the scaffolding on the Ferry Steps only being required for a period of 2-4 weeks during November. Any queries could be referred to the directors of The Salcombe. The Town Clerk was asked to advise that the first week of half term started 28th October this would cover the first week of November and some schools broke up earlier. The Ferry Steps must remain usable and well-guarded at all times.
  • Letter received from a visitor complained that there had been no bus at the Park and Ride but photographs taken clearly showed that a sign had been placed 6 days beforehand adjacent to the ticket machine. A response would be sent.
  • Lt Com Will Alexander of HMS Magpie had written to pass the ship’s company sincere thanks for the warm and enthusiastic welcome that they received. They had successfully completed their training and would be deploying north very soon to begin survey operations.
  • Cyan Teak Furniture responded that they had never seen two benches react so differently, when placed side-by-side, in the same position. The joints would not naturally move as had been shown unless they had been under stress. They offered to look at repairing the bench for town council and could collect it Tuesday 9th October, if wished. However, they advised there may be an additional cost for collection/repair which they estimated could be up to £130. Town Council understood a cost for collection but challenged that the repair should be covered.
  • Permission had been sought by Salcombe Rotary Club to hold the Salcombe Christmas Fest for switching on Christmas lights, Santa, small local charities exhibiting information and products/services on 4th December 2018 between 6pm and 7.30pm at Whitestrand car park, Salcombe. Town Council approved this but felt it was not appropriate for District to levy a charge on charitable stalls.
  • Water had come into the west side of the Council Hall and therefore quotes would be required to rectify this problem. It was noted that this leak was in a different area to the recently repaired leak and could be to do with a blocked gulley between the Council Hall and neighbouring property. Cllr Lang would take a look before any further action was taken.
  • Further information was provided regarding the Normandy Way closure being close to the Christmas period. The Victoria Quay work was only outside the Frobishers property and town council felt the contractor should not need to close the whole quay. The Mayor would explain this at the site meeting with Dist Cllr Wright.
  • Janet Twining had accepted the Civic Lunch invitation in acknowledgement of her 100th birthday but due to her age she asked if anyone could pick her and her guest up and return them home and Cllr Long offered to.
  • Further David Parkes Batson Quay and Shadycombe Project Briefing for Stakeholder group to be held on Wednesday 17th October. Town Council invite included 3 or 4 councillors and was sent to the town clerk. In view of councillor attendance, it was felt that the town clerk need not take the time out.


Bank Balances as at 12th September
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £351,741.50

HMRC – VAT Reimbursement for Year Ending March 2017 £10138.18

2018 AUDIT
Notification of a clear audit had been received from PKF Littlejohn LLP and the relevant public notices would be posted.

Councillors APPROVED Internet payments in September to:
Hawthorn Accounting Servs Ltd – June to Sept Payroll £72.00
Fiona Cranford-Smith – War Memorial Plants plus compost £66.93
PKF Accountants & Business Advisers – 2018 Audit £480.00
Tally Ho Coaches Ltd – Bus for Park and Ride £8163.40
HMRC – Tax and NI £753.79
NEST – Pensions £146.20
Wages – £1752.11
M. Fice – Travel expenses £69.70


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 10th October 2018 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.11p.m.
……………………………………………….. 10th October 2018.
Town Mayor.

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