* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr R. Whitfield *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr K. Baker *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt *
Cllr M. Long *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
WPC Jo Pengilly A
Kristen Bound Kingsbridge Gazette *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.
David Auty was in attendance regarding increased traffic going down Church Street occasionally hitting property walls. It was previously agreed that notices could be put up in town to restrict vehicles and these were good. However, he believed the traffic was an issue that was going to get worse and the signs were not adequate. Travelling down Shadycombe Road the other day a vehicle coming was the largest he had ever seen. In the future there needed to be discussion and some suggestions as to how to stop these vehicles coming into the narrow town. Somebody should consider this now rather than later and see what systems were in place elsewhere. The Mayor advised that town council would liaise with County highways.
Police Report
WPc Jo Pengilly emailed to offer apologies and advised that the crime figures for the past two weeks were as follows:
She asked to be updated regarding the outcome of discussion on CCTV in the town as the police believe that this would be a real asset to the town. She felt it made the community a safer place and assisted in the prevention and detection of offences as well as helping with ‘missing persons’, anti-social behaviour and even traffic offences.
It was also advised that PCSO O’Dwyer was off sick and probably would be so until the end of summer.
District Councillors Report
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that from full council the previous week the main business discussed was the annual appointment of representation and approval of modifications to the Joint Local Plan.
Dist Cllr Wright advised that in relation to bin emptying he had met with two officers and been assured that there were appropriate plans now in operation. The waste bin volume provided in Whitestrand would not be decreased but those present asked where the other larger capacity bin was to be sited to achieve this volume. Cllr Wright was not sure on this point and would find out. Parking ticket machines small maintenance jobs could now be undertaken by the enforcement team as they had been trained up. Larger repairs, or if a major part went wrong, was a six week wait for the company call out and this was very much the case with all machines whichever make or style. If there was more than one machine per car park this would alleviate this problem but at North Sands the machine was firstly rusting and then something else went wrong and had to await the part. District was trying to address this and the machine was now working. Cllr Lafferty-Holt visited a local hospital and had noted that on using their parking AP, there was no charge but at Whitestrand car park where the charge was £1.10 usage of the APP meant an increased cost of £1.30. At Totnes station the APP ticket was cheaper than cash payment. He questioned why the customer had to cover the administrative cost. Dist Cllr Wright agreed that there should be a standard for toilet cleaning and areas had slipped and some needed a deep clean. Usually when an attendant did work they took photos and sent these off as evidence of work. Cllr Lafferty-Holt noted that the toilet paper dispensers held two toilet rolls but the operatives left additional rolls on the back of the toilets. Inevitably by the end of the day they were on the floor or down the toilet. A better system should be right amount of paper in a dispenser without this wastage and mess. The toilet dispenser was locked so a considerate person could not put it in the dispenser anyway. Cllr Lafferty-Holt offered to provide photos of areas of concern should the need arise. There were additional enforcement officers and town council had seen evidence of tickets and these new officers were in town all day. The District lotto was being launched the following Wednesday and hopefully this would assist local charities.
Cllr Mrs Bricknell noted parked cars overhanging pavements and this matter could be raised with the police.
Dist Cllr Wright advised that shortly Town Council would receive details about ‘London Bridge Falling Down’ and this was a protocol that must be followed in the case of a royal death.
The Mayor noted that no decision was posted on the District website for planning application 4339/17/FUL. The bollards/cones at Batson were still all around the green with notices on them by District and were being used by residents to mark off further areas.
Cllr Lang noted that a barn had appeared on Collaton Road a couple of months ago and asked if town council should have heard about this as it was situated on the skyline. From the top of Onslow Road looking across the valley it could be seen and was a scar on the landscape. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce advised that if it was agricultural it did not need planning but she would investigate.
Mr Auty left the meeting.
No applications having been received this was dispensed.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 6th May 2018 were approved and duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record. Cllr Baker noted that the recent article in the Kingsbridge Gazette attributed a comment to him which he had not said. Cllr Long also noted that at Jubilee Gardens town council had waited until Spring to see if they grew back but all four would have to be replaced as well as the pine.
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
- 0653/18/FUL Alterations and extension to flat Hideaway, 16a Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8BU – Objection as the slate hanging was felt to have a negative impact on the Conservation Area as this was part of a semi-detached property and this would imbalance and impact on street scene. The proposed extension would join the properties together and remove light from the adjacent semi-detached property.
- 1260/18/HHO Alteration of existing garden store to form garden room Jot Cottage, 6 Shadycombe Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DX – Objection as the height of roof was not in keeping with other properties along this terrace as it would raise it to the height of the garden store thus sitting above the retaining wall behind.
- 1322/18/FUL Erection of single dwelling Batson Hall Farm, Higher Batson, Salcombe TQ8 8NE – Objection as this was felt to be an overdevelopment of the site reducing the existing amenity space. It had a significant impact on the Listed Building and the design was felt to be modernistic and not conducive to the Conservation Area locality. The plot was currently used for parking for the existing dwellings and if this proposal went ahead there would no longer be sufficient parking. This was also felt to be in conflict with the emerging Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan as it was seeking to infill.
- 1345/18/FUL Roof alterations and extension to the main building. Renewal of the previous approval 41/0366/15/F for car port/garage and deck Eastone Grey, Allenhayes Road, Salcombe, Devon – No objection.
- Dist Cllr Wright advised that Brewery Quay was to go to committee on 6th June and Cllr Fice advised he had this in his diary and would attend.
Dist Cllrs Mrs Pearce and Wright left the meeting
It was AGREED;
(a) to accept the annual internal audit report as there were no recommendations or findings thereon
(b) following going through each section of the audit form that town council approved the Annual Governance Statement and therefore it should be signed accordingly.
It was AGREED by full council to;
(a) adopt these Accounting Statements for 2017/18, subject to the rounding factor introduced to the figure, as duly completed and presented, signed and dated, by the Responsible Financial Officer
(b) approve such signed Accounting Statements and for the Chairman to also sign and date confirming such proposal within the meeting.
The additional cost for District Maintenance Team to weed spray the park and ride was £53.55 per application and it was AGREED to request two treatments per annum and any additional to be arranged if required.
The update from the Police CCTV Project Manager was discussed and it was AGREED to respond to the questions regarding provision and hubs by agreeing to attend a South Hams councils group meeting in Ivybridge on 12th June.
The roads currently designated for town council minor gritting were discussed and consideration given to involving volunteers for such grit distribution. It was AGREED that Cllr Mrs Turton would send out the gritting map for people to consider possible volunteers to approach for a team.
It was AGREED to:
(a) purchase a kitchen shelf unit from IKEA at a cost of £30.00
(b) approve the replacement of the office telephones at a cost of £44.99
The Mayor wished to thank Cllr Fice for four years fantastic service as Mayor and was pleased he was able to remain on the Town Council and share his knowledge.
The Mayor noted a recent meeting with District Councillors Pearce and Wright along with Rob Sekula and Chris Brook, District officers. She along with Cllrs Bricknell, Fice and the clerk met to be advised of the District Council intention to make £520,000 capital funding available towards improvement of District Councils play parks with the intention to then pass these upgraded parks to town or parishes. Within the meeting it was stated that the section 106 funding from Batson Cross could be used as matched funding to make this a ‘statement’ park within the town.
District Council wished Courtney Park to be made the highest priority within the Open Spaces Sport and Recreation Plan so that they could draw down the section 106 funds but the officers were advised that the consultation on this plan had not considered responses yet as 31st May was the closing date.
The OSSR group would meet to go through responses and it was advised that Dist Cllr Wright was chair of District’s Public Spaces Working Group. Cllr Fice noted the meeting had touched on asset transfer and comments were made with regard to the park being in Trust. Some at the meeting felt that the number of visitors using park meant the play area should be fenced. It was suggested that the upgrading of this park would go to the bottom of District’s list if town council did not agree.
Cllr Mrs Bricknell advised she had hit a brick wall with regard to the defibrillator due to the new owners and absence recently of the manager.
The Mayor attended the swimming pool opening dip and had enjoyed a lovely tour with Chairman Peter Tobin. Also, she attended the primary school with Anna Turns along with the Beavers and pre school to hand out the water bottles to the children. It was heartening the following day to see the PE class all had their bottles with them when up at the sports field the following day.
Cllr Lafferty-Holt walked down Onslow Road and noted the confused pavement layout and narrowing so that it was impossible for pedestrians to use it. His question was why could highways not widen one section and remove the other and this would be put to Cty Cllr Gilbert and the highways officer. Coming into Salcombe it occurred to him that the Salcombe sign was leaning at an angle and could something more elegant replace it as perhaps the businesses might sponsor the sign.
Cllr Long – Noted that Greenspace had completed the works along Shadycombe Cemetery edge and the allotment hedge and kerbside so that now the yellow lines were visible. It was a superb job and the waste collection operatives could now get along. One thing required was to advise the allotment committee that no one must put things in the hedge bank and this had already been done by the town clerk.
Works to the tree within Shadycombe cemetery had come to town council with agreement to pay half of the quotation. The tree had been removed but the invoice received is now £270 not the agreed £180. Cllr Long was to discuss this with the contractor.
Cllr Lang – Highlighted what he felt was a major problem with bicycle and mobility scooters driving the wrong way down Fore Street and some mobility scooter drivers even making cars reverse. It was noted that if the mobility scooter was a pedestrian version rather than road vehicle they could be used up and down the roads. County would be asked for clarification.
He advised of a resident in Courtney Street who had reported to District Council a concern with Cross Park Gardens where they had filled an end in with hardcore and there were rocks falling into the resident’s back yard. To date District had done nothing.
Cllr Lang noted that the council hall the gutters needed clearing of vegetation and offered to do this work for less than £30. He was thanked and asked to proceed.
- Notice of Modification Order for Footpath nos 49 and 50 (Batson Creek to Shadycombe) had been received from Devon County Council and advertised so that people could make representation or objection by 22nd June 2018.
- Greenspace had attended The Berry to remove the fly-tipped wood. The contractor had however noted that this wood was Yew and had been carried and stacked and was not conducive to a hasty fly-tip. This wood would not chip as it would just clog the machine but he could remove and burn it within the same cost. There would therefore be no chippings for the paths.
- An agreement was reached with a resident of Coronation Road for the removal of branches from a tree within Shadycombe cemetery from their summerhouse. It had been agreed and advised that town council, as a gesture of goodwill, would pay half the cost to remove this and had suggested that the tree could be cut down rather than just the overhanging branches. The invoice received for half the works was now £270 and at no time had further quotes been provided nor approval sought for the increase.
- Seafarers UK wished to raise public awareness of this island nation’s reliance on seafarers and shipping by flying a Red Ensign ashore on Merchant Navy Day 3rd September 2018.
- District Council ground maintenance had advised that they could undertake the grass treatment at Jubilee Gardens for minimal or no cost so this was in progress. Reports are coming in that the cemeteries and open space areas look good.
- Citizen of the Year forms were available on the website or on application to the town council office.
Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £335,406.32
Receipts: None
Noted that Lloyds Bank would be introducing a new system from 10th July 2018 whereby cheque payments would be paid in by mobile phone camera and sending.
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
SHDC – Bonfire Hill Cemetery rates £717.45
SHDC – Shadycombe Cemetery rates £516.00
Greenspace – Bonfire Hill allotment road landslide and edge clearance £300.00
HMRC – Tax and NI £746.58
NEST – Pensions £145.26
Wages – £1742.12
Amazon – Utility trolley – £30.00
Amazon – Office replacement telephone – £44.99
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 13th July 2018 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 20.10p.m.
……………………………………………….. 13th July 2018.
Town Mayor.