* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell A
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott A
Cllr K. Baker *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt A
Cllr M. Long *
Cllr Mrs Kemp *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
WPC Jo Pengilly A
Kristen Bounds Kingsbridge Gazette *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.
Kate Stevens was present to discuss the planning application and wooded area next to her property. She was locally born and had holidayed in Salcombe and remembered from then the wooded area and how the houses nestled into the cliff. She wanted to ensure this legacy was left for future generations to enjoy. Her reason for attending was to illuminate points on what she felt was a misleading application which failed to be open and barely mentioned this was a site listed as a designated woodland, a group of large trees which constituted, amongst others, a 25ft oak, sycamore and other trees which they merely called hedge. The application appeared to borrow neighbours trees to visually surround their site with which the Tree Preservation Officer said was not wise and not fair as they would cut down nearly all the trees on their site leaving just three. Borrowing others landscape could set a precedent for loss of woodland in the area and would denude the site of any screening. The application stated the site was not visible, but it could be seen from Overbecks, Sharpitor, North Sands Valley and Sandhills Road itself. The proposed size of house was probably four tennis courts and sprawled over the whole site positioning itself on the eastern boundary so that it was overbearing to West Haven and overlooked Lower West Haven and Fairhaven. This application gave no regard for gardens nor privacy for itself or residents and their current mature seclusion of those gardens.
The most audacious misleading aspect was that the application acquired the driveway which was long and winding, but they did not own it as it was owned by Fairhaven and this was just to increase their build area. Regarding the ratio of plot this proposal would mean that in that area the house in the plan was bigger than the seven flats in Fairhaven. There had been two other planning applications in the past. One in 2013 was received at Appeal in 2014 and the Inspector said that it was overbearing and incongruous and took no regard of Sandhills and Kate Stevens saw no reason why this application was any different. Her personal belief was that there was no need for one house in that location and certainly not on a plot of that size as it would destroy the listed woodland and development should be contained where areas were designated for building. She did not want to see something destroy Sandhills nor set a precedent that could snowball with infilling. It was her belief that the Tree Preservation Order should be enforced and she wanted to keep the magic of Salcombe especially Sandhills and protect the myriad of wildlife and keeps this natural corridor.
The address of the application was put in under West Fairhaven which she objected to as that was her address.
Police Report
PCSO O’Dwyer emailed and advised that over the last month there had been two crimes, one being a theft and the other being an Actual Bodily Harm. This was compared to the crime figures for the same time last year where four crimes had been reported.
District and County Councilors’ Report.
Dist Cllr Wright noted the business rate relief on second homes and that Government had commenced a consultation which ran till 6th January 2019. He explained that any property had to go onto business rates after 140 days but as soon as they did this they fell into a category for income that made them below £12000 as the Rateable Value was worked out on what an owner could rent that property for within a year. Once they did they could claim 100% business relate relief and thus pay nothing. Currently District was aware that self-catering letting properties totaled 1400 in South Hams and 1000 claimed 100% business rate relief and contributed nothing to this area. He urged everyone on town council to respond to this consultation. He felt these property owners should contribute in some way such as a contribution towards street cleaning, bin collection etc. He advised that he was going to put a motion to District Full Council in December to ask them to strengthen their reply to Government on this consultation.
The Waste Procurement was rumbling on and the Board would meet the next day to put together a recommendation to Executive for a decision on 6th December. The consultation on weekly car park tickets had closed and they had two people respond on the website and he received 8 emails of objection. He felt he had changed most people’s minds on this topic apart from two. Most could understand why District were doing this.
Met with the Mayor, contractor and engineers and a member of the Rotary club and the final outcome of these discussions was that the Christmas tree would not move this year as there was not enough time for works. Thus, they would not resurfacing outside the café until after Christmas. District were going to install 6 poles to match the lights on Whitestrand but not provide the lights. From these structures the committee could hang their lights. He asked how the work was to be paid for and then the next day the adjacent pub who was also carrying out work asked for three parking spaces for the duration of their works. He objected to using parking spaces but agreed they could park on the area adjacent to Captain Morgans if they contributed to the light pole works, which they agree. The District Councillors were also paying monies from their District fund.
Cllr Fice thanked District Council for sending a sweeper down to sweep the street before Remembrance Sunday morning before the service and noted that the rain stayed away too.
Cllr Mrs Kemp noted that she worked in the town and the mechanical sweeper drove through so quickly he could not possibly pick anything up. Cllr Lang asked for the District Councillor’s views on the RNLI ball and such use of North Sands car park. Cllr Wright advised that from an informal chat he believed that they would not be pursuing their application. Cllr Fice noted the far corner of that car park was filled with mud and seaweed.
No further applications received this was dispensed with.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 24th October 2018 were duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
- 0453/18/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised Document Received) Change of use of open space winter boat storage (B8) to designated outdoor seating area (A3) Captain Morgans, Normandy Way, Salcombe TQ8 8ET
– No objection. - 1824/18/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Householder application for replacement garage with studio over Oversteps, Froude Road, Salcombe, Devon – This was still felt to be overdevelopment providing a separate dwelling and would create the loss of an important public amenity view.
- 2640/18/HHO Householder application to clad with outside rendered half of the property with a cement based/resin cladding 9 Beadon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LX – Objection. There was no mention of the cladding colour details and it was felt that cladding being introduced to the Beadon estate was not conducive to the area.
- 3010/18/FUL Erection of a single dwelling West Fairhaven, Sandhills Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JP – Objection. This would cause a severe impact on the TPO/Woodland Area and yet there was no reference to this Order from any of the experts contributing to this application and it seemed to have been disregarded. Having consideration to the impact of such adverse development and the Woodland Order covering the area the development was not felt to be sustainable in consideration of Policies 6, 7, 8 and 9. Notwithstanding the Woodland Order this proposal would have a detrimental effect for any area. Town Council questioned due consideration of any works that had already been carried out following the 2003 designation which may be contrary to the Regulation. Review of this could not be validated without walking the area, to ensure such had not been touched, and was thus a fundamental consideration for this development. This was felt to be overdevelopment of the site with a major impact on the streetscene and AONB. With regard to the emerging Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan this proposal was in contravention of SALC B1 design, quality and safeguarding assets as it was not designed to compliment the existing palette together with design and infill development ENV 7 – referring to sub division of any existing plot and that any new building should not be greater than what was removed.
- 3145/18/HHO Householder application for proposed rear dormer and front skylight for the existing roof, conversion of the loft to a bedroom with en suite, proposed stair to loft and minor alterations at first floor level 26 St. Dunstans Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AL – No objection.
- 3231/18/HHO Householder application for alteration and extension to dwelling (Re-submission of 1538/18/HHO) 9 Croft Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DZ – Objection. This was overdevelopment of the land with a two-storey building affecting the Conservation Area due to its design and materials. Concern was raised that the plans were also incorrect as the boundary line, as shown, still did not allow for the extension proposed.
- 3240/18/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans and description) Erection of satellite dishes, bakery vents, bike stands and single sliding automatic door to proposed convenience store Development Site at SX738392 Gould Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DU – No Objection.
- 3389/18/HHO Householder application for installation of frameless glass balustrade at first floor level to rear 11 Courtenay Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DQ – Objection. The proposal was not conducive to street scene at the rear when viewed from the grounds of the, Listed Building, Victoria Inn as there were no other balconies along that line and it was felt this would also provide overlooking into bedrooms.
- 3423/18/HHO Householder application for proposed alteration, refurbishment and extension including replacement garage and roof Huckleberry, Fortescue Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AP – No objection as this was felt to compliment the neighbouring property.
- 3528/18/ADV Advertisement consent for 1no. internally illuminated fascia, 1no. non-illuminated Co-op projector, 1no. non-illuminated Co-op logo, 2no. non-illuminated wall mounted flat aluminium panels Co-operative Food, Gould Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DU – Objection as even one illuminated sign was not acceptable within the Conservation Area.
- 3450/18/TPO T268: Beech – Fell, improve access to driveway; T267: Beech – Remove lowest secondary branch at approx. 7 m from base of low limb extending over driveway, crown raise any other minor branches as necessary to give 4 metre clearance over driveway Plantation House, Bennett Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JJ – Objection to the proposed for T268. It was accepted it was a small tree but crown lifting would address access issues as felling T268 would affect the character of the area. The proposal for T267 was acceptable but town council would wish more evidence that the applicant was only removing one branch and these were lesser works on other minor branches.
- 3541/18/TPO T1: Cypress – reduce x4 limbs on West side by approx 1.5 metres, lowest at approx 5 metres from ground level, highest at approx 6 metres from ground level, overhanging neighbouring building, touching roof tiles in windy conditions. Stonehanger Court, Devon Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8HJ – No objection.
- 3601/18/TPO T166: Beech – height reduction by 4 metres, lateral reduction on all sides by 2 metres. Netherwood, Bennett Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JJ – Objection. The proposed works would have excessive effect on a public amenity tree and such works might harm its viability in the long term as beech do not normally respond to excessive limb reduction. The form would not be maintained and any works may impact on neighbouring trees due to the area being opened up and perhaps such works might affect the stability of the tree.
- 2904/18/ADV – Advertisements at Co-op, Gould Road – The officer had emailed to advise of changes that the applicant had made and asked for town council comments, but this was dealt with under the planning application submitted as above.
- 3417/18/FUL Provision of single residential dwelling on site of garage/summer house within the domestic curtilage of High Water, Southern Mill Farm, Salcombe. Objection as this was felt to be an overdevelopment of the site due to the section of garden to be used being so small. This proposal appeared to be a single storey building but this was due to being set into the ground. The design was felt to not be in keeping with the area and this proposal would be visible from the estuary and coast path and therefore affect the setting of the AONB. The size of the proposed plot was felt not to afford the new dwelling with an acceptable level of amenity space and there was potentially a significant section of hedge to be removed to allow this property new access.
Dist Cllr Wright left the meeting.
The works to remove the wooden fence and install a new metal system, together with removing the sandpit and infilling were considered and it was AGREED to
(a) Order the playground fencing from Jackson Fencing at a cost of £2229.75 plus VAT
(b) That Greenscape carry out the works to be started and completed within two weeks at a cost of £2766.50
(c) And herras fencing to be provided around the whole site for an eight-week period at a cost of £450 plus VAT.
The maintenance of the scrub area abutting Main Road at the entrance to Jubilee Gardens came within DCH land but they had advised that they did not intend to do any works but were content for Town Council to place a hedge or maintain the edge. It was AGREED town council would maintain a suitable small boundary edge to prevent anything falling onto the pavement.
The payment for provision of the sound system for Remembrance Sunday by Rob Wheeler at a cost of £300 was APPROVED.
Following attendance at the District Batson Project meeting a proposal that Salcombe Town Council invite County and District to jointly discuss and review Salcombe parking and highway matters and it was AGREED that the Mayor, Cllr Long and Cllr Fice would lead on this and consider who to invite and arrange such meeting.
The amended documents had been reviewed and it was AGREED that there was nothing further to add. It was noted that MM3 – changing provision for new homes – houses allocated to South Hams could not be used to reduce the number currently required in West Devon. It appeared they must remain three separate areas at present, but Cllr Fice stated that the planning officer at South Hams said South Hams did not have a five-year land supply when the JLP stated it had. He wished a response from District as to why the planning officer considering Cachel stated South Hams District could not give weight to the emerging JLP which relied on these figures.
A grant contribution towards the provision of the Salcombe Christmas Lights was received and it was AGREED to give £500.
On 26th October the Mayor met with Cty Cllr Gilbert along with Cllr Mrs Kemp at the pool to discuss the wish to extend the pool boundary to enable use of this area to be safer. Progress of this matter had been left with the Swimming Pool Committee and Cty Cllr Gilbert for them to go forward. She had also met with various play equipment providers to discuss Courtney Park and had a meeting with Alexis Huggins as liaison officer at District for Open Spaces.
On 6th November the Mayor Cllr Long and the town clerk met with Dist Cllr Wright to discuss their concern regarding the lack of feedback from District regarding District aspirations meetings held earlier in the year. They had aired a lot of thoughts and it was hoped that outstanding questions would be responded to.
Cllr Long and the Mayor attended District Development Management in relation to Cachel but the District committee went against town council objection as apart from one abstention all voted to approve it. Residents were however grateful for Town Council support. Cllr Fice expressed concern that the officer report stated there should be no weight given to the emerging Neighbourhood Plan and Joint Local Plan. This was in contravention of a briefing note that Cornwall Council referred to. Government stated weight should be given to a plan once it had gone through to community consultation, but District Officers had the attitude that they would not. Even District legal said there was no weight to these plans. As it was up to the local planning authority how these were interpreted it was evident no support was being given to Neighbourhood Plans.
Remembrance Sunday had been held and the Mayor thanked everyone who attended especially Cllr Lang and Cllr Mrs Bricknell for preparing and manning the road closure. The evening requiem service was well attended and Robert Hainey (an 11-year-old) read a Rupert Brook poem beautifully. A working group was to be set up for all plans to be in place for next year as this would commemorate 75 years after the Second World War and D Day.
Kingsbridge Gazette put out a press release regarding snow wardens and two volunteers had come forward, so they would all meet up, in due course, with the town clerk to be ready for duties should it snow.
The Mayor advised town council that an update had been received from the town council’s solicitor. District did not appear to understand that town council was required to renew the current Lease to protect their ongoing rights and the terms being questioned. No formal response had been received regarding a response to discussions on transferring land in the town. The town council solicitor had been requested to respond that the town had stated at the public meeting that they wished to have the Berry transferred to town council and thereafter further land discussions could take place. District Council was to be asked to state, within a specific time, what their position was with regard to discussions on transfer.
For those who attended the Batson Master Plan workshop would they get together to formulate a town council response and bring this back to the following meeting for consideration.
- Cllr Long – Noted his last couple of weeks appeared to have all been about trees but the most pleasing matter was that yesterday the contractor for the St. Dunstans Road issue, when trees were cut down, attended the Magistrates Court and pleaded guilty being fined accordingly. Such guilty verdict was due to the perseverance of the enforcement officer and the result had sent out an important message to others. For this there had been a lot of photographic evidence provided so he urged people to keep an eye on works around the town.
- Cllr Mrs Kemp – Asked whether the land between Raleigh Road and Onslow Road was Devon County owned as it was slippery on the steps due to moss. With no middle hand rail, it was now open although there was one to the side but the undergrowth was over this. Also the lane between Onslow Road and Knowle Road was slippery.
- Cllr Fice – The Salcombe Neighbourhood Development Plan had gone to District for the next stage but this had not started because District did not have an assessment as required. They had been advised District had one in place, but apparently they had not. Now Natural England had requested to change the development boundary to bring it behind Beadon Farm which originally the expert, Peter Sandover agreed, but this had since been rescinded. The Joint Local Plan and existing Local Plan boundary was as they had it originally drawn. Malborough were still awaiting theirs but they should be ahead. It was noted that not a single Neighbourhood Plan in South Hams had now been taken on to the Inspector stage since the new officer had arrived. Why was a person employed for Neighbourhood Plans if they were not progressing them. In January 2019 the National Planning Policy Framework changes were coming in so the whole purpose of getting the Salcombe plan in now was to be ahead of this change.
- Cllr Fice continued regarding Park & Ride figures and noted it had made a profit of £1000 to £2100 from £55 to £57000. Parking between March and August 2015 to 2018 had gone up by £10000. September to February income had gone up from £19000 to £24000.
- Cllr Baker – Advised Herbert Road was slippery but was worse with leaves on the road.
- Precept setting was due and town council was advised that this year £1350 Council Tax Grant would be available, and the precept should be filed online by Friday 1st February 2019.
- District Council had invited town and parish councils to the Peer Review Challenge on Wednesday 28th November 2 – 3.30p.m at Follaton House. Cllr Long had agreed to attend.
- Two quotes received for the removal and replanting of the Oak tree at Bonfire Hill cemetery and it was suggested that the one from Charles Rogers be accepted as he owned a digger and was used to this type of work at a cost of £150 plus VAT.
- Concorde Copiers had advised that due to the age of the office photocopier that they would no longer be able to offer an ‘all inclusive’ cost per copy contract. The agent would be in touch in due course to discuss ongoing charges.
Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £339,267.03
Received: Nil
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments in November to:
Ashridge Nurseries – Daffodil bulbs £115.68
Greenspace – Clearance of main road ready for daffodil planting £314.50
Royal British Legion – Wreath £20.00
Play Inspection – Outdoor Annual Inspection £78.00
Foot Anstey – Legal fees £403.20
Rob Wheeler – Supply of PA equipment and Sound Engineering £300.00
SHDC – October Grass maintenance £998.95
SHDC – Bonfire Hill refuse bin £19.47
DALC – Attendance of three for AGM £75.00
Softcat – Office 365 £30.85
PCA Consulting Engineers – Map copies £7.50
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 28th November 2018 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 20.10p.m.
…………………………………………….. 28th November 2018.
Town Mayor.