* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr R. Whitfield *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr K. Baker A
Cllr Mrs N. Turton *
Cllr P. Lafftery-Holt A
Cllr M. Long *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
WPC Jo Pengilly A
PCSO P. O’Dwyer A
Charley Adams Kingsbridge Gazette *
The Mayor advised that Cllr Kemp had resigned and he formally thanked her for time given to the council and wished her well.
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None given.
Richard Wotton was in attendance to speak with regard to the Cachel planning application as he still felt this was overdevelopment, overbearing and went on to outline his reasons for requesting refusal reading out his concerns to be sent to District Council. Roger Lidstone, who was also in attendance advised he supported everything that had been said being another close neighbour.
Andy Burkes lived in Island Street and was present to set out his objection to a Licencing application for Kidz & Co as he felt it set a precedent for bars in this area and caused further traffic problems. The applicant stated there would be just a few tables but if this was the case then he asserted an A3 restaurant and café licence would be more appropriate. A Licence would go with the premises and if granted any following applicant could turn the premises into a disco and/or drinking bar with music from 8a.m. – midnight. His next door neighbour noted that the entrance to Kidz & Co exited straight onto Island Street with no lobby. This was also a busy drop off area for Salcombe Holiday Homes and the main thoroughfare from car parks into the centre of Salcombe so if customers stood outside drinking and smoking he believed the ambience would be detrimental to this area. The District Conservation Management Plan had a clause stating this area was a main entrance to the town and the importance was therefore illustrated. Any public nuisance would seriously affect nearby residents as well as those older people at Chandlers Heights. This use, he felt, was not in keeping with a crèche upstairs. Another member of the public present supported this view.
Roger Pettibrown Deputy Church Warden attended to request town council to assist the church with the cost of the maintenance of the cemetery area around the church. Part of the cemetery was a closed burial ground and the church did not look to pass it over as they felt it was unfair on the community but it took a lot of maintenance and was done by volunteers but they were becoming older. As such the area was open to the public with slippery paths and overgrown areas that needed consideration. Cllr Long asked who actually owned the ground and was advised the church and that the other cemeteries were handed over long ago to town council. It was noted that some churches sold parts of their land to keep the building going and consolidated their assets. Cty Cllr Gilbert offered to give the church some money from his County Council locality budget citing historical and cultural reasons. Dist Cllr Wright noted the church could not close the churchyard whilst it was still being used but Mr Pettibrown felt it could be portioned off and they could close the other section.
The Mayor enquired about the number volunteers going down and questioned what the costs would go up to. Mr Pettibrown assured him that the volunteers could continue to maintain noticeboards, cutting round the gardens etc.
County Councillors Report – Cty Cllr Gilbert read out eleven points of interest from a County perspective on how much is cost to provide various services. There was a proposal for more Invest in Devon Funds to go with County Locality Funds which would provide an additional £10,000 to invest in Devon. Cllr Lang questioned where this money was found and was advised that the Invest in Devon money was Section 106 money that did not get spent so instead of going back to the central pot was being given to councillors to spend locally.
The Mayor asked raised the repair work on West Alvington hill and asked why did they not go to the top? Cty Cllr Gilbert had assumed it would go to the top and had not noticed the documentation stopped. He had been given an undertaking that it would now be done as he and the Highway Officer agreed it should have been included and both were exasperated it had not.
Cllr Long noted the forthcoming A381 road closure and the length of time for works. Discussion took place when this was being considered and it was responded that large Lorries would be coming in by night. He asked if smaller sections could be done in a shorter time to alleviate problems. Cty Cllr Gilbert asked that the town clerk forward the information on to him and he would look into this.
Cty Cllr Gilbert left the meeting along with four members of the public.
District Councillors Report – Dist Cllr Wright had arranged a meeting with officers the following week to feed their proposals back on street sweeping and weeds. The Mayor noted that the person now arriving Monday and Friday was cleaning the steps at Fore Street which was a positive. The hedge trimming that he and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce walked around Salcombe and saw had commenced this last week. However the team had completed Batson which Dist Cllr Wright did not feel was adequate so they were coming back.
With regard to the District Council budget he handed round some leaflets to explain and said that these had been produced to engage with people. This was not a consultation but an engagement with residents on difficult choices. There was an expectation for frontline services but they would cost more than was coming in. When council tax bills go out to householders there would be a street scene showing what District carry out statutory and discretionary.
Cllr Long wanted to know what the outcome with regard to the absurd proposal for beach huts in Salcombe was and yet on opening this budget leaflet there it was suggested in the leaflet. He asked if District was still considering this scheme. Cllr Wright suggested that the Winking Prawn was a beach hut providing food and therefore beach huts would fit but those present stated it was disingenuous to say that the Winking Prawn was a beach hut as it was a business. Dist Cllr Wright advised that District had received interest from people wanting to take these beach huts on and the response from the meeting was that these were no residents who cared about the area.
The Mayor thanked District for repairing Cross Gardens wall and the other works. Walking along the top section of Courtney Park whilst reviewing a planning application he had noted the fir tree had limbs cut off and these branches were left lying in the scrub below making it look a mess as did the whole length of vegetation.
Cllr Long raised Salcombe Clean Up and correspondence received on street sweeping and questioned the effectiveness of the mechanical sweeper. He asked if this machine would be part of this review as the sweeper was ineffectual on weed growth and rubbish in gutters. When the weeds were hoed then swept the machine could work but the driver would have to do that in every road to get the machine to pick up. The Mayor also noted that the mechanical sweeper went along Buckley Street but it was not evident however when a worker did the job by hand it was immaculate. Gullies were always getting blocked but Cllr Lang raised the issue that the mechanical sweeper went along collecting debris in its wake and pushed the detritus down the gullies compounding the flooding problems!
Cllr Whitfield asked what was happening along Batson with regard to the proposed parking spaces and ask who could apply for a space. Who were they for, how much would they cost etc. Dist Cllr Wright advised that they were tarmacking the area for residential parking for Batson but the Mayor noted that most who had applied were second home owners. Dist Cllr Wright agreed the spaces could be for second homes but stated this was preferable to trailers and vehicles being dumped. The meeting noted that people who currently parked there could not afford the cost of these permits and now had nowhere even though they were local and/or worked in the area.
Cllr Mrs Bricknell knew some people who have to pay £6.50 per day but if they were working in the area could they apply for an on street permit. She was advised that residents’ permits were from 4p.m. to 10a.m. Kingsbridge had commuter permits but there was nothing provided by District in Salcombe.
Cllr Mrs Turton enquired about an enforcement matter she had reported to Dist Cllr Wright earlier in the week as the officers were visiting the day following her report but he had received no reply so far.
No applications having been received this was DEFERRED.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 24th January 2018 were considered before being APPROVED by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
The following applications were considered under delegation and such observations from town council submitted to District before this meeting.
• 3294/17/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plan Received) Householder application for changes to an existing stone boundary wall Start House, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HQ – Objection as this was detrimental to the street scene and would remove a public amenity view. There were also concerns regarding the choice of materials and such blending with adjacent properties. The increase in height of the wall was not felt to be in keeping with the Conservation Area and it was noted that the plans submitted were incorrect as to the measurements shown for the existing wall heights and new. The wall shown at 1.2m from the footpath level to top was already 1.6m so any fall would not be reducing as indicated. The internal walls did not match and were considerably higher than shown on the plans.
• 4148/17/HHO Householder application for installation of 9 x grid tied solar PV panels on the south west facing roof elevation St Brelades, Bonaventure Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8BG – No objection.
• 4266/17/HHO Householder application for extension and alterations to existing dwelling including roof works 16 Buckley Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8DD – Objection due to the use of inappropriate materials in the Conservation Area and AONB such as zinc. The extension of the roof to form a main gable end was not in agreement with the previous application with regard to its rise to the upper floor and would have a serious impact on the light to the neighbouring properties. Views from a wider perspective included this property being visible from the estuary so affected the setting of the Conservation Area. Larger windows to the rear increased overlooking of neighbouring properties in Church Street and the proposal overall was felt to be an overdevelopment of this property.
• 4384/17/HHO Householder application to increase the scope of application 1342/17/HHO for new car parking at bottom of property Moult Moor, Moult Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8LG – Objection. The plans were not useful due to having just one reference point and there was a concern that this application would remove a long established old wall and planting. This was to create a large parking area with a wide expanse of stone and gave no indication of a safety wall. To blend with the locality the stone would need to match and it was not felt that this could be achieved whilst the plan also showed a separate plot marked with parking. The scale of this proposal appeared excessive for the site and there was no information with regard to water runoff.
• 0015/18/FUL Replace the existing roof over rear facing porches with flat roof balconies and replace an existing first floor window with a glazed door and Juliette balcony 3 Glenthorne House, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HQ – Objection. It was noted that this application related to the whole of the first floor of the building. This aspect of the property looked out over the adjacent park and estuary and thus due to its visibility from these public spaces had an impact on the AONB and the design would not be in keeping with the character of the Conservation Area. The proposed juliette balcony would overlook into the bedroom of the adjacent property Alma Villa. A further concern was that historic intricate building details appeared to be being removed and would be a loss to the setting of this Conservation Area.
• 0059/18/FUL Replacement of existing rotten timber windows on rear elevation in matching style with aluminium The Salcombe, Fore Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8JG – Objection to the loss of the stained glass window from this Conservation Area and if was felt that there was a need to retain the character of the older style windows due to its designated setting.
• 0087/18/FUL Erection of building containing a ground floor marine retail unit with two dwellings above site Of Former Workshop, Gould Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8DU – Objection as this was a designated employment area and the introduction of residential dwellings above such employment units would not allow it to be possible to ventilate accordingly for such marine or associated usage. Also it could raise complaints of noise nuisance for residential occupiers when this employment area should be retained as marine related. The gradual ‘drip’ introduction of residential in this location also reduced the overall ability to meet its affordable allocation trigger point size which could provide a contribution to the community from this area. If this was approved there should be a condition that the designated employment area was retained as such and noted that in an area where affordable housing was needed this proposal would make no contribution to affordability.
• 0135/18/HHO Householder application for side and rear extension to existing property to include enlarged patio and deck area High Pines, Shadycombe Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8NS – No objection.
• 0199/18/HHO Householder application for new balcony and glazed sliding doors to ground floor rear elevation (South-East), and new window to ground floor side elevation (South-West) Startline House, Newton Road, Salcombe, Devon TQ8 8HH – No objection.
• 0245/18/HHO Householder application for proposed replacement balustrade to existing terrace to provide increased amenity and Replacement/new Decking to rear garden Tree Tops, Bonfire Hill, Salcombe, TQ8 8EE – Objection. The previous terrace proposed on the garage roof had been set back and by moving it to the edge was now on the boundary and could be stood on looking back to the property and therefore should include a privacy screen along the whole length of the terrace above the garage. Elevated decking could also incur overlooking to adjacent properties.
• 0326/18/LBC Listed building consent for internal alterations and refurbishment works to dwelling, including alterations to rear fenestration 6 Victoria Quay, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8DA – Objection as it was not felt good design to brick up half a window at the back of the house nor for the outhouse to become a bunk house with integral shower as was felt an inappropriate use.
• 0330/18/FUL New driveway to existing dwelling and new detached dwelling (resubmission of 2968/17/FUL) Cachel, Onslow Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8AH – Objection The proposed building was felt to be overdevelopment and thus overbearing for this site as it also removed all amenity space in the new development and also reduced the Cachel amenity space. There would be overlooking of neighbouring properties and Town Council was concerned with both points of access, by virtue of this proposal, being situated immediately next to the school crossing hatchings and also in close proximity to the St. Dunstan turn off. Visually the properties in Onslow Road fall away gently down the hill and whilst there had been a slight reduction in ridge height from the previous application this proposal would sit prominently in the landscape affecting the street scene.
• 2432/17/HHO Appeal reference: APP/K1128/D/17/3189764 Proposal: Householder application for proposed alterations to existing dwelling 4 Island Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DP Appellants Name: Mr & Mrs Twelves, Mark Twelves Appeal start date: 22nd January 2018
• 2451/17/HHO Appeal reference: APP/K/1128/D/17/3190997 Proposal: Householder application for external store beside garage screened by stone wall and landscape The Grange, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ Appellants Name: Mr Alasdair Nicholls Appeal start date: 22nd January 2018
These Appeals were to be heard under the Householder Appeals Service and there was no opportunity to add further comments although all previous comments would be forwarded they could be withdrawn not added to.
• 0378/18/TPO Proposed works T1: Sycamore – Re-pollard to previous pollard points at approx 9 metres from ground level. Location Ash Tree House, Knowle Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8EQ – Objection. Firstly this was an ash tree not sycamore. Re-pollarding to previous points was too drastic as the previous works had been substantial so lesser works would be preferred.
• 0379/18/TCA Proposed works T1: Sycamore – Fell, leaning at severe angle at approx. 3 metres from property, in danger of falling onto property. Location Vine House, Gould Road to Batson, Batson, Devon TQ8 8NR – No objection however town council would like to see an appropriate tree planted nearby but this was not a requirement but an owners decision.
• Nothing further received.
Those two members of the public in attendance to speak to the Cadmus application left.
An application by The Kidz and Co for new premises licences for Bearz Bar, Island Street was considered and it was AGREED to respond to District Council that town council objected as this was felt to enlarge what could be considered as an extended coffee shop to a noisy bar with soft play area upstairs. With the stairway situated halfway back through the property and the only toilets situated upstairs those using the facility would need to go up to access these toilets. With children around upstairs this was not felt to be compatible and conversely children and a bar for alcohol did not go together.
The entrance comprised of a single glaze plate glass window/door going out straight on to the highway with the back of the property bordered by a slipway. This side of Island Street was designated for employment but the other was residential including elderly residents at Chandlers Heights being close by. The valley then went up Coronation Road and with not much sound proofing within this property sound could be carried far. With a bar and small stage/area for a live band this did not leave a large amount of space for accessibility.
This was a full bar licence and potential for live music every day for this premises together with off sales and as such was felt far too extensive in this location. There was the added danger for customers exiting straight on to the highway and unacceptable interaction between drinkers and children.
It was questioned whether a Change of Use from A3 to A4 usage required a planning application but the District Councillor was not sure. Health and Safety concern was raised with regard to fire escapes in view of lack of back access and if the tide was in at the back, was the building fit for purpose.
Quotes received for the works highlighted were provided and it was AGREED that the contract would be awarded to Bayleaf Gardening with the remit of works to be undertaken up to a cost of £2000 subject to receiving the appropriate certificates and insurance.
The request for a taxi rank within Salcombe town and possible locations was considered and it was AGREED to suggest a location at Chapel End with, if possible, two linear spaces along the paved section. As this area could be congested early in the morning it was felt it should be time limited for deliveries to use outside operational hours.
The Town Clerk was requested to ask for the rules for taxi rank usage and check with the County Councillor when the next HATOC meeting was then with this information the matter would return to the following agenda for final consideration.
The following applications were considered and it was AGREED;
(a) to advise Plastic Clever that Town Council felt a financial projection was required so they could understand the full remit of this project as businesses could show support and cover all needs. Town Council did support this event as they had shown by signing the Plastic Clever letter and needed to ensure public funds were committed only to actual items.
(b) to request Holy Trinity Church to provide a schedule of works and quotes for the maintenance and safety aspect.
(c) to provide Salcombe Maritime Museum with a £3000 grant to offset their annual rent. A question would also be asked as to what they intended to do to raise further funds as their income was not increasing nor matching their expenditure.
Proposals for the forthcoming Mayor and Mayor Elect were tabled in order allow a smooth hand over of responsibility at the end of the council year and after nomination and voting it was AGREED Nikki Turton stand as Mayor elect with Philip Lafferty-Holt as Deputy Mayor elect.
The Mayor provided an update and advised that an executive summary of the full document would be sent to all households and businesses. The full Neighbourhood Plan would be made available in various locations with some drop in sessions being arranged to further explain the content. Letters had been sent out to various interested landowners as within the plan some local green spaces had been nominated so that the land should not be developed. Some land in this category was owned by town council and thus a letter received. Cllr Lang noted that the Park and Ride should be included in the Bonfire Hill land allocation and this was acknowledged and the town clerk requested to notify.
Once the plan was received by District Council it could be used as an emerging plan to be referred to by District Planning. Cllr Long noted one landowner had contacted him concerned that this inclusion would mean their private land could become accessible to the public, but this was not the point of this designation. It was AGREED that town council would formally agree to inclusion of their green spaces and that councillors would attend the Regulation 14 consultation drop in sessions to be organised by the Neighbourhood Plan Group. The Mayor would provide dates of these meetings for councillors to advise when they were available to assist.
The Mayor noted that he and Cllrs Long and Mr Turton met to consider the Joint Local Plan examination attendance on the 27th and 28th February. Their consideration was that the plan was flawed as it was supposed to aid the community and provide the housing that they needed. Affordable housing to be provided was set at 30% of a development and with allocation on the land earmarked this was probably 18 houses. However any build of five houses or less triggered no contribution, 6-10 houses the developer paid a contribution and 11 houses or over 30% affordable housing provided on the site. If a development was provided in chunks there could be no affordable housing contribution. Therefore, their argument was that the JLP should state that they would not accept developments of less than 30 so that the percentage could be achieved.
Cllr Baker, in his absence, had provided an email regarding prices for the Mortuary but perhaps this information should be sought from a Quantity Surveyor for actual costings of works and this decision would be placed on the next agenda.
With regard to the forthcoming Crab Fest John Samson, Chairman of Rotary, had asked if town council would fund a bus again and this request would be placed on the next agenda. Whilst talking to him the Mayor enquired about the change of venue for Shadycombe instead of Creek car park but John had there was not change and it remained the same as last year. The town council would advise District Council that the Chairman of Rotary stated that the Creek Car Park was being utilised as per the previous year and not as included in the licence request.
Cllr Long – Advised of a meeting taking place on 27th February with South West Water at the Berry to discuss their concerns with adjacent trees.
Cllr Lang – Noted he had carried out the Annual Footpaths Review and report which was to come to the next meeting.
Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Advised of a boat left on the highway in Grenville Road not on a trailer just placed there for some considerable time.
• Met with Don McIntosh of Tally Ho who advised of the charge of the bus for the year and that they could add a service in October with 56 days notification. Weekly passes for the use of the bus was also an option available. They would reduce the buses used for Firework night to three due to their experience of requirement over the last few years
• Report to be tabled next month and approved. Needed also to discuss whether to complete a footpath expenditure form and whether town council wanted to apply for a P3 grant for ongoing signage or other works?
• Cllr Baker advised that he believed from responses received from builders that bringing the Mortuary back into usage would be a project cost in the region of £100,000. As detailed in the Mayors report and to be further discussed on the next agenda.
• Devon County Council had notified of a highways consultation due to commence on 1st March for a month to feed into a full review of the traffic sensitive network for road works.
• District Council had produced electronic fly tipping posters that could be printed out and posted around the parish at areas of concern.
• Letter received from South Devon AONB advising that their Management Plan was being reviewed for 2019-24. Fliers had been produced to be put up on noticeboards along with a request that five parish council members completed an enclosed survey, to be returned to their team.
• Only two contractors had responded to quote for the works to make the Information Centre window/wall water tight. This would be put on the next agenda for consideration as no further estimates could be obtained.
Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £320,382.71
Salcombe Harbour Hotel – Parking spaces licence quarterly payment £2875
Devon County Council – Parking Provision contract £27059.28
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
Hi-Line – Tree inspection and risk assessment £432.00
G Claydon – Copy paper and coffee £25.00
Softcat – Office 365 monthly charge £30.85
P. Robinson – Neighbourhood Plan letters postage £10.78
Cliff House Trust Ltd – Office rental £3678.00
SHDC – Bonfire Hill Refuse £18.90
3465 Salcombe PCC – Magazine subscription £8.00
The next town council meeting would be held on Wednesday 28th February 2018 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 9.50p.m.
……………………………………………….. 28th February 2018.
Town Mayor.