* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr R. Whitfield *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr K. Baker *
Cllr Mrs N. Turton *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt *
Cllr M. Long *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
WPC Jo Pengilly N
PCSO P. O’Dwyer N
Christen – Kingsbridge Gazette *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.
No members of the public present.
Police Report – Emailed by Pc Jo Pengilly.
During the past month Acquisitive crime had increased, the following crimes had been reported:
There were a number of enquiries taking place at this time. The police asked for people to be vigilant, ensuring that if anyone saw a vehicle acting suspiciously a registration number with time, place and make of vehicle should be passed to the police as this could be very relevant to their ongoing investigations.
The Marine Awareness Day was a complete success and they thanked everyone for their support in this event and once in situ they could open half of the car park. For the public, all the agencies had a steady flow of people and Pc Pengilly believed this was probably the most successful year so far. They would be aiming to repeat this event next April and Pc Pengilly felt town council would again show their support for this.
Crime prevention advice was extremely important and she advised, we must ENSURE that we LOCK our vehicles, TAKE our possessions home from our boats and LOCK our HOMES and businesses and always consider alarms and CCTV.
District Cllr Wright had been advised that town council met with the District officers to discuss waste, street cleaning and weed spraying and these discussions went well. Since then however it was noted that no public waste bins were emptied the last Saturday. Cllr Wright would consider this. He had seen the footpaths and alleyways put forward by town council and Honey Foskett was putting together a map and quote. It was noted that Honey Foskett had requested that town council inform her when large events were to be held in town (i.e. Crab Fest, Regatta) in order that they could seek extra resources. The Mayor noted a concern that there was no street cleaning in Salcombe over the weekend during the holiday season but Honey was considering additional resources for this. Pete Robinson and Honey would have regular meetings with regard to the gardening contract and other town maintenance.
Dist Cllr Wright continued that the police feedback on the Marine Safety Event was that it had started slowly but later in the day when the weather improved many people attended and the outcome was positive. He also took on board the suggestion that in future if there was any event on Whitestrand car park they should let the public know by placing a sign on the way into Salcombe, perhaps at the corner of Shadycombe Road.
Cllr Lafferty-Holt raised a concern with regard to the public bins in Whitestrand and the plan to replace with the current bins with a larger one. He highlighted a concern from businesses in that area that District was removing this facility away from the water edge when people coming off the pontoons had rubbish to dispose of and they would then have to manoeovre through the car park. He wondered could they not just have three or four smaller bins next to the one already there. It was advised that they were moved for a specific reason as the marine people were dumping their boat rubbish there for ease rather than using the bins provided out on the water where boat users were meant to recycle. However there was no bin by the public toilets so this area should be considered. Dist Cllr Wright noted that currently there were two bin collections per day in town and Honey was trying to include a further one included for Whitestrand when the bins by the beach were collected later in the afternoon.
It was highlighted that the bottom of Newton Road had a road closed sign for the 22nd April but there was no warning for the current closure.
The Mayor raised the point that at the last meeting the district councilors had advised that Captain Morgans had a lease to use the adjacent area from April to October but on leaving the meeting it was noted they already had tables and chairs thereon. Dist Cllr Wright acknowledged this was probably contravening the lease and they were trying to enforce this as they wanted to pilot using the area at other times of the year for markets and perhaps the Christmas tree.
It was questioned what the terms of the Hairbraiders licence was as they now had all their signs all over the public seat, flowerbed and were seating their customers on the public bench seats when this should be a public space. Dist Cllr Wright said a copy of the licence would be given to the Harbour Office so they knew the terms. Cllr Mrs Sinnott asked who would then police this and Dist Cllr Wright thought firstly the car park enforcement officer or otherwise the locality officer. Cllr Mrs Bricknell noted that the reason for the planters was to build higher flowerbeds to stop such usage.
The Mayor thanked District for the bench seat recently installed at Clifton Place although it had been turned around for a different view up the street but it was acknowledged it was well used.
The Mayor had a concern regarding the issue of the recent annual car park permits and related a story of someone with a permit that was supposed to be able to be used all year round and what had occurred. The District website had advised that the permit applied all year round but when the motorist received a parking ticket last week the website has been changed to state motorists could not park all year round. Dist Cllr Wright would be forwarded the details and deal with this matter.
No applications having been received this was DEFERRED.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 28th March 2018 were considered before being APPROVED by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
The following applications were considered under delegation and such observations from town council submitted to District before this meeting.
• 0453/18/FUL Change of use of open space to designated outdoor seating area Captain Morgans, Normandy Way, Salcombe TQ8 8ET – Objection unless there was a condition placed that this permission was only enforceable from 1st April to 31st October in line with the current District licence granted. This was to ensure that the area designation allowed alternative uses outside the licence period.
• 0455/18/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plan Received) Householder application for amendments to previous approval 2806/17/HHO for revised external works including removal of existing swimming pool, extending terraces, revised window arrangement and additional habitable accommodation within existing undercroft Formerly Underdeck, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection. The increased amount of glass to be incorporated into the estuary facing side of the property would have a detrimental impact on the AONB and the change of materials on the wall on the road would be detrimental to the street scene. Greystone as proposed had not been used anywhere else in Salcombe and was felt to be completely out of character. The existing road side wall followed the contour of the road but this was not reflected in the plans and there was a concern that the wall would be higher than present. The plans did not indicate what the timber cladding would be but such would need to blend in with the environment.
• 0489/18/FUL Demolition of existing boat storage building and replace with new, purpose built storage building Winters Marine, Lincombe Boat Yard, Salcombe TQ8 8NQ –0548/18/FUL Proposed off street parking space and refuse store Woodside, Bennett Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JJ – Support.
• 0548/18/FUL Proposed off street parking space and refuse store Woodside, Bennett Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JJ – Objection due to the impact on the street scene and a further highways impact due to access and egress off such a busy road. The proposal should state storage space, parking space and ancillary storage underneath as the current refuse store for such space was misleading.
• 0909/18/HHO Proposed demolition and replacement of an existing kitchen extension to include a store below; inclusion of a new dormer window in main house roof along with associated works Wisteria, Grenville Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8BJ – No objection. The proposed extension would now cover the whole width of the house and there was a concern of a potential loss of light for the neighbouring property East Cottage although that window was east facing and the development was to the north so this would not affect sunlight. As all three property owners had signed the application form town council acknowledged this may not be a cause for concern.
• 0911/18/FUL Demolition of existing dwelling and replacement with new Helford, Herbert Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HN – No objection. There was potential that users of the balcony on the upper floor could have overlooking and thus this should include a privacy screen.
• 0957/18/HHO Householder application for single storey outbuilding 3 Rockside, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection. The size and dominance of the proposed mezzanine building was felt overdevelopment in such a small area which would affect the setting of the AONB and SSSI also being situation adjacent to a Conservation Area. The application stated this was to be a single storey building whereas in fact it was mezzanine. Access for such development would require removal of Tree Preservation Order trees whilst this impact is not mentioned within the application and not supported by town council.
• 0960/18/HHO Proposed modification to external steps The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JQ – Objection as it was felt that the steps should be reinstated in accordance with the Listed Building designation.
• 0961/18/LBC Listed Building Consent for proposed modification to external steps The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JQ – Objection as it was felt that the steps should be reinstated in accordance with the Listed Building designation.
• 0984/18/HHO New solid tiled roof to existing conservatory (currently UPVc) 6 Bonaventure Close, Salcombe, TQ8 8BA – No objection.
• 1011/18/FUL Provision of equestrian stable block Stowers Hill Farm, Moult Hill, Salcombe, TQ8 8LF – No objection but it was noted that the works had already commenced whilst the application stated they had not.
• 1113/18/TPO Proposed works: T1: Beech – Crown reduction by up to 5 metres, structurally weak compression unions with inclusions. Location Overbecks, Lane From The Bolt Head Hotel To Sharpitor Gardens, Sharpitor, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8LW – Works were felt necessary to the tree but with limited information and lack of an arboriculture report this was difficult to consider. Therefore it was objection as there was a lack of clarity as what was proposed.
Dist Cllrs Wright and Mrs Pearce left the meeting.
Nothing further received.
It was AGREED to approve a £180.00 contribution towards a private residents quote for £360 for immediate works necessary on a Holm Oak situated in the cemetery overgrowing and impacting on their adjacent property garden crushing the summerhouse.
Permission was given to proceed and request the handyman to remove the grass at the base of the cemetery wall along the highway.
General discussion and consideration of a request to support an extension of residents parking to include the Bonfire Hill cul-de-sac along with residents parking in general took place. It was AGREED to advise County Council that as all these properties had off street parking and this was a problem across the whole town council did not feel residents parking worked; it just pushed the problem elsewhere.
Cllr Mrs Bricknell outlined the routine for checking the defibrillator and reporting. She explained that mostly she contacted Justin Sharples of South West Ambulances and they sorted problems together. The staff at the Spar shop all had her telephone numbers and would also ring her if they noticed a problem. Currently the defibrillator casing was full of muck and condensation with the cloth pack it sat in going mouldy. Justin Sharples had acknowledged this problem and South West Ambulances would provide a new casing and defibrillator and the Spar shop was hopefully getting the problem pipe above the casing changed. So a decision must be made as to whether to leave the unit where it was whilst the pipe was repaired or to reinstall it next to where the council noticeboard currently sat. The problem with this was that users would have to reach over the coalbunker to reach the defibrillator which would be difficult. A repair to the pipe had been carried out before and had reoccurred. Whilst the defibrillator and casing would be supplied Town Council would have to fit it.
Reviewing the current monitoring Cllr Mrs Bricknell advised she went along every morning and if this was not possible she rang the staff at the Spar shop. She had contact numbers to ring and also filed a report online to South West Ambulance at the end of each month.
(a) To assist Cllr Mrs Sinnott AGREED to be the designated deputy for when Cllr Mrs Bricknell was not able to attend. All Town Councillors would also check the unit whenever they went past this way. Cllr Baker offered to do the actual works to move the unit but a qualified electrician would be required if it was moved. .
(b) If the unit had a problem Cllr Mrs Bricknell made a record if this on her phone. It was AGREED that an Excel spreadsheet would now be set up in Dropbox so that all councillors could access this to record reports made to South West Ambulance.
(c) It was AGREED that the positioning of the unit would await the outcome and advice of the site meeting with South West Ambulance and a report would be made to the next full council.
The Mayor advised that the Neighbourhood Plan consultation had now finished with about 220 responses which included individuals, businesses and organisations. A meeting of the group took place on Monday at which the members went through the responses to consider any amendments or additions that may need to be made and this would information would be circulated by a further newsletter. Thereafter the plan would go to District Council before it went to the Inspector. The consultant and a group member were to meet with Tom Jones, District Planning and go through various parts of the document. One problem considered was what District Councils proposals were with regard to Whitestrand, Shadycombe and Batson as these appeared to change regularly. A further Batson Project group meeting was to take place next week and Cllr Whitfield would report back when possible.
A street cleaning, waste and grass cutting meeting took place with Cathy Aubertin, Honey Foskett and Mark Capper along with Pete Robinson, the town clerk, Cllrs Mrs Turton and Lang from town council. At that time they went through Cllr Wright’s response report and picked up on some issues. District Council was going to look at the weed spraying areas that TC provided together with what was requested and provide a quote. Discussion took place on street cleaning and they responded that they could not afford to send a man and barrow at the weekend but this would to be looked into. Currently the barrow was in Salcombe Monday to Friday. It was highlighted that the mechanical sweepers were only designed to operate up to five miles from their base and as they were sited at Tor Quarry this was why they kept going wrong. As town council had now given their grass cutting contract to District Council maintenance team the impression was given that they could provide a better service also on their land and the town could expect to see District Council operatives around full time. The emptying of public bins was raised and concerns for the litter in the evenings as litter was brought back after visits to the beach and deposited by the bins so peak problem times were noted. The leachate from collection lorries was raised and it was advised that the mechanical sweeper had a wash facility as well so the officers would see if this could be put in place during the warmer weather.
The Mayor had received a complaint about table and chairs in Chapel End outside the bakery and was asked why this was allowed. He had advised that all articles on the highway were being raised with Devon County and hopefully this would be included within the meeting discussing A Boards. Also, another resident highlighted the state of Shadycombe Road as the road surface was disintegrating and the gravel from this was being thrown onto the pavement making it dangerous for mobility scooters.
In the next fortnight the Mayor would attend a meeting at Follaton House about Permission in Principle for a training event hosted by an outside trainer. This item was in the new National Planning Policy Framework and would change certain planning application consideration. He would go along as Mayor and Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan to ascertain how this would affect planning and the Neighbourhood Plan.
There had been a complaint about speeding on Main Road which was a perennial problem and whether flashing signs stating the correct mph could be installed. The Mayor brought this to the meeting to discuss whether Town Council should investigate the cost of such. The general opinion of those present was that these signs did not make much difference to speed and added a further piece of ugly street furniture. The principle of community speed checks was explained and discussed and without enough volunteers coming along a team could not be trained and set up by the police.
Cllr Mrs Turton – Noted that over Easter every single down Coronation Road was overhanging the pavement. This meant that people needed to step into the road and this would be raised with the police as the motorists could be ticketed. The same problem arose in Sandhills Road due to the builders and delivery lorries which were blocking the entire pavement.
A report of the Coastal Communities Team meeting held on 3 April at Kingsbridge Town Council was provided.
As a group they discussed the early round applications of a ‘Destination Start Bay’ project put forward by the South Devon AONB, and a ‘Nautical Routes to Devon’ project submitted by British Marine South West, and the endorsement of both was confirmed.
The Hope Cove application for work on the harbour breakwater was agreed to remain a stand-alone project which the group would be happy to endorse.
District Council’s application for marine employment units in Salcombe was also considered to be a stand-alone project. The group would welcome the provision of units for marine based businesses provided that:
– The use of the units is restricted to marine related service, construction, maintenance and repair workshops
– The restricted permitted use is supported by rent levels which are affordable to local marine business.
– A formal legal agreement or covenant being in place to enforce these restrictions
– The development fitted with the policies and proposals in the emerging Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan
The group’s endorsement of the project would state these requirements
The CCT was keen to support the fishing sector projects – Salcombe Fish Quay, Kingswear Quay upgrade, Beesands winch and access, Hallsands winch. It was considered that these projects would have the best chance of success as a composite application and Tim Beavon would firm up the details.
The South Devon AONB tourism proposals would form a further composite application to include the promotion of food and drink, outdoor activities and circular walks to be submitted with the CCT’s endorsement.
Cllr Long – Advised that Alex Whish, Tree Officer, was to attend a meeting at Plantation Wood to provide his view regarding the maintenance in this wood. Cllr Long had expressed his concern and was waiting to hear from Woodland Trust on the schedule of works. The Mayor asked if they were also going to look at the land at Plantation House to considered Tree Preservation Orders. Cllr Long thanked Pete Robinson for his prompt response when he had reported that a boat transport loader broke the BT cover on the pavement opening a 3ft drop. BT had responded within 2 hours and the drop had a barrier around it. The size of boat being transported down was excessive but the transport driver confirmed that the police had stated it would be alright. The vehicle experienced great difficulty and eventually reversed down Shadycombe Road blocking access for a funeral procession. This matter of suitability of size should be raised with the police again. The driver even noted that the size of craft was normally transported to Plymouth to be launched. Where the vehicle had reversed round into Croft Road the trailer had actually scrapped the surface of Gould Road.
Cllr Whitfield –Requested that when the repairs to the roadside wall at Jubilee Gardens was completed that all rubbish be removed. He also noted that the contractors had been working in the road with no reflective jackets nor warning signs.
Cllr Lafferty-Holt – From Shadycombe car park main entrance walking up Gould Road he had noticed that there was no drop kerb on the pavement so for anyone with a pram or wheelchair it was a challenge. Whilst Devon County could be advised it was felt that with the current limited funds this would not be addressed. Whether District Council would consider it due to the car park it was not known.
Cllr Lang – Noted that the footpath down to Batson needs some attention as there were puddles in the sunken areas.
Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Advised that businesses in Island Street were concerned about the builders/contractors at the Co-op and houses site. They all had parking permits and parked by the Salcombe Ice Cream shop so that no one else could park and pop into the businesses. The businesses had also requested that the park & ride bus have a stop off there. It was noted that it was Tally Ho, the service provider, who were not happy turning at that junction due to reversing visibility. Tally Ho also stated that most passengers wanted to go to the centre of town and the Island Street businesses had footfall from the two cars parks. Cllr Mrs Sinnott advised that the Information Centre always directed the passengers who came into them to visit Island Street.
• The Open Space matter was to be deferred to this meeting but the District Full Council Minutes were not online in draft and therefore the solicitor had been asked to write to District Legal again seeking an update so this was awaited.
• Meeting with Cathy Aubertin, Honey Foskett and Mark Capper to discuss the new maintenance contract. Initially there would be monthly meetings between Pete Robinson and Honey to ensure that any queries are picked up and dealt with. The previous invoice for weed spraying of areas within the highway was for works that town council had not commissioned. In view of this misunderstanding the invoice would be cancelled and Honey would provide a quote for weed spraying from the kerb to the walls along pavements throughout Salcombe to include the urban steps and pathways. The public bin emptying rota was also requested so that this could be reviewed. A question was raised with regard to public bins that were to have been moved and it was noted that a bench had been installed at Chapel End. It had been noted this year that there had been a significant increase in dogs owned locally and with visitors and unfortunately a rise in excrement around town. A suggestion put forward was that town council could trial providing ‘dog poo’ bags to try to alleviate this problem.
• Land adjacent to Beadon Road track required identification of owners for the Neighbourhood Plan group, Pete Robinson had a map which councillors could offer information if they were aware of such.
• Email received from a resident highlighting that not many people visited the Shadycombe cemetery and that it was felt it did not need as frequent a cut. The paths maybe should be kept clear but in view of the wildlife, wild flowers and general noise whilst works were done it could be left more as a natural area. It was later acknowledged that the new contractor had in fact left the areas with wildflowers but still affirmed that works did not have to be so often and would thus save tax payers money. Town Council did not feel that this would be acceptable to many people who visited this cemetery for many reasons.
• Devon County Council had submitted an invoice for the installation of lighting along the footpath adjacent to Main Road along the Park and Ride through Jubilee Gardens to the top of Onslow Road. This would be applied for through the Community Reinvestment fund granted but obtaining such had been problematical lately.
• Cathy Aubertin of District Council advised she had reviewed parking charges for Salcombe car parks and would be proposing to the Executive that the following amendments be made to parking charges during the high season only in Whitestrand car park:
½ hour – increase from £0.60 to £0.70
1 hour – increase from £1.10 to £1.30.
This she believed would meet the 2% increase required and help address the abuse of parking in this car park. It was noted that there was an APP to pay for parking at Whitestrand which was very good but currently it is £1.30 for this service when it was £1.10 from the meter. It was felt this was wrong as there was less work involved by paying directly through the APP and therefore it should be less not more.
Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £305,221.76
SHDC – Neighbourhood Plan Reimbursement £613.78
Salcombe Museum – Rent £5000.00
Salcombe Information Centre – Rent £4250.00
½ yearly precept £42073.50
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
Greenspace – Clearance of vegetation around South West Water perimeter on The Berry £575.00
SHDC – Bonfire Hill waste collection March £18.45
Bayleaf Gardening – Removal of fallen yew in Shadycombe cemetery £208.80
Softcat – Office 365 monthly £30.85
ICCM – Cemetery advisory group subs £90.00
DALC – Annual Subs £446.37
Amazon – Brother inks for colour photocopier £35.49
Cheques: None
The next town council meeting would be held on Wednesday 25th April 2018 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 20.26p.m.
……………………………………………….. 25th April 2018.
Town Mayor.