* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell A
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr R. Whitfield *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr K. Baker *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt *
Cllr M. Long *
Cllr Mrs N. Turton *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *

Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) A
WPC Jo Pengilly A
Kristen Bound Kingsbridge Gazette *


Cllr Mrs Turton was proposed as Town Mayor by Cllr Fice and unanimously elected by all present and the Town Clerk received the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Mayor.


Cllr Lafferty-Holt was proposed as Deputy Town Mayor by Cllr Mrs Turton and unanimously elected and the Town Clerk received the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Deputy Mayor.


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.


The allocation of working parties and representatives on outside organisations was AGREED as below:

  • Salcombe Swimming Pool Association Lindy Sinnott
  • Malborough Feoffees Mike Fice and Tony Lang
  • Minibus Committee Mike Fice
  • Salcombe Harbour Liaison and Port User Group Rich Whitfield
  • Emergency Committee Nikki Turton, Phil Lafferty-Holt, Rich Whitfield and Caroline Bricknell
  • Allotment Committee Tony Lang
  • Neighbourhood Plan Group Mike Fice
  • P3 and Footpath Warden Tony Lang
  • Chamber of Commerce Mayor and Deputy Mayor
  • Coastal Communities Team Nikki Turton

Finance & Staffing Working Group Mike Fice, Phil Lafferty-Holt, Nikki Turton and Tony Lang
Planning Working Group Councillors that can attend on the day
Media and Website Mayor, Lindy Sinnott and Rich Whitfield
Mortuary Group Tony Lang, Keith Baker and Phil Lafferty-Holt
Open Spaces Sport and Recreation Keith Baker, Caroline Bricknell and Nikki Turton
Data Protection Controller All town council
Data Protection Officer Town Clerk


The following review of Leases, Tree Surveys and other legal obligations were APPROVED as detailed below:

  • Cliff House Office – Lease signed for a three-year term commencing April 2017.
  • Council Hall title held with leases lapsed and now on a Rolling Tenancy with Tourist Info Centre and Museum. Proposals for use of the Council Hall space were currently on hold. The Mortuary usage remained unresolved and town council had contracted a quantity surveyor to provide a costing report. Safety fences had been erected to protect the unsafe roof until future usage was confirmed.
  • Town Council own the title to the land used as parking and a garden amenity space.
  • Valuation for market rental of the Council Hall was carried out February 2009 and reviewed by email. Payments had increased incrementally to attain such market value. Council Hall leak maintenance work was currently in progress.
  • Berry Lease held by peppercorn rent between Town Council and District Council for a term of 28 years until August 2017 had lapsed but town council solicitors had registered a caution of intention to renew. Further fencing around land adjacent to the Berry had been proposed to adjoining properties to ensure security of the perimeter boundary but had not yet been approved.
  • Ember Road Diamond ‘Jubilee Gardens’ – Transferred to Town Council in October 2012 and Section 106 landscaping works carried out during 2013 with play equipment installed during September 2014. Play Inspection currently carried out the regular Health and Safety checks and such insurance was within the town council policy. Roadside wall collapse had been reinstated and changes to the landscaping and paths made to accommodate easier maintenance.
  • Welcome Gardens (bedding area at top of Onslow Road on the Main Road) had been planted out following a Licence for use of the land with Devon County Council being provided in 2015.
  • An agreement had been entered into October 2014 for Devon County Council to carry out meter emptying and parking enforcement at Bonfire Hill car park. The Service Level Agreement had been amended to include the provision of Ringo. Disabled parking bays were to be tarmacked and lined out this financial year.
  • Tally Ho provided the bus service on a seasonal basis with fees agreed annually. The fares for this coming year remained the same.
  • The Harbour Hotel continued to pay quarterly for and utilise 13 spaces within the Bonfire Hill land under Licence letter. Management at the Harbour Group had requested a formal document for such usage and a draft was awaited from them since last year but nothing had been received to date.
  • Town Council placed a defibrillator at the Spar Shop in Loring Road from May 2013 and this Agreement was that it would be maintained by South West Ambulance for a term of seven years until April/May 2020. Update training had taken place and Cllr Mrs Bricknell now regularly checked the defibrillator and reported once a month to the authority.
  • Ongoing SLCC, NALC and ICCM membership paid annually as agreed in the precept.
  • The parish council website continued to be updated by Cllr Whitfield and a Town Council Facebook account was operated by Cllr Mrs Sinnott.

Tree Reports:
Hi Line had been commissioned to provide an overall assessment of all trees in the ownership of Town Council during January 2015 and a further summer assessment was carried out during 2017. This updated report was now held as an ongoing Excel spreadsheet of needs during a high, medium, low assessment over a term of three years work. The areas covered by Town Council as below:

  • The Berry – Luscombe Maye 100 year memorial oak was placed on the Berry 2014 and a further memorial tree had been planted in June 2016 in memorial to someone’s relative.
  • Redfern Woods – All previous works carried out.
  • Bonaventure Woods.
  • Shadycombe Cemetery
  • Bonfire Hill Cemetery Trees assessed as not needing professional tree report as of limited height or risk.
  • Allotment boundary hedge and trees at far end. Some trees removed due to storms and further works outstanding for hedge bank slippage and roadside edge. Currently being arranged.
  • Town Council car parking raised garden area.

Policy Documents

  • Standing Orders and Financial Regulations updated 25th November 2014. An up to date draft had just been issued by National Association of Local Councils including the new regulations and would be reviewed.
  • Town Council Risk Assessment document reviewed 12th May 2010. Still pending final update.
  • Cemetery fees reviewed January 2010. Research carried out by Cemetery Manager 2014/15 updated the fees and charging structure along with a usage policy document.
  • Allotment Rents review carried out in 2016 ascertained that the rates were in line with other providers.
  • Grass cutting contract renewed 2018 – 2021 South Hams District Council cover General Grass Cutting maintenance contract together with contract for Jubilee Gardens and Welcome Gardens. The War Memorial planters contract now was undertaken by Fiona Cranford-Smith. Tender review due January/February 2021.
  • Weed spraying arrangements reviewed and requoted with District Council with any additions to the contract to be highlighted and reviewed as necessary.
  • Kyocera Photocopier – Annually paid maintenance agreement in place, £120 pa.
  • Annual Agreement with District for business collection of refuse at Bonfire Hill Cemetery.
  • All Town Council insurance cover reviewed with agents WPS in July. Loyalty premium agreement for three years following insurance agent advice was agreed to be extended to run until July 2018.
  • Outstanding were matters being dealt with by town council solicitors on various land issues.


Roger and Carol Jones lived next door to Sunnycombe which had a planning application to be considered at this meeting. They h ad written to town council and District objecting to the plans but wanted to clarify in person their concerns as they felt it was not clear in the application. This was a variation of a previous application made in 2014 for a large extension which was passed by planning authority after many months of consideration – 18 months. It was eventually passed with an important condition being that the garage and storeroom at the property were not to be demolished to prevent the Jones’ house The Nook being damaged. Their property was a 400s listed cottage built without foundations. Work close by could damage and cause subsidence so they obtained a specialist engineer to prove a report and this stated this would be highly likely if the building was carried out. This application was for removal of a storeroom but it abutted their house and its removal would mean excavation to depths of 4.4metres immediately adjacent to their property because of the hillside. According to the application the only reason for the removal was to ease building material deliveries but the risk was that they could damage their listed cob cottage. This was why this condition was important and they felt it was unacceptable to put their home at risk just to speed up building supplies. They asked town council to agree that this was not acceptable.

Police Report

WPc Jo Pengilly had given her apologies and Sgt Green provided a yearly report in the Annual Town meeting.

District Councillors Report
Dist Cllr Wright highlighted District Council’s new Sea Moor Lotto to be launched in July with a party later in the month with 40 charities and organisations that had expressed an interest. District wanted as many organisations as possible to make contact as he felt this was a great opportunity for them to seek funding so asked councillors to spread the word. The waste procurement was being considered as to whether to keep the service in house or externalise and so far it had been agreed to go to the next stage with competitive dialogue.

The provision of public toilets was challenged at the last meeting with regard to the requirement for cash to pay on entry and the Executive had agreed that part of the procurement would be looking at other means of payment. It could be that those wishing to use the facility may pay in advance for the season. The Mayor asked if businesses that did not have facilities would have to pay but Dist Cllr Wright not sure whether there would be a higher usage discounted fee. Businesses were important to the town and Cllr Lafferty-Holt noted concern with the figures provided and was confused how they stacked up suggesting that the charge must go down over winter. Those visiting the harbour had been used to estimate from experience in places like Dartmouth where charging had been introduced and the usage doubled. Visiting yachts would pay as part of their harbour due would include some sort of access to their section with showers and toilets. Based on the element of paying for a service there were cigarette butts and chewing gum in the urinals left by cleaners for three days in a row and the previous Monday the operative cleaning attended and an hour after he left the soap dispenser had run out. Now the chewing gum gone but the cigarette butts remained. Nobody had a right to a free toilet but if they were paying they expected a service to which Dist Cllr Wright agreed. With regard to the toilets in the Creek car park Cllr Fice noticed there was no hand washing facility nor at North Sands. Also what would happen in the winter if there was low usage would they close. Dist Cllr Wright noted that there was money in reserves which could go towards this but keeping toilets as they were currently was an option as they were not a statutory service. Cllr Lafftery-Holt agreed they could not be free but they were of a below par standard at the moment and there was no reason for this.

Cllr Lafferty-Holt advised he had received a parking ticket for which he had a reason to appeal and had done this online but did not get a response. He was now concerned that the fee would go up for late payment so had tried to make contact again. He went through the website general contact page, parking providing his PCN number and had still not heard anything. He then received an email back which said thank you we will be in touch within a period that would be four weeks later so that at present it was two weeks after the original notice. His concern was he had now had no actual contact and had no idea what was happening. It was acknowledge that the enforcement officer had since been at Whitestrand car park and was there for over two hours which was a positive move.

Cllr Fice raised concern with regard to an article in the Kingsbridge Gazette relating to the Masterplan at Shadycombe wherein it appear that an awful lot had been agreed without local consultation. Town Council was promised full consultation on the proposals but the article said different. This looked like another Whitestrand situation with a set of plans approved at Follaton House that no one else had seen. Dist Cllr Wright said nothing was set in stone but that officers had applied for funding for certain things to remove financial risk. Others further question why therefore was all the other stuff referred to in the Gazette with Cllr Long noting the article stated they had agreed 40 houses, a new harbor depot, a parking compound, storage and workshops. Where, he asked, would 40 houses go? If this was only an exercise about getting a grant why not just put that in the report. Cllr Wright stated nothing been decided. It was further pressed and questioned where this article had come from as it must be written by an officer and it contained comments from John Tucker, Simon Wright and officers. Dist Cllr Wright said they were not going ahead with anything until consultation had taken place and Cllr Lafferty-Holt asked if this could be written in ink.

Delegated authority was used for a planning decision notice received relating to a property in Buckley Street on which Town Council had referred to light from the neighbouring property and other items and yet the officer’s report did not address the issues. However both district councilors gave their delegated authority but said they were not happy with regard to the light issue. Dist Cllr Wright’s response was that they could not justify their reasons at an appeal so the officer recommended approval and stated there were no concrete planning reasons. Cllr Fice believed the officer had not even visited the property to consider the light problem with Cllr Long stating that the comment was brushed aside and he was being polite as the officer appeared not to take heed of local concern. With regard to materials to be used to construct the officer’s statement in the report was it could not be viewed from the street but Town Council had advised it could be viewed from the estuary. Both District Councillors raised concerns in giving delegated authority so Town Council wished to know why if there were concerns the application did not go to higher level (i.e. committee). Dist Cllr Wright said he and his fellow councillor often would send matters to committee but if they could not support an appeal then reluctantly they had to leave the matter.

Cllr Long continued that he believed the officer was considering this very closely from the point of view of the street scene but did not take into consideration the comments raised and previous appeal decision documents wherein Inspectors encouraged looking at the wider views when viewing a property from a distance. Officers needed to step back further and consider the landscape of Salcombe and the estuary as had been suggested in at least three cases by Appeal Inspectors. Cllr Lafferty-Holt enquired how many different officers worked across the Salcombe area. Dist Cllr Wright advised that on every application they must visit the site. Planning had changed from the point when specific officers used to be allocated to an area and Dist Cllr Wright noted that generally there were a number of officers covering applications across an area.

Salcombe had just had its first busy weekend since the meeting with District officer about street cleaning, bin emptying and weed spraying etc and within that meeting it had been stressed that at busy times such as Bank Holiday weekends there needed to be two if not three empties a day. Over the last weekend public bins were only emptied once a day and every morning they had been overflowing. That rota was all that was on the operatives schedule as Cllr Fice had spoken to someone who was collecting and Cllr Long agreed this point. The whole town would have been a lot worse if Rotary had not gone around picking up all the loose rubbish due to their hosting the Crab Fest. Cllr Mrs Sinnott provided a photograph of the rubbish scattered along the East Portlemouth road. Dist Cllr Wright agreed the rota should be two if not three collections. The concern with regard to the amount of bins provided within Whitestrand car park was raised again as it would have been far worse if Captain Morgans had not placed their three commercial wheelie bins for use as there was just one District bin.

A press release received The Berry firstly talked about the old hockey club field currently leased to the Rugby Club so it was not whole The Berry. Cllr Fice had two concerns with this article. The Berry land was currently in discussion between town council and district relating to transferring the land to town council and yet this press release stated District Council was to take this back into their control and allow it to be used on a book to play basis. From a town council angle this was preempting transfer back to town council who may not wish to offer this. Secondly the Lease with the Rugby Club did not run out until 31st October 2018 and this lease renewal could be contested. The article also showed a photograph of the Berry which was part of the Berry land transfer discussions. Dist Cllr Wright advised that as district councilors they kept out of this discussion because it was a Trust issue. Town Councillors present felt that this was a hugely emotive subject for the town and there had been a public vote from the town as to the way forward and then this article was to go out. Dist Cllr Wright was told that he was missing the point as this was a news report being put out that was inaccurate and wrong that District were taking the Berry back into direct District control. Surely as a courtesy this article should have been run past this town council and this was a great discourtesy. Dist Cllr Wright would ask for it to be withdrawn before going to print.

Cllr Long was advised back during February half term that the meters were not working at North Sands and the car park was full for two weeks of the half term. Here was the May Bank Holiday and they were still not working and again it was the second busiest time for North Sands so District was losing income, had a deficit and needed to save money. Yet the largest chunk of income from this town was being lost because North Sands was busy but no meters worked. Dist Cllr Wright was asked what was happening as people were happy not paying but District could not come to town council claiming deficits. Dist Cllr Wright noted he personally authorised the purchase of these machines and Cllr Long asked him to check and respond to the next meeting as to how long it had been out (i.e. February to now).

At Batson it was noted that now the parking markings were complete all the bollards were being used round the green to mark off reserved spaces on the green as the cones not been removed by District contractors.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 25th April 2018 were amended to remove the word ‘free’ from Dist Cllr Wright’s report before being approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.

  • 2435/17/HHO Householder application for alterations and extension to dwelling Lilleby, Moult Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LG – Objection as this was felt to be an excessive overdevelopment due to the size of this dominant extension in the valley together with the light impact from the proposed glazing when viewed from South Sands and the estuary. By extending out this would present a complete wall of light facing these AONB points. The bat and wildlife survey stated works should be carried out at a certain time and indicated that trees were to be removed, which would open the view up more but cause more light pollution, and there were no landscaping proposals.
  • 0450/18/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Householder application for new steps to Foreshore (resubmission of 3874/17/HHO) Formerly Underdeck, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection due to the impact on the AONB and SSSI as the proposed steps had no aesthetic value being in galvanised steel and were therefore out of keeping with the stone currently used for the sea walls. There would also be a loss of estuary foreshore and town council queried the need for an additional set of steps when the existing steps appeared perfectly adequate. A method statement had been requested by Natural England and this development was out of keeping with the estuary and would have a significant impact on the foreshore as well as the main sewer.
  • 0548/18/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Amended Description) Proposed off street parking space and refuse store with lower ground floor storage space associated to Woodside, Bennett Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JJ – Objection due to the impact on the street scene and a further highway impact due to access and egress off such a busy road.
  • 0616/18/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plan Received) Refurbishment and rear extension to flat Avocet, 72a Fore Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8BU – Objection as this was felt to be overdevelopment of an already overdeveloped flat and as such would overlook the neighbouring property from the upper terrace and was also not felt to be of a good design. If this proposal was approved there should be a condition that any developments works should be carried out over the winter period to reduce nuisance. Concern was raised that no Listed Building application accompanied this application.
  • 0909/18/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Proposed demolition and replacement of an existing kitchen extension to include a store below, inclusion of a new dormer window in main house roof along with associated works Wisteria, Grenville Road, Salcombe TQ8 8BJ – No objection. The proposed extension covered the whole width of the house and there was a concern of a potential loss of light for the neighbouring property East Cottage although that window was east facing and the development was to the north so this would not affect sunlight. As all three property owners had signed the application form town council acknowledged this may not be a cause for concern.
  • 1018/18/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) New two storey front extension to dwelling with balcony over Anchorage, Bonaventure Road, Salcombe TQ8 8BG – No Objection.
  • 1110/18/VAR Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) following grant of planning consent 41/1353/14/F for demolition of re-construction of small store above existing garage Sunnycombe, Lower Batson, Salcombe TQ8 8NJ – Objection as this proposal would undermine the stability of a corner of the neighbouring Listed Building. The proposal for the revised building would also have an impact on the street scene and was therefore not conducive to this and a Conservation Area. This was not felt to be a variation of a condition due to the changes effect on a Listed Building.
  • 1115/18/LBC Listed building consent for opening ground floor fireplace to original, internal alterations in rear, reinstate existing rear flat roof and 1no. new skylight, 1no. lead covered access hatch, remove 1no. Velux roof window, replacement rear casement window and second floor bathroom fittings to be removed 46 Bakerswell, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection as no rear elevation plans were provided, such plans were checked for and not found online. As there was a replacement encasement window mentioned the plans provided did not show what was being proposed and the impact on the rear elevation and access.
  • 1169/18/LBC Listed building consent for change of use of first floor to a single residential unit Sea Chest, 7-10 Union Street, Salcombe TQ8 8BZ – No objection.
  • 1246/18/LBC Listed building consent for amendments to consent 41/1354/14/LB including the partial demolition and reconstruction of store above garage, amendments to main extension and associated external works Sunnycombe, Lower Batson, TQ8 8NJ – As 1110/18/VAR above.
  • 1291/18/FUL Proposed installation of replacement fenders and pontoon with new pontoon access footbridge Salcombe Fish Quay, Gould Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DU – No objection.


  • 1275/18/TPO Proposal T1: Sycamore – Fell, infected with rot, increased exposure by removal of T2: T2: Sycamore – Fell, due to extensive decay in base of trunk. Location Cheesewring, Sandhills Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JP – No objection if replacement planting is carried out within the immediate vicinity.
  • 1240/18/TPO Proposal T1: Oak – deadwood removal (exempt), crown thin by up to 10% to remove branches infected with rot, remove dangerous branch approx. 14 metres from ground on east side, remove part of branches at approx. 6 metres from ground on south side, approx. 10 metres from ground on south side, approx. 14 metres from ground on north side, overhanging driveway. Location Berry Ridge, Main Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JW – Objection due to insufficient support documents to be able to approve the works as no aboricultural report was provided.


  • Letter from a resident with an objection to the application
  • 0326/18/LBC Appeal reference: APP/K1128/Y/18/3199347 Proposal: Listed building consent for internal alterations and refurbishment works to dwelling, including alterations to rear fenestration. Location: 6 Victoria Quay, Salcombe TA8 8DB. Appellants name: Mr L Grove Appeal start date: 4th May 2018.
    Town Council had nothing further to add.
    Dist Cllr Wright and Mr and Mrs Jones left the meeting.


It was advised that Audit Statement must be filed with the auditors by Monday 10th June 2018 and then this matter was DEFERRED to the following meeting.


It was advised that Audit Statement must be filed with the auditors by Monday 10th June 2018 and then this matter was DEFERRED to the following meeting.


Following a recent inspection of the play area and surrounding open space with regard to the Play Inspection report review it had highlighted that the proposed access from the cycle path chicane would benefit from the previous wildflower meadow path remaining and that rather than dig up and reseed the area it should have treatment of the weeds within the current grass would be preferable.

It was AGREED to keep the pathway and obtain weed treatment quotes along with re edging and purchase ‘no ball games signs’ for within the play area section.

Following a question Cllr Long advised that the pine tree went over during the storms and town council was waiting to see if it rekindled during spring and if not then look at a replacement in the autumn.


It was AGREED to approve the actions with regard to the following;
(a) Charles Rogers Building to carry out maintenance works on the Batson to Salcombe permissive path to include buddle drainage at a cost of £400.00
(b) Greenspace to carry out edging works, by hand, and secure the allotment boundary along Bonfire Hill cul de sac including clearing the gulley alongside Shadycombe cemetery and St. Dunstans pavement at a cost of £300.00
(c) Greenspace to remove the fly-tipped garden waste by chipping and spreading the material on the Berry footpaths at a cost of £350.00
(d) DEFER a decision on the additional cost from District Council for the weed spraying contract for the park and ride.


Arrangements for the Remembrance Parade in November 2018 were considered and it was AGREED that Cllr Fice would take on the operation of the music box, Rob Wheeler would be asked to provide the sound system and Cllrs Whitfield and Fice would approach suggested participants to be the Parade Marshall.


The Mayor noted that she had attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting with the outgoing Mayor and discussed scaffolding and the Neighbourhood Plan. Most matters related to Kingsbridge. She also noted an email from Cty Cllr Gilbert with regard to checks on the defibrillator and the South West Ambulance voluntary representative would be asked to attend a council meeting to discuss this matter as town council were and had always been registered with them.


Cllr Fice – Attended the lifeboat opening which was most enjoyable. He asked after the park and ride quotes for disabled parking and edging et al and requests had been made to contractors. Cllr Mrs Sinnott asked if the buses were disabled friendly and was advised they were.

Cllr Lang – Sandnes Beadon Lane planning application stated that no trees would be removed but the literature within the estates agents illustrated that there were no trees on the building plot. It was noted that the whole site came under a Tree Preservation Order and Cllr Long would look into this.


  • The Highway Officer had responded that an opportunity had arisen for the gullies in town to receive a bit of extra jetting and he had submitted Sandhills Rd, Cliff Rd, North Sands, Loring Rd and Devon Rd as well as the troublesome gulley and buddle hole near Maryknowle Farm (on the A381). He had utilised the plan of drains and gullies provided by town council to direct the jetter so this had been useful
  • On Knowle/Onslow Road pavement he had submitted a patching scheme due to the edge breaking up. Regarding The Salcombe scaffolding he had told the scaffold company to comply or not be given an extension. and also to remove it from the steps. For the proposed taxi rank he had put the case to the traffic team and thought they would support it but there were concerns raised and he asked town council to bear with him on this one for now.
  • In response to the enquiry to District regarding parking within Batson Creek car park over the October half term Cathy Aubertin advised she had the opportunity to discuss this with the car parking team and Salcombe Harbour. This year they would operate, as they had in previous years, with car parking at Batson Creek being available from the Pay & Display machine up to, approximately 20 bays plus four blue-badge bays. In addition, she wished to make town council aware that District was proposing to remove weekly permits across the district and, assuming the public consultation did not result in a large number of objections, planned to implement this with effect from 1st October this year. Town council felt this was no better than October 2017 when it was fenced off and yet all the spaces remained empty and this should not be closed off until after half term. This was what happened in previous years.
  • Email received from David Eaton CCTV officer regarding an update on CCTV across Devon. A request was made for an update of the town position and whether an Expression of Interest was completed and remained in place. He wished to work with Devon towns on a District basis and arrange a meeting to discuss this. It appeared that the intention was to now provide monitoring hubs as had been done in Torbay, Exeter and Barnstaple. Cllr Whitfield felt that CCTV needed discussing and should be brought back to a future Town Council agenda. Previously businesses had not shown interest but they seemed more in tune now. Cllr Fice felt that if there was a feeling the town wanted it then Town Council should be the body that organised this but not necessarily funded it.


Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £339,624.69

Harbour Hotel – Bonfire Hill car park £2875.00

Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
UK Print – Grant to Plastic Clever for beakers £380.70
Greenspace – Rub down and paint cemetery gates £435.78: HOLD sort air bubbles and some black missed.
Hawthorns Accounting Services Ltd – Audit £251.00
Softcat – Office 365 £30.85
Peak Cashflow for Marketing Means (UK) Ltd – Neighbourhood Plan Survey Results Invoice 2 – £464.40
Concorde I Ltd. – Annual Warranty £144.00
SHDC – Bonfire Hill refuse £18.75
Foot Anstey – Legal fees £116.40


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 23rd May 2018 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 9.15p.m.

……………………………………………….. 23rd May 2018.
Town Mayor.

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