* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) = *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – A
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – A
Cllr K. Baker – *
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – *
Cllr P. Lafftery-Holt – A
Cllr M. Long – *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO P. O’Dwyer – *
Charley Adams Kingsbridge Gazette – *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None given.
Police Report – PCSO O’Dwyer advised he was still on restricted duties following his injury and apologised for not making it to previous meetings. During the last 30 days there had been a total of 4 crimes; 1 Actual Bodily Harm, 1 theft by finding, 2 theft from motor vehicles (tools on board taken). This was compared to last year when there were 9 crimes. The Neighbourhood Team had been in Salcombe and the surrounding parishes during the previous half term week in plain clothes to go into shops keeping an eye open and liaising with shop keepers in an attempt to discourage shoplifting. He had visited the Spar shop and checked the defibrillator a month ago and found it was not working again and therefore had been in touch with South West Ambulances and asked for new pads to be provided. Cllr Mrs Bricknell noted that she had been carrying out checks and the other day there was no light at all so she opened the case and checked the pads and when she closed it the green light came on. She had informed South West Ambulance but they felt there was no reason to come out. She files a monthly report to South West Ambulances and on times when she had raised concern she was told to take the machine out and check it, which she did. The Mayor asked if she kept a record of when she reported a fault and she had not but would do so now and include this in her report. PCSO O’Dwyer noted with the cooler temperatures this can impact on batteries. Everything else in the parish appeared in order.
District Councillors Report – Dist Cllr Wright noted that the Tides Reach planning application had been supported by District and thanked Cllr Long for his attendance and presentation. District Council was currently going through a waste procurement jointly with West Devon and they had just started and were testing the market at present. West Devon currently sub contracted their service out but this contract had come to an end and allowed the two councils to consider this service together.
Last Friday he had attended the NHS meeting for commissioning wherein the regional director had mentioned that the strain of flu virus this year was particularly nasty and all should be encouraged to have flu jabs. The single council results had already been transmitted and he apologised that he voted for the merger but had to weigh up lots of different scenarios, especially the shortfall in budget. To a certain extent the consultation response was disappointing as out of 85,000 population only 2,830 responded. The Communications Team were now discussing how to better share and talk to everyone in the community. He personally travelled 600 miles attending 28 events and talked one to one with those that attended but engagement needed to be better. The Mayor noted it was perhaps cynical but many felt lately that there had been consultations where it had not mattered what people had said so many people felt things were a done deal. Cllr Baker noted that 48 parishes responded against the merger out of 60 possible responses so that was a high number. Cllr Lang also felt that the response rate was not that bad on average nationally.
Steve Jorden, Head of Paid Service, was leaving to go to Swindon as director of housing and strategic planning and would leave in February 2018 along with Adam Parnell, the Harbour Master, leaving Salcombe in the New Year to become Harbour Master at Torbay. Cllr Long felt that thanks should be extended to Adam Parnell for all his work and contribution to the town.
Cllr Lang enquired what the situation was now between South Hams and West Devon as no merger was to take place. Dist Cllr Wright advised that they continued to share the same work force and would carry on as before with no change. District Council however would need to look at other means to save money. Cllr Lang continued that he felt that the planning officers used did not seem to know and understand the Salcombe area and the Mayor agreed and provided such illustration of this. Dist Cllr Wright noted that he and Cllr Mrs Pearce always looked at town council comments to note how officers addressed these points and would take up any issues.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce had emailed to advise that the Cliff House public toilet building conversion to kiosk had been tidied up for Remembrance Sunday and was looking good.
To consider any applications for co-option and if required to receive Declarations of Acceptance of Office and provide the forms for completion of the Register of Interests. None received.
It was advised that within the County Councillor report the 16th November was a Thursday and not Wednesday as stated and this amendment acknowledged. The Minutes of the meeting dated 25th October 2017 were noted before they were APPROVED by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
• 3392/16/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received 7 Amended Description) Retrospective application for change of use of agricultural land and building to marshalling yard, parking and materials storage to service building works, revised access and landscaping The Cedar House, Moult Hill, Salcombe TQ8 8LF – The two amendments on the plans were noted in that the footpath was reinstated in a straight form and the entrance splay widened for better visibility. Objection with regard to the permanent use change as it should remain a two year temporary permission as there was significant concern with regard to the highway use by 12m sized lorries travelling down the narrow Collaton Road from Malborough and the ongoing integrity of the Devon banks which would become damaged especially by the entrance to the site.
• 2854/17/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Householder application for new balconies, cladding, porch and alterations to dwelling, and enlargement of drive to provide additional parking space 9 Landmark Road, Salcombe TQ8 8NY – Objection due to such cladding not being suitable for this area and its impact on the street scene.
• 2874/17/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Householder application for single and three storey extension to rear with upper ground floor balcony Thimble Cottage, Higher Batson, TQ8 8NF – No objection.
• 3371/17/HHO Householder alterations to existing Juliet balcony forming new balcony with canopy over Bosuns Lockers, 53b Fore Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8JE – Objection. This site sits within the Conservation Area and the proposal was totally inappropriate for this area and raised a concern for overlooking of the gardens up behind the current Bibi and Mac shop.
• 3488/17/LBC Listed building consent for repairing the existing rear patio roof and install 2no skylight; to add a handrail along the rear patio roof perimeter; to remove one skylight on the rear face of the main pitched roof; to install 1no Velux roof terrace window, internal alterations to relocate the bathroom to the rear of the patio area and use the space as a new bedroom and opening up the ground-floor fireplace to the original opening to allocate range style cooker 46 Bakerswell, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection. There was no concern with regard to internal proposals but the velux roof terrace window at the rear was to be built into the Listed Building wall and it was felt that this velux harmed the fabric of this building.
• 1411/17/HHO and 1412/17/LBC Appeal Ref: APP/K1128/Y/17/3186054 and APP/K1128/Y/17/3186075 Proposal: Application to retain external straight steps and install a balustrade to match the colonnade; and, application for retrospective permission to retain natural oak finish to columns The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ. Town Council wished to add a further comment that the oak columns now stood out significantly against this iconic white house and were visible from the estuary and coast path and thus had a detrimental effect on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This property was a focal point sitting within the Conservation Area as well as a landmark which was visible from everywhere and therefore these changes had a negative impact on such.
• 3627/16/HHO Appeal ref: APP/K1128/W/17/3184378 Proposal: Proposed garages, bin store, access path and associated landscaping to serve two dwellings approved under extant planning permission 41/2271/05/RM Location: “Lorima”, St Dunstans Road, Salcombe. Town Council had nothing further to add.
• 3419/17/FUL Two letters of objection received with regard to demolition of garages and erection of four storey dwelling on corner of Devon Road and Baptist Lane, Salcombe. Noted.
Dist Cllr Wright left the meeting.
Cllr Baker explained the process he had gone through and had provided a summary of the information received but had still yet to input the questionnaire information and wanted all the emails. This was in the system but would take time to extract and the paper copies had been collated. The Mayor explained that what was wanted was a draft document not an unfinished template so that everyone could see what the policy document would look like. Once this had been considered it could go in draft form on the website and other people can look at it, contribute and build on the information. Some may not have responded but if people saw it as a written plan they might want to feed in. It was AGREED to provide this by the next meeting.
PSCO O’Dwyer arrived at the meeting and gave his report at this point then left.
Town Council wished Devon County Council to come down on a regular basis and check clearance (including overhanging signs) to advise what was acceptable. However it was not felt that County would keep up this level of checks. It was also felt that delivery lorries parked on highways were more dangerous together with cars overhanging onto pavements from driveways. Mayor felt Devon County would not implement enforcement on a regular basis and as yet town council had written to businesses but County had not. The ongoing problem of A Boards and objects that obstruct highways was fully discussed and it was AGREED to ask Devon County Council to write to all businesses setting out the legal requirements and thereafter initiate a procedure whereby A Boards and other highways obstructions, including vehicular obstructions removal were enforced.
Following reparation works to the fall it was noted that this wall remained unstable at various locations and the quote by the contractor who had carried out one repair already for further works up to £2950 to secure this area was APPROVED.
Further advice had been sought from the town council solicitor with regard to the previous instructions as were Minuted and it was noted that whilst the intention was not to confuse with the wording by including ‘Whitestrand car park’ there was a need to provide room for legal discussion to take place. It was AGREED to amend (iii) to read ‘to seek legal clarification with regard to any additional transfer of land if proposed by District Council’. The solicitor had written to District Council inviting discussion and was awaiting a response whereupon he would meet with the working party to advise and for them to return to and seek full council approval as to further actions.
A report on the current Emergency Plan was tabled and it was AGREED that an electronic copy would be sent to all councillors not present at this meeting so that all can comment on changes and/or updates required due to recent changes to the council and current advice on Data Protection. It was suggested that the draft should be sent to the Harbour Committee to verify the information against their emergency protocols and this item would be brought back to a future meeting.
179. GRANT
A request from the Christmas Lights Committee for a grant towards the annual display was noted and it was AGREED to provide a grant of £600 towards the maintenance and provision of such display.
The Mayor advised he attended the Harbour Office to check arrangements for the Remembrance Parade and was advised that someone from there could carry the music box and deal with it. However on checking back no arrangements were known because the person was on holiday. As a last resort the Mayor could operate the box but carrying this and also wearing the Mayoral chain would be burdensome. Cllr Long would speak to the Harbour Master on Friday. It was noted that the tree within land owned by town council opposite the council hall had been cut back from the pavement but this work was not organised by town council. It was felt that further enquiries locally should be made and a sign should be placed within to state that ‘this land sits within a Conservation Area and no works were allowed without having been authorised’.
He also advised that copies the maintenance contract schedules had been placed in the councillor packs so that this matter could be brought back to a future meeting to discuss the remit of works in view of various comments on works over the years.
Street lights at top of hill had been out over the weekend due to a Western Power fault. It was noted that a lot of work had been carried out by Western Power by Batson Hill and whether this would deal with this problem was unknown. It was felt that Devon County should be advised that this was becoming a regular occurrence and the lack of speed shown for dealing with this problem was not acceptable.
Cllr Mrs Turton – Attended a Devon County Communities in Control forum. At this meeting various speakers from all the agencies represented gave an overview of their partnership projects covering police, health, young people, voluntary and community sector with an opinion from a parish council chairman on the difficulties and opportunities for parish councils. There were then workshops of which two could be visited by delegates and those were Sustainability and Transformation Plan and Local Democracy. This highlighted concerns with regard to what was being rolled out and how these ideas connected and whether County, District or parish councils felt they benefitted communities. It was noted by those present that District Councils were not represented at this meeting. Also that the County Liaison officer for the South West was Amber Borie. The draft plan was still in its infancy and further meetings would take place.
Cllr Long – Noted that the upper section of the highway grass bank from Ember to Beadon Cross had not had vegetation cut back for a long time and was looking scruffy. This was within County highway cuts and they now only paid for visibility splays. This matter would be taken up for consideration under the town council maintenance contract review.
Cllr Lang – Remembrance Sunday road signs for directing traffic were being borrowed from the Regatta Committee but he wondered if town council should purchase their own. Others felt that for usage once a year and ongoing storage it would be better for the community to share and perhaps an annual donation for such use could be made.
Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Piggy Lane had become very slippery and there was also a broken chair thrown in the vegetation. The chair and vegetation be raised with Dist Cllr Wright as the adjacent land was District owned. However the path surface would be reported to County Highways as an urban footpath. The Onslow Road telephone box had been prepared and would be repainted before winter but due to the cooler weather and paint temperature North Sands might need to wait until the spring.
• Email dated 1st November 2017 received from Alex Whish Tree Officer with regard to a cedar tree within Courtenay Park. This information had been passed to Cllr Long as Tree Warden to advise accordingly. He advised that the tree had been cleared in previous years due to wires that went through causing damage but as these wires were now changed to a different material this was not a concern. His advice was that the tree should be left until such time as a new play area was installed and then they could see if a replacement tree or alternative planting could be accommodated. Alex Whish would get District maintenance in to clean the tree up and remove the ivy.
• Complaint received with regard to self-seeded Yews in Shadycombe cemetery causing damage to graves. Cllr Long as Tree Warden disagreed that these trees were self-seeded and felt they were part of the original planting schedule. He would carry out a further site visit to consider this matter although such incursion of roots was no doubt prevalent in all old cemeteries. Even if trimmed the roots would have travelled as they have done so he would look at the graves and consider any action with regard to root damage.
• Copy letter sent to Devon County Council highways from a resident with regard to parking in and around Beadon Estate mainly by Little Hill. The request to County was for further yellow lines and enforcement together with addressing trailers and caravans left parked on the highway.
• Invitation from the Prawle Point Coastwatch team to a celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the opening of their station on Saturday 21st April 2018. Attendance requested a donation of £12 per person.
• The locality officer had carried out a check on St. Dunstans Play Area and found that the fence had failed and put a report into maintenance for these works to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
• It was reported that a fence panel adjacent to the footpath leading from Devon Road to Fore Street was down. This was obviously a property owner’s responsibility and therefore it needed to be investigated whether the owner was resident or the house let out through an agent so a letter could be sent.
• Notification had been received from Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service of their Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan (2018 – 2022) that was out for consultation until 31st December. The link would be forwarded to town council so that they could consider the document and provide a town response the following meeting.
• Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez, as part of her commitment to community connectivity, was looking to set up a councillor advocate scheme. In essence, she was looking for one nominated person within each council to act as the link between the council, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and local police team. The benefits of becoming a Councillor advocate:
1) direct access to your local policing team
2) you will receive OPCC briefings and a regular newsletter that you can also contribute to.
3) become a Crime stoppers Ambassador so that you can help your community report issues anonymously
4) they will support you to deliver crime prevention projects in your area
5) learn about the help they can offer victims and help refer your community to services
6) give your community a voice within the OPCC to help influence policing
There would be induction/training sessions provided. The town clerk was requested to obtain further information.
• DALC had advised within an email about the Local Enterprise Partnership Productivity Strategy consultation which was inviting comments by 30th November. In view of the online document and questionnaire should this document be emailed to town council for consideration as to whether to respond independently or place this on the next agenda for a joint response?
• Letter received from a resident raising concern with regard to the District proposal for resident parking bays at Batson. Her main point was that on ringing the officer at District his only interest appeared to be whether she wanted to reserve a place. She wished to know all the facts like how much an annual permit would be, would they only be allowed to be purchased by residents in Batson and what if someone who owned a holiday home could afford a permit but the space remained empty most months of the year. If this last point were to arise this would only put further pressure on limited parking for Batson residents. This matter would be raised with the District Councillors at the next meeting as to why District consulted with people before awaiting the Town Council response.
Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £294,937.55
Receipts: None.
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
Claydon – Stationery and parking £15.32
Greenspace – Matting, gate and gate labour £1356.72
Greenspace – October Grass Cutting Contract £474.33
Foot Anstey – Legal fees £4331.64
Grant Thornton – Audit fee 2017 £480.00
SHDC – Bonfire Hill cemetery £18.90
RBL Poppy Appeal – Remembrance Sunday Wreath £20.00
Bayleaf Gardening – War Memorial Tubs £71.40
Bayleaf Gardening – October Contract £546.98
Cheques: None
The next town council meeting would be held on Wednesday 22nd November 2017 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 20.30p.m.
……………………………………………….. 22nd November 2017.
Town Mayor.