* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – A
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – A
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – A
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – *
Cllr K. Baker – A
Cllr N. Rudd – *
Cllr G. Lennox – A
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – *
Cllr P. Armstrong – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Chris Derrick Kingsbridge Gazette – *


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None declared.


John Sampson from the Rotary Club of Salcombe and also as an organiser of Crab Fest attended to update everyone on their progress. Along Island Street most traders were closed last year but had expressed their intention to remain open this year. Whilst welcomed this had limited the space for stalls and so they had negotiated with South Hams District to use the two car parks. With Dist Cllr Wright’s assistance they had part of the Gould Road car park and the whole of Whitestrand. Last year the kitchen was situated at Reddish Marine but as they would be open there was no space. There would be a Charity dinner at Cliff House on the Saturday with David Fitzgerald as the compare and a television celebrity in attendance. There would also be more stands than last year and Land Rover had asked if they could also have one to launch their new Range Rover and they had contributed.

The content was to be the same as the previous year although they were expanding a few things with more store holders and by expanding into the town they were being careful not to compete with town stores. There was to be a Vintage car show on Whitestrand Car Park with the music sponsored by the Kings Arms and Victoria Inn. He thanked town council for their grant to provide a bus shuttle from the Park & Ride and the buses were to run from there to Gould Road and back again and once this was full they would go onto the overflow car park which the Kingsbridge Air Cadets would be manning. He was hoping the rest of the town would be involved over the whole of the weekend but their Crab Fest would only be on the one day. The Mayor enquired how long the road would be closed for and was advised that at 6p.m. Saturday night they would begin to set up and would have overnight security for the stalls and then they would start to pack up at 6p.m Sunday and open between 7-8p.m. The problem encountered last year with regard to movement of vehicles was highlighted due to stalls blocking the road. This year they had reserved spaces in the boat park and would get those with trailers to queue up in the correct order for packing away before being allowed into town, they were aware of the problem and dealing with it. Cllr Rudd asked if they wished any volunteers to help out and was advised that Rotary had a workforce of about 12 so anybody who could help they would welcome hearing from. It was suggested that a call for help could be put on the website. At present the final details had not been tied up and notification as to who the celebrity was to be would be advised in the next week..

County Councillor’s report – Cty Cllr Gilbert noted that this would probably be the last time he would attend a meeting before the County elections. He noted he had enjoyed working with all the councils and felt together they had got a lot done.

He advised that the road through Halwell was to be repaired as it was in a terrible state. County had received more money in the budget for the care of the elderly but were waiting to be advised by Government as to how this be distributed so he would advise when there was more detail. The roads budget had received £8million more for Devon in recognition of the awful state of them but this would provide a ‘stand still’ effect for roads and would hold the line for a year which was at least better than the last 5 – 6 years. Out of their £1/2 billion budget they must however take £22million out because of the reduction in the Government. This budget had already gone through County Council even though there were forthcoming elections but it had not been controversial as most members were getting used to cut backs.

His request for the attendance of the parking enforcement officers was noted and further matters raised.

The Mayor noted that County operatives arrived to clear blocked gulleys with shovels so he hoped that the problem ones were being dealt with. The Mayor further asked if Cty Cllr Gilbert could with his District responsibilities explain the situation with regard to changes to parking permits as it had become confused. The permit system needed simplifying and some categories were only serving 6 people. Therefore a District ‘task and finish’ group comprised of half members and half officers looked at solutions. The residents’ concessionary permit would have one hour extra added and be raised to £40 instead of £21. Other permits would now be peripheral permits, either town centre or two peripheral radius bands around the town. Peripheral permits would cover most of the South Hams being slightly restricted with town centre permits being £25 less than before. Previously a permit allowed the user to park all across the South Hams but District Council had no idea where cars were predominantly parking with such permits so did not know actual loads on car parks. This change would track usage and did not appear to be controversial as people ordinarily used the same car park for work etc. Those that occasionally wanted to park in different areas could do so out of their £25 reduction.

The Mayor enquired whether there would be individuals and business permits and was advised no it would just be one permit system per vehicle. Those that currently had permits would be able to renew such and any limitations for parking permits in areas would only be for new applicants. There was a suggestion to immediately introduce limited numbers of permits in areas but this was shelved for the time being. The input from the Chambers of Trade been invaluable and they were right with their concerns which were addressed. When a person changed their car or address they could now make amendments online and the permit would be transferred across to another vehicle but could not be used by another person. Holiday homes that let permits out to various users would not now be able to do so when they renewed.
Cty Cllr Gilbert and John Sampson left the meeting.

Police – WPC Jo Pengilly was in attendance and advised that the crime figures for the last two weeks were a drink drive offence and one theft of crab from two large store boxes. Fisheries had been informed as with the Maritime Marine Office so all were working together to deal with this theft. In relation to CCTV in the town there had been a meeting that morning with a supplier who was to provide a quote. The Mayor noted that the meeting he attended asked Town Council to pay for CCTV to assist local police enforcement and then this week the Police Commissioner said he would pay for such measures. The Police Link Team had been in Salcombe last week and WPC Pengilly had put this to them with regard to a grant and they responded positively so she would be following this up. All the literature would be passed to Adam Parnell Harbour Master who would send this through. The CCTV agent also did not think it would cost too much to expand the area as it would probably cost a lot to cover up to the Harbour Hotel end but the other end only needed two digital boxes to communicate. It was noted that the Police Link Team wished CCTV installed through Devon.

There had been a letter forwarded from their Commander with regard to the loss of PCSOs . It was noted that PCSO Dave Gibson had succeeded in his application to train as a police officer and his last working day was 30th March. She had met with Sgt David Green but there would be no replacement provided for David Gibson and therefore PCSO Paul O’Dwyer would move across to assist. The Marine Awareness Day would be 19th April and the police had permission to use Whitestrand Car Park. Also they had positive bookings for the fisheries, MMO, Dorset dive team, coastguards along with others.

Dist Cllr Wright asked for a copy of the letter with regard to reduction of PSCOs.
WPC Jo Pengilly left the meeting.

District Councillors report – Dist Cllr Wright noted that the South Hams Joint Local Plan had gone live and was out for consultation from the 15th March. He noted that the responses whilst collected by District Council would go direct to the Inspector for consideration. District Council’s Homeless Strategy had been completed and the period of cover would be until 2022. He felt it was a good piece of work and included input from a younger councillor, Dan Brown, who had done a lot of work on this and he urged town council to read and comment on it.

Devolution was still rumbling around with the Joint South West Committee consisting of 17 leaders of councils. Should negotiations collapse the intention was that these leaders would still continue to meet and keep talking to share information. The Housing first tranche of money was to be used to employ 2 or 3 full time officers to roll out this scheme to community trusts. District would offer to support groups with staffing finance behind it to assist design and they were asking communities to come forward. They aimed for five schemes with 10 or 20 houses per year and already had some interested. They also wanted to target hoteliers, publicans, lifeboat crew, National Trust, coastguards and fire brigade as these were organisations who they wanted to support in finding staff housing. They would front on behalf of the community and attract further funding from Government.

The first meeting of for the Shadycombe Master Plan process, which was scoping meeting, had taken place and he complimented town council on their tremendous decision to put forward Cllr Whitfield as their representative. He had been very vocal on pushing out proper affordable housing schemes for this area and encouraged those present for this to be a key project. All in all a very positive first step. They were now in the process of appointing an architect who would sit in the back of the room and listen to what was being discussed and start up proposals. The next meeting was scheduled for mid-April.

With regard to the Whitestrand railings District had found the original moulds for those installed around the war memorial in a lock up, up North and these would be used. He noted he had requested feedback with regard to the Whitestrand seating as to whether straight, picnic benches or moveable.

Dist Cllr Wright was asked whether there had been any progress on the wall adjacent to the war memorial. Nothing had yet been done but he had challenged the Asset Team to meet him but no one arrived that morning. With Easter imminent he would chase this. At the last meeting the Mayor raised an issue with regard to seagull proof bags left out all the time on the pavements. Dist Cllr Wright advised that District Operatives would look into this concern if town council could identify houses and whether they were managed by holiday home companies or private owners and give him a list.


The Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 22nd February 2017 were considered and duly AGREED for the Chair to sign as a true and correct record.


The following applications were considered and such observations submitted to District Planning as below:
• 4045/16/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plan Received) Retrospective householder application for external steps 12 Courtenay Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DQ – No objection.
• 0051/17/HHO Householder application for replacement dormer and alterations to existing dwelling Creek View, Bonaventure Road, Salcombe TQ8 8BG – No objection.
• 0135/17/HHO Householder application for proposed ground floor extension, first floor balcony and changes to fenestration The Orchid House, The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – No objection.
• 0178/17/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plan Received) Householder application to extend existing bungalow with single storey extension on east elevation, to infill below the decking and front steps and new front door, to demolish the existing garage and excavate to create space for new double garage and off street parking 3 Rockmount, 3 Knowle Road, Salcombe TQ8 8EQ. – No objection.
• 0298/17/HHO Householder application for rear extension to first floor to provide additional accommodation including installation or dormer, juliet balcony and roof lights Leadown, Knowle Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8EQ – Objection. This property currently had Georgian style leaded windows and the proposed increase in glass up into the gable was not felt to be in keeping with the design of the house.
• 0320/17/HO Householder application for proposed rear extension 9 Croft Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DZ – Objection. The rear of these terrace properties had a shared courtyard with low wall in between and this proposal would fill the area within 9 Croft Road which would affect the next door property light and outside amenity and was thus also unneighbourly.
• 0532/17/LBC Listed building consent for changes to fenestration and roof tiles (amendments to 0051/16/LBC) The Garden Store Cottles Quay, Thorning Street, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8DW – Objection. The proposed changed to zinc was not in keeping with the Conservation Area and had an adverse impact on the AONB.


• 0609/17/TPO Proposal: T2: Magnolia – crown reduction over roof of Health Centre to clear by approx. 1m to prevent branches rubbing on roof Location: Redfern Health Centre, Shadycombe Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8DJ – No objection.


• APPEAL LETTER received with regard to Salcombe Court, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ. Appeal Ref: APP/K1128/C/162002 Alleged breach: Without planning permission, the erection of a concrete structure on the land. No further comment was felt necessary and the matter would be left to the Inspector’s decision.
Dist Cllr Wright left the meeting.


Town council considered the proposal and whether they needed to declare any interest in or had any information to add to the nomination from the community include Tides Reach Hotel Car Park and Public Toilet on the List of Assets of Community Value. It was AGREED that without any provision to park the public would have limited access to South Sands beach and thus this along with the public toilet provision was an important factor for the future amenity of the area


Those present were disappointed to not receive the draft and requested it definitely came to the next meeting and this item was therefore DEFERRED.


The following matters were advised upon:
(a) with regard to the town council solicitor’s report on the consultation relating to the perimeter of land next to the Berry this was received. One objector did not want the land in their ownership but needed assurance that the land was not to be developed. It was AGREED that a form of words to provide such comfort would be drafted and the objector would also ask his solicitor to input. Town Council was in agreement to this and felt the project could then proceed.
(b) a further expert was consulted and legal feedback provided with regard to the historical and current position on open space land usage and ownership and it was AGREED that such proposed research, advice and costs would be placed on the next agenda.


The Mayor and Cllr Whitfield had met with Adam Parnell and WPC Jo Pengilly with regard to CCTV in Fore Street. Their proposal was to link further camera areas into the Harbour Office system as this only needed installation of cameras and connections. They were currently sourcing a quote for such works and this matter would then be brought back to town council. Within their meeting they did also discuss approaching businesses to contribute to this project and as detailed in the police report above there could be further funding available.

The complainant with regard to the town council tree situated at the end of Buckley Street had received the Mayor’s response and requested a meeting. It was decided that the Mayor, Cllr Mrs Turton and another councillor available would so at a date and time to be arranged.

An email received from David Parkes with regard to the Schedule 14 notification registered through County Footpaths was noted. Town Council had issued this application in response to and support of the community requests from those who had completed and filed declarations of historic usage of the route at County Council Public Rights of Way.

A further letter dated 28th February 2017 had been received from Lloyds Bank advising that there had been a decline of 13% in usage of their ATM, transactions rather than amount. The company Lloyds had since contacted was Cardtronics who provided the current machine in Whitestrand car park. Lloyds were interested to know of any local business that could accommodate such facility within their property. Cllr Whitfield advised he had been looking at the ATM problem the current provider in Whitestrand had indicated they were looking at installing another unit but were checking power provision. He had also spoken to another company who could provide a portable machine, hole in the wall or whatever was required. These could be refilled by the business owner or them and discussion took place with regard to provision and maintenance. One requirement was that the machine must have 4000 transactions a month but this was averaged out over a year. It was also noted that the space required two metres cubed behind in the wall to accommodate such a machine.

The Mayor attended a Chamber of Commerce meeting and they mentioned the Salcombe Information Centre planned to hold a Christmas event. Town Council would ask Cllr Mrs Sinnott to provide more information at the next meeting.

With regard to the application by Salcombe Brewery, The Yard, Island Street further information had been provided as to the size of the area to be used under a licence, change of planning use and selling of alcohol within a sailing school but due to licencing criteria it was felt there was no further comment.


Cllr Rudd – Attended the meeting with regard to Bonaventure Road and a change of electricity pole where two residents and a Western Power representative also took part. There was a Plan A and Plan B but these were not approved by those requesting the movement of the pole stay. Cllr Rudd provided an explanation of the scenario surrounding the movement and installation of a new pole. Western Power were completely within permitted development for this change and had really engaged and tried to assist with a solution but there did not appear a way forward. Wooden poles were no longer viable maintenance wise and there was nothing further Town Council could provide. The only way the wooden pole could remain and be maintained was if the landowner allowed such and therefore as he wished the stay removed unfortunately Western Power were within their rights to put a steel pole in without needing any such stay. Burying the cable would cost two to three times the amount and not be something that Western Power would have to pay for. The Town Clerk was to write and explain that there was no further function that town council could have on this matter.

Cllr Whitfield – Attended the Master Plan meeting but was asked by David Parkes to not report any details until further information had been imparted. With regard to the town council website and the need to promote it Cllr Whitfield had not received anything of interest from any councillors to upload. He advised he had retrieved the Facebook page so please could councillors send him items and he would put this out into the community.

Cllr Mrs Kemp – Attended the Swimming Pool AGM wherein they mentioned that they did not have any lifeguards to use until July. She asked if town council could assist by getting the message out to the community asking people to assist in ensuring lifeguard provision and continued opening of the pool from May till July.

If the club had an event in the summer and there was not sufficient parking alternatives were discussed as to landowners around that could be approached to assist.

Cllr Lang – Received a complaint about vegetation being overgrown on Shaws Corner. It was felt that this had been included in the hedge cutting but he would check the location again. He had removed the stile from the footpath as requested by Public Rights of Way.

Cllr Mrs Turton – With regard to the 606 bus service she questioned why Tally Ho consulted when they had already registered the amended times.

• Seating layout in Whitestrand car park, request by Dist Cllr Wright for town council comments would be placed on the next agenda.
• Reported van parked on verge on A381 near Horsecombe but District had responded that this was not a planning nor environmental matter and therefore the only possible recourse to have it moved would be through County Highways. County Highways wrote to the owner and he had advised he was on holiday and would remove it the following Monday.
• Tally Ho had responded that the changes to the bus times had already been implemented prior to Town Council response. No further figures had been received for the bus usage and County Councillor Gilbert advised that the changes would take effect from 1st May.
• A new dads group would be commencing in Kingsbridge on 18th March and all were welcome to come along with their children aged up to about 10 years old. Visitors to the area were also welcome to attend.
• Bayleaf Gardening wished meet at Jubilee Gardens to discuss works that may be required in the near future and the wildlife flower seeds. The Town Clerk and Project Manager would meet up.
• Citizens Advice were unable to attend this meeting and therefore any consideration of a grant for them or the Safe Place organisation was left off the agenda for the following meeting. Community Voluntary Service (CVS) had also now requested a grant and it was agreed they should be added to the other two for consideration.


Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £265,042.72

Receipts: Cemetery £240.00

Town Council approved Internet payments below to be made in March to:
Bayleaf Gardening Ltd – Garden maintenance £600.98
SHDC – Bonfire Hill bin £28.80
Concorde Copiers – Maintenance £13.96
Greenspace – Grass contract £474.33

Cheques APPROVED for signature: None


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 22nd March 2017 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.10p.m.

……………………………………………….. 22nd March 2017.
Town Mayor.

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