* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – A
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – *
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – *
Cllr K. Baker – *
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – *
Cllr P. Lafferty-Holt – *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – A
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO P. O’Dwyer – A
Charlie Adams Kingsbridge Gazette – *
The Mayor noted that Pete Armstrong and Niall Rudd had resigned and thanked them for their time given on the council.
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None given.
Richard Wotton was in attendance to speak with regard to a planning application at Cachel. He provided photographic existing and proposed elevations to illustrate how this proposal would look. He then read out points of objection to the size, scale and domination in the landscape. His assertion was that this did not respect the privacy of surrounding properties as it would look into all their windows. It was overbearing and the topography made it 11 metres higher which cast a huge shadow and affected the light to their neighbouring property. He also had concerns with regard to the new entrance next to Atholstone due to its close proximity to the school entrance and could see this causing problem and asked that this application be refused.
Mike Dinsdale was present as he had the same objections and Mr Wotton and provided a diagram which indicated the overlooking problems. He lived on Onslow Road and felt that this application was contrary to the ethos of the town and emerging Neighbourhood Plan. It was overbearing especially on the streetscape as it was too near to the road and, he felt, too high as it would be higher than the electricity pole. It therefore would shadow and overlook neighbouring properties thus invading the privacy of many around. He also noted concern with regard to the amenity space in ratio to the living area to be provided. The two adjoining properties had already been subdivided and this one intended to sub divide further. There were covenants in this area that restricted building to one property and not outside the building line. Other restrictive covenants stated that this should not be, nor grow to be, an annoyance to successors in title. The Mayor advised that both these objections should also be sent to District Council as the planning authority.
Michael Richards was also in attendance but raised no other points.
Police Report – The police report for the last 30 days was there had been a total of 4 crimes, 2 x theft, 1 x theft from motor vehicle and 1 x domestic assault. This was compared to the same time period last year where there were 12 crimes reported.
District Councillors Report – Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted there was not much to report although the proposed One Council presentations were ongoing. The only other bit of news was that there was a business rates pilot being carried out nationally. Previously District Councils had been promised to receive 100% business rates but currently the got 6p in the pound. Now there was a pilot with lower tier authorities and all districts in Devon had bid into this as anything was guaranteed to be better.
Cllr Lang enquired about wooden benches in Whitestrand car park. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted they had disappeared again as they were not at the depot. Cllr Lang advised that they had been on Cliff House patio and she would convey this information as they might be in the Harbour depot. Discussions were afoot for some more benches like the newly installed ones and District was awaiting costings on them. The size was questioned and they might be longer and straighter. One wooden bench was still to go to Chapel End and it was noted that a bench had been removed from the park in Courtney Street and never returned. She advised that District Council now had a policy that if benches were broken they were removed for safety reasons and not replaced. However if they could be mended they would be returned. The Mayor noted that Town Council would like to be advised of such removal so they could decide whether they wanted to install a replacement.
Cllr Lafferty-Holt asked for the long term plan for benches as otherwise eventually there would be none left. He was advised that people always wanted to donate benches and arguably in a park the benches should be replaced but Courtney Park was not District Council but Trust land. Town Council also had puta sum in their precept for provision of benches and/or repairs.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 13th September 2017 were considered before being APPROVED by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record. Dist Cllr Wright noted that the TIC was not updated and take it away. Framework belongs to District and boards replaced every year.
After due consideration it was AGREED to co-opt Mark Long and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office would be duly provided along with the form for completion of the Register of Interests.
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
• 1604/17/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Additional Plans & Information Received) Householder application for the erection of a galvanised fence Carbery, Newton Road, Salcombe – Objection due to the impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the unneighbourly effect on the adjoining property.
• 2637/17/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans) Householder application for extensions and alterations to dwelling including new balcony/terrace and decked area, new perimeter retaining wall and fence Mallards, Drake Road, Salcombe – No objection.
• 2854/17/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans) Householder application for new balconies, cladding, porch and alterations to dwelling and enlargement of drive to provide additional parking space 9 Landmark Road, Salcombe – Objection as the choice of cladding was not in keeping with the streetscene.
• 2966/17/HHO Householder application for removal of 2 first floor windows and part of wall and provision of glass screen and Juliette balustrade 11 Courtenay Street, Salcombe – Objection. This proposal disrupted the symmetry of this property by virtue of unbalancing the layout of three identical window openings and thus was out of keeping with the design along this road situated in a Conservation Area.
• 2968/17/FUL New driveway to existing dwelling and new detached dwelling Cachel, Onslow Road, Salcombe – Objection. The proposed building was felt to be overdevelopment and thus overbearing for this site as it also removed all amenity space in the new development and also reduced the Cachel amenity space. There would be overlooking of neighbouring properties and Town Council was concerned with both points of access, by virtue of this proposal, being situated immediately next to the school crossing hatchings and also in close proximity to the St. Dunstan turn off. Visually the properties in Onslow Road fall away gently down the hill but this proposal would sit prominently in the landscape affecting the street scene.
• 3033/17/FUL Demolition of existing house and replacement with detached two storey dwelling, relocation of vehicle crossover Greylands, 27 Coronation Road, Salcombe – No objection.
• TPO 946 Ref: 529280 Trees on land at Westcombe, Lower Batson, Salcombe. Proposal A1 Trees of whatever species. Town Council supported this application.
• Notification dated 26th September received from Development Management advised that application 2826/5/FUL Tides Reach Hotel, Cliff Road, Salcombe would be going to District Committee on 4th October 2017 commencing 2p.m. This had since been DEFERRED due to a further report.
• 2984/17/TPO Proposal T1: Ash – Pollard to 3 metres from ground level. Location 10 Orchard Drive, Salcombe. The Tree Warden’s comments on this application were supported.
• A councillor asked if District Planning could provide an overview on consideration and responses to planning application. This had been requested previously but the dates had not been suitable. The town clerk would gather a list of possible dates from councillors and pass to Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce who would arrange this with Pat Whymer.
The Town Council solicitor would attend the Public Meeting and explain most of the current ownership and what the proposal on the table from District Council was. Then the Mayor would outline what town council were looking to the community to comment on. It was AGREED that this meeting was to seek the views from the community as to whether to follow up transferring all the land or some of it and what feelings were with regard to elements of the proposal and liabilities. People would be asked to contact town council by letter or email within a certain time limit with their views or suggestions.
Discussion, on the proposal by South Hams District Council to create one new Council with West Devon, took place with the response to be submitted by Sunday 8th October 2017.
This proposal would mean that Salcombe residents would pay more council tax for the same services. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce explained that under Government regulations equalisation of taxes meant the lower payment had to go up to the higher one. By the time the £62.97 was fully paid by South Hams residents it would amount to £2.5million p.a. or slightly under depending on how many new houses were also paying. This amount however would be collected and spread across both Districts and with £2.5 million extra from South Hams but a budget gap of £1.8million it was a subsidy for West Devon. Further questions were raised with regard to commercial borrowing, the fairly negative response from other South Hams councils and what other options were considered other than One Council.
No assurance of how South Hams would benefit was perceived apart from they would become part of the largest council in Devon having the largest population. However the population would make the authority more sustainable but it could increase the sparsity problem as there were very few authorities as sparse as West Devon.
The T18 process did reduce expenditure in South Hams and West Devon but if they were to split up and go their own way again that would cost over £3million although Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce could not quite understand these figures. It was questioned that if District Council could not increase council tax by more than £5 or 2% p.a. how could they propose a £63 increase for South Hams Residents. This was as the councils were currently capped but the One Council would see the increase through the equalisation process. Raising tax by £20 through referendum would clear the South Hams debt but this choice was not actually on the table at present.
There also followed a discussion on Follaton House and its future uses and land around together with planning officers not being local to the area. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce advised two development control areas would remain and she felt it was often much easier to take a decision on an area you did not know well as the decision was entirely on policy.
It was AGREED that town council was against the forming of One Council as it was perceived as South Hams residents bailing out West Devon and therefore was not a marriage of equals. A further point highlighted and agreed as pertinent was the South Hams currently being seen as a quality brand which would disappear with the change of name for the One Council. Concern was also raised with regard to the online survey with the second question requesting Yes, No, Don’t Know but still requiring a response to all other questions. The need to know further views should sit alone from the response decision.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce and two members of the public left the meeting.
This item was DEFERRED to allow further time to bring the facts and figures together.
Estimates were provided to all town council and it was AGREED;
(a) with regard to the play area maintenance of items highlighted in the play inspectors report to carry out such works up to a cost of £2505.
(b) for the repairs to the collapsed section of wall on the perimeter of Jubilee Gardens adjacent to the highway to be carried out by Mike Johns at a cost of £1280.
Cllr Baker explained that the working party discussed firstly what they could do with the building and explained the theory behind the proposal in the drawings. There were certain ideas such as placing the roof supports inside the glass so there was little or no maintenance and the entrance was place at the other end from the driveway to allow greater usage of the larger space. So far the drafting had been free and to take this further town council would have to spend money. From this proposal however the working group could go out and investigate how much this idea would cost. Once this was done applications could be made to see if funding was available and the pay for an architect to put any proposal into reality.
It was AGREED to progress from here to consult with contractors as to perceived cost.
A resume of the summer survey report was received as the mapping agent had been unable to complete the report at present. It was AGREED to note the report and pass the papers to Cllr Long along with Cllr Mrs Kemp to consider an ongoing management plan for any works and future planting and return to town council with this proposal.
Illustrations of drainage concerns at Bonfire Hill down to Batson were passed to the town clerk from Cllr Mrs Kemp who had been given this by a member of the public illustrating the problems encountered reporting such to date.
Due to resignation of councillors it was AGREED to reallocate Bonaventure, Ackland and Raleigh Roads to Cllrs Mrs Sinnott and Mrs Kemp and the Batson area to Cllr Whitfield to report back to the second meeting in October.
Further to the information supplied by the Planning Inspector Town Council AGREED to register their interest to make representation at the hearings currently scheduled for January 2018.
The Mayor noted that the Neighbourhood Plan now had a progress timetable which he provided verbally.
He noted that he, Cllrs Mrs Turton, Whitfield and Mrs Sinnott had attended the ATM cash machine formal opening and were grateful that the rain held off.
Cllr Mrs Turton – Advised that she and the Town Clerk attended the District CEO, Leader and Mayors and Clerks meeting at Follaton House. They provided information about their proposal for One Council and Leader John Tucker felt that a unitary authority may still come into place. This may be based on a Plymouth, Exeter, Torbay split basis. An additional specialist was being brought into work within their Neighbourhood Plan department and they were pleased with the Joint Local Plan Inspectors who had been appointed. Their general service update was deferred as was paperless planning due to their system not as yet being up and running and able to cope. With regard to the Section 106 system they were interviewing to enlist someone to deal with this. District Council also asked parish and town councils to assist and feed into this Section 106 system by flagging up from the local area various stages of build as they were arrived at. Monies could then be sought from developers to comply with their Section 106 Agreement.
Cllr Mrs Sinnott – Noted that dog walkers using Island Street had requested more bins to dispose of dog waste. However it was felt that due to the number of bins already in situ perhaps signs on litter bins indicating that they could be used for dog waste also were perhaps what were needed.
Cllr Whitfield – Requested a £25 payment towards an expert to update the website and this was permitted. There had been previous complaint and commitment to update information but the person had resigned and he was left as website administrator with no reports. He therefore requested that any councillor provide news for the website and this would be moderated and provided. There was also a need to rekindle the Facebook page that was requested that had not been carried through. All agreed that all previous discussions had not been validated by the author and the agenda item to include Communication and Facebook would be provided. The Mayor noted that there was a meeting scheduled for18th October for the Batson review and town council expected a full report in view of the fact that the Neighbourhood Plan group had been provided with such update.
• A request was made by the son of a resident, Janet Twining the 2010–11 Citizen of the year, as she would reach the age of 100 the following year and in view of her family’s history with the town could town council acknowledge this in some way. It was felt that an invitation to the Civic Lunch in 2018 would acknowledge this achievement but further consideration was needed nearer the time in view of her age.
• Responses to Civic Lunch were down at present but with two weeks to go that could change. If they numbers remained low past Citizens of the Year would be sent invitations explaining that this may not happen in future years due to available space.
• Response received from BT had advised that they would survey the Onslow Road telephone box and report back as to whether there was any safety defect due to the tilting of the base. They also acknowledged the hard work carried out with regard to the maintenance of the Batson box.
• Concern had been noted from a resident with regard to the length of the grass in Bonfire Hill cemetery, the frequency of cuts and the use of strimmers near headstone. She did however thank town council for addressing the mole issue.
• Draft letter received from Adam Parnell with regard to use of plastic in the estuary which would be brought to the following meeting when considering Anna Turns’ project.
• A request was received to cancel a Exclusive Right of Burial and with the administrative fee subtracted a reimbursement of £27 would be paid to Mrs A. Thompson
• District Council email received advising that they would be holding 20 minute surgeries on Wednesday 11th October to enable representatives from councils with Section 106 monies to discuss any items related to this money. The Mayor could do a morning appointment if one was available.
• Further communication received from District Council to note that the TAP Fund would again be available this year along with those communities who had houses built and were eligible to be able to bid into the Community Reinvestment Fund. Ideas of projects needed to be considered.
Projects will be assessed against the following:
– Have community support and need;
– Be capital in nature;
– Have a lasting impact and;
– Provide or improve community infrastructure (e.g. projects involving community buildings, sports facilities, play areas, community allotments / gardens / orchards);
– Be deliverable;
– Provide value for money.
Bank Balances
Current Account £483.80
Deposit Account £310,055.79
SHDC – Precept half yearly payment £38694.50
British Telecom – One off Wayleave payment for installation at the Council Hall £200.00
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
DALC – Conference and AGM fee £50.00
Devon Wildlife Management – Pest Controller £35.00
HMRC – Tax & NI £757.93
Wages – £1736.84
Nest – Pension £145.26
Amazon – Copier replacement Inks £69.90
Salcombe DIY – Cable ties for Park and Ride £2.00
Salcombe Yacht Club – Neighbourhood Plan Meeting room £61.00
3462 Mrs A. Thompson – Reimbursement of burial plot charge £27.00
The next town council meeting would be held on Wednesday 11th October 2017 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 20.30p.m.
……………………………………………….. 11th October 2016.
Town Mayor.