* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – *
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – *
Cllr K. Baker – *
Cllr N. Rudd – *
Cllr G. Lennox – *
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – *
Cllr P. Armstrong – A

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – A
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
Chris Derrick Kingsbridge Gazette – *


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Biggs declared an interest in all planning applications on the agenda apart from 0951/17/LBC


Debbie Crowther planning consultant and Paul Myers of BBH attended with regard to a proposal for development at Gould Road (known locally as Bangars Boatyard). The site was immediately to the east of the fire station and west of the Gas Works. The owner wished to provide a commercial unit on the ground level and retain the space in front for marine industry use as they had an end user interested. In order to enable development they wished residential on the first and second floor above the commercial unit. At this meeting they wanted to talk about the principle of development and how such design was progressing for town council input. The planning constraints identified noted this was within the development boundary with AONB and estuary constraints although it was in RA4 earmarked for employment land. At a recent planning appeal A1, A2 and A3 use classes had been allowed on other sites but her clients wanted to retain the marine use.

Paul Myers explained this would be a three storey building with ground floor and forecourt for marine and two flats above arranged vertically with a small terrace to the front. They had carried out a character appraisal of the site and felt this was appropriate for Salcombe. The ridge height of proposal it was stated matched the adjacent buildings although the illustration appeared to differ. The predominant aspect was a heavy stone wall with punched openings for the marine use but the resident above set back more in a subservient manner. Pre application discussions with District planning said possibly this would be acceptable but had pushed their design along a steel box route with a flat roof contemporary. They had not felt this was applicable. The lack of parking for the residential units was raised and Debbie responded that they wanted to retain as much use as possible below so there was no parking for residential and she noted that highways was concerned with this for nearby residents. It was suggested the properties could purchase an annual permit from District Council but town council questioned how they could they ensure that residents would take this up and park in the car park. The car parks were also full throughout summer. Debbie responded that there was a possibility to accommodate parking on the site but the owner wanted the marine business to survive rather than give this to the residential. Town council asserted that it was genuinely not viable providing residential without parking especially when such could have two cars per property. Debbie noted that if this was a definitive requirement they would put it in the application. It was noted that these would obviously not be affordable properties. Discussion then took place with regard to any restriction on the ongoing industrial use and it was questioned what if the person interested pulled out for the business use. The owner of the site would be happy with a condition on the site for marine only but Debbie knew District Council would not enforce this. It was further questioned how such residential users would feel about having a noisy marine use below. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce enquired what Use Class was being sought for as this application as this would decide the residential above. If it was B1 it would be alright but not if anything else. Debbie noted that the usage would be between A1 for marine sales and B1.

Chris Cunningham of Harrison Sutton Partnership was also in attendance to speak to planning application 1125/17/FUL Sandnes, Beadon Road. He was accompanied by his associate Stuart Kibberty as this was a live application to be considered later in this meeting. This site was just inland from North Sands on the unmade section of Beadon Road. The site was secluded so other properties around were not affected and it was outside the development boundary, in the AONB and Coastal Preservation area. The owner wanted to replace the current building which sat on a substantial size plot. There was no overriding context architecturally with the site and thus no set pattern. Views from the water front were very limited and this was a 1960s build in poor materials and in a dilapidated and tired condition. It was a very steep site and the building was elevated above the tree canopy. They wanted to demolish only the upper part of building but retain the plinth as a constraint which kept the building in the same place and there was less debris to remove for engineering works. They were however gaining a bit of extension on the other side from the lane to make the end build bigger and by increasing the number of floors. It was currently two floor levels plus basement storage and they intended to provide three floors by raising the roof level by 1 metre and lowering the bottom floor slightly. The front elevation was very modern and entirely appropriate as it was not set against anything else. From pre application discussions with District planning they had reduced the proposal substantially from their original thoughts.

An internal cross section of the floors was shown. The architect did not want an overbearing impact for any walkers along the lane so they made sure that any increase in the height of building was within the viewpoint of the original property and therefore any increase was on the opposite side. They felt the site was tucked into the trees so they tried to mould the development in and all materials (such as zinc) were chosen blend into the background. .

Town Council noted that the illustration was good but the application stated they would cut trees down and replant so during this initial time it was felt the property would be far more visible. Some trees around the building would be removed but not decent established trees as they wished to have tree management and retain the wooded feel. They did have a landscaping scheme and wanted to create a lawn area but this would be situated behind so it would not be seen. Cllr Mrs Kemp was concerned that trees intended to be cut down would not affect the setting of the lane as it was such a lovely valley and any removal would have a huge impact. They confirmed that they were not cutting down any trees that were an amenity benefit as they wished to retain the setting. They also confirmed they would keep the stream on the property. The wildlife survey noted a sighting of a horseshoe bat so they were advised to keep the area open flying but there was nothing else. They would also not be erecting a high fence up that would change the green lane feeling. It was notably a difficult site to access and questioned what the proposals were for construction management as Beadon Lane was not easy. It was noted that this concern had already been expressed on planning website and it would need a sensitive approach with a considerate contractor in charge. The owner had a right of access and they would need to maintain the access way in reasonable order and reinstate when finished. They would be happy to provide a Construction Management Plan. It was noted there was alternative access over a private a lane serving Mandeley which was surfaced.

District Councillors report – Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce had nothing further to add to her earlier report in the Annual Town Meeting. Cllr Lennox however raised concern with regard to the development in Island Street as the build installed had changed from the plans. There was no longer any access from the below building to upstairs and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce took this on board and would speak to the planning officer the next day.

The signs that were put in place to advertise the Spar Shop whilst the Co-op/petrol station at Malborough was being refurbished still remained. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce suggested that initially someone local should request them to be taken down.


The Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 12th April 2017 were considered and duly AGREED for the Chair to sign as a true and correct record.


The following applications were considered and such observations submitted to District Planning as below:
Cllr Biggs left the meeting whilst all applications other than 0951/17/LBC were considered.
• 0653/17/FUL Demolition of existing care home and redevelopment to form 4 new dwellings Wells Court, Herbert Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HN – Objection. No measurements and not sure how they go through the checking system. Cannot assess what the height difference was. Buildings are too close to the boundary and concern of significant reduction in light amenity of Rosenthorn.
• 0951/17/LBC Listed building consent for structural works 56 Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8ET – No objection.
• 0996/17/FUL Replacement dwelling with new double garage and parking area Westcombe, Lower Batson, TQ8 8NP – Objection due to its visible impact on the AONB by removal of tree screening and the design and inappropriate materials being out of keeping along the shoreline.
• 1125/17/FUL Replacement dwelling with associated landscape work Sandnes, Beadon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LU – No objection but raise concern about construction management plan due to access.
Debbie Crowther, Paul Myers of BBH and Chris Cunningham together with Stuart Kibberty of Harrison Sutton left the meeting along with Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce.

• 1184/17/TCA Location Blue Lagoon, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HQ. Proposal to fell Eucalyptus – DEFERRED for feedback from the tree warden.

All correspondence received either emailed out or made available at the meeting. Nothing further noted.


This was DEFERRED due to late collection of the accounts.


This was DEFERRED due to late collection of the accounts.


The loose process currently employed was discussed and it was AGREED such future protocol should expect at least a two year term of service and the candidate proposed have served a minimum term as a councillor before being proposed, such policy to be drawn up for 2018.


An overview was provided by Cllr Baker who had yet to speak to District Officer Rob Sekula.
It was AGREED to amend this working group with Cllr Biggs to step down leaving Cllrs Baker, Mrs Bricknell and Mrs Kemp remaining to assist with progressing input to this draft document.


The working party advised there was a need to protect users of the cemetery due to the deterioration of the structure of the roof and therefore AGREED that herras fencing be purchased as an emergency at a cost of no more than £500 with Cllr Lennox offering his contractors to erect such gratis.


Town council representatives attended the area and felt the condition of the footpath surface within Jubilee Gardens was in fact acceptable. It was AGREED that there was a lack of weeding and the wildflower bed needed addressing and a meeting would be set up with the contractor and Cllrs Lennox, Whitfield and Lang to highlight such works as per the contract.


A three year turn around on IT equipment was believed acceptable and it was suggested consideration be given to buying power through District Council. It was felt at this level such involvement was not prudent whilst a lease cycle could be expedient for local authorities it was not suitable for a smaller town council. However public sector organisations could get significant reduction for Office 365 E3 and Cllr Rudd offered to obtain such information/quotes.

It was AGREED to replace office laptops every three years and to convert to Office 365 as the major platform at a monthly premium, Cllr Rudd to provide such costs/quotes for approval on the next agenda.


The Mayor reported at that the Bonfire Hill cemetery the lady who had reported concerns telephoned to express thanks and was very happy with the works now carried out. The Neighbourhood Development Plan was now at the stage where the core team were looking at employing a consultant for ongoing development of the plan. A letter needed to be written to the various experts requesting quotes and the team felt this should be sent on town council headed paper. Therefore the Mayor was seeking agreement that he could do this and this was provided.

The Mayor noted that the road sweeper had advised that one District mechanical glutton was off the road as they had no driver.


Cllr Lang – Was concerned that the builders at End House, Cliff Road continued to have the road cordoned off completely and the town clerk would yet again chase Cty Cllr Gilbert and Highways. It was noted that another developer was doing the same down the bottom of Coronation Road.
Chris Derrick left the meeting.
Cllr Lang continued enquiring what was happening with Cliff House Gardens and the toilet building conversion as the herras fencing remained past Easter and approaching a further Bank Holiday.

Cllr Lennox – Noted complaints received with regard to a cockerel crowing at Victoria Inn making too much noise.

Cllr Mrs Kemp – Advised that the area around the toilets by Beehives and adjacent to Bangars area was a mess. It had become a builder’s yard between the fire station and Bangars fencing had fallen down with a trailer and mixed up cement beneath with weeds. She asked if the owner could be asked to tidy it up. It was believed this land was owned or rented from District Council. There was also no notice at the end of Island Street that stated ‘to the town’. Signs had been requested previously from District at each end of Shadycombe Car Park and one at the end of Island Street and town council would look at this problem.

Clllr Rudd – Noted that the Devon Road to Herbert Road surface was in a bad condition with deep potholes. He had now reported it five times on line but nothing had been done. Also he asked whether a response had been received from town council solicitors on the land issues. Nothing to date.

Cllr Whitfield – People parking down at the Creek car park were noted as all holiday home passes and therefore no one could park and get into Salcombe. He was advised that town council had tried to assist by making ‘park and ride’ permits available and introducing the ability to purchase a weekly parking ticket but people did not take this up.

Cllr Mrs Bricknell – She had reported the drain outside the Spar three times and nothing been done. On the lane between Onslow and Raleigh Road she wondered what was going to happen as someone had marked an area up with white paint as though a step was to be installed. It was noted that this access way was very overgrown. A question received was whether a clothes shop needed change of use for a pop up shop within it. This matter was to be addressed to Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce for advice.


• A resident had highlighted that members of the public were using their residential bins at Rockside flats and across the car park at the Boathouse and O’Sullivan house even though they had tried to lock them. They were forcing them open and depositing their holiday refuse and dog poo there. District had also said that they would not empty their brown bins if they contained plastic bags. District had responded to town council that they were in the process of conducting a review of all bins across South Hams and did not want to add a further public bin to their resource. They would however support moving a bin from another location if town council identified one. Town Council noted that their recent bin audit found that the town needed more bins and therefore there was not one that could be moved. District Councillors would be asked to meet with these residents and seek a solution to the problem.
• A complaint had been raised with regard to the thorns on the Salcombe to Malborough cycle path and these affects bicycles and mobility scooter tyres. County highways had responded that they believed that Malborough received a grant and were now responsible for the hedge cutting maintenance along this stretch. Clarification had been sought as to whether this included the Salcombe section.
• The solicitors had completed the grant of the office Lease and this together with the Deed of Surrender had been forwarded. In September 2015 the quote for legal works had been in the region of £500 but due to negotiations on the terms and rental there had been a great deal more correspondence so the solicitors intended to invoice for £850 plus VAT.
• Over the Easter weekend the Council Hall that housed the Information Centre was broken into. An invoice from Burfords for emergency works to secure the building had been provided together with photographs of the damage to the doors. The Information Centre was only able to claim on their insurance for internal things such as cash and the filing cabinets but the fixtures and fittings would need to go through town council insurance. Invoices were awaited as a solution might be for town council to cover the expenditure from funds.
• Adam Keay of County Highways sought clarification on items to progress through the HATOC Traffic Regulation Order scheme and feedback was requested on items put forward. This was provided.


Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £310,199.64

Precept 2017/18 £38964.50
Government Grant 2017/18 £1661.00

Town Council approved Internet payments below to be made in April to:
HMRC – Tax and NI £757.73
NEST – Pension £145.26
Wages – £1737.04
Claydon – Postage £2.42
Greenspace – Maintenance contract April £474.33
Bayleaf Gardening – March contract £546.98

Cheques APPROVED for signature: None


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 10th May 2017 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 20.33p.m.

……………………………………………….. 10th May 2017.
Town Mayor.

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