* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – *
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – *
Cllr K. Baker – *
Cllr N. Rudd – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – A
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – A
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – *
Chris Derrick Kingsbridge Gazette – *

The Chairman welcomed Niall Rudd on to the Town Council and after consideration of the applicants Graeme Lennox also joined councillors at the table.


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Biggs declared an interest in application. None declared..


Police Report – PCSO Gibson advised there had been five reported vehicle crimes in Salcombe although more had probably occurred but not been reported. The majority of vehicles had been left unlocked so appeals were out to remind people to secure their property. It was unlikely that the perpetrators were from this area but they probably had some sort of local connection and information would be appreciated.
PCSO Gibson left and Chris Derrick arrived at the meeting.

District Councillors report – Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that January was a quiet month although the working group considering the local authority controlled company had advised District Council not to proceed. Herself she was relieved with this decision but District would have to find other ways to save money. Mainly the concern was that the staff pensions would have taken eight years to recoup. District might still set up a Local Authority controlled company to run part of the council but at least they would not put “all their eggs in one basket”. The Executive was to take a decision on the budget next Thursday, There was Government shortfall through less New Homes Bonus and other payments that were not as great as expected along with the business rates being changed so District would receive less than before, the future was not rosy. The Grange Bin Store application was not currently going to committee as they awaited further information from the officer.

With regard to Cliff House Gardens the tidying up was logged as the District Councillors had contacted the right department but nothing would happen for a while but was scheduled in. With regard to the Gas Works site and what would happen with the commercial space. They had requested the planners to go back to the applicants agents to enquire the name of the proposed tenant and this was awaited.

Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce thanked Cllrs Fice and Baker for attending the Development Management Committee in relation to the The Rough application but noted the committee was in strange mood with four abstentions. This did not often happen as councillors were told not to abstain unless there was a valid reason.

When questioned on a decision with regard to The Grange she noted it was not going anywhere at this point but might go to committee eventually. Town Councillors were frustrated with not being able to look at plans and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that she could not access planning applications on the District website either which made life really difficult. There had also been complaints with regard to the District phone system which apparently had a loop which stated ‘sorry our systems are faulty Goodbye!’

The Mayor advised there had still been no response to the Town Council Freedom of Information request sent last August with regard to income and spend for various towns in South Hams. Further communication had been received with regard to Tides Reach so Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce had contacted officers and it appeared the application might go back to committee.

Cllr Lang noted that people commented on the Spar shop signs affixed to the Onslow Road nameplate and enquired whether due to size they required planning permission. It was advised that the signs were only there whilst the Co-op was closed at Malborough so it was felt this signage was reasonable.

Graham Lennox had attended as he was applying to be co-opted as a councillor. He explained he was new to the town in terms of permanently living here but had been coming down for around 25 years and was keen to become involved with the town.


The Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11th January 2017 were considered and duly AGREED for the Chair to sign as a true and correct record and it was noted that the two other members of the public present were Peter Armstrong and Mike Dinsdale.


It was AGREED to co-opt Nikki Turton, Graeme Lennox and Pete Armstrong as a town councillors and they would be provided with the Acceptance of Office and Declaration of Interests to be completed before the next meeting.


The following applications were considered and such observations submitted to District Planning as below:
• 4045/16/HHO Retrospective householder application for external steps and proposed privacy screen 12 Courtenay Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DQ – No objection.
• DEFERRED as no paper copy delivered and District Council website not allowing online access – 0072/17/HHO Householder application for three new dormers to first floor Yawl Watch Devon Road Salcombe TQ8 8HJ


• 4133/16/TPO Proposal T331: Oak – Fell. T332: Douglas Fir – deadwood. T33: Douglas Fir – remove deadwood with diameter greater than 50mm. T334: Holm Oak – crown reduction to 2m. T335: Beech – remove the deadwood from the crown greater than 50mm in diameter. T338: Holm Oak – remove the limb to the south east at the base. T343: Oak – remove lower fork from lowest branch by 5m. T344: Holm Oak – Remove deadwood with a diameter greater than 50mm. T345: Holm Oak – remove extending branch over top of T336 crown thin by 50%. T346: Beech – Fell. T348: Sycamore – crown reduction by 3m. T349: Holm Oak – crown reduction by 4m. T350: Sycamore – Fell Location Moulthaven Moult Hill Salcombe Devon TQ8 8LF – Town Council would request the Tree Officer to visit this site due to the amount of work to trees requested.


Dist Cllrs Mrs Pearce left the meeting.


Some reports had been completed by Town Council but further input was required on locations and condition/size of public waste bins within Salcombe and such was DEFERRED to the next meeting to await this.


DEFERRED awaiting the estimates with regard to works to ensure the safety of the roof supports on this building were provided.


Salcombe Maritime Museum had WITHDRAWN their grant request due holding sufficient funds. Town Council wished their financial position to be acknowledged with an email sent to applaud their efforts.


The procedure for selection of Citizen of the Year 2017 was AGREED as a poster to be placed and notification sent out in the middle of May requesting nominations by the end of June so that the presentation could continue to be made in October.


On 12th January the Mayor attended the Coastal Community Team preliminary meeting. He felt that ongoing town council representation was required on this team as effectively they were being charged by Government to produce an economic plan for the South West local area, Torbay to Plymouth all along the coast and a distance inland as far as Loddiswell and across.

The aim was to boost the economy of the region and he noted that people who attended and that no one from the Salcombe Information nor Chamber of Commerce were there. He felt that some who should have been there were not. Since then Tim Bevan of DR had sent further information around to explain this was the way to obtain funding for the coastal economy. They were however awaiting a Ministerial Announcement on 20th January.

The Mayor had been approached by Dist Cllrs Wright and Mrs Pearce with regard to discussing the Whitestrand car park entrance and he wanted someone else to attend with him. Cllrs Whitfield and Mrs Kemp agreed to attend. Lloyds Bank had responded via Dr Sarah Wollaston MP and this was read out. It was hoped that there would be no charge for any ATM installed and noted that an area for the mobile bank could be the upper tier of Shadycombe Car Park. There was meeting scheduled on the forthcoming Friday organised by Chamber of Commerce and Cllr Mrs Kemp was attending.

John Sampson of Salcombe Rotary had rung with regard to this years Crab Fest. He advised they had more businesses than previously as so many who did not open last year would this year so there were no vacant places to erect stalls. They were going to request District for use of part of the Creek Car Park up to the pay machine. The Mayor enquired if they had considered extending the other way into town but this would potentially segment the event and mean closing Fore Street. Mr Sampson did enquire whether on that Sunday the Park & Ride bus could go to Gould Road and not the Information Centre but the Mayor explained a registered bus route must follow the route agreed. Town Council did not have an objection to amending the route for the Crab Fest so other solutions would be sought.


Cllr Mrs Kemp – Noted a broken bottle or pint glass in Redfern Woods which she would personally clear up but wanted to highlight the usage.

Cllr Whitfield – Noted the traffic cones were about to fall off the telegraph pole at the end of Island Street and needed removing. The Mayor had asked the Fire Brigade to do this favour but as yet they had not gone. The website needed more information introduced into it so Cllr Whitfield requested all councillors to look at the website and this would be put on the agenda.

Cllr Lang – Geoff Fowlds had approached him to enquire about the ownership and care of Hangar Marsh Bird Hide. Cllr Lang asked if this was included in the OSSR plan as it seemed a good project that could be funded.


• Information for the Great British High Street advises that it is a Government hosted initiative by the Department of Communities and Local Government. The forum set up for this venture includes retail leaders and industry experts. Set up in 2014 to encourage towns businesses to work together whether large or small to promote their business area through digital led activity adapting to an ever changing market. There are nine categories to win from as places and four for individuals. This competition requires businesses/traders to highlight the competition through printed posters, tweets, newsletters, press notices, social media banners and imagery. The whole focus is on business but also includes volunteers improving their area with such voluntary contribution as painting benches, planting areas out with flowers et al. It was felt that this was a business focused initiative and town council would be supportive but initially it is a business driven topic and not in the remit of the tow council.
Chris Derrick left the meeting.
• Devon Association of Local Councils advised of a South West Regional Conference to be held at Taunton Rugby Club, Somerset on Thursday 16th March 2017 from 10 – 4p.m. This conference would provide a range of highly regarded speaker and workshops covering IT, Health to Legal Advice and representatives from the DCLG Local Council Team. Cost £60 per delegate to include lunch. Agenda to be sent to Cllr Lennox to consider.
• Following a request by Cllr Mrs Kemp the Emergency Plan had been checked and the current names as volunteers for the grit plan were – Andrew Biggs, Caroline Bricknell, Rob Wheeler, Tony Lang and David Cohen. As two councillors had since left were they still volunteers or should this be updated and perhaps areas should be allocated? The councillors list would be updated after this meeting but otherwise all appeared to be current information. Updating of the volunteer list would be placed on the next agenda.
• District Council had notified by signs adjacent to the parking machines that they were to change the amount of spaces for permit parking and responses must be received by 3rd February. That will mean 26 spaces in Creek Car Park, 6 in Shadycombe and 8 at North Sands will be allocated. If users have bought a permit and there are no spaces they would have bought a permit but not be able to use it having cost £387 for residents and £581 for business. New permits will only be issued for one car park and free organisation permits will be removed. The district council is proposing that full and commuter permits are eliminated and replaced with town centre, peripheral and rural permits which will be limited to specific towns and villages. Town Council to respond and ask how people would know that the quota had been taken up, how this would be enforced.
• Devon County Footpaths had surveyed Bridleway 10 and had a contractor who would carry out the works within the financial year. The cost would be covered from the PP3 monies held by town council together with £1000 out of the Footpath Warden’s budget and the remainder provided by Ros Davies from Public Rights of Way.
• Highways Community Enhancement Fund. Further advice had been forwarded to explain what Devon County funds could be spent on. These included projects that would carry out works on a highway responsibility that would extend its life by maintenance or an enhancing to something already provided. They would not fund anything that would add further assets to maintain.
• School Boy steps we cannot locate a property owner from the Electoral Register so a letter has been sent to ‘The Owner’ with the advice ‘This is not a circular – from Salcombe Town Council’ to ask for vegetation to be cut back.
• A report was received that the chicane on the cycle path across from the Park and Ride through Jubilee Gardens was low and that a walker had stumbled and fallen over it at dusk. This had been visited and reviewed with Devon County as their cycle path and was not felt to need to be made higher as such were used all along the cycle path from Salcombe to Malborough with no problem.


Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £269,905.22

Receipts: Nil

Town Council approved Internet payments below to be made in January to:
K. Baker – Mileage for Development Management meeting Follaton House £18.00
Greenspace Grounds Maintenance – Contract December and January £946.66
Totnes Fire Protection & Signs Ltd – Jubilee Park name and information sign plus bench plaques £73.48
HMRC – Tax & NI £749.98
NEST – Pension contribution £143.82
Wages – £1719.36
Postage and Sundries £9.92

Cheques APPROVED for signature:
SLCC – ½ Annual Subscription shared with Stokenham £112.50
Salcombe Christmas Lights Committee – Grant towards new display £618


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 8th February 2017 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.09p.m.

……………………………………………….. 8th February 2017.
Town Mayor.

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