* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – A
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – *
Cllr K. Baker – A
Cllr N. Rudd – *
Cllr G. Lennox – *
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – *
Cllr P. Armstrong – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *

Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO P. O’Dwyer – A
Chris Derrick Kingsbridge Gazette – A


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.


Three members of the public were in attendance to observe. However two enquired how residents of Salcombe could feedback and the Mayor advised that Open Forum was the best vehicle. They also wished to know how Town Council felt about a rumoured land swap of areas up at the Berry by District Council which would possibly remove part of the land from the Carr Trust. The Mayor explained that a meeting had taken place between District and Town Council and he would report later on in the meeting about this but that any major matters to be considered would go to an open public meeting.

Police Report – None received

District Councillors Report
Dist Cllr Wright noted the works at Cliff House Gardens and that he had tried to keep the town council fully informed. The structural engineer had been contacted and District wished to have a diversion in the road for 13th July. For the Gig regatta the area was tidied up which was helpful but he apologised that the team did not have time to paint the wood. A question was raised as to what had happened to the bench seats as the one from Chapel End should have been returned. Cllr Wright advised that most of the seats on Whitestrand had disintegrated and therefore District removed the plaques to put on new benches. One of the current temporary benches would go to Chapel End. There would still be the same number of benches, eight with the same capacity. District had suggested angling the benches but town council advised all wished the seats to remain facing out to the view.

The phased work was to include the flowerbeds but District would not do a permanent structure for this year. They would however move the bicycle racks and put wooden planters there. It was noted that the hairbraiders were claiming squatters rights but countered that for squatters rights you had to be there not just seasonal. Those at the meeting felt that the area where the hairbraiders set up and people sat was dangerous.

The further Whitestrand work was ongoing and Cllr Whitfield noted that the bollards were being installed.

Dist Cllr Wright continued and advised that a District Council option beginning considered was for West Devon and South Hams to join forces and become one authority as they currently as shared offices and staff. The Mayor asked if this proposal would go to public consultation as tax payers would not be happy. The response was that this was not a merger but completely doing away with two authorities and forming one council.

With regard to the collect of food waste District Council was one of the only authorities that allowed food waste. As the brown bin waste had to go up north to just further than Oxford because of the contamination of food waste. County Council had stated they must address this. If District could separate food waste the bulk could go to Plymouth so this meant that maybe there would now be three bins for residents. There was no national policy for recycling which caused problems in users understanding, not even a policy for Devon.

Dist Cllr Wright noted that he never received the Berry petition but the instigator responded that it was being sent to Town Council.

The issue of Captain Morgans having table and chairs on the boat park was noted. Also the fact that no planning application had been received from the Wardroom with regard to change of use for their seating area proposed was noted. The Wardroom Lease stipulated they must have planning permission for change of use.

The Mayor thanked Dist Cllr Wright for organizing the bench seats and having everything ready for Bank Holiday.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 24th May 2017 were considered and it was noted that whilst the Clerk’s Report advised that Chris Brook had requested a meeting with town council to which their solicitor would also go no further record had been made of this. At the last meeting the Mayor had stated that he, the Deputy Mayor and Town Clerk should attend this meeting with the town council solicitor and this was agreed at the meeting. Once this point was noted the Minutes were APPROVED by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
• 0104/17/FUL Single-storey extension & internal modifications to existing Fire Station, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, Gould Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DU – No objection. It was noted that this formed part of the RA4 site and there had been discussion in the past about moving the fire station. Dist Cllr Wright was asked Simon how this application fitted with the District’s plan for this area and he was not aware of anything in the Master Plan.
• 0949/17/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Householder application for a first floor rear extension, erection of garden wall, demolition and replacement of outbuilding 5 Shadycombe Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DX – No objection.
• 1003/17/HHO READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Householder application for internal remodelling of property to replace garage with living room, replacement dormer to front elevation, extension to rear and additional car parking space Thornberry, Main Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AD – No objection.
• 1538/17/FUL Alteration and extension of existing upper flat including replacement of existing roof and garage West Fairhaven, Sandhills Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JP – Objection. There was concern that one end of the building was to be removed with a timber clad sloping roof and balcony installed which was totally out of keeping for the locality due to its design and materials which would have a serious impact on the street scene.
• 1608/17/FUL Demolition of 2 dwellings & construction of single dwelling 15 Island Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DP – Objection. The change of location of the entrance doorway would have a significant visual impact on the street scene and would thus look out of keeping in this Conservation Area.
• 1611/17/HHO Householder application for enlargement of existing dormer (resubmission of 0658/17/HHO) Ginn Cottage, 11 Shadycombe Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DX – No objection.
• 1678/17/FUL External amendments to planning permission 41/2397/15/F and use of ground floor as A2/B1 Creek House, 1 Island Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DP – No objection.
• 1679/17/FULChange of use of first floor from part night watchman’s flat/part office to form residential apartment Creek House, 1 Island Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DP – The Design and Access Statement stated that the night watchman’s flat was redundant but local knowledge advised this was never used as such. It was a monitoring place for someone to observe alarms not night watchman. Objection. This was situated in a designated working area with no residential on this side of the street until further down towards Church Street and this deviation of such employment use was not supported. The Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan had carried out an employment survey which saw a high need for employment space located in this area and this was a proposal for a three/five bedroom apartment with no parking. Considering the severe constraints in the town with regard to parking no provision was unacceptable. Town Council had factual knowledge that the historical use interpretation was incorrect and queried that the statement of this address being 1 Island Street was also incorrect.
• 1693/17/LBC Listed building consent for internal alterations, including new staircase and refurbishment of existing trussed rafter roof 42 End House Bakerswell, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection. The works proposed were felt to completely alter the character of this Listed Building. Removal of old fireplaces and moving internal walls would be a detrimental change to this property.
• 1839/17/FUL Application for a minor extension to terrace, with furbishment under and refurbishment to basement (resubmission of 1092/17/HHO) Rock Park, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JH – No objection.


• All emails already received forwarded. No further letters.

In view of the interest of the members of the public in the Open Space agenda item this was brought forward and discussed at this point but is Minuted in order below. Once this item had been dealt with Dist Cllr Wright and the three members of the public left the meeting.


Cllr Lennox tabled a report on the meeting between himself, Cllr Whitfield and the contractor and advised that the planting design was not working and the contractor was struggling to maintain it. The two wildflower meadows looked like two beds of weeds. Every year when the ground was scarified it lowered the surface and the works took the timber edging out. The councillors told the contractor to mow the wildflower areas as they were just weeds with the thought of turning them into one grassed area. It was suggested the children wanted a football area or they could install other beds. Also the bedded area had weeds coming through due to no membrane as with the grasses along the banks by the houses. They had tasked the contractor with coming up with ideas to simplify the design and maintenance with the thought that the path in the middle could be removed and provide more beds. Cllr Lennox view was that it was important that the area looked as nice as it could but with reduced maintenance. The Town Clerk cautioned against encouraging football next to the main road. It was AGREED to place consideration of works to change the design on the next agenda.


The draft documentation had been shared with the working group and was tabled to gather any further comments. Three more recipients since the original request letter had been identified and would be added to the circulation. Discussion took place as to how to put this consultation in the public domain to ask organisations and individuals with ideas what they thought Salcombe needed for sport and recreation. This would be placed on the town council website with a link to the documents.
It was AGREED to send the questionnaire and financial information documents to the whole town council with any comments to be received by the town clerk by Friday 16th June and thereafter circulation would take place.


The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Town Clerk attended District Council with their solicitor Richard Bagwell of Foot Anstey. Also in attendance were Chris Brook, Fiona Shirra and John Tucker who warmly received them. The proposal from District Council was that they were prepared to transfer to Town Council The Berry, Cliff House Gardens, Courtney Park and New Cross Gardens public spaces.

However there was one area that District did not want to transfer which was the area marked ‘A’, on the plans supplied, at the top of St. Dunstans Road. District was awaiting a report on this piece of land. The Mayor cautioned town council that this offer should be tempered with some words of caution. There was a lot of land being offered to Town Council and it was something they believed the community wanted but the Mayor felt it was his duty to point out that once any transfer happened Town Council would be solely responsible for all ongoing costs of this land to include maintenance, grass cutting, playground maintenance and provision and cleaning toilets etc. If this proposal took its course therefore a public meeting would be required to put this outgoing burden to the community. Cllr Rudd enquired if this offer included the hockey land and questioned the piece marked A. The piece marked A was not within the gifted land and such transfer would include the hockey land. It was noted that much of the land at the Berry was not covered by the charitable trust. The costs for maintaining this land at present fell to District apart from that which sat within the Lease (i.e. football pitch and woodland around reservoir). Outside of the Lease District Council currently maintained the play parks.

Dist Cllr Wright advised that the works to Cliff House Gardens wall/toilet block roof would be carried out before any handing over and any income from lease arrangements, to be set up, would also transfer.

The Mayor noted that town council would continue to renew the Lease to protect their current position. It was asked if this could be communicated to the community but noted that further information was awaited on the Heads of Terms which were expected by 12th July. It was asked whether there was any advantage of taking back the play areas etc. Cllr Lennox said that inevitably a transfer was never going to be free but at least when the land was taken over it could be looked after by the town.

Cllr Rudd wished to know about the Lease of the hockey pitch and was advised there was none. The Mayor noted that District Council had advised that such Lease was not in accordance with the charitable Trust. There was no notice period but the occupant was being given sufficient time to find alternative premises. It was suggested that the Building could come back to the Town Council without the ability to Lease it out but this was not felt possible as the building was owned by the Rugby Club although situated on the land leased.

Courtney Park need the play equipment updated and Dist Cllr Wright advised that this could be done out of District Council capital funding before it was transferred. Cllr Mrs Bricknell asked if the perimeter of the play area could also be fenced to exclude dogs.


The safety fencing had been delivered and would be erected once the notification sign had been received. Cllr Lennox noted that the working group met with Douglas Gunn who kindly had created some drawings of the Mortuary. The group ran through a number of alternatives and Douglas Gunn advised he would continue to help. Whilst the drawings had been received the group had not had time to discuss them. Potentially the working group would return with proposal to extend and make this a usable space. It was AGREED this matter would return to council with proposals outlined.


The Mayor gave a brief update on the Neighbourhood Plan. They had interviewed 3 people as prospective a consultant to assist in drafting and putting the policies in place. A decision on who to select would be made later this week. Everyone interviewed said that it would be good to have a Neighbourhood Plan workshop for the Neighbourhood Plan group to include a few councillors now they were at this stage. They were just making sure all was in compliance and enough evidence gathering had been done. They did hear from one interviewee that the District JLP had been vigorously challenged by the AONB team and Historic England and potentially District may have to go back and reconsider. Whether this would hold the Neighbourhood Plan up could be an issue but whilst a plan must comply with the District Plan this Neighbourhood Plan could proceed on its own as there were no sites proposed so it would not conflict. Timing wise it was in the hands of South Hams District as any Neighbourhood Plan must go to them for their approval firstly and they were responsible for appointing the Examiner and calling the Referendum.

Salcombe Church advised that the Sea Sunday service was to be on 9th July so the Mayor suggested that if any councillors could attend they should.

He had attended the Chamber of Commerce Committee meeting and noted that Kingsbridge Chamber was asked for their opinion on the District Council decision to change parking charges. There had been a lot of discussion on commuter parking permits as it was noted there were two levels ‘rural’ and ‘urban’. One at £195 and the other £365p.a.. Ivybridge notably was a rural environment with a reduced rate. Asked why there was no uptake of permits at the town council Park & Ride field, cost or location, he was told a bit of both. Any change would require a County Traffic Regulation Order change and thus could not be done for this season but this point was noted.


Cllr Armstrong – Was advised of the protocol that was required before town council could advertise a co –option.

Cllr Rudd – Noted he had put together a communications draft proposal which he had sent to the working party the previous night and this would be included on the next agenda. He also raised concerns noted from a shopkeeper that rogue seagulls had entered their premises and soiled ice cream.

Cllr Whitfield – Noted that the matter of camper vans was again being raised. The source of these comments had been advised previous years the reason for the park and ride policy and there was nothing further to add.

Cllr Lang – Noted a buddleia along Piggy Lane which was causing a hazard. This was District land adjacent to the County path.

Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Noted that there was a problem with the defibrillator today and had phoned South West Ambulance and during the call opened it the machine, checked the pads, and dates as it was bleeping but when it was put back together it went green. Whilst the issue appeared cleared the operator would inform someone and send them out to check.


• Paint had been received from BT for volunteers to repaint the telephone boxes.
• An email with regard to a claim for damage to a car being parked at the Park and Ride had been received and forwarded to town council insurers to so deal with.
• Various hedges and vegetation requiring cutting back to improve pavement access, highway visibility and clearer signage had been advised and letters would be sent to property owners.
• An email advised of interference from trees and large bushes in Shadycombe Cemetery adjacent to the Mortuary and their effect on the nearby residents’ telephone cable. It had been requested by the residents that these be cut back.
• Armed Forces Day would be the 24th June and Merchant Navy Day 3rd September.
• At Bonfire Hill there is an advisory sign with regard to access but no legal limit on this road and into Knowle Road. It was noted that larger vehicles using the route were degrading the road and it was a cut through for skip lorries etc.
• Launch of AONB Planning Guidance event on 21st June 2017 4-6.30p.m. at Stoke Fleming Hall and town council was advised so they could attend. It was also asked that the Neighbourhood Plan group be advised.
• Following the response to the District car park charges consultation the low season in Whitestrand was raised as town council did not want an increase for the half hour and one hour charge but to increase the 2 and 3 hour spend.


Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £299,319.26
Receipts: Nil

Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
Foot Anstey – Legal fees £2160.00
Concorde I Ltd – Maintenance £13.30
SHDC – Bonfire Hill refuse £18.90


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 28th June 2017 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 20.20p.m.

……………………………………………….. 28th June 2016.
Town Mayor.

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