* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – A
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – *
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – *
Cllr K. Baker – *
Cllr N. Rudd – *
Cllr G. Lennox – A
Cllr Mrs N. Turton – *
Cllr P. Armstrong – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *

Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
Sam Acourt Kingsbridge Gazette – *

It was noted that former Mayor Paul Stumbles who served the town council between 1979 –1980 passed away at 93 years of age and that the current Mayor had attended his funeral.


Cllr Fice was proposed as Town Mayor by Cllr Mrs Kemp and seconded by Cllr Mrs Turton and upon election the Town Clerk received the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Mayor.


Cllr Mrs Turton was proposed as Deputy Town Mayor by Cllr Lang and seconded by Cllr Mrs Sinnott and upon election the Town Clerk received the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Deputy Mayor.


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.


The allocation of working parties and representatives on outside organisations was AGREED as below:
• Salcombe Swimming Pool Association Mary Kemp and Niall Rudd who also sits on this committee
• Malborough Feoffees Mike Fice, Mary Kemp and Tony Lang
• Minibus Committee Mike Fice
• Salcombe Harbour Liaison and Port User Group Rich Whitfield
• Emergency Committee Andy Biggs, Rich Whitfield, Mary Kemp and Caroline Bricknell
• Allotment Committee Tony Lang
• Neighbourhoood Plan Group Mike Fice and Graeme Lennox
• P3 and Footpath Warden Tony Lang
• Chamber of Commerce Mayor and Pete Armstrong
• Coastal Communities Team Nikki Turton

Finance & Staffing Working Group Mike Fice Tony Lang and Lindy Sinnott
Planning Working Group Councillors that can attend on the day
Media Tony Lang
Website Rich Whitfield
Mortuary Group Andy Biggs, Tony Lang, Keith Baker and Graeme Lennox
Open Spaces Sport and Recreation Keith Baker, Mary Kemp and Caroline Bricknell

At this point Cllr Rudd proposed that a Technology Working Group be formed to considered future Windows updates, data security, mobile security, CCTV usage etc and the Mayor asked that this consideration be placed on the next full council agenda.
Cllr Baker arrived at the meeting.


The following review of Leases, Tree Surveys and other legal obligations were APPROVED as detailed below:
• Cliff House Office – Lease signed for a three year term commencing April 2017.
• Council Hall Leases lapsed and were now on a Rolling Tenancy with Tourist Info Centre and Museum. Proposals for use of the Council Hall space were currently on hold. The Mortuary usage remained unresolved awaiting works to make the roof safe.
• Valuation for market rental of the Council Hall was carried out February 2009 and reviewed by email. Payments had increased incrementally to attain such market value. Council Hall maintenance works following a break in were awaiting quotes.
• Berry Lease held by peppercorn rent between Town Council and District Council for a term of 28 years until August 2017. Further fencing around land adjacent to the Berry had been proposed to adjoining properties to ensure security of the perimeter boundary. A meeting with residents would take place with works planned for 2017.
• Ember Road Diamond ‘Jubilee Gardens’ – Transferred to Town Council in October 2012 and Section 106 landscaping works carried out during 2013 with play equipment installed during September 2014. Play Inspection currently carried out the regular Health and Safety checks and such insurance was within the town council policy.
• Welcome Gardens (bedding area at top of Onslow Road on the Main Road) had been planted out following a Licence for use of the land with Devon County Council being provided in 2015.
• An agreement had been entered into October 2014 for Devon County Council to carry out meter emptying and parking enforcement at Bonfire Hill car park. The Service Level Agreement had been amended to include the provision of Ringo. Following a robbery and damage to one pay and display machine a replacement had been installed with the assurance from County Council that both machines accepted the new 2017 pound coin.
Cllr Biggs arrived at the meeting.
• Tally Ho provided the bus service on a seasonal basis with fees agreed annually. The fares for this coming year were increased in line with other charges but mitigated by the parking fees which remained the same.
• The Harbour Hotel continued to pay quarterly for and utilise 13 spaces within the Bonfire Hill land under Licence letter. Management at the Harbour Group had requested a formal document for such usage and a draft was awaited from them.
• Town Council placed a defibrillator at the Spar Shop in Loring Road from May 2013 and this Agreement was that it would be maintained by South West Ambulance for a term of seven years until April/May 2020. Updating training had taken place and Cllr Biggs regularly checked the defibrillator.
• Ongoing SLCC, NALC and ICCM membership paid annually as agreed in the precept.
• The parish council website continued to be updated by Cllr Whitfield and a previous Town Council Facebook account had been reopened for agreed items to be posted on.

Tree Reports:
Hi Line had been commissioned to provide an overall assessment of all trees in the ownership of Town Council during January 2015. This report was now held as an ongoing Excel spreadsheet of needs during a high, medium, low assessment over a term of three years work. This was reviewed again this year with an interim report by Pete Robinson Project Manager. Due to a fallen tree in Redfern Woods it had been advised that a summer review by an expert should be carried out to check the condition of trees in this area. The areas covered by Town Council as below:
• The Berry – Luscombe Maye 100 year memorial oak was placed on the Berry 2014 and a further memorial tree had been planted in June 2016 in memorial to someone’s relative.
• Redfern Woods – Fallen tree removed but overhanging works agreed to be carried out after crow nesting period.
• Bonaventure Woods.
• Shadycombe Cemetery
• Bonfire Hill Cemetery Trees assessed as not needing professional tree report as of limited height or risk.
• Allotment boundary hedge and trees at far end.
• Town Council car parking raised garden area.

Policy Documents
• Standing Orders and Financial Regulations updated 25th November 2014.
• Town Council Risk Assessment document reviewed 12th May 2010. Still pending final update.
• Cemetery fees reviewed January 2010. Research carried out by Cemetery Manager 2014/15 updated the fees and charging structure along with a policy document.
• Allotment Rents review carried out in 2016 ascertained that the rates were in line with others.
• Grass cutting contract renewed 2015 – 2018 Iain Randall Helping Hands for General Grass Cutting maintenance. Bayleaf Gardening hold contract for Jubilee Gardens and Welcome Gardens together with the War Memorial planters. Tender review due January/February 2018.
• Annual weed spraying arrangements with District Council and invoiced to town council with any additions to the contract to be highlighted and reviewed as necessary. Cllr Wright advised the first spray for this season 2017 had been carried out just before Easter.
• Kyocera Photocopier – Annually paid maintenance agreement in place, £120 pa.
• Annual Agreement with District for business collection of refuse at Bonfire Hill Cemetery recently updated.
• All Town Council insurance cover reviewed with agents WPS in July. Loyalty premium agreement for three years following insurance agent advice was agreed to be extended to run until July 2018.
• Outstanding were matters being dealt with by town council solicitors on various land issues.


Roger Tucker was in attendance on behalf of Salcombe Town Football Club and wanted to know what was being done to celebrate the club’s success this season as he intended to create a display in his shop window to celebrate their success. He felt it was important that this achievement was recognised as it was an important a sporting facility provided in the town. It was also noted that the only ground for them to play was on the Berry and therefore whatever path Town Council wanted to take in maintaining the Berry as it was the town would be behind them as the recent petition in his shop illustrated.

Rob Wheeler congratulated the football club. His reason for attendance was the item on the agenda with regard to open space and questioned the review of the Berry Lease and wondered if there was anything further on the Lease. Town Council had always maintained the area and Mr Wheeler noted the land was given to the town and did not understand why District had possession of the title. He suggested that the 1974 Minutes may well hold key as to how the land was handed over to District. District Council did very well out of Salcombe town due to revenue and therefore he felt there should be pay back to the town. The Mayor advised that legal advice was being taken to ask that the land be transferred back to town council. It was a gift to the community not to a different tier council authority.

Michael Richards questioned that South West Water had erected signs in the Berry woodland near Herbert Road. The Mayor explained that South West Water had land fenced off around the reservoir but that South West Water believed their land ownership was greater than this fencing and had provided Land Registry documents stating such. Following town council advising of this assertion the matter was now being handled through District Council legal department to establish the true boundary. South West Water had obviously placed signs where they think they believed they owned to. Dist Cllr Wright agreed to obtain further information and an update from District Council Legal Section.

Rob Wheeler further noted that the line claimed by South West Water was in fact the football pitch touch line running through to the car park and around the woodland to the Primrose Field. He asserted that Land Registry gave more weight to the physical boundaries/markers and not the maps. It could be that South West Water was exercising their land right more due to the location of manhole covers along the fence and the one in the woodland. However it was noted that they also had drainage pipes running under football pitch but this was not theirs!

Police Report
WPc Jo Pengilly emailed to advise that since the last meeting on the 26th April 2017 there had been three further crimes reported in Salcombe as follows:
1 x Dog incident
1 x Burglary to the South Sands Hotel (this is now the third similar incident in this area)
1 x Assault ABH

With regard to the CCTV topic to be discussed on the agenda she encouraged the purchase of the cameras which she felt would be such a benefit to Salcombe. The previous night there was a suspicious male hanging around in Fore Street and the use of CCTV to see if he could be identified would have assisted the police, especially at this time of the year when crime could now possibly be on the increase.

District Councillors Report
Dist Cllr Wright advised that he had been nominated and duly elected as Deputy Leader of District Council.

The Mayor asked what was happening with regard to the fencing around Cliff House Garden’s steps. Dist Cllr Wright advised that there had been a question over the legal entity of whether District could permit a café within this ground and now they were establishing what was needed to complete the roof and he was fairly confident works would be commencing shortly.

On June 4th Salcombe Rowing Club Gig Regatta would be taking place and then this area was heavily used and it would be a nightmare if not open by then. Cllr Lang also asked about The Wardroom and their extension to seating as Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce was asked about planning permission and she said they would need this but nothing had been received.

Cllr Rudd raised 0395/17/ Hill Cottage, Herbert Road and noted that town council in their response had supported this application. However District Planning had refused it on account of its excessive size when in fact town council felt the applicants were lowering the footprint and such proposal was very sympathetic to its location. Therefore the officer’s report did not seem to accord with what town council felt. The Mayor noted such inconsistencies with planning officers’ historically and yet this application was not excessive and blended in but got refused. Dist Cllr Wright would ask for clarification.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 26th April 2017 were amended at item 78 – Mayor Choosing and term of office to include agreement to incorporating into the process a Mayor Elect procedure to be carried out at the March meeting before the Minutes were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
• 0782/17/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Amended application type) Proposed alteration and extension to Garden Flat, Garden Flat Magdala, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8EX – Objection as the proposed extension build out to the garden flat would completely obliterate the window of the next door property and would result in a loss of light amenity to the property in Robinsons Row.
• 1003/17/HHO Householder application for internal remodelling of property to replace garage with living room, replacement dormer to front elevation, extension to rear and additional car parking space Thornberry, Main Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AD – No objection.
• 1092/17/HHO Householder planning application for a minor extension to terrace, with furbishment under and re-furbishment to basement, Rock Park, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HJ – No objection.
• 1106/17/HHO Householder application for a new dormer window, single storey rear extension, detached annex building in garden and general refurbishment of existing end of terrace house 16 Church Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DH – Objection. With regard to the dormer window to the rear of such property overlooking Shadycombe Creek and The Croft it was felt this would be out of keeping and have an adverse impact on the street scene as no other properties had such. Other properties had installed velux windows and a dormer was not appropriate in a Conservation Area due to its impact on the AONB when viewed from the Croft, Shadycombe Creek and Snapes Point. With regard to the separate building at the bottom of such a narrow garden it was felt this would create overdevelopment of the site and would remove the light amenity from the cottage across the lane and result in a significant loss of amenity space for this property. Any development should include a condition that such annexe remains ancillary to the main building.
• 1118/16/LBC Listed building consent for strengthening works to safeguard the building 2 Thorning Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DW – No objection.

• 1331/17/TPO Location Bridleway House, Moulthaven Service Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LF Proposal: T709: Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) – Remove the right hand fork of branch to south extending over Acer, remove two secondary branches from branch to west growing towards crown of Acer, remove snags and deadwood with diameter of 50mm from crown; T711: Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) – Fell and remove; T712: Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) – Fell and remove; T713: Beech (Fagus sylvatica) – Fell and remove; T714: Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) – Crown raise by removal of secondary branches only by approx 3 metres, starting with branches towards dwelling then balancing crown to north, east and south east, remove primary lowest side branch to south east at 4.5 metres (diameter 25cm) to balance crown, remove deadwood with diameter greater than 50mm; T715: Beech (Fagus sylvatica) – Remove hanging branch from crown, remove dangerous limbs resulting from failure of top, reshape upper crown if necessary, reduce length of heavy side limb to west by 50% to bring back in line with crown profile, leaving approximately 4.5m crown in this direction. – There appeared a vast amount of expert work requested and therefore the Tree Officer and Tree Warden would be relied on to advise.

• Letter from a resident with an objection to the application for Tides Reach Hotel, South Sands on the grounds that it was not viable at this proposed size.
• Dist Cllr Wright raised Pitchford House, Cliff Road and noted that he and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce had visited as the basement was completely stripped out and the architect noted it retained the original upstairs/downstairs aspects. In view of this historic interest he had requested that town council be allowed to also view this just for local knowledge. The History Society had been involved and been to see it.
Rob Wheeler and Cllr Wright left the meeting.


It was AGREED;
(a) to accept the annual internal audit report as there were no recommendations or findings thereon
(b) following going through each section of the audit form that town council approved the Annual Governance Statement and therefore it should be signed accordingly.


It was AGREED by full council to;
(a) adopt these Accounting Statements for 2016/17 as duly completed and presented, signed and dated, by the Responsible Financial Officer
(b) approve such signed Accounting Statements and for the Chairman to also sign and date confirming such proposal within the meeting.


It was AGREED to DEFER this matter to the next meeting wherein the setting up, and if approved remit, for a Technology Working Party would be considered.

98. CCTV

Town council reviewed the position regarding provision of additional CCTV cameras following further information with regard to only a local council being to apply for the police funding. It was advised that the Police were not empowered to install nor own CCTV cameras. Town Council firstly needed to ascertain where additional funding could be obtained.

Cllr Rudd enquired if this request was genuinely for the good of the town. In view of this information it was felt that the Mayor and Cllr Whitfield would need to meet personally with the Harbour Office CCTV provider. Cllr Whitfield noted that any additional cameras could be managed by the Harbour Office system and all that town council would be doing would be installing cameras into this system. Thereafter the Harbour Office would be responsible for the Data Protection aspect of all information collected. As the cost proposed was £11500 town council could not cover the whole amount and it was questioned whether planning permission would be required for other cameras. It was acknowledged that the Harbour Office could not apply for the funding nor show a reason in their budget system as to why they would pay for cameras covering the town and not harbour.

If further works were to be carried out on Whitestrand car park by District Council could they perhaps contribute?

It was AGREED that town council would take the lead and ascertain what was required, what funding was available and who else might partner in such provision and therefore Cllrs Fice and Whitfield would firstly meet with the provider.


Previous proposals for areas highlighted to be put forward for a Traffic Regulation Order by County Council in the current financial year were reviewed and it was AGREED as follows:
• Camperdown Road changing yellow lines to opposite side of road and Raleigh Road yellow line proposal – objection by current town council and removal from proposals.
• Beadon Road – Agreed.
• Gould Road – Reintroduce coach parking bays – Agreed.
• Buckley Street – To be marked out as a dedicated ambulance/first responder space. Agreed.


It was AGREED that as the cost to repair the damage done due to the recent break in was only just above the town council insurance excess amount of £500 then these works would be covered directly from town council funds and no insurance claim sought.


Cllr Rudd advised that in email correspondence with a resident under the Freedom of Information request Chris Brook District Assets stated that land had been allocated for development. Also as far as any Deed of Covenant was concerned Town Council had broken it. Town Council had continued usage of the Berry under a Lease and had not lapsed in maintenance and would dispute this point.

The Mayor noted he was criticised by councillors a while back for not reporting discussions on behalf of the Rugby Club. He explained that he did not do this because it involved someone’s business within the Rugby land. However he now outlined that the Rugby Club representatives had a meeting with Chris Brook and Fiona Shiraz District Legal and their first interest appeared with regard to obtaining rent from this business. The situation was much more complicated than originally thought as the land was held in Trust by a Charity and South Hams District Council was responsible for that Charity. The Charity would not allow any commercial activity on the land in that ground the Mayor felt District council not allow building on that land. Since such meeting the Rugby Club had been told that the tenant must go. Cllr Rudd noted that as District Council were Trustees of this Charity and had not submitted any accounts nor put anything forward with regard to Charitable Returns they were in default.

The Mayor noted what Cllr Rudd had stated above with regard to the Freedom of Information request to District and requested that the member of public attend a future council meeting and state this in the meeting.

It was AGREED that the solicitor’s draft letter as tabled should be sent.


The Mayor congratulated the Football Club on their success and being promoted to the next league. He also wondered whether the field nearby to the petrol station belonging to the Weymouth family would make a good football field. If all parties were in agreement this could be considered for future Section 106 community provision. The Mayor suggested that something like a drinks reception to acknowledge this Salcombe Club achievement could be held.


Cllr Biggs – Noted that along Grenville Road a sign had appeared stating ‘residents parking only’. This was not an official highways sign and would be passed to Highways to consider. On the Berry at the end by the newly planted Oak tree the contractor had made a trench through the foliage and was dumping the grass over the edge of this bank. Cllr Biggs felt that the smell from such was not acceptable and this matter would be referred to the contractor. He went on to congratulate Cllr Mrs Turton on her election as Deputy Mayor. His wishes were genuine and he had no regrets on this matter but had to now offer his resignation as he had done eight years as a town councillor but due to personal circumstance changes and an increase in his work he felt he was not available often enough. He received thanks from the Mayor and everyone else present and stayed till the end of this meeting.

Cllr Mrs Kemp – Noted wooden posts along the entrance to the Berry as the top of Herbert Road along the path before the main field gate. She was advised that Town Council installed these stakes to stop illegal loading along this driveway and removal of wood cut and left as brash and insect habitats.

Cllrs Mrs Sinnott – Noted that there used to be a bench at the top of Ackland Hill on the pavement near the little footpath before Grenville Road. At present District Council was not installing new benches but town council would keep this location in mind should someone wish to install a commemorative bench.

Cllr Whitfield – Attended a further meeting held by David Parkes District Council with regard to the Batson and Shadycombe review. He noted that it was no longer called a Master Plan but Review. Those present wandered around and looked at all car parks and areas/articles owned by District Council. District Council were now bringing consultants in to advise on how to make things more streamline/useful. Consideration covered moving the harbour office and workshop. The Mayor noted that District Council would now employ these consultants who would bring a draft plan back which would then go out to the town.

Cllr Whitfield had also been chasing provision of further ATMs in town and he had received a letter from the supplier in Whitestrand Car Park advising that they would now be putting another in situ in about 4 to 6 weeks. All present congratulated Cllr Whitfield for his perseverance. Another supplier had indicated that they also wished to install one but needed a site. Cllr Biggs advised that Lloyds Bank were aware of two possible sites.
Two remaining members of the public left the meeting.
Cllr Baker – Asked about the provision of the Lloyds mobile service in town and why there was not a sign on the old bank to advising of this. The sign on the bank currently stated it was closed and could incorporate details of the mobile service. He had also now spoken with Rob Sekula and sent him all the draft documents to date. Rob Sekula had suggested that Salcombe might wish to consider including schools, play areas and nurseries into their draft. This was questioned as the original workshop had stated that these and water sports were not included in Section 106 payments. Cllr Baker had yet to read the further OSSR information provided but would do so in due course.

Cllr Mrs Turton – Attended a Coastal Communities Fund meeting last week but everything had been put back for 6 months due to the forthcoming General Election. There was therefore more time to consider projects etc. It was suggested that the Economic Survey obtained for the Neighbourhood Plan might be useful to her for project ideas.

• Report received from Cty Cllr Gilbert that overviewed the achievements last year by County Council.
• Adam Keay Devon Highways advised that works had commenced on the Raleigh to Onslow Road footpath to install steps which it was hoped would provide a better solution to the steepness.
• Cathy Aubertin District Council Car Parks advised that whilst town council wished the rates in the District run town car parks to remain the same they had to increase the charges. She further explained that they could not provide bespoke parking for camper vans but that they were allowed to park across two bays and pay for two tickets. She suggested that other parish and town councils were opting to increase short stay parking charges leaving the long stay charge at the current rate so she had taken this stance within Salcombe. It was noted that North Sands was increasing in the high season only on the first hourly rate by £1.10p but in low season every level was increased by 10p so this would penalise the locals. Shadycombe however was not increasing low season and just in high season which reflected usage need more. This response would be sent to District.
• A meeting had taken place with Les Pym County Street Lighting to progress the grant fund works to install lighting from Batson Cross development to the top of Onslow Road. It was hoped that one additional lampstand could be placed just down Bonfire Hill to illuminate the entrance into the Park and Ride. Les Pym would now do the formal plan and install on current posts and if required would have to apply for additional posts if this did not work. Also some tree branch removal would be required at the entrance to Jubilee Gardens and on Welcome Gardens.
• Invitation from David Parkes to the Neighbourhood Plan group representatives to attend a workshop on new District’s proposed Community Housing Initiative for them to outline some of their objectives. Meeting to be held on 17th May at Follaton House. Details passed to the Neighbourhood Plan representatives.
• Notification of League of Friends of South Hams Hospital Annual General Meeting to be held 23rd May 2017 at 7p.m. at South Hams Hospital.
• A resident asked if town council would consider updating their Facebook presence due to the fact that currently Salcombe town Council was listed as a person on Facebook rather than a page. If changed to a page it could then be a platform to reach residents of the town, keeping them informed, providing updates and Salcombe news. This matter would be reviewed when the Technology Working Group was considered at the following meeting.


Bank Balances
Current Account £1364.82
Deposit Account £302294.72
Bonfire Hill – Burial fees £864.80
Parking Machines Oct 16 – Mar 2017 £2183.92

Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
Cliff House Trust Ltd – TAP Fund Grant allocation £2292.72
Bayleaf Gardening Ltd – War memorial planters £127.20
Bayleaf Gardening Ltd – Maintenance contract May £546.98
SHDC – Bonfire Hill refuse collection £18.75
Hawthorns Accounting Sers. Ltd – Internal Audit and April payroll £232.00
Concorde I Ltd – Annual extended maintenance warranty £144.00
Foot Anstey – Professional services up to 7th April 2017 £370.20
Wellers Hedleys – Professional services for Cliff House Office Lease renewal £1020.00


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 24h May 2017 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.10p.m.
……………………………………………….. 25th May 2016.
Town Mayor.

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