* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – A
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – *
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – A
Cllr K. Baker – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Chris Derrick Kingsbridge Gazette – A


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting.


Police Report – None received.

County Councillor report – Cty Cllr Gilbert noted a complaint was received with regard to Bonaventure steps handrail as the first repair was taped very badly. A week ago a piece of steel bar was inserted between the pipe rail with tape around to stop people chaffing their hands. He had spoken to the resident, Mr Pickering, and he had withdrawn his complaint as the work was now acceptable.

The Mayor raised the matter of gulley clearing as it was believed they were now all finished. Those unable to be cleared had been placed on a list for another team. Cty Cllr Gilbert understood that some were still blocked but explained that those deemed to no longer serve a purpose, by reason of their placement, would not be cleared. There was one of particular concern that the Mayor raised which was outside Bonningtons Shop Fore Street. It was cleared but during heavy rain it did not drain and was still flooding so must still be blocked. Cty Cllr Gilbert agreed and asked that town council compile a list of problem drains.

The new Scanska contract was much more detailed that South West Highways contract was so lessons had been learnt and were being addressed. He had helped Cllr Biggs with regard to broadband provision and investigated that his postcode were to have a new broadband cabinet which was currently being connected. He then explained the various amounts of budget for highways and explained that with the lack of funds roads were only going to get worse. The Mayor noted potholes were only repaired if they were a certain size, however if contractors came and repaired 3 why did not they do the nearby ones. That was the policy as there were just so many potholes also doing those nearby in an area would destroy the budget.
Cllr Gilbert left the meeting.

District Councillors report – Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce acknowledged the lifeboat disaster event was a great commemoration. She thanked everybody who turned up to the Whitestrand consultation but had no results as they were still awaiting some paper copies and had a meeting on Friday so would report next time.

Dist Cllr Wright had to present to Overview and Scrutiny a paper on transitional resources. He detailed all areas where there was no longer a backlog and highlighted areas where there were positive outcomes. The Whitestrand consultation event raised questions but some of the people they talked to had constructive ideas which were not part of the survey but they would pick them up return to talk to town council. The Mayor noted it would be interesting to see if the Neighbourhood Plan had the same responses. The 20th November was the closing date and they would need some workshops rather than meetings to discuss ways forward and in particular with Batson who wanted a Master Plan. It was questioned how the District phone system was and advised it was completely resolved with digital lines now plugged in so up and running.

The Mayor however felt the planning portal seemed to be going backwards. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce responded that there was a reason as every time they did an improvement there were unintended consequences. There were major problems over the weekend as the Mayor explained the download all documents did not work as only a few downloaded and sometimes none at all. Various problems were then noted. The response was that when the phones went down so did the website but they had a new website which would be in place by Christmas and this would use the cloud.

Continuing the Mayor noted many of the plans being sent were not complete and if it was not working on line then town council had nothing. ‘Download All’ needed to work with the addition of an excellent list.

Cllr Lang raised the condition of the highway at the top of Devon Road with leaves and debris as people could not see where the road finished and pavement started. Cllr Mrs Sinnott agreed and noted this was also the problem at Boy School Steps between Allenhayes and Devon Road which were slippery. Discussion took place with regard to the current road sweeper and where he swept around town.


The Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 26th October 2016 were considered and at point 904 the words ‘… and public address system’ were added after ‘refreshments’ before being duly AGREED for the Chair to sign as a true and correct record.


This item was DEFERRED pending further applications.

Cllr Wright left the meeting.


The following applications were considered and such observations submitted to District Planning as below:
• 2155/16/HHO Readvertisement (Revised Plans Received) Householder application for two storey rear extension, alterations to rear elevation and new steps to sunken garden (resubmission of 0198/16/HHO) 13 Courtney Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DG – Objection as it was still considered that this proposal would cause an imbalance to the line design of these properties which sit in a Conservation Area and thus as such would not enhance the area.
• 2704/16/FUL Demolition of Ridge House and replacement with two semi-detached dwellings with parking (amendments to approval 41/0314/14/F) Ridge House, Grenville Road, Salcombe TQ8 8BJ – Objection. The rear aspect of this application was proposed to be extended back and higher up than currently permitted and thus the mass, scale and density was felt to be overdevelopment of this site. The design was thought to be overbearing and unneighbourly and not of the local vernacular.
• 2987/16/FUL New inset balcony and 2 no. new roof windows 4 Blue View, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8GZ – No objection.
• 2992/16/FUL Demolition of existing house and building of new dwelling with associated works The Rough, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HJ – Objection. This was felt to be overdevelopment of the site due to its mass and scale as the view from the front presented an overbearing building that appeared to the eye to be 4.5 storeys. It was also clearly visible from the estuary providing a significant impact on the street scene and AONB.
• 3269/16/LBC Listed building consent for the installation of 2 x conservation type roof lights and the enlargement of an existing window in the gable wall 21 Robinsons Row, Salcombe TQ8 8EU – DEFERRED to next meeting as plans were not received in time.
Cllr Mrs Sinnott left the meeting.
• 3315/16/TPO Proposal Tree 1 Elm Fell Location: 8 Salcombe Heights Close Salcombe Devon TQ8 8EL – Town Council noted that an application had been made previously to remove the crown of this tree which was refused. It had not come into leaf and it was acknowledged it was now practically dying and therefore town council requested that the Tree Officer attend on site to consider the condition of this tree and current request and offer his expert advice.
• 3319/16/TCA Proposal T1 a; oak-fell, b: elm –fell; T2: sycamores over boat house – crown reduction by approximately 3 metres; T3 a: oak – remove dead wood approximately 1 metre; b: oak – remove dead wood approximately 1 metre, crown reduction by 2 metres; c: oak – remove dead wood approximately 2 metres; d: oak – crown reduction by 2 metres; e: elm-remove dead wood (reduce 2 metres in height; f: elm – crown reduction by 2 metres Location Old Vinery Boat Houses, Cliff Road, Salcombe, Devon – Town Council would rely on the Tree Officer’s opinion. It was noted that the map provided had a parking area shown which was provided for construction vehicles when it was being built but there was no permission to continue to use such as parking and this would be raised with Enforcement.
• 3322/16/TPO Proposal T1: Acer maple – crown reduction by 3 metres to previous pollarded points; T2: Pittosporum – fell (no replant due to large pittosporum behind it; T3: Pittosporum – crown reduction by approximately 4 metres; T4: Holm oak – remove all overhanging lateral branches (approx. 4 metres); T5: Holm oak – remove all overhanging lateral branches (approx. 4 metres); T7: Holm oak – remove all overhanging lateral branches (approx. 4 metres) Location Falconers, Moult Hill, Salcombe TQ8 8LF- Town Council would rely on the Tree Officer’s opinion.
• 3455/16/TPO Proposal T1 – Oak – Pollard/coppice at 2metres. Location The Sands, Main Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JW – Town Council would rely on the Tree Officer’s opinion.
• 3483/16/TPO Proposal Bay (T1) – Reduce to top of wall. Sweet Chestnut & Turkey Oak (G1) – Reduce to previous pruning points “Sandhills”, Sandhills Road, Salcombe – Town Council would rely on the Tree Officer’s opinion.


• 3438/16/TPO Location The Sands, Main Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JW. Exemption granted to fell T2 Sycamore. Reason: Dead or Dangerous


• 2730/16/TPO Proposal: T165 Holm Oak. Crown reduce by 3m and reshape. T166 Sycamore. Fell. T167 Beech. Reduce limbs to west by 5m Location: Bridleway House, Moulthaven Service Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LF. Consent granted.


• 1777/16/FUL REVISED DRAWINGS Construction of replacement dwelling with swimming pool and landscaping (resubmission of 41/1797/15/F) Netherwood, Bennett Road, Salcombe, Devon. – Town Council did not feel that these revised drawings addressed the issues raised in the initial response to this application and this would be advised to District Planning.


The district council street cleansing zones maps were provided along with the proposed frequency of cleaning.

Fore Street and the central area came with Zone 1 but were separated by Victoria Quay and adjacent areas with Zone 3 and therefore there was no level of service linking these ‘in town’ sections.

The map shows response times but the question was whether there was going to be a man with a barrow as well throughout the summer, as previously. The Zone response system could work out of the height of the season but in summer Salcombe town needed someone seven days a week. Two hours waiting was a long time, in a seaside resort that became as packed as Salcombe, if a street was full of rubbish. Therefore more information was required.

It was noted that the changed service to date was not what was now being proposed by this consultation as previously there had been a man and a barrow during summer season.

It was AGREED that the mapping was not clear and there seemed to be a disparity within where a Zone 3 was included within a Zone 1 service. This consultation exercise was not easy to consider with the information provided online and it was questioned why District had consulted when stated there would be no change due to limited resources.

Litter and Dog bin records of locations and emptying were also included within this consultation and parishes were asked to suggest locations where larger bins could be installed with less collection times. All bins in Salcombe needed to be emptied regularly in high season and it was noted that this had not happened this year, particularly needed was the early evening 6p.m. collection which was missing. Town Council asked that someone from District be requested to come, discuss and explain this consultation information, preferably Neil Greenhalgh


The estimates for provision and installation of two signs at Jubilee Gardens advising of location and emergency numbers to contact were considered and it was AGREED to request Dart Fire to provide such at a cost of £33.46 plus fitting.


It was AGREED that consideration of a working party to take this project forward and produce a draft plan by the end of January 2017 would be DEFERRED to next meeting.


Consideration was given as to whether Salcombe had a need for a volunteer community speed watch group and it was AGREED to await a further report from Cllr Biggs who had contacted possible volunteers and was advised that the school wanted to get involved.


It was AGREED that the dates and times of the office closure over this festive period would be from lunchtime Friday 23rd December until Monday 2nd January 2017 inclusive.


It was AGREED to request an agenda item to discuss the Planning Portal and planning procedures.


The Mayor reminded everyone that the Remembrance Sunday Parade attendees should assemble at 10.30a.m. at Whitestrand Car Park. Rob Wheeler would be provided a public address system and following the meeting between the Mayor, Adam Parnell, Andy Arthur and Rev. French the only thing outstanding was the music which hopefully Russell Bothwick would deal with.

The Mayor urged all councillors to check highways gulleys and note which ones were not working. Once this had been done a list would be compiled for County Highways. The Neighbourhood Plan survey had gone out and he hoped all had completed it and encouraged others to do likewise as there was a concern on lack of response at this point.

The Mayor had attended the RNLI commemoration for those lost in the disaster 100 years ago.

Also highlighted was a concern that mobility scooter users could not use the cycle path as the barriers were too narrow to get along. An enquiry would be made to Devon County Council about widening with barrier access.

There had been no Christmas gathering of town council members last year so the Mayor suggested an evening venue for everyone to socialise away from meetings and those present agreed this was of interest.


Cllr Biggs – Noted that the wooden railings along Devon Road needed to be repaired as damage occurred when a tree came down. He also advised he had walked the newly installed footpath from Shadycombe Boat Park to Batson and felt it was a wonderful path. All agreed that they had received very positive comments. The signs on the low fence at the boat park end however were incorrect stating that town council was involved and these should be removed from the layby. The Town Clerk was asked to enquire when Alex Whish would be addressing the trees on the opposite site of the road.

Cllr Lang – Noted that residents in Forster Road had requested signs with regard to dog fouling.


• Pete Robinson opened discussion with regard to IT provision going forward with regard to backup and the age of the laptops as the software was now 2 years old. Dropbox was being used but were there possibilities that would be more suitable? Cllr Whitfield suggested that an enquiry of Krystal, website hosts, with regard to backup should be made. The Mayor asked Pete to put together a proposal with likely costs and then this could be put on a future agenda.
• The representative for the South West Water work had been away on annual leave but had now responded that they expected to get a paper together to explain the recent flooding and hoped to have a meeting with town council in the next two weeks.
• Insurance had been taken out at the new rates for the Council Hall and Mortuary buildings. Further feedback on the questions raised at the last meeting was awaited from the property with regard to the walls and other areas assessed.
• Mortuary rafter/joist had rotted out and was referred to the Mortuary working party.
• Cliff House Trust had been advised of the requirements for the Town and Parish Fund grant application and this information was awaited before an application could be made.
• South West Water had launched ‘Love Your Loo’ campaign and was seeking the support of other agencies to ‘stop the block’. Due to ongoing problems Town Council would not provide a quote at this point.
• Letter received from a visitor who fell at the bottom of Ferry Steps due to no handrail. Passed to Harbour Office and District Assets as their property.
• Letter received with regard to a buddleia planted at Bonfire Hill cemetery which the person believed they had planted and should not have been cut down.
• Commemorative oak tree at entrance to driveway along to Bonfire Hill cemetery needed the blackthorn cut back. However there was a concern as to whether it should be moved to a more suitable permanent site where it could grow to its full capacity.
• District Council had advised that in this initial stage they had objected to BT removing the telephone box on Onslow Road due to social need. Notices would go up on the telephone boxes and people needed to support this decision.
• The Valuation Office Agency was reviewing business rateable values. The draft proposals for the two cemeteries park and ride and office space had been obtained and it was suggested that Bonfire Hill Cemetery should be challenged. Further information as to changes with regard to business relief should also be factored in before the precept was considered. The assessment for Bonfire Hill cemetery would be challenged as this was far higher than Shadycombe Cemetery and no reason could be understood for this.


Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £280798.18
Receipts: County Councillor Grant towards Air Ambulance lighting £730.00

Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to be made in September as below:
Marketing Means (UK) Ltd – Neighbourhood Plan Survey (Invoice 1) £2123.03
SHDC – Bin rental and refuse collection Bonfire Hill £16.10
G. Claydon –Stationery, de-solv-it cleaner for P&R boards, washing up liquid, large letter stamp £20.51
Bayleaf Gardening Ltd – Jubilee Garden maintenance and War Memorial plants £623.78
Nigel J. Couch Joinery – Oiling/Varnish of cemetery gates and noticeboards £234.60

Cheques APPROVED for signature:


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 8.45p.m.

……………………………………………….. 23rd November 2016.
Town Mayor.

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