* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – A
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – *
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – *
Cllr C. Marshall – *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Chris Derrick Kingsbridge Gazette – *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.
One member of the public was in attendance throughout the whole meeting merely to observe.
District Councillors Report
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted there were no main meetings at District in the last few weeks and therefore little to report. The Mayor noted that on Bank Holiday weekend none of the public rubbish bins were emptied on the Sunday. He had also been told that Chad (the town road sweeper) was being removed and thus Salcombe was losing their road sweeper so that he could move to work in Kingsbridge. Salcombe it appeared would be dealt with by hit squads and a road sweeping machine. Chad was originally told he was moving at the end of July but from his feedback was now remaining in Salcombe until the end of summer. The Mayor was adamant that the town could not afford to lose their road sweeper. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce was unaware of this change and would find more details out immediately.
At the wall where the flood gate was installed at Clifton Place users of the bench could only just see over the wall from sitting on the bench. Could it be raised on a plinth so those sitting could enjoy the view? Cllr Mrs Pearce understood their comments but felt the floodgate was a good addition but would raise the question.
Cllr Mrs Kemp noted that someone advised her that their rubbish had not been collected for the last seven weeks. They had spoken to District Council but had not got far. They intended to return to their main home and they would write to District. Cllr Mrs Pearce advised they should not write but report online as this query could then be tracked. The property was in Island Street along an alleyway at the far end past some holiday homes in between whose refuse was collected as a business collection.
Police Report provided by email by WPc Jo Pengilly – In the past two weeks there had been reports of the national trust car park payment boxes again being targeted. All were asked to please be vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour on 101 or crime stoppers or in an emergency 999. It was happening in this area Bolberry being one of the locations.
Over the past two weeks there had been:
1 assault
1 criminal damage to motor vehicle
1 theft of money box
There had also been vehicles parking on the grass verges at Batson on which she placed warning notices against parking there. WPc Pengilly felt it was unclear who owned that verge but she believed that more vehicles would feel they could park if not stopped. She suggested signs be placed on the verges then this would help to prevent this in the future as summer was fast approaching.
Pete Robinson arrived.
Also during regatta week she again sought permission for them to use the town council parking space in town for police vehicles to allow quick exit if they should need to attend an emergency as it was difficult travelling up through Fore Street with so many visitors walking in the road. They were aiming to have a police presence all Regatta week with the marine awareness day being on the Wednesday. Constant requests from other emergency organisations and also many organisations and cannot make an exception as it would just open future problems. It was noted that motorists parked in front of this parking provision and, as with previous requests from numerous emergency services and voluntary organisations, it was felt that it was prudent for the police to park elsewhere as there would be no limit on where nor a chance they would be ticketed.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 25th May 2016 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record following the Mayor ensuring reference to the car park at Shadycombe and the lack of sign and blue sign was not unclear and the right message had been transmitted to District.
This item was DISPENSED with due to no further applications. The Mayor sought agreement from Council that he write to the Gazette and pointing out that town council was short of councillors and dispelling various misconceptions of what was done and achieved around town. This was APPROVED.
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
• 0362/16/FUL Re-advertisement (Revised Plans) Demolition of the existing stone boundary wall and the redevelopment of the site to form a 400 sqm retail convenience store (Use Class A1) and 6 residential dwellings above, with new vehicular access and parking Former Gas Works, Gould Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DU. OBJECTION Town Council remained concerned that with this application. The Cedar wood and render were not felt to be of a design which reflected an industrial area. There were concerns that the rear of the properties proposed at first floor level were to have roof terraces which could cause overlooking along with associated increased noise pollution. It was now noted there was an addition of timber screening on a level with the roof terraces at the rear but it was not felt that the screening proposed would make much difference. Also with this mix of resident and industrial it was felt that the parking provided was insufficient. It was felt that this was a designated employment area known as RA4 and as such should be used to further the demand for commercial property within Salcombe taking into consideration District Council’s evidence for the demand for industrial use. Also it was felt that the removal of the historic wall adjacent to this Conservation Area would not need to be removed if the purpose built commercial unit was incorporated as part of this structure. If planning permission were to be permitted it is requested that a condition should ensure that the commercial unit was let before the residential units were sold and be conditioned to be tied together. It remained of concern that the residential element had parking but nothing was provided for the shop usage. It was also suggested that the bulk of this design would have a significant impact on the amenity of immediate neighbours in Jalmar and Croft Road.
• 0962/16/HHO Householder application for extension to existing balcony (replace and extend) 9 Platt Close, Salcombe TQ8 8NZ – No objection.
• 1076/16/HHO Householder application for two roof lights within attic room to rear The Sands, Main Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JW- No objection but as this work had been completed it was felt this should be a retrospective application.
Further letter from a resident in Knowle Court noted putting forward objections with regard to 1240/16/FUL Onslow Road. The correspondent would be telephoned to ensure that these comments had also been forwarded to District.
• 2014/0292 Appeal Ref: APP/K1128/C/16/3149049 Location The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ Alleged breach: Erection of a shed. Town Council were concerned if this matter could continue on Appeals as the applicant stated the point of the Appeal was to retain the shed for a welfare office for workers. District Council was not happy as further officer time would be spent writing an Appeal Statement. It was AGREED that town council should write explaining their concern that this application was objected to on the grounds stated and District Council supported town council with a Planning Inspectorate also agreeing this Appeal should be dismissed and that now town council felt steps should be taken to seek compliance to the enforcement.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce left the meeting.
• 1545/16/TPO Proposal Silver Birch (T1) fell excessive shading and close proximity to outbuilding. Arbutus (T2) fell to open out view possibly re-plant with a smaller fruit tree Location The Pavilion, Beadon Road, Salcombe. Town Council felt that trees subject to a TPO should not be felled to achieve a view but would rely on the Tree Officer recommendation.
The Mayor outlined the two sets of drawings for proposed works in Whitestrand to be carried out in two phases. Overall it was intended to take the wall down alongside the public toilets and remove seating in front of the parking spaces placing decking over the bulk of the slipway. There would be room for the slipway going down the side. They proposed to remove two disabled parking bays and the motorcycle parking bay behind the seats and provide just one disabled by the entrance next to the current police bay. They would be removing completely the Harbour Master’s parking space.
Health and Safety had decreed that there must be balustrade all around the quayside including the part where people currently liked to sit. Town Council representatives had asked Dist Cllr Wright when he presented these plans whether this would equally apply to Kingsbridge and Dartmouth who had the same sort of quays. District was removing all existing seats but all would be replaced and there would be seating on the decking area. Therefore they would only be losing one disabled bay and motorcycle parking. Bollards would be installed from the pathway by Kings Arms along around to behind the seats.
Also the plans showed an Information kiosk proposed to be sited next to the cash machine by the Kings Arms.
They were initially informed the balustrade was to be stainless steel and glass which was felt stupid in view of the many seagulls. While the railings were shown as stainless steel a black older style would be considered if that was the general wish of the community. Stainless Steel had been chosen by District Council at this point to reflect the general trend as displayed with many planning applications around Salcombe and they felt it could also blend in more when viewing at the existing pontoons of Whitestrand.
Concern was raised regarding vehicles using the current parking spaces all day by loading the meters had been taken onboard and a new machine using registration number recognition would be installed in the near future. Town Council representatives felt the decking area to the left of the memorial looked out of keeping and should be extended to complete the area.
It was stated that Phase 2 would be happening within a couple of years so it could only be assumed that Phase 1 would be implemented soon. Phase 2 would demolish the Harbour Office, showers and toilets and replace with one building to serve both purposes with additional number of showers. Initially the Mayor noted he had not realized that this new building actually came out beyond the entrance to the pontoon walkway. He therefore felt that the public space was a small area and the decking and seating was just an excuse to provide a larger building. Under new regulations forthcoming the Harbour Office in its existing format could not legally be rented out for this purpose by District to the Harbour Authority as it did not comply. At their briefing town council had suggested that if District were providing this building why not keep it an L shape and include somewhere for Salcombe Information Centre and remove the kiosk as all enquiries could go to the Information Centre. The inclusion of a facility that might be suitable for the Information Centre had been ‘registered’ at District by Cllr Wright.
At the meeting Cllr Wright did advise that funding for the building was coming from the Harbour Authority and potentially what would happen would be the Harbour Authority would pay for it to be built and then not pay rental for using it.
It was questioned that if they were losing parking spaces why consideration should not be given to using the area as a town square not just another building? It would also be a very small open space once there was a larger building and how often were showers used? Disabled bays had to be wide and if they were sited at the entrance could this use that pavement space. However the meeting concluded that placement of disabled parking at the far end was easier access to toilets, view of estuary and took less room as one side would be the car free area and also enable access to the walkway safely by the Kings Arms.
It was suggested that a public meeting be held when an application came forward with the artists impression of what it would look like for the community to comment.
It was AGREED that the wording for the Welcome sign within the park and ride field should read as provided in the draft and such sign would be obtained.
848. GRANT
This item was DEFERRED awaiting end of year accounts and up to date Bank Statements from Cliff House Trust Ltd.
The actions needed to be taken to ensure provision of a parade marshal and a public address system were discussed and it was AGREED the Mayor and Cllr Whitfield would approach two suggested candidates. Rob Wheeler would be asked if he would provide the pa system.
The Mayor advised that in the past the British Legion had laid on light refreshments after the parade and should town council continue this. It was felt this should continue and the Mayor would make enquiries with regard to cost and place on a future agenda for approval.
It was AGREED that places for the Civic Lunch in October needed to be a large enough venue within walking distance of the Salcombe Church and thus those to be approached would be:
• Harbour Hotel.
• Cliff House and all necessary catering therein.
The Mayor had attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting last week and noted he was the only representative from Salcombe. The group was concerned that no Salcombe traders were there and it was noted that Salcombe Information Centre were not in attendance. It was suggested that should the manager not be able to attend then another representative from the Information Centre could attend. He had obtained a copy of the A board letter sent by them and another discussion on this topic took place. The Mayor suggested that town council could be completely and utterly wasting their time sending another letter out and alienating themselves from businesses because it would be a toothless letter. Kingsbridge had found the effect was short term and they were now back to where they were before. Any signs on District land would be down to them rather than County anyway. Town Council could write another letter which including factual information advising traders about committing an offence. Also County would be asked if they would collect signs following this letter.
With regard to the hardstanding created by the rowing club for additional boats the boats placed thereon were chained up by District. The Chairman of the Rowing Club had written to the Mayor and apologised if their actions had caused any embarrassment. It was hoped that the issue was resolved as District was now going to lease the land to them for £1 p.a. as District in turn were concerned that Rowing Club might claim adverse possession. The club would tidy the area up and put down matting which in time would grass over. Within his letter however Chris Brook, District Assets, noted the club held a short term lease and could not obtain major grants in such a position and offered a 25 year lease suggesting they could apply to erect a two storey building. Such proposal or suggestion of development in this out of town area was of concern.
The Mayor attended the D Day Service on 4th June and noted about 4 people were in attendance as this service appeared to be dwindling. Rev French advised that the church would take over the future arrangement of a service to be held on a Sunday in the church. The Mayor also was on Radio Devon talking to Simon Bates about the wonders of living in Salcombe.
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor would be attending Salcombe School and various preschool groups within Salcombe to give out the Commemorative medals on Friday 10th June at the 3p.m. during assembly in the school. Rafters children would receive theirs between 1-3p.m. Beehives would possibly be done the following week depending on availability of the Mayor.
It was noted with gratitude that Balfour Beatty working on the South West Water project had given a grant towards the Queen’s Street party to be held the forthcoming weekend at 12 noon. Salcombe Dairy also donated 150 ice creams.
Cllr Lang – Attended Basic Tree Defect training along with the Town Clerk and Project Officer. They were informed on what was pertinent to be considered and what did not need dealing with if in low risk area. At the park and ride he felt that the road markings sent vehicles the wrong way around the car park leaving those exiting to go across traffic. The Mayor advised that this was at the request of the bus company to make it safer when they were manoeuvring and as this matter had been raised before the lines were installed this was not a matter to be considered.
Cllr Mrs Sinnott – Noted the provision of the Park and Ride worked extremely well during Bank Holiday weekend although with the good weather and no bus running during the half term week many using the area did not read the signs to say whether there was a bus. In times when the weather was not good there were no visitors and thus the cost of running the bus not knowing was not felt acceptable for the residents.
Cllr Mrs Kemp – Attended her first Swimming Pool Committee and noted that for Health & Safety they needed to provide disabled and family changing rooms. This would require them rejigging the use of the space and they would in time need funding.
• Letter dated 25th May 2016 suggesting that there should be no cycling on Victoria Place. He also wished to note the good works of Chad in his daily street sweeping. Thereafter there was question with regard to ownership of an open space between Frobisher House and Tuckers, a response would be sent enquiring the reason for the question as this was a public right of way.
• Works to the Mortuary shed had been completed and the handyman awaited confirmation that no further matters needed addressing before he obtained bags/skip to removal all rubble.
• The Park and Ride had been cut recently and a further wider area (1 foot) either side of the marker railway sleepers had been treated with weedkiller. This would deal with weeds that had taken the mixture in but would need further treatments as and when seeds germinated. More chemical was to be purchased to deal with ongoing weed growth in all areas.
• James Watson, Sky Bar was to host an event at Malborough, Ilton Farm 6pm – 1am with DJs, live entertainment and cocktails. They were to provide their own shuttle and would be using the Bonfire Hill Car Park and extended an invitation to town council if they wished to attend this event as they wished to have an ongoing relationship and provide more events. It was noted the turning area would be locked due to note town council bus running and an arrangement needed to be put in place for opening and closing.
• Community Payback scheme were requested by Devon County highways to clear Spion Kop steps of vegetation and this should have been carried out by now.
• The Town Clerk was asked to enquire of Tally Ho how they complied with disabled regulations if the other bus they had purchased for the route was unable to get up Onslow Road.
Chris Derrick left the meeting.
Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £245,482.62
SHDC – Harbour P&R Advertising £150.00
Bonfire Hill Cemetery – Memorial installation x 3 £450.00
Wyndham Vacation Rentals – Salcombe Holiday Homes P&R Advertising £400.00
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
Concorde I Ltd – Maintenance copies £12.37
SHDC – Bonfire Hill Refuse £29.10
Marketing Means – Neighbourhood Plan Business Survey 3rd Invoice £798.00
Cliff House Trust Ltd – Annual rent 1st Feb 2016 to 31st January 2017 held at last year payment £3678.00
LMS Highways – Council car parking space line marking £450.00
Bayleaf Gardening Ltd – Jubilee and Welcome Gardens contract £546.98
Greenspace – Grass cutting contract May and June £474.33 plus Handyman mortuary shed reduction and capping off £475.00; Totals 949.33
Cheques APPROVED for signature:
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 22nd June 2016 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 20.20 p.m.
……………………………………………….. 22nd June 2016.
Town Mayor.