* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – A
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – *
Cllr K. Baker – A
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Chris Derrick Kingsbridge Gazette – *
Georgie Sheard – Student from Exeter University researching her Geography Dissertation
Mr Sheard plus two further members of the public
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Biggs declared an interest in application 2131/16FUL.
Police Report – Emailed by WPc Jo Pengilly
Since the 12th October 2016 the following crimes have been reported in Salcombe:
2 x theft from shops, this is believed to be the same offenders two days running.
1 x criminal damage to a shop window
1 x common Assault
All these crimes are currently under investigation. There have been no further reports of marine crime, active patrols are still taking place.
District Councillors report – Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce and Wright gave their short presentation on the information boards and illustrations to be displayed at Whitestrand for consultation. The invitations sent out were also shown and it was acknowledged that Carla from District Council had covered publicity well. The Mayor noted the comment that this was not a district council consultation but one carried out by the District Councillors personally. They advised that the pictorial illustrations plus surveymonkey questionnaire had been created by district officers under their instruction. Discussion in various parts took place and the Mayor noted the suggestion for the Harbour Office and asked if the police would still be included in this building and suggested it could be increased to an L shape to incorporate the Information Centre. This inclusion was acknowledged and noted that this suggestion was included in SurveyMonkey. Some would obviously agree and others would not like the suggestions but the consultation would inform these opinions.
Two smaller drawings of the current planning permission granted would be taken along to show what could already be carried out under this.
Cllr Mrs Bricknell raised the issue of provision for disabled parking and bikes. Proposals would still include one disabled space which was proportional for the number of parking spaces provided. However in the long term they would speak to County Council and ask if they could allocate the first space opposite Boots as disabled as this was on street, easy to drive into and both car doors could open wide. Bikes could possibly be accommodated at Chapel End.
There was a fenced hole in the middle of Whitestrand Car Park and it was advised this was South West Water surface water/subsidence. Cllr Wright noted that the District phones problem continued whilst they were changing the system completely to fibre due to the failure of British Telecom on their other system and fibre was a lot quicker. Calls were currently automatically going to Tavistock and back but the main issue was no one could call an officer directly.
Cllr Mrs Pearce noted there would be a delay on the street cleaning consultation due to the last minute discovery that the mapping layers were not aligned so some zones did not match properly. These would be provided for each parish and the consultation would now be in November. The Mayor noted a recent positive experience in reporting on line a bin bag left behind. He had received a return phone call within half an hour together with a confirmation email which was good customer care, even though it took 3 days to collect the bag. Cllr Kemp thanked Cllr Mrs Pearce for intervening on her query/problem from work but noted they still had not received confirmation nor an email to say things were sorted. Cllr Mrs Pearce would follow this up by advised she had received an email explaining that there was some problem reassigning the lease and District was still it sorting out.
The Mayor advised that the town wanted the removed bench at Chapel End back. People using the minibus often sat there. Cllr Mrs Pearce responded that the seating on Whitestrand formed part of the consultation so if and when those seats were removed there would be some spare operational seats. She assured town council that District would get a bench back there during the winter.
The Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 12th October 2016 were considered and duly AGREED for the Chair to sign as a true and correct record.
This item was DEFERRED pending further applications.
The following applications were considered and such observations submitted to District Planning as below:
Cllr Biggs left the meeting whilst the following application was considered.
• 2131/16/FUL REVISED PLANS Demolition of existing detached dwelling and replacement with two new semi-detached dwellings St. Brelades, Bonaventure Road, Salcombe TQ8 8BG – Objection. The mass and height across the whole plot equated to overdevelopment and there was concern raised with regard to the impact on the amenity value of the adjacent property (Longreach).
• 2369/16/HHO Re-advertisement (Revised Plan Received) Householder application for side extension to existing semi-detached house; resubmission of application 0485/16/HHO for a reduced proposal 1 Devon Villas, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HD – No objection.
• 2420/16/HHO Retrospective householder application for retention of concrete deck for use as car parking for adjoining residential property Salcombe Court, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection as this was not felt to be an enhancement and was highly detrimental to the AONB as it was also visible from the estuary. The structure was felt to be utilitarian, in a prominent position and not in keeping with the area. Concerns were raised with regard to safety on highway access being a three way junction that had previously had traffic bollards in situ as a width restriction that were never reinstated.
• 2609/16/HHO Householder application for rear extension to lower ground floor bedroom and rear balcony with stair access to garden and rear extension to dormer window 10 Courtney Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DQ – Objection. The dormer plans illustrated it would come right to the edge of the roof by the guttering and this was felt to be out of keeping and have a negative impact on the Conservation Area. The line of such other dormers was set back away from the edge of the roof. The ground floor bedroom extension, currently there was a terrace on the first floor supported by wooden posts, would come out an extra 50% and could have a significant impact on the neighbouring property with regard to light.
• 2743/16/VAR Application for removal or variation of condition 2 Compliance with drawings of granted planning consent 41/0703/15/F Development to rear of The Hollies, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HQ – No objection.
• 3084/16/HHO Householder application for single storey workshop/studio and hardstanding for ancillary use to dwelling. Resubmission of application 41/0836/14/F (approved) with amended fenestration and roofing material The Boathouse, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection due to the impact on the AONB and view from the estuary as this was felt to be overdevelopment by its size. There was concern that as the three trees in front had no preservation order on them such screening of any line of windows could also be lost.
• 2890/16/TPO Proposal T1: Sweet chestnut – Crown reduction 2 metres;T2: Sycamore – Crown reduction 2 metres; T3: Sycamore – Crown reduction 2 metres; Location Woodcot Cottage, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JU – Refer back to tree officer.
• 3066/16/TPO Proposal Exemption request – Dead Macrocarpa tree – Fell Location Highwood, Moult Road Salcombe Devon TQ8 8LG – Refer back to tree officer.
Dist Cllrs Mrs Pearce and Wright left the meeting.
Town Council was concerned when a claim could be made on this insurance with regard to the wall or whether it was prudent to just reserve a growing fund. The Town Clerk was also asked to ascertain whether any damage or subsidence to the upper Forster Road wall was included. After consideration of the property valuation report and elements raised it was AGREED to accept the expert advice and increase the annual premium to insure the buildings at the valuation rate (Hall – £445,000 and Mortuary – £179,000).
Arrangements for the civic Remembrance Parade on Sunday 13th November were reported and it was AGREED to cover provision of refreshments up to a cost of £150.
Following feedback from District Council on whether suggested projects met the District funding criteria it was AGREED to progress the following projects as detailed.
Street lighting from Onslow Road to Ember Road with highway barriers along the Main Road would be applied for under the Community Reinvestment fund.
Swimming Pool funding would need a Community Use Agreement so it was felt this was best served being included in the Open Spaces Sport and Recreation Plan to use Section 106 monies on.
As the entrance was owned by Devon County Council education department they should be approached for lighting down from the school to Onslow Road.
It was questionable whether the Cliff House Trust Limited met the criteria for the Town and Parish Fund but as it was the town community building an application would be made for £2000.
The four members of the public left the meeting.
An update with regard to ongoing town council legal matters was provided. It was AGREED to accept the newly drawn Cliff House Lease but the plan was out of date and should not include the library office in with town council.
It was further AGREED that the letter with regard to land at The Berry should state that town council was to commence work in the Spring and that the current council had no intention of develop these sections of land but tidying and providing paths and any comments should be made by 8th January 2017.
It was AGREED to table the following suggestions from councillors as agenda items for the forthcoming meeting: generic issues affecting whole of South Hams. No matters raised but councillors asked to advise the Town clerk of any.
The Mayor noted the civic lunch and many letters and emails of thanks. Jason Parry Manager of Harbour Hotel had also advised he was there when people left and they were most happy and he thanked town council for using the Harbour Hotel. All present agreed it was a very good event and the hotel did everyone proud.
The Mayor briefly outlined the meeting at The Fort with regard to the Open Spaces Sport and Recreation plan. The Mayor had not followed up with papers but suggested the working group should only consist of three people. Moving on he noted the state of Fore Street on Monday morning with the gulley outside of Bonningtons still blocked and a triangle manhole cover forced up and water pouring out. The Kings Arms had been flooded and both pubs had no electricity. A letter was requested to be sent to seek clarification from South West Water liaison John-Paul Staniforth with regard to why that manhole was still forced up in light of recent works for flood alleviation.
Cllr Biggs – Noted an email sent by the broadband representatives clearly stated every road in Salcombe, and providing area postcodes, would be covered. British Telecom had advised Cllr Biggs that people were misinformed and whilst he could see the terminal box others further away could upgrade but he could not. He also highlighted that tree branches required cutting back as they were forcing people into the road off the pavement. Cllr Biggs noted all the development taking place around Salcombe which was taking away gardens and there was no suggestion of permeable surfaces and this could be creating more flooding/drainage problems. The Mayor noted that the utilities did not appear to object or comment on planning applications in this way and this should be raised with South West Water.
Cllr Mrs Kemp – Also on Monday, with all the rain, in Island Street by Boat Crew the gulley was blocked and they too were flooded. Town Clerk to ask Adam Keay whether he believed all drains had been cleared now.
Cllr Lang – Noted a couple of bridlepath complaints with regard to overgrown vegetation from Malborough Parish Council stating a horse rider could not get down them. Report from Peter Guy Devon County Footpaths Officer advised he had sent letters to landowners.
Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Noted at Drake Road around the bend lots of was water coming out. She had reported this as it was occurring in three different places. She returned to Shadycombe Cemetery and noted two graves had ivy and rubbish on them so she had cleared these and placed the debris in the hedge.
• Noted that the new HATOC Traffic Regulation Order list did not include controversial issues such as resident parking permits nor traffic lights and one way systems as these were not a parking issue.
• Peter Guy Footpath Officer had walked footpaths 10 and 17 and written to 10 adjoining landowners to remind them of their responsibility to keep the paths clear for walkers and horse riders. He wished this message to be passed to all landowners to raise awareness of the need to cut hedges and overhanging trees.
• Barry Birch of Balfour Beatty advised that they would be returning to complete works in Herbert Road the following week taking about two weeks before going down to Clifton Place slipway to deal with the outfall. With regard to recent water coming up around the triangular drain at this location this would be surface water and nothing to do with their project. He would however see if he could investigate further and find out whether there had been a blockage and ask the appropriate section to deal with this problem.
• District Council had been advised of a possible fault in LIFEPAK CR Plus AEDs and LIFEPAK EXPRESS AEDs Automatic External Defibrillators and those present were asked to check the make of any defibrillators they were aware of.
• District Council invitation to Town and Parish Council event to be held Wednesday 30th November 6.30p.m. in The Cary Room Follaton House. The only information is that Cllr Hart would be there for Devon County and Cllr Tucker and Steve Jorden for District Council.
• Noted that at present there were no councillors available from Salcombe attending any of the County Highway or Community Resilience conferences.
• Adam Parnell Harbour Master noted that the park and ride had no bus provision during half term but there were many cars down in the town circling looking for parking. Town Council noted that the Harbour had boats in the car park and the Park and Ride during the height of the season was intended for sightseeing day trippers. Due to the financial implications of running the P&R bus signage had been provided that made it very clear the walking route into town and nearby scheduled bus service.
• Various letters and emails had been received congratulating and thanking the town council for the Civic Lunch.
• Annual report received from Citizens Advice with a request for a grant.
• Noted that signs for Jubilee Gardens play area needed to be provided to locate where users were in an emergency and give general usage guidance. Quotes had been sought for the following meeting.
Bank Balances
Current Account £501.00
Deposit Account £ 289,321.56
Receipts: Nil
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to be made in September as below:
MAT Electrics Ltd – Grant – Helipad lighting works £1426.67
HMRC – Tax and NI £749.98
NEST – Pension £143.82
Wages – £1719.66
Salcombe Yacht Club – Room hire NPlan £25.00
Mike Fice – Chairman’s allowance Civic Lunch expenditure £61.00
Barrett Corp Harrington – Building Reinstatement Valuation for insurance purposes £660.00
Krystal Hosing Ltd – Annual renewal of hosting service for Town Council and Neighbourhood Plan sites to (inc Pro Back-Up) £95.93
Grant Thornton UK LLP – Audit of the 2016 Annual Return £480.00
Greenscape – Handyman Inv 111 (Berry wood chip) and 112 (Shadycombe additional works RNLI) £680.00
Charles Rogers Building Contractor – Works to create gravel surfaced footpath along Batson £24237.60
Cheques APPROVED for signature:
003454 M Stace – Reimbursement of grave space historic cost less 10% admin fee £108.00
003455 South West Water – Quotation for water and sewerage connection at Mortuary £90.00
003456 G. Claydon – Cash to purchase 40 x 55p 2nd class postage stamps £22.00
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 9th November 2016 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 20.43p.m.
……………………………………………….. 9th November 2016.
Town Mayor.