* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – A
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – A
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – A
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – *
Cllr K. Baker – A
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – A
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Chris Derrick Kingsbridge Gazette – *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting.
• Police Report – None received.
• Presentation of proposal for Planning Application for Croft Field – Steve McTeare, Claire McNess, Caroline Curtis and Danny Cooper of RTL Architects and Eden Design gave an overview of the early stage proposal for a planned development at Shadycombe Road to form part of a pre application discussion with District Council. The plan proposed would be for the creation of 6 properties within a woodland landscaped area that would be planted to produce an early maturing woodland. The development could also include a shore-based training facility but was purely indicative at this stage as was the statement that all designated and non-designated footpaths would remain. Cllr. Lang raised the issue that no affordable housing was included within the development and Cllr Fice pointed out that there was likely to be a lot of resistance from local residents to this site as there was to the previous Local Plan proposal which had this as a development site. Steve McTeare said that a public consultation would be held once the development proposal moved forward.
18:50- Steve McTeare and his team left the meeting along with 7 members of the public.
• Alex Lammie raised the issue of the planning application for his property that was to be reviewed later in the meeting (3440/16/HHO). He informed the meeting that he and the other neighbour adjacent to the property were looking to buy the property covered by the planning application and that they were hoping to proceed with the application if approved.
District Councillors report – District Cllr Wright was asked by Cllr Biggs if he had been involved in discussion about the Shadycombe Development presented at the beginning of the meeting, which he said he was not. The District Council Events policy fees and charges report has been pulled, as District Councillors wanted a more detailed report. The four Year financial settlement had been resolved. The initial survey results from the Whitestrand Development have been received and District Council felt they would need to have a detailed discussion with Town Council prior to publication. The works on the wall beside the public conveniences together with the small element of glass balustrade between the Ward Room and pontoon was likely to go ahead, as there was little opposition to it. Cllr Lang however was concerned that no planning permission had been granted for such use to the Ward Room and he was advised that the Ward Room would have to apply for change of use permission. The proposals in respect of changing the car parking, building the decking and the information kiosk were all put on hold pending further consultation. But the balustrades would be left to the discretion of the officers depending on the Risk Assessment but would be in a black powder coated finish and not stainless steel to be more in keeping. The current location of the motor cycle bay would be reviewed due to cars parking in the disabled bay which would render part of the motor cycle bay unusable so this would be addressed. The survey indicated that seating was a major priority and still required but more flexible installation to allow them to be moved if required. The survey also raised the issue of the design of the Harbour Office/toilet block and it was felt that new designs needed to be brought forward. There was general agreement that the TiC and police should be incorporated within the new building. The consultation was felt to be a success and town council thanked the Salcombe District Councillors for their efforts in bringing this consultation about. Respondents to the survey were not keen to allow any development at the street end of Whitestrand as the view from Fore Street would be restricted. However there was of course the ongoing problem of the hair-braiders using this area and this needed to be addressed between District and Town Council. Cllr Lang raised the fact that one of the benches at Whitestrand was damaged. Cllr Wright said that if benches became available due to the Whitestrand changes they would be offered to replace the bench that was removed from Chapel End. Cllr Fice enquired about the amount of space on Creek Car Park for winter boat storage. He felt that there was much more than previous years as this only left 12 – 15 parking spaces and there was a concern with regard to parking at the busy Christmas and New Year period. Cllr Mrs Kemp advised that there was no notice to advise people of the on-site fencing and how people could access.
The Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 9th November 2016 were considered and duly AGREED for the Chair to sign as a true and correct record.
This item was DEFERRED pending further applications.
The following applications were considered and such observations submitted to District Planning as below:
• 2478/16/FUL READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plan Received) Alterations to form bay window, replacement of tile hanging with painted render 7 Rosemount Court, Church Street, Salcombe TQ8 8JB – No objection
• 2819/16/LBC Listed building consent to replace three lower floor sea-facing windows with more in keeping traditional painted hardwood windows 2 Clifton Place, Salcombe, TQ8 8BX – No objection. There was concern raised that the plans did not show what the new windows would look like.
• 3269/16/LBC DEFERRED FROM PREVIOUS MEETING DUE TO NO PLANS RECEIVED Listed building consent for the installation of 2 x conservation type roof lights and the enlargement of an existing window in the gable wall 21 Robinsons Row, Salcombe TQ8 8EU – No objection to the roof lights but concern raised that the plans did now show any changes to existing windows in the gable end as stated in the application description.
• 3295/16/HHO Householder application for erection of dormers to front and rear elevations and erection of single storey side extension Alma Villa, Forster Road, Salcombe TQ8 8EB – No objection but it was requested that the rear dormer to be obscured glass as this room was to be a shower room.
• 3440/16/HHO Householder application for a garage/bedroom extension 3 Loring Road, Salcombe TQ8 8BL – No objection.
19:16 – Alex Lammie left the meeting.
• 3544/16/HHO Householder application for new recycling and refuse enclosure for The Grange Estate – shared properties The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection due to the refuse bins storage area being located too close to neighbouring properties and on a very narrow corner of the driveway. It was also felt to be un-neighbourly.
• 3545/16/LBC Listed building consent for new recycling and refuse enclosure for The Grange Estate – shared properties The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – As above.
• 3468/16/HHO Householder application for retrospective permission for rebuilding a small section of stone wall, including a porthole and climbing plants as part of the upper garden The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – No objection.
• 3469/16/LBC Listed building consent for retrospective permission for rebuilding a small section of stone wall, including a porthole and climbing plants as part of the upper garden The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – As above.
• 3544/16/HHO – E-mail received with regard to this Planning Application and noted on consideration of response above.
• Discussion took place with regard to quality and content of planning applications and their plans and the Mayor advised this issue had been raised at the recent SHDC Mayor’s Meeting
19:27 – Dist Cllr Wright left the meeting
As insufficient councillors were in attendance this matter was DEFERRED but Cllr Biggs offered to chair the committee and he was asked to communicate with Town Council to establish who was interested in forming a working party.
The letter as drafted by the town council solicitor was AGREED subject to the proposed changes below and this letter would be produced on the solicitor’s headed paper and sent out by town council together with a colour copy of the map produced by town. Cllr Biggs commented that the proposed footpath would not join with existing footpaths and the wording would be changed to “…. add to the ….. [existing footpaths]”. The Project Officer would check the names and addresses to ensure that town council had an audit trail and posted to the relevant addresses with a certificate of posting.
Due to the recent report on the mortuary roof joist it was AGREED that the contractor should be contacted and asked why the joist was not dealt with. The original work remit would firstly be reviewed to ascertain what was requested as part of the weatherproofing work and subject to that either the works be requested carried out or a further estimate obtained.
There was a discussion with regard to District Council provision of public bins, their size and suitability of location together with frequency of emptying and it was AGREED that town council would carry out an audit of such.
Locations allocated to:
Cllr Fice to do Batson to South Sands. Cllr Kemp to review Devon Road. Cllr Biggs to review The Berry and surrounding area. Cllr. Lang the top of town from Onslow Road to the P&R. Cllr Biggs suggested that the bin locations were overlaid on a town map. Once reports were received this would be reconsidered as an agenda item.
Cllr Biggs reported he had contacted possible volunteers and they were keen to form a Speed Awareness Group and they had AGREED that the volunteers would work with the police to initiate the campaign in Salcombe and Cllr Biggs agreed to liaise with town council on progress. There was a discussion regarding dangerous parking by the school. It was suggested that a letter would be sent directly to Sgt Dave Green to report the issue and ask that the police attend the school area to educate drivers.
Due to the recent notification of the closure of the last bank in Salcombe it was AGREED to send a letter to Lloyds Bank, the British Banking Association, Banking Ombudsman and Dr Sarah Wollaston MP. The Mayor would draft a letter with the Clerk and forward to councillors for approval
The Mayor thanked everyone who attended the Remembrance Service and offered his apology if he overlooked anyone who contributed on the day, but wanted to thank them formally through the Minutes.
The Mayor reported he attended the District Council and Mayors meeting which he found to be disappointing as he felt there was less acknowledgement of town councils by District. Additional staff had been employed for another year to help clear backlog of works and District Council officers would be meeting with their IT provider to ensure they were going in the right direction. Cllr Fice had raised issues with the Planning Portal and process as there were gaps in the Planning paperwork and inconsistencies across Planning Officer comments. There was an update on the Joint Local Plan. District Council raised the Local Authority Approved Company which had an agreement in principle but members of District Council wanted more information on a variety of items before approval was given. A final report was due to members in February 2017 and if agreed the new company would commence in April 2017.
20:15 – Chris Derrick left the meeting.
Cllr Biggs – Asked if the Neighbourhood Plan letter should have been raised with town council prior to being sent out. Cllr Fice accepted the comment explaining that the letter was a personal communication and potentially should have gone out as a Neighbourhood Plan letter and not town council.
Cllr Lang – Advised that a footpath needed attention and the Project Officer was asked to report.
• Following the play equipment inspection and report wherein the type of swing installed on the play unit was raised a confirmation email had been received from Jeff Williams at Mant Leisure. Mant Leisure had spoken with the equipment inspector and confirmed that in the inspector’s opinion although the basket is not the one usually used on this frame it is not a safety issue as the protection around the edge of the basket lip is continuous.
• It was advised that following checking a complaint that a buddleia at Bonfire Hill cemetery had been cut down that these works were not done by Salcombe Town Council. Someone had been in and renovated a bench and at the time, whether the same person or not, the hedge behind the benches had been cut/hacked by a hedge cutter/chain saw and the fence had damage marks on it. At this time the plant was cut down by someone else although no such permission had been sought and given for such planting. Therefore all town council were requested to keep an eye on Bonfire Hill and note anyone damaging or carrying out works in this vicinity.
• A link to the Devon County Council recycling centre consultation had been passed to all town council and they were asked to respond individually. No information was provided as to where larger vehicles could offload waste nor where oil tanks would be deposited in future.
• Pat Whymer District Planning and Darryl White District Corporate Services could provide a briefing on planning and local government administration on the Thursday 8th or Monday 12th December commencing 6.30 or 7p.m. venue either Salcombe or Stokenham. Councillors considered this was an inappropriate time of year to try to arrange and although interested in the Planning element did not wish to combine Local Government Administration training with planning. Councillors would prefer the sessions to be earlier in the evening between17:30 and 19:30 and suggested January.
Bank Balances
Current Account: £501.00
Deposit Account: £279.919.67
Receipts: £0
Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to be made in September as below:
R.J. Wheeler – Remembrance Sunday PA Hire £50.00
P. Robinson (Choice Stationery Supplies) – Brother Ink Cartridges £69.85
Salcombe Branch Royal British Legion – Wreath £20.00
HMRC – Tax & NI £749.98
NEST – Pensions £143.82
Wages – £1719.36
Greenspace Grounds Maintenance – September and October contract maintenance £948.66
Cheques APPROVED for signature:
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 14th December 2016 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 20:28
……………………………………………….. 14th December 2016.
Town Mayor.