* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – A
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – *
Cllr Mrs M. Kemp – A
Cllr C. Marshall – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *

Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Chris Derrick Kingsbridge Gazette – N


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Biggs declared an interest in application 1059/16/HHO due to his work association.


John Sampson and Peter Ralph of Salcombe Rotary were in attendance to feedback on their intentions for the next proposed Crab Fest. They felt there had been a lack of communication previously with the town council and as they hoped to put the event on again the following year on the same day they wished to rectify this. They provided information of what they were proposing and requested involvement from the town council. The Mayor agreed that it was beneficial for town council to be kept in the loop as this first time Town Council ran the park and ride bus over a weekend when they had not intended to due to historic loss of income at this time of year. As the bus was run by Salcombe tax payers’ money a concession had been made and it was agreed that in the light of the Crab Fest it would run over that weekend. However he noted that there was another car park and bus service provided and used along the road nearer Malborough. The Rotary representatives explained that when they heard Mary Berry was attending as their guest they were advised they could be inundated with people so they instigated the second park and ride as a back-up, but did not open up until after 11a.m. They had 250 spaces in their car park and appreciated the town council car park was only three quarters full but opened theirs so that people who wanted to get into town rather than the Crab Fest could do so.

It was also noted that at the far end of Island Street at Gould Road there were some cars parked causing obstruction and the returning fire engine could not get through. They acknowledged that they had instructed traders there not to come along until called but it was like trying to stop a flood. They did have a contingency for next year which would keep traders in the car park until called. All they wanted to do was raise money for charity. Cllr Mrs Sinnott noted that the feedback from visitors was that they were aware that the other park and ride did not open until 10a.m. but they wanted to be there earlier. The park and ride needed to be addressed as there were two sorts of people, some were coming just for shops so Rotary did not want the Salcombe Park & Ride completely full of Crab Fest attendees but for these people. There were more people who arrived at 10am than they ever expected as the main event was scheduled for 1p.m. Rotary advised they would send periodic updates on arrangements to town council.
Messrs Sampson and Ralph left the meeting.

Amanda Burden of Luscombe Maye was in attendance to answer any questions with regard to the application for High Waters, South Sands. The application was in the garden of an existing property and they had produced a computer generated mock up together with all other reports.

David Cohen attended because he was worried with regard to the situation at Whitestrand car park and wanting to express concern that District Council was making a planning application for this incredibly important site for Salcombe when the Neighbourhood Plan committee were still working on ideas that were best for Salcombe. Following on from this and consideration in 1999 by District for building on Whitestrand which brought the public together and they strongly objected he was concerned to ensure that this was the best planning outcome and not the best income plan for District for the town. This was an important open space and he wanted reassurances.

County Councillors Report
Cty Cllr Gilbert firstly noted that he had thoroughly enjoyed the newly formed Crab Fest. He noted that the Cliff House Trust Committee was trying to raise £40,000 and advised he had given £1,000 from his County Council community grant fund towards their funds. The footpath at Beacon Cottages was now being moved back to where people wanted it and of interest in the locality was that the Kings Arms Hotel in Kingsbridge was now for sale. This year compared to last year had been a lot quieter for Cty Cllr Gilbert so he felt things appeared smoother. Last year he had dealt with the First Responder parking and other issues but these were now resolved. All was on track and he was hoping it would be a good season.

The Mayor noted that the town drains and gullies would be cleared this year and sought confirmation as to when as he was receiving many comments, especially in view of the South West Water works. There were all new pipes and if nothing was going down the drains the work would be no good. Cllr Lang felt that the town really needed the drains done before the town was busy, certainly the ones in Fore Street as any downfall left huge puddles. Cty Cllr Gilbert would send an email to explain that it was foolhardy to try to do gulley sucking during the season due to all the parked cars and the town would prefer it to be done before.

District Councillors Report
Dist Cllr Wright had done a quick tour round and was concerned that the play area at The Berry was still not cleared of weeds and had asked for it to be done. At Batson car park people could not sit on the benches and see the sea due to overgrown grass so he had also asked for this to be cleared. He and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce also visited North Sands and the flood gate had now been installed and they hoped that it worked but were worried about it getting silted up. Last week District Executive agreed to fund 12 – 18 months additional resources for staff to assist current officers with the gaps until Transition 18 was bedded in. Cllr Biggs enquired why the work at North Sands had taken so long and taken up 5 – 6 parking spaces as if this continued in season it would cause problems. The District Councillors agreed with the length of time and hoped it would be finished in 10 days time.

The Mayor noted the inclusion of A1, A2, A3 and A5 use classes on the Whitestrand planning application as this was a shock because Dist Cllr Wright never mentioned this when outlining the proposals. Dist Cllr Wright replied that this was to cover events such as a farmers market etc held on the area. Cllr Lang noted that the gents toilet at Whitestrand car park had one cubicle which had been out of use for 3 weeks and now really stank. The Mayor also pointed out that he had heard the toilets above fishermen’s cove on the other side at East Portlemouth smelt awful.

Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that the application for High Waters was discussed at Malborough Parish Council and they felt it was within Malborough Parish but she could not find it on either list and the case officer confirmed it was in fact in Malborough.

She continued that with regard to the street cleaner, Chad, she had been given several different explanations but Rob Harkness, the Waste Operations Manager, was on holiday and she would rather get a definitive response and feedback. Sophie Hosking District CEO had also promised the Mayor that she would provide a report from Cathy Aubertin.

There was to be a Local Plan Engagement meeting on 7th July at Kingsbridge and it was important for someone from Town Council to attend. The situation was that the main centre (i.e. Kingsbridge) would receive several housing allocations and local centres would thereafter receive a few locations to take up the remaining housing required.

Cllr Lang felt District plans were supposed to engender localism but this appeared to be going the other way. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce explained that having Plymouth in the overarching plan helped housing numbers hugely because Plymouth wanted to expand and thus had taken the lion’s share of the allocation so that less devolved to South Hams and West Devon. The Local Development Plan then sat alongside local Neighbourhood Plan policy. Allocations covered the majority of what had already been built out and further provision was taken up by Neighbourhood Plans. Our Plan was the strategic plan and the Development Plan would apply locally.

No Police Report provided.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 8th June 2016 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


It was AGREED to co-opt Keith Baker and he was provided with the Acceptance of Office which he duly signed together with the Declaration of Interests to be completed and returned.


The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
• 0816/16/HHO Readvertisement (Revised Plans Received) Householder application for proposed replacement summerhouse set within main private upper garden, single storey garden outbuilding set against stone retaining wall backdrop The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection as it was felt that there would be a detrimental effect on the AONB and Conservation Area due to the proposed materials being clad with Japanese aged brass.
Cllr Biggs declared an interest in the following application and left the meeting whilst it was considered.
• 1059/16/HHO Householder application for a single storey first floor extension to the rear of the property, which will consist of partially extending over an existing flat roof extension, replacing the original external concrete tile cladding and creating a mono-pitch roof to the existing porch 5 Knowle Road, Salcombe TQ8 8EQ – Objection. This was currently single storey extensions but this proposal would create a significant increase with large elements of glass included within the first floor spanning right up to the apex which would have an overbearing design impact on the site. Such proposal would affect the setting of the AONB and Conservation area as this proposal was visible from the Creek and also from the other side of the valley and therefore was felt to be out of keeping with the locality.
• 1060/16/HHO Householder application for a single storey first floor extension to the rear of the property, which will consist of replacing the original external concrete tile cladding and creating a mono-pitch roof to the existing porch 6 Knowle Road, Salcombe TQ8 8EQ – Objection as 1059/16/HHO above.
• 1277/16/FUL Erection of a dwelling in the garden of High Water, High Waters, South Sands, Salcombe TQ8 8LN – Objection. Whilst this presented virtually as a single storey building due to being set into the ground it was felt to be an overdevelopment of the site due to the section of garden to be used being so small and of a design not in keeping with the area. This proposal would be visible from the estuary and coast path and therefore affect the setting of the AONB. The size of the proposed plot was felt not to afford the new dwelling with an acceptable level of amenity space and there was a potential significant section of hedge to be removed to allow this property new access.
• 1527/16/FUL Construction of a new suspended deck structure over the existing slipway, remedial works to the adjacent quayside frontage and car park and removal of a small section of rear wall located in front of the showers. Use of new decking for A1 (retail), A3 (restaurants and cafes) and A5 (hot takeaway) uses. Land adjacent to Whitestrand Car Park, Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8BU – An email had already been sent to South Hams District Council requesting an extension to the response date as it was felt it was in the public interest to have a meeting on this. Thus a decision on this was DEFERRED. The Mayor noted there was to be a further phase 2 and asked the District Councillors whether this was in the public domain and it was felt that as a District project it was.
• 1553/16/HHO Householder application for extension to dwelling Morningside, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HJ – Objection due to the impact on the view from the estuary that this proposal would have. Works to the front would also affect the side aspects and the new shape was felt to have a detrimental impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty due to its high visibility.
• 1596/16/HHO Householder application for a replacement gardener’s shed The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Objection because the plans were not in compliance with the description as there was to be a sedum roof behind the parapet of the shed but the drawings showed no parapet. There was also another patio which had appeared but was not mentioned within the plans and lighting within a wall which was not shown in the plans but referred to within the application.
• 1622/16/HHO Householder application for a dormer window and removal of chimney11 Loring Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8BL – No objection.
• 1660/16/COU Change of use of ground floor from restaurant (A3) to retail unit (A1/A2) and 1no. bedroom apartment The Galley, 6 Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8BY- Objection as there was a concern raised with regard to the use of steel shutters and a set back front open lobby and the impact of this change on the street frontage, a non-designated heritage asset in a Conservation Area, and such design for the frontage should blend with the current street scene.
David Cohen left the meeting.
All correspondence received in the interim was forwarded to all town council.


A report from the Working Party with regard to remedial actions required to ensure the Mortuary was water tight advised that repairs to the roof should be carried out before any associated works or a new roof were considered until town council decided what they could do with the Mortuary. It was AGREED that Bateman &Sons repair and weatherproof the building at a cost of £3060.

Cllr Biggs had also approached two architects to quote for providing a report on future uses and to ascertain what services (electricity, water etc) were connected.

Following confirmation that the works to the shed were as requested the handyman was to remove the rubble and other garden rubbish dumped by others around the area. The District Pre application request was being chased.

Amanda Burden left the meeting.


It was noted that the proposals within this consultation from District Council were to achieve cost saving through cost recovery and income generation from community events that currently they supported with their services. Dist Cllr Wright explained that Transition 18 implementation meant that District had looked at all costs for use of District staff for increased toilet cleaning, litter collection, use of land and a whole host of other services on community/town events and they found it cost them £1000s.

It was AGREED that the following response be sent.

It was felt that this document sought to have one size fit all and this form of charging could not be applied across the whole of the South Hams. Charging for events such as the Regatta using the Whitestrand car park space would stop this funding raising event being held and affect income for the businesses within the town during this period. Other events that used District space were the Gig Regatta at Cliff House Gardens, the Yacht Club Regatta week and Merlin Rocket week. If District sought to recoup costs such as the loss of car parking at Whitestrand the Regatta event could not support this burden and further expense for toilet and litter services would all remain whether the event was on or not.

Salcombe Town Council understood the reasoning but was concerned for Salcombe in that there was minimal change in use made of the South Hams assets and not much input required from District staff towards the events in this town. To charge a charity however would make most community events unviable with a knock on downturn in income generation across the town. As the times when these events were held the town was usually full to capacity inside and outside of these events there was therefore little change to the routine of services. Charging for cleaning of toilets extra times in other areas of the district were accepted if it increased the footfall to town but this was not the case in Salcombe.

Charging it was felt should only relate to commercial events or one that would bring in a large amount of income without affecting the provision of the event. However there was a further concern that if commercial events were to be charged for District would use scenic areas in Salcombe to increase their income thus commercialising areas that should be left for public access.

Salcombe Town Council wished to know the usage structure across other towns as well as Salcombe to ascertain what service was being provided by District in each town/area. If any policy was to go forward it would be essential that Ward members who answer to the town were to make the final decision on applications and not officers. Town Council should also continue to be a consultee whose responses were taken into consideration on any events being requested.
Dist Cllrs Wright and Mrs Pearce left the meeting.


An invoice for playground checks since February 2016 had been received and yet town council had never received previous reports. The Town Clerk was to request these due to ongoing legal liability.

The District Council original agreement stated that their Council Inspectors would inspect the play equipment and safety surfacing and record their findings on a regular basis in accordance with best practice. Thereafter they would ….. act on the findings by carrying out such repairs, or taking any reasonable action in their absolute discretion…. With a charges table provided. This Agreement should have been renewed by District in February 2016 and was said to be subsidised by SHDC and held at this price of £100 plus VAT to be reviewed in the autumn. Currently Allianz insurance company carried out the annual inspection for District.

It was AGREED to contact by email the District Chief Executives and advise town council had never received a report or interim reports and that they should be provided and that town council were not prepared to pay until this was received.


Greenspace advised they had cut and collected all grass from the roadside even though this was not part of the County contract. The Mayor noted that Bonfire Hill cemetery was cut 1st June which was three weeks ago and had not been cut since but the contract stated it should be twice a month. However a week after it is cut the grass would be long so in the height of the growing season perhaps it should it be cut once a week. .

The current terms of the maintenance contracts were considered and it was AGREED that the information of when the grass was actually cut by both contractors would be sought in order that a review of frequency could be taken.

850. GRANT

It was AGREED to provide a grant of One Thousand Pounds £1000 which was one third of the town council annual budget for grants from the monies for the community.


The Mayor and town clerk attended the Mayors meeting. As report attached.

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor presented the Queens 90th Birthday Medals to children in pre-school or school within Salcombe. The Mayor also attended the church service for the Queen’s Birthday commemoration. He and the Town Clerk had met with Malcolm MacLey with regard to his attempt to raise funding for the repair of the Jubilee Pier. Mr MacLey had attended a meeting at District Council with regard to the Coastal Community Funding and wished to seek support from town council with regard to what he wanted to achieve. Town council was supportive of this project and would assist where possible.

The Mayor explained that the Neighbourhood Development Plan committee’s first survey had included questions that were not relating to planning such as pedestrianisation, community spaces etc. Since then the Neighbourhood Development Committee had decided that these questions could not be included with the development questions which was accepted with regard to the document going forward to the Inspector. However the Mayor had thought that the final questionnaire was going to be one survey with two parts, one for planning and one for the community wellbeing. The committee was not now going to do this and the Mayor felt that as this was being funded from the community the town council should compile their own separate survey addressing these points put forward by the earlier responses. It was suggested that money to achieve this aim should be kept back from the £10,000 set aside by town council towards the Neighbourhood Plan to achieve this.


Cllr Biggs – Noted that the wall at the junction of Devon and Knowle Road was crumbling and had probably been hit again. Bamboo was growing up by some graves in Shadycombe cemetery a he felt a tree needed cutting back. Also the grass was growing up along the verge and looked unkempt. They Mayor suggested the roof work was done and then more effort put into the surrounding vegetation in readiness for the Lifeboat commemoration.

Cllr Mrs Sinnott – Advised that the Loring to Grenville to Bonaventure lanes were full of beer bottles, cigarettes and litter and that school boy steps were just as bad. There was no longer a cleaner based that the top of town and District would be asked to send their ‘maintenance hit squad’.

Cllr Whitfield – Requested new councillor information for the website. He also noted the person raising funds with regard to renovation of the Jubilee Pier and suggested if he wanted to promote his works or raise awareness an article could go on the website. Public consultation for Whitestrand should also go on and the details circulated to the town council civic lunch list and businesses.


• Various proposed road works and road closures had already been forwarded for consideration and comment. Following the update on flood alleviation and the works finishing by mid-July the town clerk was asked to check the length of the road closures as they had not been extended.
• Helen Preston had emailed to advise that her child attended Plymouth College Prep but as she lived permanently in Salcombe could she therefore have a Queen’s 90th Birthday commemorative medal. Town Council made the decision of those in pre-school or school so that logistically they could obtain numbers from schools so and that was what was ordered. As this had been done there were no medals left.
• District Council was to hold a joint plan workshop event at Kingsbridge Town Council on Thursday 7th July 6.30p.m. for 7p.m. Representatives were invited and Mayor and Lindy.
• The Commemorative Oak could be planted on the edge of Primrose Field nearest the South West Water reservoir or behind the goal post nearest the car park on The Berry. Simon Putt of Hi Line also advised that the undergrowth on Primrose Field looking towards the park/school could be cleared to open the area up and provide a pleasant area to sit and look out over Salcombe. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor would review these sites.
• The fence along the side of Bonfire Hill cemetery public path had rotted out. It was hoped to angle iron reinforce them but they are set in concrete so the posts need to be pulled out and replace them. When returned they will be bitumen coated and the Handyman would accordingly quote.
• Letter from Liz Lines with regard to The Berry perimeter she felt it was becoming overgrown and difficult to walk so she asked that the town council grass cutter cut back the plants on the paths and along the edges of Fortescue Road. She also referred to a deep pile of grass cuttings that she felt a child could wander into and sink and whether the cuttings could be removed. Greenscape had confirmed that they do not store a pile of grass up in this area.
• A resident had delivered the road nameplate for Shadycombe Road to the office as it had become detached and fallen into the road. It was chipped on one corner but about 4ft 6inches by 9inches and the name remained intact. The resident felt that this could be renovated as it fitted with the locality historically. It was agreed that if District did not object this would be done.


Bank Balances
Current Account £1101.00
Deposit Account £239,478.06
Bonfire Hill Cemetery – £680
Park & Ride noticeboard advert – £20.00

Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
SHDC Rates for Shadycombe and Bonfire Hill Cemeteries £728.28
Hitachi Capital Invoice Finance – Works by Hi Line at Shadycombe Cemetery and Bonfire Hill Allotments £1440.00 together with 3 x attendance at tree defect training with Simon Putt £162.00 total: £1602
Resending payment: Peak Cashflow Direct for Marketing Means (UK) Ltd Neighbourhood Plan Invoice 30th April 2016 which Lloyds did not transmit £324.
Greenspace Grounds Maintenance – Weed killer materials £382.32
HMRC £739.06
NEST £142.40
Wages £1703.99

Cheques APPROVED for signature:


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 13th July 2016 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.49p.m.

……………………………………………….. 13th July 2016.
Town Mayor.

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