* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor – *
Cllr. A. Biggs (in the Chair) – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr D. Cohen – A
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – *
Cllr Mrs A. Clacy – *
Cllr Mrs. M. Kemp – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – N
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – *
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Chris Derrick – Kingsbridge Gazette reporter – N

The Mayor welcomed Cllr Mrs Kemp. It was noted that Rob Wheeler had tendered his resignation and the Mayor publically thanked him for all his work over the years and wished him well.


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.


Charlie Willis and his wife were present to make a pre application presentation and show a model with regard to their property at Robins Park, Higher Batson. They explained that they had recently moved back into the area and their family connections. Having met with Lucy Hall planning officer they had taken on board her comments and wanted to come to town council before putting the final application in. The model provided the levels of the plot as shown with the garden hedged and terraced. They explained how they would use the levels building out on to them and tucking further accommodation underneath placing a double garage so they could extend the lawn over it. The planning officer was concerned for the neighbour but they felt the Yew tree would screen and suggested Judy Goldsworthy as the neighbour was in favour. Orchard Side opposite were down in a valley so could not see the proposal. They hoped to replace slate with natural ribbon rather than man made slate and wanted to introduce tongue and groove and make the whole property have more of a heritage feel noting there were currently Pvc windows. Cllr Biggs noted the garden room and was advised that this was of a more contemporary feel at the side with a flat roof as a pitched roof dominated the property. The garage office would be built to back off the boundary and they would retain shrubs and hedges to screen. The office in the garage was up high above the wall which retained the property. Windows on the side of concern were a bathroom window within a mansard roof brought forward by a metre and they stated there was only one new window, all concealed with trees. There had been no architects involved as she designed and he built. Lucy Hall was also concerned the mansard roof was too much massing if it was continued so they made a pitched roof.

Town Council thanked them for attending the meeting and outlining their proposals and they would await a formal application.
Mr and Mrs Willis left the meeting.

Martin King was in attendance to outline proposals for land along Onslow Road. He explained family connections to the area and that they had been in pre planning discussions with Matt Jones at South Hams District Council for over a year. He advised he was a registered architect but as this was a personal matter he had passed it to Nigel King who had provided drawings. They intended three buildings to be erected on a piece of land that had very limited planning history on site. Initially a scoping study was carried out by Acorn Blue as they felt the site was viable and they wished to build five town houses which they were told by the planning department was in excess of the acceptable density and four would be better so the family decided on three. He provided illustrations with a top floor open plan kitchen dining area with reception going down to bedrooms. These would be four storey, 3 bedroom buildings with a view down into Shadycombe Creek. The top of the garage was being utilised as an open terrace which District felt was an innovative use of space as this was a steep site with limited recreational use. Existing planting he felt would screen everything from the lower properties apart from seeing the top roof. Matt Jones was originally concerned about Devon highways and accessibility but there were no issues because there was on site turning to drive in and turn around to go out. The visibility splay was questioned and he noted that there was a clear 100m up road and 70 m down the road visible. There was no infrastructure but District were content with soakaways with the addition of a further holding tank in case of additional water run-off. Matt Jones was now satisfied that the application could go forward although it was acknowledged this was a contentious as site as it had not been built on before. Parking spaces covered for 5 vehicles with a further visitor three spaces all with on site turning.
Sheila and Roger Powell attended with their surveyor Dan Farthing in relation to the application at 61a Fore Street, Salcombe. There had been confusion with regard to the new windows finish and this was noted. The drawings indicated Sapele wood but did not show it would be painted but the surveyor confirmed such windows were to painted white and the new front door would be painted grey the same as elsewhere.
Sheila and Roger Powell together with Dan Farthing left the meeting

Alex Lammie was in attendance representing Peter Lewis with regard to the Cottrell Quay Listed Building consent which already had consent for the development. Mr Lammie noted that the application had gone through and was concerned how it was going to affect Fish Quay and the surrounding area and the Neighbourhood Plan working group were worried this had slipped through last year. They felt this was an overdevelopment affecting a Listed Building as the veranda could affect current views but they were more worried about the detrimental effect on a losing work unit. Town Council noted they had raised these points on the original application but this was only the Listed Building application which was requested as a condition of the current permission.

Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce arrived.
District Councillor Reports
Cllr Wright – Noted St. Dunstans Park and all the points raised from a previous town council email. The vegetation had been cut back last week and the idea was to cut back 1 m the other side of the fence to keep the weeds back and this area would then be strimmed more frequently to encourage grass to grow through. Spraying had not taken place and he would advise town council when this was done. Additional bark chippings would be placed in certain areas. Gate springs were going to be changed so it closed better. The maintenance team were aware about the gate post and bench. The Mayor enquired about the garden area in St. Dunstans where section 106 funding was paid out for new planting and was now choked by bindweed. Cllr Wright said this would be sprayed to encourage to regrowth although town council felt the new plants had been choked and would not recover and thus were they going to be replaced. Cllr Wright would ask.

At Courtney Park the grass needed cutting and he felt the play equipment was tired and squeaky, play surfaces were in bad repair and shrubs needed pruning. Grass cutting commenced in the District on Monday so Courtney Park would be picked up shortly to be cut and the maintenance team would do some pruning at this time. He had also started open discussions with the assets team to see if he could get some money to replace the equipment.

North Sands grass was in a dreadful state and when the culvert was done the spoil was put on top of the grassed area and it was not drained and raised to it just made puddles. Access for large machinery (i.e. grass cutter) could not be accessed across the bridge and there was no non return flap so he had met with assets and followed this up and they would create a new access for machinery. The access would be near the barrier down the side of the gulley where the picnic tables were.
WPc Jo Pengilly arrived.

Gulley work was due to start at any time. Mark Capper and Rob Sekula were to come up with a scheme and Mark would see if they could get some funding for new planting. Signage on parks was supposed to provide the name of the park, its grid reference and whether alcohol was permitted in this area. Therefore signs were being made to ensure that these details were available. The parks monthly inspections information went back to district council and the points raised were supposed to be followed up but it appeared that recently this information had sat in a hole. Therefore the District Councillors were going to chase reports and ensure action. The annual insurance inspection report would go to the person/council who owned the park but Cllr Wright felt it would be good practice to get all park reports in a town area. If this was done then town and district could plan equipment replacement.

Cllr Biggs raised the issue of the plastic safety barriers District had placed at North Sands where the reinforcing work against the wall on the beach had collapsed. He suggested that on one tide and it would go and the notice stated ‘do not go on this area’ but this could only be seen from the pavement and not on the beach where users would climb onto it.

Cllr Mrs Pearce visited the reed beds at North Sands along the birdhide boardwalk and had received assurance that this access would be tidied up. It was noted that the District had attempted to get another organization/volunteers to take on such care and maintenance but they had failed to find anyone willing. In the interim she had ensured that the operative mowing the North Sands grass could sweep the boardwalk once a month. The previous day she attended Friday Cottage at Robinsons Row with the planning officer which was useful to observe the site as the proposal was not at the top of the garden but against the wall of the path that went up the side of the nextdoor property and therefore would be below the level of the wall. There obviously had been something already there as the existing platform showed. The dimensions of the current proposal were now smaller and she and the Conservation Officer felt that now there would be no substantive reason to refuse the application.

Cllr Biggs was concerned how close this would be to the adjacent Cottage and would it take light away. Cllr Mrs Pearce said no as only one window looked that way but where it looked onto the extension this window would be obscured. The adjacent Cottage was self-contained and the garden was above the living area so it would not take light away and in dimensions it came out a little bit further than the current shed so it would not even cast a shadow. Cllr Biggs did not agree as the Cottage was set down in the garden so anything above would cast a shadow. Dist Cllr Pearce said that on the back boundary wall there were large trees which would already shadow. This proposed development was substantially smaller than before and had lost the kitchen so it could not be used as separate accommodation and therefore would be ancillary to the main dwelling and would be conditioned as such. She also endorsed everything that Cllr Wright said with regard to District maintenance.

On the matter of coach parking in Salcombe Cllr Wright needed assistance with evidence of need as the tickets that have been sold since 2014 were so low. Town Council felt that Gould Road was the best place for it to be positioned and Cllr Mrs Sinnott noted that a coach driver last week stated the ticket machine for coach parking was not working. Cllr Mrs Pearce noted District had moved on sundry vehicles parked at Captain Morgans and any now appearing were being ticketed. Town Council asked could barriers not be placed and this was confirmed with one white post nearest Captain Morgans where there was a gap and a locked bollard further down to allow access if needed.

There was still no public bin at the bottom of Market Street and town councilors noted the previous one had never been vandalised. There was a bin by Clifton Place but nowhere else in this vicinity and therefore people were now putting rubbish where the bin used to be.

The Mayor questioned planning and delegated authority on decisions noting that in the past if District Councillors gave delegated authority on something which town council had objected to they used to send an email to explain why. Town Council he felt needed to know why such decisions were made as they did not get officers reports sent. The District Councillors would in future send the officer’s report when the decision they made disagreed.

Police Report – WPc Jo Pengilly advised that in the last month there had been one theft of a canoe. They had relocated the canoe due to CCTV at Batson and this was a miscellaneous offence. The traffic theme for the month was speeding. As boats would be going back on the water and the police drive with regard to awareness on theft of outboards, it was so far so good, as there had only been a theft from a boat on the slipway in Hope Cove. She therefore asked everyone to please be vigilant.
WPc Jo Pengilly and Martin King left the meeting.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 23rd March 2016 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


Due to no applications this was DEFERRED.


The following applications were considered and town council observations submitted to District Planning:
• 3130/15/HHO Householder application for alterations and extensions, associated landscaping works and erection of new studio building to rear garden The Dower House, Bakerswell, Salcombe, TQ8 8JQ – Mrs B. Bearblock – No objection.
• 0051/16/LBC Listed building consent for change of use, extension and redevelopment to include a first floor extension and conversion to a flood resilient dwelling and demolition of the existing boathouse and replacement with an ancillary amphibious studio building The Garden Store, Cottles Quay, Thorning Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DW – Applicant Mrs S. Hosking – Objection. It was noted that 2024/15/F had conditional approval but a condition was the application required Listed Building consent. Town Council’s primary objection was the glazed window outlook onto the estuary which was not felt to be in keeping with the Conservation Area and would thus have a significant impact on the AONB. The subsequent officer’s report on this application said it could only be seen from the water but town council asserted it could be seen from the Creek Car Park and was very clearly visible from the National Trust property at Snapes. There could be loss of employment space but town council acknowledged this property already had some residential space within it and only one employee and was surrounded by residential, however the glazing did not fit with the AONB and CA. The District Councillor felt they could not refuse as there were already other neighbouring gable ends which were mostly glazed. However town council felt these were not an impact to the same extent and noted town council had already raised the same objection to Cookes Quay as the other gable windows referred to displayed panes which were broken up by smaller windows whereas these were a solid glazed sheet totally out of visual keeping.
• 0353/16/FUL Installation of new door in place of window to rear, replacement of existing windows with double glazed windows, installation of new external steel staircase to roof terrace, renovation of existing dormers 61a Fore Street, Salcombe – Applicant Mr & Mrs R. Powell – No Objection. This proposal was to replace white painted window frames with Sapele wood frames. Although this wood was described as being golden to dark reddish brown which darkens with age and it was felt that this would have an adverse impact on the street scene as all windows in the area were white. Due to further information with regard to the painted finish to be white with a grey door town council had no object.
Dan Farthing along with Sheila and Roger Powell left the meeting.
• 0421/16/FUL Amendments to approved listed building consent application 41/3040/14/LB for internal amendments and insertion of window and amendments to approved application41/3038/14/F change of staff facilities to managers quarters including insertion of window Fortescue Inn, Union Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8BZ – Applicant Mr D. Moxham – No objection but it was requested that this be conditional on the unit only being used as a Manager’s Accommodation ancillary to the Inn as there was a concern that the apartment already had a separate access out on to Buckley Street with a door number for Buckley and could become a separate dwelling.
• 0422/16/LBC Listed building consent for amendments to approved listed building consent application 41/3040/14/LB for internal amendments and insertion of window and amendments to approved application41/3038/14/F change of staff facilities to managers quarters including insertion of window Fortescue Inn, Union Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8BZ – Applicant Mr D. Moxham – As above.
• 0497/16/FUL Extension to flat and replacement of stone guarding wall with new glazed panel to match those already approved Monkston Point, Devon Road, Devon TQ8 8LP – Applicant Mr H. Feeney – No objection.
• 0816/16/HHO Householder planning application for proposed replacement summerhouse set within main private upper garden, single storey garden outbuilding set against stone retain wall backdrop The Grange, Cliff Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8JQ – Applicant Mr A. Nicholls – It was noted that the current plans did not illustrate the proposed summer house in relation to the old summer house location. Although the proposal was no greater footprint it was significantly higher and those looking at the property would no longer have an uninterrupted view of the veranda and architectural curves. Objection due to overdevelopment of the site, massing and materials out of keeping as the proposed end panels of the summer house intended to be clad in Nordic brass sheets which was totally inappropriate in a Conservation Area.
Alex Lammie left the meeting.


• 2536/15/F Appeal Ref: APP/K1128/W/16/3146708 Location: Rockside, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JQ. Proposal – Proposed new two bedroom dwelling created in the undercroft of existing car parking bay. Appellants Name: Nick Schwartz. Town Council comments stood and therefore there was nothing further to add.


• 1050/16/TCA Location: Trees on roadside hedge opposite Spring Shaw, Higher Batson, Salcombe. Proposal T1 Oak Full crown reduction of 2 metres to allow sunlight into swimming pool area. This application was withdrawn before the meeting was held.


• 0073/16/TPO Location: Collaton Wood, Moult Hill, Salcombe. Proposal to crown lift to 3 metres above ground level over footpath side of the trees only two sycamore. Fell and replace with Holm Oaks. Granted with the condition to replant with Holm Oaks.
• 0432/16/TPO Location: Woodlands”, Cliff Road, Salcombe, Devon. Proposal: T1 Sycamore. Fell under Exemption. T1. Pine. Remove deadwood – Exemption. T2. Pine and T3 Pine – Fell- Exemption (dead) 2no. – Ash- crown lift limbs as identified over tennis court. Mixed species – young trees – thin/fell – within tennis court area only with DBH not exceeding 50mm to 75mm


• Most information already passed on to town councillors.
• 0184/16/HHO and 0185/16/LBC Friday Cottage, Salcombe. Town council noted the revised drawings and District comments in addressing concerns raised by planning officers, District Councillors and Town Council.
District Councillors Mrs Pearce and Wright left the meeting.


It was AGREED that Cllr Lang would be the media representative to write articles within the terms of the media policy. The schedule of dates for inclusion of a town council article in the Gazette would be sent to all town council in order that they could feed items to Cllr Lang. It was acknowledged that Cllr Whitfield would continue to manage the website.


The application by Salcombe Distilling Company Ltd for the sale of alcohol on and off the premises, Monday to Saturday from 9a.m. to 10p.m. and Sunday from 10a.m. to 10p.m. at The Boathouse, 30 Island Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DP was DEFERRED pending further information on licensing protocol.


It was noted that a resident had sought permission for her daughter to be allowed to busk along Fore Street during the summer holiday period and whilst this was not felt to be a problem Town council AGREED that without any overarching Bye-Laws or checks in place for Salcombe the resident should caution her daughter to speak with shop owners in the locality and seek their support from a safety as well as community spirit aspect before commencing.


It was AGREED that:
(a) the Internal Audit report 2015/16 be accepted
(b) following going through Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement for year ended 2015/16 the responses provided therein be submitted as completed within the meeting
(c) the annual account statements as provided in Section 2 stand
and with all duly completed and approved that the Mayor and Responsible Financial Officer accordingly sign the declarations in readiness for submission for the External Audit.


In view of the resignation of Rob Wheeler it was AGREED that Cllr Cohen would be asked to join this group to obtain the necessary quotes to weather proof the Mortuary building and consider the removal of the shed adjacent to the Mortuary such quotes to be brought to the second meeting in May


The draft Risk Assessment headings submitted were noted and additions or deletions forwarded to the Working Party and it was AGREED that these topics would be considered in detail for inclusion in the final document. Ownership of the Fountain/cupboard in Fore Street was questioned and this would be researched.


It was AGREED that Cllrs Fice, Cllr Biggs and Pete Robinson would be trained to operate the flood gate out of hours when the need arose when the Harbour Office was not available so to operate.


The Mayor advised that the Rugby Club venue would be made available, with no alcohol being served during the meeting, on 7p.m. Wednesday 18th May 2016 and it was AGREED that further input and comments on projects for the Open Spaces Sport and Recreation Plan would be sought from those attending.


It was AGREED to approve the amendments to the current Standing Orders, suggested by the National Association of Local Councils, in order to comply with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (amendment attached).


The Mayor advised he had met with Stephen Alcock and Rupert Joseland from Bonaventure Road who had raised concerns with South Hams District Council with regard to a development along this road. It was asserted that the developer had drawn up new works which were different to what was approved in the plans. Other residents were also concerned and taking their own actions
He attended a Neighbourhood Plan meeting and noted they had issued a Business Survey to an addressee list obtained privately for such. Some businesses were concerned that this survey differed to what these people had raised at the earlier Breakfast meeting and the lack of their points worried them. This survey was looking at potential space and staffing for business growth so it was specific whereas the plan would be about planning needs. A Housing Survey had also gone out and the information received from this was being collated by West Devon District Council. Later this year there would be a final survey going out to everyone in respect of the whole Neighbourhood Plan content. Cllr Lang raised concern that he had spoken to people who felt that the questions were not relevant to Salcombe. Cllr Mrs Sinnott had heard from Peter Lewis who was concerned about businesses who he did not have contact with and was trying to find a list of contact for such. Cllr Whitfield suggested that the Neighbourhood Plan representatives could put an article on Facebook to locate ‘one man band’ or the like businesses. An issue being discussed within the Neighbourhood Plan group was who would be allowed to vote in the final Referendum when it came out and whether all council tax paying people or only those who were on the electoral register. Pete Robinson advised that Andy Barsby had heard back from the Electoral Commission who advised that those on the electoral register should vote and anyone with land or property in Salcombe could be on the electoral register.
He had also attended the Mayors and CEO meeting at District Council. District had just signed a collaboration with Plymouth City, West Devon and Dartmoor National Park to produce a joint plan that considered people who lived there but worked across boundaries in different areas. South Hams Local Plan would be produced from this which would then provide the housing need numbers which would be available this coming summer. The South Hams plan would have eight topic headings and be at a strategic level. Whist the joint plan may decide the areas needed (as an illustration) 10,000 houses it could be that 9,000 would go to Plymouth so until the final figures for South Hams District were released parishes and towns would not know what had to be accommodated.
South Hams District Council was also involved in a Devolution plan and all the partner councils within Devon and Somerset had signed a draft agreement which had been submitted to Government. The new waste review would be in two phases and this would change certain collections and postcards were being sent out to people over the coming weeks. There was discussion on how District had assessed properties that could take such recycling bins and Google Earth was mentioned.
Also a ‘Company’ was being considered by Price Waterhouse that could be formed by District Council to stand alone and deliver their services. Following a report by Price Waterhouse this would be considered for viability and how it could be implemented.
Salcombe Town Council staff pensions were now set up and operational from 1st April 2016. There had been a revised schedule of dates for works in town obtained from South West Water and it was explained why Allenhayes and Devon Road needed to be closed at the same time. There had been a complaint with regard to the advertising by the Art Club down on Victoria Quay which was felt to be totally out of keeping with the Conservation Area and this would be raised with District.


• Cllr Mrs Sinnott – Noted an increase of A Boards and flags such as outside Salcombe Eye Centre. This matter would be placed on the next agenda.
• Cllr Mrs Kemp – Parking at Chandlers Heights was still a concern as they had reduced the age and the disabled could not park near their property. Six places in Two Hoots Car Park would assist. Town Council advised that District would not release these parking spaces as they received income for these.
• Cllr. Whitfield – The brambles and canoes on the verge at Batson were all still there. He had registered blocks drains on the County website and heard back they only clean them every three years. The Mayor noted he took photographs of the drain outside Bonningtons and was told that the flood risk needed to be there constantly for 24 hours with standing water before they would be attended to. Adam Keay had advised that funding had been put aside along with the normal cycle of works and it was hoped that Salcombe gulleys would be sucked after South West Water had completed their works.
• Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Just before Hangar Mill House a traffic sign had fallen down. Pete Robinson noted he had reported this a year ago and he would take photos and do so again.
• Cllr Lang – Along past the boat trailer park there was a piece of land on the left and he wondered why this was not used for the units then District would not have to move the coach parking. The question would be asked of the harbour office but it was believed they were to use this for storage. Another councillor believe that this land was unregistered.


• Chris Rook Devon County Council advised that the Traffic Regulation Order changes at the Park and Ride were to be advertised and the Order, if no objections were forthcoming, would be implemented mid May. This would allow the permits and Ringo to be utilized. An amended Service Level Agreement had been received to commence 1st July 2016 to take into account the changes to the products (i.e. charging schemes). Chris Rook requested a list of those approved to apply online for the permits and asked if there was an advertiser for the reverse of the tickets. No list had as yet been compiled and it was felt that the advertising on the back of the tickets would not be offered this year.
• Waste Transfer Note for refuse collection at Bonfire Hill Cemetery completed and to be returned.
• Schedule updated for closures with regard to South West Water drainage works within Salcombe.
• South West Water advised that they wished to carry out works to increase the height of the fencing around the reservoir. In view of the recent correspondence with regard to their actual boundary this request was passed to District Council as owners of the Berry and they have issued a licence for these works. A cherry picker would be used and taken across the playing field and South West Water had agreed to reinstate should any damage occur. Date for commencement of works was expected to be 18th April
• Noted that Greenscape needed now to cut the inside of the hedge at Bonfire Hill and then have a bonfire to clear the cuttings. It was also questioned whether the hedge between the cemetery and the new development at the bottom along to the shed could be removed and banked up as the other end to remove the need for maintenance of this hedge. Had complaints with regard to the ivy along Bonfire Hill boundary hedge and this would be severed.
• The amount of raised ground spikes holding the park and ride sleepers were only found to be 8 – 10 and the hazard minimal but these would be dealt with by the handyman.
• The trough had been drilled to release the majority of the water due to health and safety issues. Suggested that the old structure at Jubilee Gardens have the block wall removed to only 15 inches upstand and this rubble used to fill the lower section of the structure so that earth/compost can be infilled to allow a planter. Town council agreed to get the handyman to consider the cost of these works.
• RNLI Lifeboat Disaster Shadycombe Cemetery graves maintenance works. Adrian Mundy was to carry out works on the headstones and graves as agreed with the families and Chris Kemp would tidy up around these lifeboat graves as a voluntary gesture for the 100 year commemoration.


Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £210796.15

Devon County Council – Park and Ride Income £965.00
Devon County Council – Locality Budget Payment (TRO Grant) £1000

Councillors APPROVED the following payments:
BACS payments:
SHDC – Rates for Park and Ride £1936.00
DALC – Subscription £432.84
SHDC – Election May 2015 £103.46
Triangle Print – Neighbourhood Plan Literature £225.20
South West Highways Ltd – Lining works £2322.96
Day Signs – A5 signs ‘Dogs on Leads’ £52.80
Marketing Means – Neighbourhood Plan Business Survey 1st Invoice £852.00
Nigel J. Couch – Cemetery kissing gate repainting £189.60
Greenspace Grounds Maintenance – Grounds contract £474.33
ICCM – Subscription £90.00
Bayleaf Gardening Ltd – Jubilee Gardens contract and memorial plants £613.58

Cheques APPROVED for signature: None


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 27th April 2016 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.18p.m.

……………………………………………….. 27th April 2016.
Town Mayor.

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