* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
Cllr D. Cohen – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Ms J. Clark – A
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – N
PCSO D. Gibson – N
Chris Derrick – Kingsbridge Gazette reporter – *
The Mayor welcomed new councillor Lindy Sinnott. He also noted that on this day Queen Elisabeth II had been the longest serving monarch and offered parish council Congratulations!
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Biggs declared an interest in planning application 1023/15/F.
Michael Phillips of MP2 Design Architects Ltd was present with regard to pre application information on Monte Petri, South Sands and Topwood, Sandhills Road. He noted that with Monte Petri there had been a suggestion to demolish the house to garage level and retain this level and build a new house above it to have better views and better use of the site. This property was approached along a scissor driveway so was hard to access. They had been brought in to consider this proposed site and firstly dropped their design ridge height down 4ft but extended the footprint of the new house and curved it to look over the estuary. He then indicated the boat house and garage at the lower level and explained there would be a full landscaping scheme which took the step levels of the existing landscape.
Cllr Cohen arrived.
He gave further explanation on issues such as drainage..
The other development they were involved in was Topwood which he noted had an interesting and protracted history. The scheme put forward in 2008 was for a replacement dwelling which was refused and taken to Appeal which appeared close run although it was refused at Appeal. The property had lain derelict and unkempt and could not be seen from anywhere other than Sandhills Road. With their proposal they felt they had addressed the issues on the Appeal refusal.
The previous design restricted views across the valley from Sandhills Road and made the house too big for the site. There was an existing tennis court and garage which were tucked into the hillside so it was topographically steep. They had gone to various views around the site to show how it presented to Sandhills Road and it was so unobtrusive at present it was hard to illustrate. Therefore they had designed a new house with two small building pods that stick up with a wall joining across the line with a completely open view across the valley and a lower terrace. It was quite a contemporary design but they felt they had used a palate of finishes and the whole house faced south and from Sandhills Road there was just a discrete sneak view. The landscaping would be a continuance of current landscaping.
Sarah Bulloch was in attendance and had brought two objections due to the building of a balcony at Roselands, Main Road. She provided photographs of how they were affected within their property as previously the other bungalow had been smaller with a large garden. She was firstly surprised that the dwelling had been built to such a height. The introduction of a balcony she felt took away all privacy and had a visual impact on their garden and also audibly if and when it was to be occupied. From various points within their property she had taken the photos to illustrate that the occupiers of the adjacent property would have full view into their house.
Police Report
Provided by email by PCSO Gibson after the meeting.
Crime figures for Salcombe from the beginning of August
4 x criminal damage to cars – unrelated to each other and all either kicked, scratched, or hit with an implement
3 x dogs not under proper control
2 x theft from shop
1 x theft from vehicle (window smashed and,handbag stolen at Snapes car park)
1 x possession class B (cannabis)
Most recently – 4 x thefts of outboards and 1 x attempted from Whitestrand area – CCTV currently being reviewed.
The Tides Reach Hotel had also been broken into again. Although boarded up for some time awaiting demolition and there was nothing of value left inside however it could be youngsters playing.
District Councillor Report
Cllr Mrs Pearce noted the current Gambling and Licensing consultations and referred to the new criteria for the TAP Fund. There was to be a special District Council meeting the following day to consider the Judicial Review by Reading Council who challenged the level of development when affordable housing must be provided. This review threw it the policy out so councils can again set their own level of ‘cut in’ so affordable housing would be required from 2 houses or more onwards. Small villages did not want more housing but can now insist on an affordable element.
Development management at its last meeting considered public speaking for Parish and Town Councils and was unanimously in favour of them speaking but suggested only 3 minutes be allowed, even for major applications. Also if there were joint applications parish and towns should only be allowed one speaking point. Sometimes at site visits in other areas whoever was representing a parish council had made a speech at the site visit and then turned up at the following committee and read the same piece. This would not be allowed in future and just final remarks would be accepted. Whatever recommendation is made on a site visit it must go to committee for approval.
Overview and Scrutiny meeting had received a report from Devon and Cornwall Housing on housing being let and it was apparent that Salcombe had received a lot of allocation within Band E; this banding was for no apparent housing need. It was discussed whether Band E should be abolished but the Committee felt it should not as in Salcombe the rents were very high and occasionally those without apparent need could get a house if they were local. It was therefore proposed that the policy should not be changed. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce went on to advise that if town council knew of anybody who would like a housing association house they should be urged to register now even if there was no imminent chance of getting a house. They also needed to keep their application live, i.e keep logging in on Devon Home Choice. There was also another shared ownership house website. The Spion Lodge and Gould Road Gas Works applications would be going to Development Committee and there was a report also going to Executive which listed all Section 106 money currently available.
Cllr Wheeler noted that on speaking at site meetings and in committee the reiteration was often genuine as only a small amount of committee members were often at the site and town and parish wanted to ensure that all the committee were aware of concerns. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce agreed that bullet point remarks were alright. Cllr Cohen was concerned as to why District felt it necessary to tell town council about this way of dealing with things. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce went on to the explain that with the length of District Planning agendas if they allowed five minutes for all speakers it would increase each application deliberation to 20 to 30 minutes. Cllr Fice asked whether more were turning up to speak as they felt they were not represented by their District Councillors but Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce felt it was more that the public knew they could and often applicants would send their agents. Cllr Lang raised concern with Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce that on looking at a planning application the other day they believed a property had a local covenant but the owner appeared to live in Cheltenham? She would check this matter.
Dist Cllr Wright – Firstly noted on the above discussion that site visits nowadays were different and it was not a few district councilors attending but an invitation to the full committee although of course not all were always able to turn up. The following day would be Executive Committee and then Full Council and within this meeting they would discuss having discretion to alleviate local business rate relief. District did not currently have a policy to allow businesses to approach them for a dispensation if they were moving up enlarging their business and considering higher rates. District would consider whether they should have a policy and a panel of people was to be set up to look at this. The current discretions policy the town council noted covered charities but currently town council must pay rates on cemeteries and Dist Cllr Wright was asked to include consideration of this.
T18 was ongoing, rolling out well and on track time wise. The major change for everyone was at the end of September when the main portal would go live. The Fish Quay had incurred quite a serious amount of additional noise due to 40 tons overnight Lorries from the continent parking and using their diesel engines to run refrigerators all night. District had a series of meetings and looked at the problem and then met with fishermen and a positive outcome was coming forward so that those aggrieved had seen a significant drop in noise. An electric link already was in place but the ‘hitch up’ was not compatible with continental adaptors and now District had these adaptors and lorries were being asked to only come down at certain times. There was currently no charge for this electricity. Town Council noted thought that this was a working town and it seemed there was a divided opinion on the extent of this trouble.
The Mayor noted he got very aggrieved that everyone was thanking District gardening crews for all the work they were doing in areas such as Kingsbridge and Dartmouth and yet no one was covering the general District maintenance in Salcombe. Cllr Wright suggested that the Kingsbridge volunteers were doing most of the work but the Mayor noted that the thanks were to the District maintenance staff.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 22nd July 2015 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
It was AGREED to co-opt Angela Clacy as a town councillor and the Acceptance of Office together with Declaration of Interest forms would be made available and signed before the next meeting.
The following applications were considered and responses sent to District by the Town Clerk under delegated power during the August recess period:
• 1275/15/F Householder application for alterations and improvements to existing dwelling 29 Round Berry Drive, Salcombe, TQ8 8LY – No objection.
• 1529/15/F Single storey rear extension at Beadon Park B, Main Road – No objection
• 1581/15/F Decking at Swiss Cottage, Forster Road – No objection
• 1631/15/F Garage & landscaping works at Ash Tree House, Knowle Road – No objection
• Tim Furmidge – 41/1681/15/F Rear extension and alterations at Westgarth, Bonaventure Road – Objection. Although the extension and alterations are to the rear of the property this aspect of the property is visible from the Estuary. Town council raised concern with regard to the lack of information on the application:
1. The application states that there is no change to parking arrangements but a large garage was to be converted into 3 bedrooms (all en-suite) which it was felt must have an impact on parking
2. There were no measurements on the plans but the impression was that the ridge height was higher although this was not referred to
3. The proposal changed a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom property into a 6 bedroom, 5 bathroom property which it was felt placed more pressure on both the sewage system and adjacent parking in the area.
• 41/1709/15/F Alterations to dwelling at 15 Island Street – No objection
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
Cllr Biggs left the meeting whilst the following application was considered.
• 1023/15/F READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of building to contain 6No apartments with associated landscaping and car parking Spion Lodge, Bennett Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JJ – Applicant De Sable Property. No objection.
• 1738/15/F Restrospective householder application for levelling of rear section of existing hardstanding and construction of double garage 5 Berry Close, Salcombe TQ8 8BP – Applicant Mr J. Piner – No objection.
• 1761/15/F Householder application for installation of balcony Roseland, Main Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AA – Ms. E. McLarty – Objection. There were concerns with regard to overlooking as the provisions being included did not necessarily address this ability long term and could be removed together with an associated increase in noise nuisance to the neighbours.
• 1777/15/F Householder application for construction of new garage on existing raised hard standing and associated works East Cottage, Raleigh Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AY – Applicant Mr G. McColl – No objection.
• 1778/15/F Retrospective householder application for erection of summerhouse in garden 1 Malt Cottage, Torr Hill, Lower Batson, Salcombe TQ8 8NJ – Applicant Mr D. Collins – No objection to the summer house but town council wished to raise concern of this becoming an amenity area and described as garden.
• 1797/15/F Construction of replacement dwelling with swimming pool and landscaping Netherwood, Bennett Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JJ – Applicant Mrs J. Morton – Objection. By pushing the property back it moves the development higher up the hillside and the proposed property was additionally one storey higher and therefore much more visible from the estuary. This was felt to have an overbearing impact on the skyline from the estuary. The materials were not felt to be in keeping with the AONB with an increase in the use of glass. Also one glass roof was angled to look up the estuary and thus provided overlooking of the neighbouring property and reduced their garden privacy amenity.
• 1802/15/F Householder application for proposed rebuild and reconfigure of existing extension 10 Island Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8DP (further updated drawings also supplied) – Applicant Mrs A. Parratt – No objection.
• 1804/15/F Householder application for extension of existing dormer windows Fintry, Loring Road, Salcombe TQ8 8BL – Applicant Mr S. Ward – No objection.
• 1807/15/F Householder application for alteration and extension 1 Berry Close, Salcombe TQ8 8BP – Applicant Dr. J. Mawdesley-Thorn – Objection. It was believed that this property had a Devon Covenant and yet the owner did not appear to be from Devon. The existing property was tightly packed in the site and this proposal wished to extend to the back and side. This was felt to be overdevelopment of the site by reducing all amenity space behind the property and would impact on Afton to the rear of the property as there was a proposed extension against this property which would shade their light.
• 1855/15/VAR Variation of condition 7 of planning consent 41/0429/14/F (change of roof material) Moult Hill Barn, Moult Hill, Salcombe TQ8 8LF – Applicant Mrs N. Murray – Objection as the use of zinc was not felt an appropriate material.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce left the meeting.
• 1605/15/TW Site: Woodcot, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JU Proposal to Reduce primary limb of Holm Oak by 3metres away from greenhouse and Reduce x 2 co-dominant stems of Sweet Chestnut to lowest primary limb as per tree survey.
• 1853/15/TW (No. 5) Site: National Trust, Overbecks, Sharpitor, Salcombe TQ8 8LW Proposal to Fell T1, T2 and T3 and coppice T4 Cinnamomum camphora. Fell T5 Fagus Sylvatica.
• 1854/15/TW Site: Lammas Coombe, Main Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JW Proposal to Crown thin Holm Oak by 30% with Crown reduction by 3 to 4metres.
• 1881/TW Site: White Lodge, Sandhills Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JP Proposal to fell Liriodendron tulipifera.
• 1907/15/TW Site: The Valley House, Sandhills Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JP Proposal to Fell 3 x Beech and 30% and 50% reduction and removal of deadwood 2 x Beech.
Town Council noted these applications and would rely on the advice of the Tree Officer.
• 1435/15/TW Site: The Palms, Sandhills Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JP – Grant of consent to fell sycamore.
• 1490/15/TW Site: The Moult, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LE – Grant of consent to fell beech
• 1606/15/TW Site: Woodcot, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JU – Grant of consent for specified works on various trees.
• 1145/TW Site: The Bolt, Sharpitor, Salcombe, TQ8 8LL – Refusal of consent to fell Beech, and two Sweet Chestnut in the light of the amenity value and significant impact on such value.
All emails had already been forwarded to town council.
Dist Cllr Wright left the meeting.
After discussion it was noted that the town council had two employees who used these spaces and that the biggest problem with the parking space was getting into and out of them during the height of the tourist season. The First Responder would need quick access at all times and town council had advised other organisations that they could not use this area as it was needed for the running of the town council. It was felt that all emergency services should be null and void from parking tickets and County should take a sensible approach in provision of on street parking or a dispensation to park anywhere during the height of the tourist season.
There was a suggestion that the one space at the end of Buckley Street could be considered as it could access both ways up and down to town. The Spotlight Facebook page had comments from various areas in the South West stating they had the same problem.
It was AGREED that these spaces were not suitable for the First Responder vehicle.
The Mayor further noted that he wrote to Chris Rook at County and not received a response. Cllr Biggs suggested that if this was a National issue why town council could not invite the charity down and try to help them lobby Devon County or whoever could assist. He went on to note that traffic enforcement rarely attended up the top of town and yet were there on a fundraising Rugby Club day.
Comments received from the Chamber of Commerce with regard to the parking restrictions implemented at the town council car park were noted. It was AGREED for Cllrs Wheeler, Lang and Mayor to meet with the Chamber of Commerce representative.
It was AGREED;
(a) to instruct Hedleys solicitors to advise on the town council office Lease renewal and agree how to proceed initially up to a cost of £500
(b) to DEFER an update on payments made to town council current solicitors pending further discussions.
The proposal from South West Water that Town Council is granted rights over an area of the land in question and a further section be fenced for disposal by South West Water or other use was tabled. It was AGREED that this matter also be passed to Hedleys solicitors for advice on the way forward.
DEFERRED awaiting further quotes.
Chris Derrick left the meeting.
DEFERRED as the town clerk was asked to now obtain quotes for installation of a new bench rather than renovation.
It was AGREED to set up a Working Group consisting of Cllrs Wheeler and Whitfield to consider various website provision options so that if there were any changes they could be implemented by the end of December 2015when the current hosting period ends.
It was AGREED that the Mayor would place all seagull signs around the town and Cllr Wheeler would undertake the placing of the dog waste notices.
A list of maintenance and any voluntary projects being brought forward was AGREED with a few added. It was noted that the Main A Road hedges required cutting back and this needed to be done by County Council. Mark Capper had confirmed that the District waste collection team would remove the bags of garden debris with regard to the Fairweather Fountain voluntary vegetation clearance undertaken by Cllr Mrs Bricknell.
It was AGREED that a presentation from Andrew Shadrake of a social enterprise company DARE with regard to community-owned renewable energy initiatives was not felt necessary as no suitable energy provision areas were known in Salcombe.
Town council wished Cllr Bramble to cover the following topics on his attendance at their meeting to be held on 14th October:
• His views on the District progress on their Local Plan ‘Our Plan’ and how this fitted in with Neighbourhood Plans
• T18 and how it would affect the operation of town and parish council
• Did he think a Regional Assembly would be implemented?
Any further topics were to be brought by councillors to the next town council meeting.
The Mayor and Cllr Lang had met with Balfour Beatty contractors for South West Water. He highlighted the work that they had been doing over the summer at Victoria Quay and Whitestrand noting that the works to Victoria Quay were good but the wall either side was still falling down. The customer services though had been responsive to ensuring feedback.
New storm drains were to be installed and a map was provided indicating they needed to close a significant number of roads from 5th October -14th March 2016. The map would be made available around the town and their liaison representative Lisa Butcher would be available. Camperdown, Loring, Raleigh and Kingsale Roads were to be closed and therefore he and Cllr Lang had advised that many residents parked their cars in this area and visitors would leave cars in the residential areas for long periods. When the road were closed all residents of that road would receive a pass to allow them access into the road closure area to park along stretches awaiting works and no one else would be allowed access. Balfour Beatty had wanted to close Normandy Way in December but was moving this to January 2016 due to Christmas festivities in this area. Fore Street would be closed 4th January – 22nd February. It was originally not going to be so long but the maps showed how congested with services this section of highway was. They would be closing in sections as they work down the road. There would be a breakfast meeting in Sailor V for traders and then at the Rugby Club from 10.30a.m. – 7pm. on 23rd September so anyone could drop in and ask questions. Balfour Beatty was also asked to talk to Tally Ho about bus routes and necessary changes. A local farmer had been approached for use of his field for a depot. Town Council also mentioned the state of the drains on the highway. These were not South West Waters’ responsibility but the Mayor asserted that as the town would be disrupted with the installation of new storm drains if water was then still pouring down the road people would accuse them. Balfour Beatty was to discuss this issue with Highways.
With regard to the broken Cash Machines in Whitestrand it had been agreed with the Town Clerk that the contractor would be in the week before the August Bank Holiday and a works programme was provided. The works team never turned up and to date no response had been received as to why this had not gone ahead.
The Mayor greeted the rowers on the 4th August after their transatlantic achievement. Also a Neighbourhood Plan meeting was held in the Yacht Club to bring working groups up to speed and get running. Due to the number of people volunteering they had split the topics into three groups. Going forward the steering group would consist of 12 people which would include a chairman of each of those working groups. It was noted that the groups had started meeting already.
Remembrance Sunday was to be on 8th November and the Mayor noted that the Salcombe Branch of the Royal British Legion had disbanded but town council had agreed to assist with the organisation of this service. A PA system was needed and Cllr Wheeler agreed to arrange this. Andrew Arthur would still arrange the parade order and the Mayor would speak him with regard to arranging the standard bearers and then speak to the vicar. Cllr Whitfield would see what arrangements were being made with regard to the maroon.
The Habour Hotel had been visited and arrangements for the Civic Lunch confirmed. The Mayor noted that the Development Management committee at District would be considering the Gas Works and Spion Lodge applications and asked if anyone was available to represent at the committee. At the next meeting 23rd September neither the Mayor nor Deputy Mayor would be in attendance and therefore the first item on the agenda would be to elect a chairman but the Mayor would leave a Mayor’s report.
At the Chamber of Commerce meeting an interesting point raised was the concern over lack of available part time staff over the summer and housekeeping assistance had been bused in from Plymouth. The cancellation of the Field of Light was raised and it was noted that many were disappointed but this was a matter between the artist and organisers.
Cllr Mrs Sinnott – At Courtney Park Baptist Lane there was a bench and she enquired where had it gone as parking was now happening in this location. District had removed it and not replaced when they felt it was in disrepair.
Cllr Cohen – Attended the town and parish event but did not have a lot to report. The meeting introduced the new directors, Locality Officers and others in various officer positions etc. There was a lot of information and he would email this to town council. The Swimming Pool committee was putting together a proposal for a Section 106 matched funding application which he would ask them to bring to town council.
Cllr Lang – Had complaints about a water tank by Jubilee Gardens as the resident felt it was potentially dangerous due to the level of water within it? It was advised it was a concrete chamber that went below the ground and perhaps rather than render it safe it should be removed. This would be considered. At the Park and Ride a van driver had raised the height restriction up and was parking in there and he noted that the end of the chain had come adrift due to this movement.
Cllr Mrs Bricknell – The drains were still blocked at the bottom of Sandhills Road. Cllr Biggs felt that these issues should be reported directly on the County County website. Cllrs Mrs Bricknell continued that she had commenced work on the Fairweather Fountain and one side was finished but she hoped to get assistance for the other side. So far she had filled 20 blue rubble sacks and found various articles.
• Copy request for a licence from District by AONB to use Scoble Point car park to assist with a volunteer beach clean. Formerly town council had not been consulted in allowing parking for a volunteers for a beach clean.
• South West Ambulances had advised that the annual training should be held and Nigel Toms had kindly offered to do this for Malborough and Salcombe together. He would in due course provide dates but was expecting this to be some time in November at Malborough Hall and a list of those wishing to attend could be compiled. (ASK Andy if he is still checking the AED every week).
• Gambling Act 2005 Consultation on draft Gambling Statement of Principles due for response by 23rd October 2015.
• Draft Licensing Policy consultation due for response 6th November 2015.
• Devon County Minerals Plan consultation due for response by 16th November 2015.
• It had been advised that the residents of Lower Batson had launched a petition calling for the introduction of a resident parking area by Batson Green and alongside Batson Creek via Peter Goldsworthy had provided this information as he wholeheartedly supported their request but did not want to sign the petition.
• A resident had raised a concern with regard to the retaining boundary wall being built below Bonfire Hill cemetery and whether the line of building had moved. District was advised and the locality officer provided photographs to planning who had said that the tree and hedges appeared protected by fencing. However Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce had been asked to review this development and ensure that the fencing line remained as plans drawn and she confirmed that the line was slightly back but the wall needed to be installed and would no doubt then be back filled.
• Devon County advised on 14th August 2015 that town council consultation comments were noted but that the Order remained as drafted with regard to On Street Parking Dispensation other than a modification to allow letting agents to apply for permits.
• Email dated 6th August from Darryl White advised of the new Guidance for applying for the TAP Fund by Friday 18th December 2015. To be placed on a future agenda for consideration of projects.
• The Mayors Board and Citizen of the Year had been updated for 2015.
• Email received from Danny Slay Devon and Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service offering Home Safety Visits and where required to fit free 10 year battery life smoke alarms. The offer was to make a presentation to town council or set up some training for people to attend to reduce the risk of fire.
• A report from Ros Davies following a meeting with the Footpath Warden, Tony Lang, advising of works undertaken and suggested projects.
• British Weights and Measures Association providing information with regard to a Freedom of Information request to pursue a change to metric for measuring and renting allotments. The Association would welcome support in retaining rods, poles and perches.
• Further information from the Oil Club inviting Salcombe residents to join them for bulk oil orders. Leaflets provided.
• Letter received from Mrs Hillman with regard to payment of parking when the signs at Bonfire Hill did not show that the community bus was not running. On advice received she had written to County who had latterly forwarded the letter to Town Council even though officers had advised County should deal.
• There was an application by Carol Jones on behalf of her deceased mother-in-law Rita Jones to pay the resident interment fee – £285. It was felt that as this person was not a resident of Salcombe and had not been for some considerable time they would have to pay the non resident interment fee. Consideration needed to be given to another case with regard to them wishing Town Council to buy back a burial plot now not required. Changes are to be made in future to the cemetery process and consideration for a policy for buy back and this matter would be considered thereafter.
• District had been reminded with regard to weed spraying and would carry this out in the next few weeks and charge the same price as last year.
• An enquiry had been received from Looking Glass Experimental Marketing for an area of land 7m x 7m and vehicle access. The intention was to place a container wrapped as a giant Christmas present on site for 2 days in October or November. They wished to play music on site, it would weigh 4 tonnes but the gross weight of the truck delivering and its container would be 18 tonnes. The vehicle would be 9.5m long, 2.5m wide and 4m high and they wished to be advised of possible areas. Town Council felt there were no hard areas suitable within Salcombe to take this mass weight.
Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £228800.47
Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
Cheques paid out on 20th August 2015:
003383 Neighbourhood Plan – Spar Refreshments – £44.72
003384 Amazon – 2 x USB memory sticks £47.97
003385 Greenspace – July maintenance and April, May and June new contract increase £558.33
003386 Bayleaf Gardening –August Contract £546.98
003387 SHDC – Bonfire Hill Refuse £14.59
003388 HMRC – NI & Tax £739.26
003389 and 90 Wages £1774.99
003391 Fincham Signs – Gold leaf lettering for boards £110.00
003392 Pear Technology – Annual Cemetery software support and updates £240.00
003393 SHDC – Berry Lease £1.00
003394 Rattery Sawmills – Berry benches and picnic tables £1178.16
003395 Grant Thornton – External audit £480.00
003396 Nigel Couch Joinery – Shadycombe Cemetery Gates £1334.46
Cheques approved at this meeting:
003397 Maplin – USB 2.0 Ext 1DE Box (for hard drive back up) £19.99
003398 Salcombe Yacht Club – Hire of the Chart Room (Neighbourhood Plan) £66.80
003399 Miltons of Salcombe – Refreshments for Phase II Neighbourhood Plan launch £29.70
003400 Kingsbridge Stationer Ltd – Folders for Neighbourhood Plan literature £23.60
003401 Bayleaf Gardening Ltd – September Contract £546.98
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 23rd September 2015 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 22.06p.m.
……………………………………………….. 23rd September 2015.
Town Mayor.