* Denotes Attendance

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – A
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – A
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
Cllr D. Cohen – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr Miss J. Clark – A
Cllr R. Collings – A
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr J. Valentine – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr P Coulson – A
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – *
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Toby Leigh Kingsbridge Gazette – *


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting.
Cllr Wheeler declared an interest in planning application 0121/15/F as did Cllr Valentine in 0093/15/F


Colin Watton was in attendance with regard to the application next door to him at Whispers, Raleigh Road for a proposal to demolish. He was not objecting to the overall proposal but felt a few changes in the in plans were required. He would be writing to Matt Jones with a formal letter detailing his concerns but wished to outline to Town Council these points. There was a car port to be built adjacent to his property and this wall would block his kitchen window. Also the plans referred to this window being to a cellar which is was not and was in fact his kitchen/dining room. An outlet exited his property at this point and as building regulations advised there was a distance which must be adhered to from a boiler flue. The architect was going to try to fit something in but this could block his window. If adjacent houses were also demolished and then a rebuild each would want to obtain a view. If all were in a line along the road Colin questioned ‘where do you draw line to stop future development creeping backwards into the gardens?’ It was noted that he had a right to light and privacy. If the two parking bays were reduced to 1.5 and the proposed house moved forward and it stepped instead of being where they were shown it would open up his window light and he would be agreeable to frosting this window to achieve privacy. He felt that all would then be content. Also there was the question of the bin store being proposed on the other side of his window together with exhaust and gas fumes and the general intrusion.

Cllr Wheeler acknowledged that Colin was content to obscure his glass but was concerned with regard to the fumes etc. Colin responded that at present this high use amenity room was quite dark so definitely would need the light.

Another member of the public whose parents had previously lived at The Grange had come along because she believed the meeting would include discussion with regard to The Grange planning considerations. She was concerned about the shed that had been built and the retrospective application that was turned down as when she had spoken to a builder on site today he had said no they would not be taking it down. They suggested they would just Appeal and she asked would District planning enforce?

She also was concerned as the builders were already beginning works for the place over the garage which did not have permission yet. The Mayor advised that if there was any contravention then the member of public should report this through the District website so it could be actioned quickly.

District Councillor Mrs Pearce – Noted that as far as The Grange shed was concerned the application had been refused and it would have to be removed. They could Appeal but she personally did not know how they would get on. With regard to the railings and steps they had to be put right and the application was withdrawn on the understanding these would be put right. The member of public acknowledged this and was deeply grateful for this.

Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce continued that what appeared to be causing controversy at present was there was a move to approve the current application and she advised such would have been put through already if Nils White District Planning Officer had been at his desk yesterday. New drawings were put in because Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce had requested them. These were to illustrate how the planters would work with screening at the ceiling level of the garage and studio by two rows of planting set back from the garage. At first she could not see how there would be enough soil in these troughs to work but the applicants had convinced her with these designs and details. The front edge of the structure had been outward rounded to pick up on the main building and studio and was set back considerably from the garage. The overall terrace height was therefore only about 2 feet higher than present above the garage. They were to be advised to install a plain glass balustrade with no fixings so it would not be noticed and there would be even less visual disturbance than now. Immediately in front on this would be a planter to grow a hedge.

The Mayor could not see that the applicants would put plants in front of windows above the garage. However Dist Cllr Pearce advised that at the front the windows were recessed one could hardly see them and on the side facing down the estuary it was convex with a glass door and glass window beside it which would not have planting in front and thus there would be views from there.

Cllr Lang felt that if new plans were being put forward did the applicant not have to restart the process. Dist Cllr Pearce noted that this was the third edition of the plans but the overall application had been in since October or November 2014. The revised plans that came in January were clarification in the discussion because she asked for them to illustrate and explain how they would work. Cllr Wheeler noted that the groundswell of concern about this application was because the property was one of only a few in town which were Grade II listed and it was felt that there would be a higher authority overseeing this application as the ‘devil was in the detail’. He was advised that English Heritage had been consulted and all their suggestions were followed. What was there at present, i.e. the garage, was not architecturally pleasant. District were currently ticking the boxes at the moment for preserving and enhancing, in other words any change did not get any worse and ultimately does get better. It was asked whether the refusal of the shed had eased permission of the studio. The response was no the applications were all considered separately but in tandem. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce had been very involved to ensure the studio would work and that was why Nils White was going to issue permission as it was up for delegated approval.

The Mayor noted that Town Council had raised the issue of overlooking and if this was a convex design surely there must be overlooking. There was one window that looked across the front into the Coach house but because these windows were on the inside of the walls you could not get any oblique views just tunnels. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce also believed the summerhouse would go and any Permitted Development Rights should be removed. It was suggested that the size and view from the other side of the estuary would be affect due to how much the new building would obscure The Grange. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce responded it would probably be opened up with the glass balustrade which could now be seen through.

With regard to the overall District report nothing much had happened with regard to Salcombe since two weeks ago.

The Mayor raised a question with regard to the Hinemoa application being approved under delegated authority by Dist Cllr Coulson. Town Council had suggested a Traffic Management Construction Plan which he felt Dist Cllr Coulson had swept aside. Frobisher Lane was extremely narrow and the other properties needed to gain access and therefore it had been felt that this needed agreed plans for such construction. He was concerned as Town Council raised this local point for a very good reason. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce was sorry for this but it had not been one she dealt with and she would advise Dist Cllr Coulson for his comments.

Cllr Valentine noted a crane had been used on North Sands beach to put the flap on. However the crane had gone straight through and carved off big chunks of the wall and he raised this in order that repairs could be sought.

Police Report

WPc Pengilly arrived with Sophie who would be giving the Salcombe report as she was learning about community input. There had been a report of a dangerous dog out of control at The Berry during the last two weeks with one dog very slightly injured. Words of advice had been given at this point. The Mayor raised parking issues at pull ins where cars were overhanging the pavement. There was a spate of this over Christmas on Coronation Road. He had been told this was not down to County enforcement officers and WPc Pengilly said this was not classed as a full obstruction as users could get off the pavement and go round. It was noted that this was no good for wheelchairs or even pushchair users and was advised that any incident must be reported when occurring. The Mayor would forward photographic evidence and the officers could go and warn if appropriate. This was not usually residents as all these properties were second homes and those doing so were usually only around for a week or so.

WPc Pengilly then noted their Marine Awareness Day and whether consideration had been given to closing Whitestrand Car Park over the Easter Weekend or Whitsun as this would be in tandem with the Park & Ride running. It was intended for such to be between 8 and 4pm on one day only. Cllr Whitfield enquired how smaller local businesses could get involved as they did not manage to do so last year. He was advised to pass contact details into the Harbour Office with a resume of what was offered for service.

Cllr Cohen asked whether the police had been advised of the artistic light show installation to be on the other side of the estuary as it was the instigator hope this would generate a lot of people coming into Salcombe. The police had not as yet been informed and they were advised that such would be on through September till January 2016.
The Police left the meeting.

County Councillor Gilbert – Noted that the District installation for coin operated public toilets was delayed due to a huge amount of other issues and also with regard to Dartmouth being included. He did not want to close toilets as this would be counterproductive but would consider 20pence charging in some toilets. Unlike Teignbridge District who had closed just about all of their toilets. Cllr Wheeler noted an interesting letter referring to public health in a recent Gazette edition but Cty Cllr Gilbert felt this was a politically motivated letter with no basis in fact.

In 2016/17 there was to be another £1 million of cut backs to be found each week which was a real challenge. The Mayor asked what this was percentage wise over 2 years and was advised 23% with Cty Cllr Gilbert noting they still had to provide all the services.
The member of public interested in The Grange left.

Cty Cllr Gilbert continued that the public buses namely Kingsbridge to Hope Cove 5.30pm and 6.15pm returning back were likely to be dropped because of subsidy cut backs. They had to save £1.7million on £7million expenditure. The criteria when a bus route fell for consideration for cut backs were when the subsidy became £1 per person and this triggered removal. Therefore this bus route had triggered such consultation. County do subsidise many routes as private companies would not run them otherwise but for this area there were very few cuts proposed.

Potholes were down to 5-600 per week being reported whereas this time last year there were 3000 per week. He was pleased to see from the recent email that the Market Street railings had now been repaired and he advised he had pushed hard to get this done. If he had not intervened he did not feel it would have been carried out and he was aware that this was an important focal entrance point for the town. Now ‘lollipop people’ were under review and there was an online consultation which could include the Salcombe School provision. County were looking more to alternative ways of providing the service i.e. teacher/caretaker as against paid position.

He would be attending on Friday with Anne Rainbow and other volunteers a meeting at Cullompton to be brought up to date with library changes and in turn keep up to speed with the new trustees. Of note was that Devon Schools were in the top ten in UK for results bearing in mind that the average spend was half as much on education for children in Devon as in a metropolitan area, as this was all that Government give them. The results were a credit to those in education in Devon.

He then thanked the Mayor for an informative and constructive feedback report on residents parking in Salcombe. It was needed for Salcombe and he welcomed one so succinctly well written. The Mayor advised that others had contributed with various points and that Chris Rook from Highways Enforcement had said he would come back to him on this.

The Mayor noted that he had received notification of the public bus service consultation and was interested as to how County were communicating this to people and it was felt perhaps through those who had bus passes?
Cllr Gilbert left the meeting.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 14th January 2015 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


The following applications were considered under delegated authority during the holiday period and responses from town council submitted to District.
• 0036/15/F Householder application for removal of roof, creation of extra floor for 3no. bedrooms and 2no. bathrooms and reinstate pitched roof at raised level. Additional porch at entrance and move garage wall 750mm closer to boundary Whinfield, Herbert Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HN Applicant Mr S. Kenna – Support as these were felt to be excellent plans which showed the ridge to ridge point was still below the adjacent level..
• 0071/15/F Householder application for new dormer window to rear elevation Roanoke, Raleigh Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AY –Applicant Mr C. Fox – Objection. The description of this application required amendments and readvertising as it did not accord with the ground floor extension and above balcony as shown on the plans. Also the materials were not felt to be well presented as they were not stated for the ground floor extension.
Cllr Valentine left the meeting whilst the following application was discussed.
• 0093/15/F Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two semi-detached dwellings Whispers, Raleigh Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AY – Applicant – Mr J. Valentine – Objection. This was felt to be overdevelopment of this site which would incur a loss of light to a main habitable room. There would also be increased shadow, loss of privacy and a reduction of on street parking. It was also felt to be unneighbourly and would affect the amenity value of the adjacent property. There were concerns with regard to fumes from an adjacent boiler, cars parking close and the siting of the bin store below a neighbouring window. The additional parking proposed at the front would mean that the building was pushed forward and therefore users could overlook from the balconies. The question of the 45 degree line on light was raised as the wall was to be about 1.5m from the neighbour. Home offices within a garden were a concern as this contributed to back garden development if they were not conditioned as ancillary to the main property.
• 0100/15/F Householder application for alteration of window and floor in dining area La Tourelle, Fortescue Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AP – Applicant Mr N.S. Bryans: Further REVISED PLANS received at this meeting were also considered – Support. However clarification was sought firstly that if the railings were to be replaced they would be like for like, then this would be acceptable
• 0120/15/F Amendments (insertion of rooflights and conversion of existing loft space to form additional bedroom at Flat 4) to 41/2281/14/F for replacement of roof tiles Stonehanger, Herbert Road, Salcombe, Devon TQ8 8HP – Applicant Stone Hanger Flats Management Company (Salcombe) Ltd. – No objection.
Cllr Wheeler left the meeting whilst the following application was discussed.
• 0121/15/F Householder application for garden landscaping to include a new access and garage along with associated works The Rough, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HJ – Applicant Mr B. Lavender – No objection.


• TPO 908 Land at SX 73395 39457 between Batson Cross and Shadycombe Road, Bonfire Hill, Salcombe – Confirmed as Served.

• 2953/15/TW (No. 54) Site Ringrone, Sharpitor, Salcombe TQ8 8LW – Consent to fell Sweet Chestnut

• 3078/14/TW (No. 38) Site: Beadon Heights, 43A Roundberry Drive, Salcombe TQ8 8LY – Refusal to crown reduce Pine due to amenity value and significant impact proposed works would have.


• Most correspondence already received emailed to town council.
• 0100/15/F REVISED PLANS – Proposed alteration to dining area window.La Tourelle, Fortescue Road, Salcombe
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce left the meeting.


It was generally discussed that it would be preferable to remove the current boat planter and install a proper garden bed which would not need so much watering but permission would need to be sought from County as owners. This maintenance could then be put in with Jubilee Gardens. It was suggested that this land could be transferred to Town Council for ongoing maintenance. The War Memorial Planter tubs could also be added into the gardening contract but would require greater further explanation as to requirements.

The area above the Council parking space had been well prepared for planting as Suzanne from Cranchs had been overseeing weed killing and believed that most had been brought under control. Volunteers had assisted on the clearance works and she had obtained perennials and further bulbs and bedding plants had been donated so this area could be left out of the contract at present. It was hoped that planting would take place within the next month.

There were also other overgrown verges/hedges and areas around town which nobody cut and as county and district had no budget perhaps town council could include these. This would be further considered after the contracts had been dealt with.

Town council were advised of the areas within the town which required maintenance and AGREED the following format for such in order that these could be put out to tender for the three year contract(s):

Gardening Contract:

1. Jubilee Gardens weeding/grounds maintenance to include grass cutting within this area.
2. Highway verge at the junction of Main Road and Onslow Road where there is currently a boat planter. County are to be asked if they would allow this area to be laid as a flower bed. If approved this would require weeding/maintenance and grass cutting around.
3. War memorial tubs – To plant out 2 or 3 times a year 8 tubs with seasonal plants. July and November.

Cemetery and Grass Maintenance Contract

1. Bonfire Hill Cemetery – Shadycombe Cemetery -The Berry football pitch – Park and Ride field – Council car park garden area – Redfern Woods – Bonaventure Woods – Current breakdown of grass cutting and annual maintenance.
2. Highway verges – Six cuts a year excluding the Main Road/Onslow Road junction flower bed grass area.
Cllr Valentine left the meeting.


Further information and feedback from Simon Putt of Hi Line was provided with the necessary works and ongoing maintenance plan for all town council trees and it was AGREED that the following works should have three quotes obtained for these works to be carried out.

The Berry
T1 sycamore- remove primary limb
T2 and 3- dismantle and fell

Shadycombe Cemetery
T9- sweet chestnut- sever ivy and re-inspect in 18 months’ time when the tree is in full leaf.

The following areas needed visual re-inspection as detailed more fully within the report.
Redfern woodland 2
Shadycombe Cemetery- T1 and T2

18 months
The Berry- T5
Shadycombe Cemetery- T9

2 years
Bonaventure- Woodland 1 and T1.

3 years
The Berry- T1 and T4. Groups 1-5, 7 and 8. Woodlands 1 and 4.
Shadycombe Cemetery- T386, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Groups 1 and 3.
Redfern- T1 and Group 1

5 years
The Berry- Group 6 and Woodland 2 and 3
Shadycombe Cemetery- Group 2
Bonfire Hill Cem.- T1 and T2
Redfern- Woodland 1


No further information was available and this was DEFERRED.



The Mayor reported that he and Cllr Cohen had attended the meeting along with Alison Theaker and Jo Widdicombe. Two working groups had been set up one to compile a press release for early February to explain to residents et al what the Neighbourhood Plan was. The second one was to draw up a project plan with specific timings to gather information and progress to an end plan. Also agreed was that a very much shortened questionnaire, as advised by Alison Theaker, be focused for people to respond to sometime in March with a view to coming back with results early April. It would hopefully cover the Easter period and also attract responses from 2nd home owners. This would lead to issues that the community want discussing which could then direct the steering group into areas to move the plan forward. Alison Theaker would run the working group with a press release. Cllr Cohen observed and doubted there were many resorts that had 2nd home owners who were keen enough about their area to drive down to these meetings and then return to places such as London.


It was AGREED to make Cllr Fice the nominated contact for submission to the Pensions Regulator by 1st March 2015 in order that he could liaise and progress such set up.


The Mayor noted the meeting with SW Water when CllrColling, Lang, Whitfield and himself met to be advised of and discuss their programme of works. SW Water wanted to separate the surface water drainage from the foul water drainage for the vast amount of Salcombe. It was noted this was previously planned in 1991 and never carried out. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss when these works could be done because it would involve the closure of Fore Street and other streets around. The agreed periods of the year when this could be done with minimal disturbance was advised and SW Water were to return with some dates as they had to do some test trenches to establish where other services were firstly. Knowle Road was only an expansion of the existing pipe and further roads to be dealt with were detailed. Works in Fore Street it was felt could only be done in January. Allenhayes and surrounding should be carried out November to end of February. The top areas of town could be done any time so long as this was not July, August or school holidays. This was to be an eight month project and it was interesting that no representatives from South West Water was in attendance just Balfour Beatty and other interested parties.

The Port User Group was mentioned and it was noted that town council knew nothing of its existence. Apparently the Harbour Authority had applied to set up a Port User Group and selected members with two representatives from each organisation invited. They had then applied and been accepted for Harbour Directions. Town Council felt it was a pity there were not informed by the Harbour Master of this. Cllr Whitfield noted that this was within shipping and general legislation and thus the Harbour could ask. The Mayor would take this up with the Harbour Master but noted the group was for a pooling of knowledge mainly. The Town Clerk would also email Adam Parnell, Harbour Master directly from Town Council.

The Mayor remarked that there had been councillors who just advised they could not come to the meeting. He noted that everyone had volunteered to be a councillor but the legislation stated that they were each summoned and if they could not make a meeting councillors should give reasons for their apologies. This was a civic duty and needed to be taken seriously.

The Citizen of the Year poster was on the noticeboards and forms for nomination were in Bonningtons and the Spar. An article about such would go in the Gazette this week.

With regard to the lack of benches on The Berry the Mayor had confirmation from Keith Rennells that two were on the way. These two would be placed along the SW Water fence line but he was unaware as to when they would arrive.

Walking along the road past the Plantation he noted people had chucked rubbish down there which included a television and wardrobes. The town clerk would advise the leaseholders of this and ask for clearance.

He had also attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting but there was nothing further to report.


Cllr Wheeler – With regard to communicating with people outside the town council meetings he wondered about issues that were talked about round the town that people thought town council were not dealing with. He wondered if town council could put on their website a progress report of issues being dealt with at the moment i.e. a rolling ‘to do’ list that was being actioned. Councillors could then direct people to this. Cllr Whitfield and Fice both had access into the town website and they plus Cllr Wheeler would get together. Cllr Wheeler had looked at the current hosting and there were people who could write this up. He also had issues with the Neighbourhood Plan website and Vision ICT and frankly they could not answer his requests. There were weekly reminders for Vision ICT support ticket and no answer. Website would be reviewed. Ken Prowse had enquired about his earlier request for a grant but it was noted that he had never provided proper estimates and therefore it could not be considered.

Cllr Cohen – Raised the issue of a letter that he had circulated to all councils to advise of a project that he proposed to raise after the Elections with regard to the Localism Act to empower local people more by a few changes and additions. Cllr Wheeler agreed with this view. Had circulated a letter that was sent to all parish clerks around and this and could become an agenda item.
Cllr Lang – Measured the allotments and an illustrative measurement was 85.8 sq. m or 3.4 poles.
Toby and Colin Watton left the meeting.


• Meeting to take place with Chris Rook and Chris Watkins, Parking Enforcement at County Hall with regard to requirements for the Park and Ride.
• Playground inspection forms reviewed and noted.
• Western Power Distribution had obtained permission to carry out works to trees within their electricity cables on Town Council land.
• Three letters received from a resident. One noted concern that the development around Bonfire Hill Cemetery caused overlooking and suggested planting trees around. Another noted a possible danger at the entrance to Moult Road from or to Collaton Road due to the painted broken lines having worn away. As this was an unadopted road it was not under the control of Devon Highways and the resident requested that town council approach highways in case of a future accident due to people not knowing that Collaton Road was the main road and pulling out. Finally Devon Highways had erected a bollard outside Rose Cottage, 23 Buckley Street in 2002 due to vehicles hitting the corner of this cottage. The resident had contacted Devon County to have this replaced after it was knocked down but due to lack of funds nothing could be done until after April 2015. The resident had enquired if he could undertake the work but was advised no and therefore he requested that town council put pressure on Devon County due to the hole created which fills up with rainwater and was in danger of seeping into the cottage footings. The Town Clerk would respond that any landscaping or screening of Bonfire Hill Cemetery would be considered after building was completed. With regard to the private road this was down to the owners if Highways would not assist but details of the bollard would be sent to Cty Cllr Gilbert and his details passed to the residents in order that he could pursue this with Highways.
• Cllr Lang had prepared the Parish Paths Annual Report for approval and submission after the following meeting but any items which town council wished added should be notified before the next meeting.
• British Weights and Measures Association had advised that a Mr David Johnson was emailing local councils across the country stating that they were breaking the law by using rods and poles and other non-metric units to describe allotments. This was not the fact and no such Act abolishing such existed.
• A concession had been allowed for a non-resident who had previously resided in Salcombe to bury her husband in the cemetery at residents’ rates. However the burial concession payment had not been immediately forthcoming and in future all payments would need to be paid up front rather than on trust. This person had now returned to request a reduction for the placing of a memorial headstone. Town Council had considered this matter and as a result of enquiries and in these austere times they felt unable to offer further concessions.
• Devon County were undertaking a consultation/review with regard to concessions given to public transport that could affect service buses in the surrounding areas. The Town Clerk was asked to place this matter on the agenda as the Mayor noted that there was a proposal for no bus to Dartmouth on a Sunday and this could impact on residents and tourists in future.


Current Account: £500.00
Deposit Account: £219057.51

Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
003275 Yvonne Billings – Mayor’s Allowance £70.00
003276 Mike Fice – Mayor’s Allowance for Christmas Lights turn on sweets for children £21.00
003277 SLCC –Half annual subscription £105.00
003278 Torr View Forge – Deposit for Park & Ride barrier £900.00
003279 Information Commissioner – Data Protection £35.00
003280 Salcombe Maritime Museum – Grant £3000
003281 SHDC – Park and Ride Rates from October 2014 to March 2015 £939.42
003282 Hi-Line – Tree inspections and report £540.00
003283 Greenspace – Maintenance Contract £446.33
003284 HMRC – Tax & NI £747.58
003285 and 86 Wages £1777.18


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 11th February 2015 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.11p.m.

……………………………………………….. 11th February 2015.
Town Mayor.

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