* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
Cllr D. Cohen – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *

Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Toby Leigh Kingsbridge Gazette – A


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Biggs wished it known that by virtue of his professional and development contacts he would leave the meeting if at any point he realised planning matters relating to clients came to be discussed. He would however give advanced notice of declarable interests he was aware of prior to discussion and therefore advised an interest in 1023/15/F. Cllr Fice declared an interest in 1029/15/F.


District Councillors Report
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that all District committees and organisation representation had been allocated and that Dist Cllr Wright was on the Executive. She had been allocated Development Management and there was to be a large exodus of officers at the end of the month due to voluntary redundancy but she felt that District were at the bottom of the curve and everything should now be on the upward move. Obviously due to the changes some posts were to be advertised and thus there would be a wait for these to be filled. Malcolm Elliott was leaving and he would be replaced by Anna Henderson-Smith who was promoted from West Devon but was to be based at South Hams. Several training sessions had taken place and one on ‘safeguarding the community, trigger points and community and diversity’ could be very useful for town council.

Community Trigger was introduced by legislation and if a member of the public reported three incidents within six months to any agency (i.e. three agencies) then there needed to be a review of how the incidents were dealt with. District Councillors could request a review on behalf of the person requesting such. The only decision that could not be reversed was a Criminal Prosecution Service decision to prosecute or not. The reports that people made did not have to be officially recorded or in writing but must be tracked and serious enough to follow up. These reports would go to CEO Steve Jorden or Ross Kennerley at District.

Locally she advised that the event at North Sands was cancelled and the organisers did not appear to have tried to hold such. District officers however were on site and aware of the reasons for such refusal.

Dist Cllr Wright noted that the safeguarding been previously noted but this legislation meant that it was the first time such would consult with all parties and linked everyone together. He was personally aware of an incident in Paignton when an entire street was involved and all ‘services’ were called in to resolve. Cllr Cohen referred to an incident a few years ago where noise was an issue in Salcombe and it was resolved but reporting was carried out directly to District Council. He asked if the channel of reporting had changed. Reports would still be directed to wherever but if a solution was not found then this new directive brought all such points together.

Dist Cllr Wright noted that as previously mention all had received roles and he retained his place on the Executive with support services IT, legal, HR and Finance/Audit. He and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce were both members of the Harbour Board with him also representing on the South Devon Health Trust, Hope Cove Harbour Committee, South Devon & Dartmoor Safety Partnerhsip, the Kingsbridge & Salcombe Estuary Forum and the public open space group.

Noting the request at the previous Town Council meeting for new contact details for District as being essential and they were working on such at present and a Who’s Who would be provided imminently. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee had gone from three to only one group with meetings once a month looking at work of the Executive and Council. With this in mind the Dartmouth Swimming Pool was on the agenda for the following week.

He then explained that the new Locality Officers came in two different types with one on a ‘one to one’ basis and those that were looking at long terms issues such as the Neighbourhood Plan. There was still a need to ascertain where they could base when they were out and about and they were currently considering such stations. For the District Sustainable Community fund they were advised each District Councillor would receive £1500 to £2000 each. Dist Cllr Wright noted that following the presentation from a Salcombe Hair braider as to the legality of his pitch within the car park in Salcombe he had received no contact or further representation. Further discussion on this point covered concerns with regard to enforcement and it was noted that the newly installed Locality Officers remit was to enforce with regard to flytipping, posters etc. It was also noted that District Council had specficially sent officers to North Sands to ensure the proposed oganisers who had been refused did not hold their event. It was clarified that the Community Trigger required 6 months to have elapsed from reports and no action for any further investigation to take place.

A town councillor highlighted concerns that he had witnessed the current hairbraiders packing up their wears and installing bikes on the bike racks to reserve their pitches. This was felt to be untenable when such usage caused congestion and visibility problems with regard to the Whitestrand Car Park and the District Councillors were asked to pursue this concern.

The Mayor questioned the flower seeds at Batson which he believed was on South Hams District land and what was being done about it. It was noted that a gardening programme had provided free seeds and it appeared that the residents down there were gardening this area. Dist Cllr Wright noted that the fencing was said only to stop people walking on the wild flowers till they grew large enough. The mayor continued that this afternoon a lady advised she was concerned about the bridge over the culvert at North Sands and surrounding fencing because small children could get underneath the bottom rail. It was noted that this issue was previously raised with Paul Coulson and that there were grills on both sides but no grill as it entered the road and if anyone fell in they would go straight under and out to sea. A grill was needed on the tunnel exit and users could possibly slide under the bottom rail. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce felt that if people did not teach children about risk they would never learn! Cllr Cohen suggested some form of advisory literature could be placed on the proposed information plaque to deal with the culvert but this was not felt to be needed. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce stated that it was a flood alleviation tool and must in the end do its job.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 13th May 2015 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record. It was further noted that Mr Bryans did not attend on the 22nd April as he had further emailed and the person in attendance was unknown who just sat and listened. This amendment to attendance was acknowledged.


It was AGREED to co-opt Jane Clark and therefore the Declaration of Acceptance of Office would be provided for completion together with the Register of Interests.


The working parties and representatives on outside organisations were allocated as below:
Swimming Pool Association – Cllr Cohen
Malborough Feoffees – Cllrs Fice and Wheeler
TIC – Cllr Mrs Bricknell
Salcombe Minibus – Cllr Fice
Harbour Liaison and Port User Group – Cllrs Wheeler and Whitfield
Emergency Committee – Cllrs Biggs, Whitfield and Mrs Bricknell
Allotment Committee – Cllr Lang
Footpaths – Cllr Lang
Tree Warden – Currently volunteer Mark Long
Finance and Staffing – Cllrs Wheeler, Fice, and Lang
Maritime Museum – Cllr Biggs
Planning working party – Town Councillors who can attend Friday 5p.m.
Kingsbridge & Salcombe Chamber of Commerce – Mayor or representative
Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Fice.
Emergency Committee – Cllr Biggs, Whitfield and Mrs Bricknell


The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
Cllr Biggs left the meeting whilst the following two applications were considered.
• 0954/15/F Temporary change of use for art exhibition for a 6 month period Temporary Art Installation at SX 7451 3867, Three Fields, East Portlemouth, Kingsbridge – Applicant Bruce Munro Studios – Support. However there was concern with regard to any traffic congestion caused possibly at the commencement and such management. Clarity was sought as to how this flow would be addressed, if required, when large numbers of visitors attended at the same time. Assurance was requested that there would be no light nuisance which would inconvenience neighbours and whether there was any potential impact on harbour navigation lights, this should be raised and queried with the Harbour Master.
• 0965/15/F Change of use of 1 dwelling to 2 separate dwellings (studio flat and 4 bedroom house) to include demolition of section of wall to form new bin store and associated alterations 16 Buckley Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DD – Applicant Mrs J. Pawley – Support.
Cllr Biggs left the meeting whilst the following application was considered.
• 1023/15/F Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of building to contain 6No. apartments with associated landscaping and car parking Spion Lodge, Bennett Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JJ – Iain Lovatt –No objection was raised to the design but there were concerns with regard to such excavation and construction works for this site and its impact on the hillside, neighbouring properties and wellbeing of the town. Therefore timing of such building works would be of paramount importance to the visitor trade. A Construction Management Plan was to be sought and it was requested that town council be involved in such discussions due to their unique knowledge of the town. There was a further concern noted that this development was only providing 6 onsite parking spaces for 20 bedrooms. As this was to be six units town council wished to be advised of the offsite contribution.
Cllr Fice left the meeting whilst the following application was considered.
• 1029/15/VAR Removal of condition 1(removal of temporary permission) of planning consent 41/0007/05/The Boat House, Gould Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DU – Applicant Salcombe Estuary Rowing Club – Support but town council were aware of the need for continued viability of the RA4 development area and therefore wished to ensure that the new Lease accurately followed the current Heads of Terms.
• 1035/15/F Householder application for alteration and extension to first floor accommodation to create additional bedroom The Old Forge, Market Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DE – Applicant Mr J. MacDonald – Objection. The lower roof extension would be overbearing and overlooking the neighbouring property as it would extend right up to their wall.
Dist Cllrs Wright and Mrs Pearce left the meeting.


South West Water were to carry out upgrading works but if the drains did not work then this would not assist due to flow rates. With regard to various reports of blocked storm drains around town it was AGREED to send an email to highways, South West Water with a copy to the County Councillor advising of this problem. .


The height barriers were being manufactured and time given for delivery was four weeks so they should be available shortly and hopefully these would be put in place before the fencing contract was commenced.
It was AGREED to accept the quote from:
• Peter Burkitt for the internal fencing for £1,060
• Dart Surfacing subject to the quality of tarmac/grade being questioned and whether there would be haunches at the edges as otherwise buses would churn this up. Also to clarify the cost for sleepers and placing fencing to enhance the layout of the park and ride at a cost up to £25,000.
Cllr Cohen left the meeting.


It was AGREED to accept the Emergency Plan as provided.


DEFERRED as further information was requested with regard to a design interpretation and type of oak to be used.


It was AGREED to accept the quote of £380.00 plus VAT from Fine Shine to carry out cleaning of highway and town signage by using the TAP (Town and Parish) Fund.


The Mayor noted that they had now completed Phase 1 and were embarking on Phase 2. Phase one included completion of the questionnaire and analysing the results. Anne Rainbow was currently analysing this information and doing a very thorough job. The Steering Group had all been given the provisional survey results to consider and there were interesting comments. Phase 2 was to form topic groups to look at major areas that had come out of the survey and probably only needed about 5 topic groups. Further people would be invited to join these topics groups and each chairman of these topic groups would be on the Steering Group going forward. Many people who attended the school and showed an interest in joining topic groups so these would be approached. James Spencer had stepped down as chairman so there would be another chairman elected once the topic group were formed.

It was a positive meeting as long as they could enlist further people so the Plan was kept moving forward. Graham Swiss had been on board and it was hoped he was continuing with this group even after the District changes. Pete Robinson felt the only issue would be the amount of people needed with specific skills to facilitate meetings well.


The Mayor noted local concerns with regard to the grass cutting at Bonfire Hill Cemetery as clumps of grass were left on some graves. Cllr Wheeler noted he used a device called a billy goat which picked up anything so grass cuttings could be removed.

The Mayor also received an email from a lady on Herbert Road complaining about the Trennells redevelopment which he had responded to and explained the process and that District were the planning authority. It was reported that there was a sign missing from Shadycombe Car Park at the steps by the holiday homes office that had gone missing. Believed to state ‘To the town’.

He went on to ask the Town Clerk to agenda usage/rota of the office mobile phone again. He had difficulty seeing how it would work with just three people on the rota and it needed further discussion. He wore the Mayoral chain to the swimming pool opening on Saturday but two of the links had broken on it. As it appeared that towns people did like to see it being worn and it should be seen if could have two links repaired, not advocating lots of expenditure but just repair on these links.


Cllr Biggs – Thanks to the Mayor for opening the swimming pool on Saturday. Very successful day, very busy and positive all attended to see him. Need to be careful at Park and Ride of tipping as had fly tipping and he had removed. Piping is by meter in long grass.

Cllr Wheeler – Thanked Cllr Whitfield for updating the website and including a list on town council achievements. (Paul Baker Bloor Homes, Swindon

Cllr Lang – South West Water promised not to do work this week but had to do emergency work at Clifton Place and had put chain link fencing around that obscured the shop. Builders in Robinson Row and were putting signs across Amelia Attic saying do not park here so he approached him about two vans strategically placed. This evening this appeared to have gone. South West Water on Knowle Road was not supposed to have been done this week and causing congestion and only just started.


• Email from Allyson Lofts expressing concern with regard to the increasing amount of A boards disrupting pedestrian access way along pavements. This matter was requested to be placed on the next agenda.
• Email from District with regard to use of the Cliff House Gardens by the Salcombe Rowing Regatta on 31st May 2015.
• Copy email from Cty Cllr Gilbert forwarding a response from County Highway enforcement noting that they had no jurisdiction over the parking on the grass verge and cycle path opposite the Bloor site as there were no restrictions in place. Chris Rook County enforcement further confirmed that as it stands there was nothing his team could do utilising CPE powers. As previously he forwarded for the attention of Neighbourhood Highway Manager and also the Highway Agreements Officer, and Highway Development Management Officer who might be able to provide some guidance to the contractor.
• Email dated 26th May 2015 from Tim Pollard District Officer who had been carrying out the play equipment safety inspections under contract with Salcombe Town Council confirmed he was to be moved to Ivybridge in the District re-organisation. At present Mobile Operational staff were still being recruited and trained but he assured town council that there was an awareness that these checks still needed to be carried out.
• Nigel Mortimer Estuary Officer advised that the Marine Biological Association UK had received funding for a BioBlitz to come to Salcombe. The intention was to engage with the public and schools with local guided events, seeing wildlife displays, scientists identifying local wildlife, sighting data and maybe some live underwater images. This would be a totally non-commercial event although he would be seeking sponsorship of a marquee. The intention was to place the 12m x 12m marquee on North Sands open space as this area had everything to inform this day apart from the bioblitz hub. This would be a fantastic venue as other areas around England being used did not have the location suitability, parking etc and many facilities would not want field scientists wandering in and out with their wet gear. Town Council’s support was sought for use of North Sands Sunday 27th and Monday 28th September 2015. Town Council were in principle in support of this use but urged early application for a licence to use the area.
• Lorraine Stanford from County Highways confirmed that the road closure at Clifton Place was emergency South West Water works until 6th June due to sea water running into a defective cover.
• Chris Rook had advised that Ringo would be in place in the first week in July at a cost of £132. The question of payments for income from County with the VAT element included were still ongoing.
• No costs had yet been obtained for fitting The Berry benches and this was still outstanding due to the changes at District. Section 106 monies would also need to be requested from District for this and any Berry fencing.


Bank Balances:
Current Account £500
Deposit Account £242,989.16

Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
033341 Bowater Communications – Neighbourhood Plan Media Liaison £250.00
033342 Triangle Design & Print – Neighbourhood Plan A4 Open meeting Poster £48.00
033343 Concorde I Ltd. – Annual maintenance subscription £144.00
033344 ICCM – Cemetery Institute Professional Membership annual subscription £90.00
033345 HMRC – Tax & NI £739.06
033346 and 7 Wages – £1775.19
033348 SHDC –Rates Bonfire Hill and Shadycombe £628.27 (NOTE – Transitional discount ends 31.3.2016) and therefore this will go from this figure to £1372.20 plus any rates increases)
033349 Bayleaf – Supply of War memorial tubs £312.00
003350 Bayleaf – Final payment for Welcome Gardens £684.00


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 10th June 2015 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 9.47p.m.

……………………………………………….. 10th June 2015.
Town Mayor.

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