* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – A
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
Cllr D. Cohen – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Ms J. Clark – A
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – A
Cllr Mrs A. Clacy – *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – A
WPC Jo Pengilly – N
PCSO D. Gibson – N
Chris Derrick – Kingsbridge Gazette reporter – *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.
Ali Jones from Sea and Shore was in attendance with two colleagues. They wished to put forward a proposal and wanted to ask town council for their comments with regard to placing a small kiosk on Whitestrand car park to assist them with a one stop booking office for water sports and trips. Currently bookings were made ad lib as best they could but as the colleagues were increasing in business they felt they would benefit from a joint office so visitors could enquire what was available on the day (ie. sailing, kayaking, river ride etc). The Salcombe Information Centre was great but visitors sometimes missed them and arrived at Whitestrand and they wanted another avenue to get the message across. A small kiosk in Padstow was shown as an illustration.
Those businesses interested in Salcombe would man the office between them and would be a point of reference thus not bothering the Harbour Officer. TripAdvisor was getting busier and people arriving wanted to know what was happening in town and she felt customers fell through the net because she or others were out on the water or the wifi was not working.
The Mayor asked if this service would be open to all business users on the water and how would it be manned by such business. It was proposed that all could join up and there would be a rota between everyone involved. Whitestrand Boat Hire and Salcombe Boat Hire on Clifton Place were noted and it was wondered how they would feel. This was District land so town council can only offer thoughts and comment on any application to District. It was felt that an ideal spot would be adjacent to Captain Morgans but this land had been given over for their use currently. It was also noted that District were looking at changes to the area. Dist Cllr Wright advised that everything was up in the air. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce said that the applicants would need to speak to District assets and the duty planner as it would need planning permission. Assets must agree the site and then with planning permission for a kiosk but it could involve losing a car parking space so District would need rent to cover the space loss. In principle the district councillors could approach Chris Brook from Assets along the lines of the Dartmouth embankment as Dist Cllr Wright felt that this seemed to work well. Cllr Biggs noted that District Assets refused then really District should suggest somewhere else as Salcombe needed this facility. Cty Cllr Gilbert noted that Salcombe Dairy had a kiosk on a Kingsbridge cark park site and perhaps they could assist with advice on the process. In principle around the table there was support and town council could assist with discussions with Assets.
Ali Jones from Sea and Shore and colleagues left.
Chris Pople the applicant for Le Temps Perdu was in attendance to listen and answer any questions should they arise.
Police Report PCSO Gibson
County Councillor Gilbert
Application for the Section 106 monies remaining for a safe path from Bonfire Hill to school was in the process of being made. The last email received from Richard Jackson said he was in contact with Devon & Cornwall Housing as he needed to obtain agreement from all parties to the original Section 106 agreement for the monies to be used for lighting along the main road.
Chris Derrick – Kingsbridge Gazette arrived.
It was currently budget setting time and it was good news that the proposed police cut backs had been scrapped in the Budget Review today. Government however was still proposing a £6billion reduction in Government Grant for 2018/19. There would be new powers for local authorities to increase tax towards social care at County and they proposed to end uniform business rates and let local government retain 100% of business rates. Local authorities could also use 100% of money obtained on sales for revenue projects. There would be a phased ending to the current schools funding formula with a new formula to be introduced. All these changes might not sound a lot but Cty Cllr Gilbert stressed they would be for Salcombe and the South West. Government reconfirmed they would be investing £10million in better broadband in the South West and were creating 26 new enterprise zones in the South West. Also there would be £150million to keep South West customer water bills down. There would be new roads to improve infrastructure with £7.2billion to be spent on highway infrastructure. Further there would be a £23billion capital investment for schools.
With a digital strategy for new broadband investment to support growth £1billion would be spent on new mobile digital technology (4G) for the South West which was good as not much funding usually came down to this area.
To fund this there would 3% extra on stamp duty for second homes purchase. Cllr Lang noted that Herbert Road and at the end of Loring Road the potholes were now becoming hazardous. They had all been marked and yet not been repaired for many months. Cllr Cohen felt that the budget had also allocated money to pothole repair but this was unconfirmed. Cty Cllr Gilbert further noted that Stephen Alcock had approached him with regard to Bonaventure Road but this was a private road and although it was claimed the infrastructure may be at risk no officers at County would intervene on a private matter. Dist Cllr Wright noted that the matter would be referred to enforcement with regard to the District planning matters raised.
The Mayor advised Cty Cllr Gilbert that town council were still concerned with regard to the County residents parking permit classification of a resident. Salcombe found the fact that people could obtain residents permits in London and in Salcombe and when their vehicles were registered for insurance in London (or other such area) as not fair. The outline for residents permit on the County application was that a person should be predominantly resident at a property and have their insurance at that property but County then went on to say that maybe there were incidents where this would be overridden. He therefore questioned what percentage of permits registered for Salcombe were issued to people not resident in Salcombe. Cty Cllr Gilbert agreed he would attempt to obtain this information otherwise he advised town council revert to the Freedom of Information request.
Cllr Lang noted further that on Allenhayes Road where works were being carried out there was planning for one parking place to be removed but it now appeared they had taken more area than approved. It was agreed that this would need to be kept an eye on and perhaps inform enforcement.
District Councillor Report
Dist Cllr Wright – With regard to the Maritime Coastal Agency District Scrutiny had been looking at concerns and therefore representatives went to Fareham (i.e. the Harbour Master and District Councillor) and reported they were surprisingly encouraged by what they had seen and brought back. There had previously been a few concerns that maybe Fareham did not understand where Salcombe and Ham Stone were and therefore representatives tested them and they achieved perfectly. It appeared that some staff from Brixham Harbour had relocated to Fareham.
There was to be a Business Forum on 14th January 2016 to talk about and look at the District budget process. At Batson Heights there had been some further issues with regard to damp in the new properties which he was looking into. Also he noted the matter at Westgarth in which he was involved. With regard to T18 website update it showed that this week car parks, community life, waste, street scene were all completed and the team were now going ahead with planning processes and there were 3million documents being migrated on to the new system. Therefore this was a step forward as Government’s planning portal now talked to District portal. Further people were being encouraged to trial some processes and feedback their experience. He suggested that District were drawing nearer to the day when town and parishes would not receive hard copies of planning applications. At that point District would consult to see what could be done to assist parishes in this change and thus in future would be working with pilot parishes to see what they needed.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce – Assured all present that a change from paper plans was not imminent and whenever District said was a target date it would be further away than that. However the sooner parish and town councils got into thinking about the transition and what was required, the better.
She noted that the Government statement issued today stated that there would be consultation on the New Homes Bonus as District acknowledged they always thought it was good but Government now want to reduce the amount of years and save £6million to put towards social care. This would mean that the money would go to County and it would be an extra pressure on District Councils. Cllr Lang enquired what the financial implication of the removal of paper planning applications was for town councils when they would need to provide electronic equipment for planning consideration. Dist Cllr Wright noted that at present the Government website was no paper and a low percentage of applications were made to South Hams online so a lot were still coming in on paper form which cost District. Such cost of printing would be passed to parishes if they required paper copies.
Cty Cllr Gilbert left the meeting.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 11th November 2015 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
DEFERRED due to no further applications.
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
• 2443/15/F Householder application for extension and alterations to existing dwelling and with new off road parking area Courtenay Villa, Moult Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LG – Applicant Mr M Cannon – Objection as the design and materials were not felt to be in keeping with the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
• 2478/15/F Householder application for replacement garden house 56 Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8ET – Applicant Mrs D. Martin – Objection as this was felt to be overdevelopment due to its significant increase in size. There were also concerns with regard to the inclusion of services within this proposal and thus this was no longer not felt to be ancillary to the main residence. It was noted that no heights were shown on the plans and further clarification was felt required.
• 2491/15/F Householder application for alterations and extensions to dwelling Le Temps Perdu, Robinsons Row, Salcombe TQ8 8EU – Applicant Mr C. Pople – No objection.
MrPople left the meeting.
• 2498/15/F Householder application for construction of porch and conservatory Stonecroft, Beadon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LU – Applicant Mr M. Phillips – No objection.
• 2535/15/F Householder application for single storey rear extension (lower ground floor) and extension of balcony over Harbour Hill, Bonaventure Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8BG – Applicant Mr and Mrs R. Baldwin – DEFERRED due to plans not being available on the District planning website or posted.
• 2536/15/F Proposed new two bedroom dwelling created in the undercroft of existing car parking bay Rockside, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JQ – Applicant Nick Schwartz – Objection as the proposal was felt to be overdevelopment of the area and there were concerns with regard to the impact of the new dwelling on the estuary and AONB due to the amount of glass used. It was also felt that this would not remain ancillary to the main dwelling and there would be further parking implications as well as increased concern for access and egress of the highway. This proposed development was felt to have a detrimental effect on the adjacent tree and any movement could cause problems for its roots.
• 2473/15/TW (No.5) Site Overbecks, Sharpitor, Salcombe TQ8 8LW Proposal to T1 Chamaelyparis lawsoniana. Fell. x 3 Chamaelyparis lawsoniana. Fell. T3. Pinus nigra. Fell. T4 Eucalyputs. Fell. T5 x2 Pittosportum. Pollard. Objection to the felling of T1, 2 and 3 as these trees were situated around the car park and it was felt that there were no access concerns and those on the bank above the car park were felt to add to the landscape. With regard to T4 and T5 Ecalyptus and pittosporum there was no objection.
• Nothing further other than information already provided.
Dist Cllrs Mrs Pearce and Wright left the meeting.
A report of the District meeting outlining the criteria was provided by the Mayor and it was AGREED to create a plan and therefore form a working group consisting of Cllrs Biggs, Mrs Clacy and Fice to take this plan forward. The Mayor also explained that any project could only obtain funding from five Section 106 pots and therefore allocation needed careful consideration together with matched funding opportunities.
It was AGREED to put forward a proposal to maintain and enhance the community open space planters, new garden area and vegetation maintenance for the TAP Fund application.
It was noted that the councillors who were currently cheque signatories had approved payment of the businesses required for the setup of the new website through online banking as this was the business requirement.
A draft protocol was provided for consideration and it was AGREED to approve this procedural policy to allow online banking transfers and it would be reviewed if in practice any areas raised concern.
A draft specification for the remit of the terms for a handyman was APPROVED with the town clerk being instructed to go out for quotes subject to the following changes:
• Under skills required ‘being able to handle community complaints’ would be amended to outline that the contractor must have communication skills in order to redirect concerns to the town council.
• The requirement for insurance (to include public liability) be included
• Within the third paragraph of the overview ‘7 days’ be removed and ‘completed within a practicable time scale as agreed by town council at the time be inserted.
Also ‘materials to be charged on top’ should be advised.
Cllr Biggs advised he had attended the area and pulled some ivy off the main building and the mortar started to move and he felt would become worse if the ivy was taken down. The adjoining shed was unstable and should be considered.
It was AGREED that the town clerk seek quotes for all the outstanding works required under the surveyors report in 2013 and then the town council would consult with the community through the emerging Open Spaces Sport and Recreation plan to see what the community wished to do with the building.
Chris Derrick – Kingsbridge Gazette left the meeting.
695. GRANT
It was AGREED that a grant of One Hundred and Forty Five Pounds (£145) be paid to Salcombe Football Club for replacement blades for the machine that carried out the grass cutting on the football field on condition that they could not have payment of the monies until the damaged football posts had been removed as requested a month ago.
This was DEFERRED.
It was AGREED that in future only the meeting in December on the second Wednesday would be held and that any planning applications not able to be deferred to the January meeting would be dealt with by delegated authority to the Town Clerk in consultation with the planning working party.
698. PRECEPT 2016 -17
It was AGREED to include the following additional considerations for the forthcoming financial year:
• Mortuary Maintenance
• Hedge trimming/general maintenance to include benches
• Ongoing legal fees
Any further additions were requested to be emailed by Friday 4th December 2015 by the latest in order that the working group could consider a draft proposal.
The Mayor noted that residents and business representatives had attended the South West Water presentation with regard to the road closures and expected to discuss sewage and drains as the drop letter across Salcombe had not explained the project. There would be further opportunities for discussion and enquiries with the operatives but Town Council had never received further online maps to assist.
He had attended the Neighbourhood Plan development steering group which had raised some concerns. At this meeting it appeared that three working groups were making contact with other local groups and government/service agencies. It was the role of the steering group to produce an independent questionnaire for the residents and not pre-empt what people might want through such external contact. This was raised and would be addressed. Their timetable stated that the plan could be completed and ready for independent examination in about March 2017.
With regard to ongoing legal matters it was noted that the dragon teeth/post fence around The Berry was completed today. The Mayor noted that on attendance at the Berry to speak with the contractor he had only agreed with the few residents that he saw then that he would consult with his town council which he did and they advised to continue with the installation of the fence. The posts along the perimeter of the Western Power land were to be installed as and when directed. Costings for further fencing were required after a letter of comfort had been prepared with regard to ongoing use of this land.
With regard to this years Christmas lights the Mayor had obtained £500 towards the lights from Cty Cllr Gilbert from his County pot.
Cllr Biggs – Noted that he had forwarded the letter from Salcombe Christmas Lights committee for a grant towards their lifeboat memorial display. It was asked if RNLI had contributed to this and those present believed nothing had been forthcoming. He had also been approached a number of times by a contractor in Salcombe who had a problem as he was doing work on difficult accessibility areas and could not get 8 metre steels down into town. He had asked if there was some kind of transfer station that could be set up in the Park and Ride by appointment. Town Council were against this usage and could not due to the terms of the Traffic Regulation Order in place. It was suggested that an alternative might be perhaps the coach park land. It was noted that if deliveries could be offloaded from an arctic to another lorry why this was not being done elsewhere and brought down on a smaller lorry. Further he had been asked about overnight parking for residents when South West Water was carrying out works. The Mayor noted that the intended to provide residents permits for the road they were working on and only those residents could use the available area. Devon County enforcement would also be asked to check these permits as well. Cllr Biggs stated that other councilors talking during the meeting should not be allowed if they were not on topic as this disrupted and disturbed concentration.
Cllr Whitfield – Noted that there were some businesses that already paid for signs to advertise on Whitestrand and the proposal for a kiosk should be highlighted with all such businesses in that area before any negotiations went forward. It was a great idea for everybody but would the shed be large enough for 10 operating boats. It was felt that the relocation if the Salcombe Information Centre to Whitestrand would cover everyone fairly.
• Rattery Sawmills had advised that the longest bench in the style they had that they could manufacture was 7ft. However the bench at St. Dunstans was 8ft. Therefore should two 5ft benches or a 7ft foot bench be obtained? It was decided that a 7ft bench be ordered.
• At present since 2nd November it is believed that no weed spraying had taken place by District.
• In relation to the Community Reinvestment Bid District Chris Brook had responded that they support this work from an Assets viewpoint but needed further details when works were to be carried out. Also it was presumed by District that Town Council would then take on the future maintenance of this area. Dist Cllr Wright had enquired how the end at the boat park would be created. Maybe ramp up.
• Schedule created by Pete Robinson to show works that were part of the grass maintenance contract that needed discussion together with notes of other areas to look at so that Cllrs Wheeler and Lang could visit and as a replacement Cllr Whitfield could step in.
Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £268,756.13
Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
BACS payments:
Brendan Piater – Website development 50% deposit £247.00
Krystal Hosting Ltd – Website hosting – Topaz package £47.99
Cheques approved at this meeting:
003429 HMRC –Tax & £739.06
003430 and 31 – Wages £1775.19
003432 Cliff House Trust Ltd – Hire of Library NPlan SNDP Working Group £14.00
003433 Tozers Solicitors – Client advice £144.00
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 9th December 2015 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 21.18p.m.
……………………………………………….. 9th December 2015.
Town Mayor.