* Denotes Attendance

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – A
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – A
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
Cllr D. Cohen – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr Miss J. Clark – A
Cllr R. Collings – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr J. Valentine – *

Also in attendance:

Dist. Cllr P Coulson – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Toby Leigh Kingsbridge Gazette – A


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting.


Peter Sutton of Harrison Sutton was in attendance with regard to The Spinney as his company liked to obtain feedback and local comments on their designs. He explained that their clients were from Hong Kong and had liked the site for its privacy and they wished to live there full time. They proposed to have a couple in residence to look after the garden and house. It was one of the larger sites in Salcombe originating from South Devon Land Company and originally it was to be sold as 4 sites but had been bought as one site. It already had another house within the site with separate rates. The clients had wanted a house at the top of the site but District planners felt they would more likely get approval if it was an ancillary building. Currently there was a large 3 storey house that looked on to the garden of the neighbours. It was proposed to dig in to provide a house with a ground floor dug into the back and he then provided an explanation of such interior. The intention was for the property to look beyond the neighbouring surroundings into the headland and not into the front of the neighbouring house. Also the proposed terraces were situated on the other side and thus not overlooking. An explanation of the garage block annex was provided and noted that the neighbours had a double garage and workshop. The neighbours had expressed a view that they wanted the top unit to be placed within the adjacent wood but Harrison Sutton were concerned about this suggestion as they felt it was a lovely woodland and should not have structure within it. Harrison Sutton proposed the structure nearer to the other structures and noted that the property had two highway entrances so that the annex could access from the top entrance.
Dist Cllr Coulson arrived.
Peter Sutton noted that the Town Council had objected to this application during the Christmas period and wanted feedback on this objection. The Mayor noted firstly that Town Council had not indicated that they had any concern with regard to overlooking. Their concern was the design of the property and the impact such would have on an AONB particularly the view coming in from the water, over the bar, as all look up to this point. The design they felt did not enhance the area and was not in keeping with the AONB. Peter Sutton stated that from the river the site could hardly be seen as there were massive trees which hid it. The Mayor noted that the planning working group had stood in front and could easily see the water and therefore did not agree on this point. Peter Sutton advised that the design was 1930s with a contemporary twist. Other councillors enquired what the finishes were and the ground floor was all stone with the first floor a mixture of render and porcelain tile so that it was not all white. Town Council did not have concerns about the size and even felt the model provided at this meeting seemed larger.

Report provided by email from WPC Pengilly:
The crime figures for Salcombe since the 20th December 2014 were as follows:
• Burglary Non Dwelling – This was a burglary to BiBi and Mac this crime was under investigation and an appeal has gone out for witnesses. This happened in the early hours of the morning of the 20th December 2014; the offender had smashed the glass of the display cabinet outside the venue and taken the items within it.
• Automatic Payment machine – South Sands theft of money (Car Park)
• Assault ABH 10th January 2015 at The Fortescue – again this was under investigation with the suspect now arrested and in custody.

The police were hoping to run the Marine Awareness Day again this year in Whitestrand Car Park owing to the additional agencies that had contacted then following last year`s event and the police had asked whether the closure of the car park could be considered by District. However they were aware that the time they were hoping to run this would be Easter weekend or Whitsun. It was noted by the police that the Park and Ride would be running. District car parks were going to contact town council with reference to this request and WPC Pengilly asked that this be considered as last year it was a great event with all the local emergency services/rescue IFCA and many more getting involved. It was also an opportunity for the local services to raise money and make people aware of the protection of their marine equipment and most importantly it covered the safety on the water/near the water and on cliff walks. The reason for picking these dates was that this was when the area was at its busiest with lots of boats being put back onto the water.

District Councillor Coulson – The Cottage Hotel was discussed at District Planning today and it had been a fairly protracted and interesting debate on the effective of the development in an AONB rather than Hope Cove village. The decision was that the economic benefits outweighed the beauty of the area as it was felt Hope Cove still needed to be a living community and it was no good if all the buildings were empty for most of the year. Permission had been granted and the hotel would be upgraded over 4 to 5 years out of season so as not to interfere with tourism traffic.

Dist Cllr Coulson advised that the committee were only concerned with the scale and impact on the AONB but then noted that the current hotel building was not small and was visible from the coast. It was suggested that most who come down the path do not look at the architecture of the cove but out to sea. The Mayor noted that in the Gazette Malcolm Elliott District Planner had said that the officers were against this due to bulk of size and yet with regard to the Tides Reach Hotel planning officers were saying the opposite. Dist Cllr Coulson advised that English Heritage said that this would have an impact on the fort at Bolt Tail but English Heritage had then said no so the officers resorted to depravation of view for the cottages. Many times it had been said that no one was ‘allowed’ a view but now it was being used as a material consideration. Cllr Cohen asked how applicants proved viability in their statements for the hotel. Dist Cllr Coulson noted a business model had to be produced. Cllr Lang asked whether planning had changed as now a business plan seemed to come into the decision whereas he felt it should not come into whether planning was suitable. Dist Cllr Coulson noted auditors had taken District to task in their report this week for lack of support for economy and the Planning Framework said this was now a proper planning decision.
Peter Sutton left the meeting.

The Mayor noted that town council used to receive the reasons as to why District had agreed (or not). Currently they had been sending out decisions but no reports and therefore town council could not consider why their response, in line with the community, had been rejected by District. Dist Cllr Coulson felt he was behind on feeding back to town council but that generally District agreed. It was however noted that this was not the case for Beacon House, The Bothy and others. With regard to The Bothy this was employment use back into residential but Dist Cllr Coulson felt that with the current legislation there was nothing to protect this and the applicant would have gone for a Certificate of Use. Town council disagreed as this property was already on the Enforcement List so town council had raised the issue and already raised objections. The Mayor reiterated that he would like to know why town council objections were overturned as obviously they were not always correct but would be nice to know what the reasoning was. Cllr Wheeler noted that the nub of this discussion was that 9 times out of 10 Town Council were blamed for going against local opinion even when they did not have the final decision.

At Malt Cottages the town council objected to the trees being cut down. The applicant then put in for cutting back the wall for the driveway and Town Council did not object but just asked for stone facing. However there was now concern for the amount of trees cut back and down and Dist Cllr Coulson was advised that this should be reported and checked.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 10th December 2014 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


The following applications were considered under delegated authority during the holiday period and responses from town council submitted to District.
• 3038/14/F Reinstatement of letting rooms. Removal of entrance and new access to letting room 6 Fortescue Inn, Union Street, Salcombe TQ8 8BZ – Applicant Mr D. Moxham – No objection.
• 3041/14/CU Retrospective change of use as two residential units 74a & 74b Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8BU – Applicant Mr R. Rowse – No objection.
• 3050/14/F Demolition of existing and construction of replacement dwelling with associated garage annex, landscaping and access The Spinney, Moult Road, Salcombe – Applicant Mr and Mrs J. Gould – . Objection as there were concerns with regard to the proposed design and its impact on the surroundings.
• 3102/14/CLE Certificate of existing use of dwelling Hangar Farm Bungalow, Beadon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JS – Applicant Mr and Mrs T. Edwards – Objection. Town Council raised concern with regard to the statements within the Statutory Declaration as the applicant had not lived in this property since 2003.

Whist the above response had been submitted further consideration of this application was given during the meeting. It was felt that the level of the charges contained in the bills submitted with this application was not in keeping with anyone residing at the property. Also it was noted that there was no refuse was collected nor post delivered to the property. A neighbour had highlighted that whilst Torbay District put up notices for such applications as it was not a requirement in the legislation South Hams District did not and thus many were unaware of this application. Dist Cllr Coulson questioned why this application was not in the public domain with the usual advertising done by South Hams and would raise this point at a forthcoming meeting. Town Council it was felt should add further comments to their original statement.


• 3078/14/TW (No.39) Site: Beadon Heights, 43a Roundberry Drive, Salcombe TQ8 8LY. Proposal – Crown Reduction of Pine – No objection.

Councillors considered the following applications and sent such observations to the District as Planning Authority:
• 3110/14/F Householder application for demolition of existing rear extension and garage, construction of new garage and first floor with two storey extension to rear Athelstan, Onslow Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AG – Applicant Mr and Mrs Weaver – Objection. There were concerns with regard to any potential unneighbourly overlooking at the rear of the property and also from the window on the eastern lower side which could look into the neighbouring property, possibly a bedroom.
• 3113/14/F Householder application for extension/enlargement to existing dormer and refurbishment of dwelling 1 Moorland View, Bonaventure Road, Salcombe TQ8 8BD – Applicant Mr A. Houston – No objection.
• 3114/14/F Householder application for extension of roof space to create new floor to existing property Amethyst 2 Russell Court, Salcombe TQ8 8BU – Objection. This was felt to be an overbearing structure on Kings Cottages and adjacent properties in Russell Court which could remove material light to these properties. It was noted that no sizes were provided on the plans and the existing and proposed elevations were provided in different formats making comparison difficult.
• 3176/14/F Householder application for two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, creation of porch at front and re-locate retaining wall at side nearer to boundary 16 St. Dunstans Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AJ – Applicant Mr and Mrs Roberts – No objection. However concerns were raised with regard to the rear extension and any potential overbearing impact on the neighbouring property and loss of light.
• 3182/14/F Householder application for demolition of single storey extensions and construction single and two storey extensions, including balcony, dormer, additional rooflights and other external alterations Woodcot Cottage, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JU – Applicant Mr and Mrs J. McArthur – No objection.
• 3205/14/F Householder application for alteration and extension to existing balcony Flat 3 Charborough House Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HA –Applicant Mr P Bartley – No objection.


• Most correspondence already received emailed to town council.


It was felt that if vehicles parked further away from the delivery point in the current parking bays then they would have to trundle the deliveries further making more noise. It was also noted that if such vehicles parked sensibly there was a three vehicle width at this point and thus no loss of public parking would have to occur. Town Council felt they must resist at all cost losing further town parking spaces.

The circumstance that arises from the proximity of the property to this business has long been the case and Cty Cllr Gilbert should be advised that town council felt the parking spaces should be kept for public use.

It was AGREED to:
a) Advise that currently delivery parking can be undertaken adjacent to the public parking bays without change to loading designation but it was felt that any noise disturbance would increase through further movement.
b) object to the application made by the Harbour Hotel to Devon County Highways change the parking bays on Cliff Road opposite the hotel to loading bays.
Dist Cllr. Coulson and Cllr. Cohen left the meeting.


It was AGREED to;
(a) accept the quotation from Torr View Quarry received for installing a height and width restriction barrier across the car park access. Works required to upgrade the surface had still not been identified by Countyl.
(b) allow advertising on the Town Council seasonal bus and at the car park and such procedure for choosing interested parties.


It was AGREED to defer this as the task and finish group had been unable to meet due to illness.


The Mayor noted that the December meeting had been an encouraging meeting wherein Graham Swiss attended and was open and forthcoming in his answers. There was a good round table discussion and he hoped this would move forward at the meeting next week. Jo Widdicombe Planning Aid would attend along with Alison Theaker. The Mayor suggested that he could amalgamate the Annual Town Meeting with a follow on presentation on the neighbourhood plan to explain to the town what this plan entailed. Therefore he would like to hold this meeting in the latter part of April with the official Annual Town Meeting business first followed by the Neighbourhood Plan meeting.

Discussion covered the District ‘Our Plan’ and changes to Section 106 and introduction of Community Infrastructure Levy. The Neighbourhood Plan Group was going to try and work on a questionnaire and community engagement with Alison Theaker to ensure this process was completely understood by the town. They had currently drawn back from Facebook and putting the Minutes up because the perception of Neighbourhood Planning was poor. Many in the town currently saw it as the Neighbourhood Plan group writing policy which was totally untrue.

The Mayor also felt that it would be helpful for a question on ‘What do we [the people in the town] see as important organisations in our town’ in order that this could inform decisions on support and. funding given by town council in the future.

418. GRANT

It was AGREED to allocate a grant of £3000 towards the ongoing provision of the Salcombe Maritime Museum. This grant would need to be reviewed each year in view of the changes to usage of the Council Hall, reduction of funding and increase in local services provided due to District and County cutting such and the ongoing storage of artefacts in the Mortuary.


The Tree Surveys carried out by Hi Life were overviewed as below and noted and it was AGREED to seek further feedback from Simon Putt as to when to carry out minor maintenance works identified therein.
• Bonaventure Woods – Sycamore primary stem supported by a compressed union which if it failed could fall towards the road.
• Redfern Woods – Common Ash primary stem failure which is hung in foliage which has little to no access below. Removal would only be management purposes.
• The Berry – No significant failures but some primary stems snapped and die back in upper crown. Mainly management works.
• Shadycombe – One holm oak has been reduced to mitigate defects in main stem and cyclical pollarding when funds are available could be undertaken. Irish Yews in good overall condition and minor works could be carried out for aesthetic reasons. Sweet Chestnut had low levels of bark die back at base of main stem but decay levels not felt significant at this time but perhaps inspect upper crown during the summer.


It was AGREED to ratify the increase of hours for the Project Officer/Cemetery Manager from 12 hours per week to 21 hpw commencing from 1st January 2015.


The Mayor noted that District had sent further information with regard to the amount of Band D properties to be used in the calculation this year which he had used to assess the level of increase in the precept.

He noted that the roadside wall of Jubilee Gardens opposite the garage had a stone that had dislodged and needed repair so as not to cause further damage by becoming unstable. On the path from Onslow Road along Main Road up past the swimming pool was a Eucalyptus branch leaning at a dangerous angle that needed attention. He also questioned why the drain at the top of Onslow was still closed off by barriers.


Cllr Whitfield – Raised concern with the surface of the pathway in Jubilee Gardens and it was noted this needed quotes for tarmacing as it was lethal. Also Bayleaf workers must shut the maintenance entrance gate and chain such when they leave the area.
Cllr Lang – The side gate into the park and ride needed attention as it was not closing properly and this would be reported to County.


• Letter dated January 2015 received from The Pensions Regulator advising Town Council that they should act now to set in place their legal duty with regard to workplace pensions as their staging date was 1st February 2016 and a contact should be nominated by 1st March 2015 at the latest.
• The Plymouth Valuation Officer had advised the level of Rateable Value assessed for the usage of the Park and Ride and suggested that if town council did not hold other commercial property then Small Business Rate relief could apply. More information would need to be obtained once the paperwork had been received.
• Devon Association of Local Councils had provided training events for preparing for Elections and there would be one in Ivybridge on 21st January 10-12noon at a cost of £20 +VAT.
• Notification was also received that nominations could be put forward for councillors to attend the Royal Garden Party. Past service councillors were preferred to newly elected.
• An Estuarine and Coastal waters consultation document had been forwarded before Christmas with a response due before 10th April 2015 to contribute to river basin management plans.
• Documents for the Annual Parish Paths Survey had been received and were to be completed during February 2015.
• Notification received from District of a request by the Holy Trinity Church, Salcombe to hold a religious gathering on North Sands Beach Sunday 5th April 2015 for an Easter Dawn Service.
• A resident close to Hangar Farm Barn requested that town council allow him to place a copy of the letter sent by District Council to near neighbours with regard to the application. South Hams District Council unlike adjacent Torbay District Council did not advertise such applications and he wished to highlight this matter. Agreed to place letter on Information Centre and Spar noticeboards.
• South West Water had requested a meeting with Town Council to discuss and explain the programme of works to be done in Salcombe cascading towards the centre of town taking about 8 – 10 months. Dates suggested for a meeting were 22/23rd January anytime during the day and also 26th January. Cllrs Whitfield, Lang, Colling, Wheeler and Fice would attend on Monday 26th January – 10.30.
• Salcombe Information Centre had advised that during the inclement weather the window still leaked a puddle about the size of a dinner plate. A contractor had been noted on the outside of the building just before Christmas but no sealing had taken place within the roof space.
• Lewis Dillings had advised that he was no longer able to attend Home Start meetings as the office and thus meeting place had moved from Kingsbridge to Plympton. He was sad that funding was tight for this organisation as he felt it provided a sterling service and was extremely well run.
• Cllr Collings asked if the Library group could use the town council civic lunch contacts list. Most community contacts were in the 3 in 1 magazine but town council held some private emails which could not be released.


Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
003270 Vickery Holman – Survey of Council Hall £1920.00
003271 Torr View Forge – Balance of payment for works to restore Memorial Gates £900.00
003272 Alison Theaker – Neighbourhood Plan PR consultant £350.00
003273 Bayleaf Gardening Ltd – Jubilee Gardens maintenance £400.00
003274 SHDC – Bonfire Hill refuse £27.01


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 28th January 2015 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.00p.m.
……………………………………………….. 28th January 2015.
Town Mayor.

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