* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – A
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
Cllr D. Cohen – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – A
Cllr Ms J. Clark – A
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott – *
Cllr Mrs A. Clacy – A

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *

Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – A
WPC Jo Pengilly – N
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Chris Derrick – Kingsbridge Gazette reporter – *


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.


Peter Sandover was in attendance on behalf of the South Devon Renewable Energy Group which was set up 5 to 6 years ago to look at renewable energy for the South Hams. The group had looked at biomass energy from wood and the Centre of Sustainable Energy in Bristol had produced a report which confirmed there was a huge amount of wood resource with 2500 miles of hedgerow in the AONB together with woodlands that could be managed better by removing some wood to maintain them. This he felt was a less environmentally intrusive way of providing energy. From Devon County Council and Regen SWest they had secured funding for a wood fuel hub which basically was bringing together farmers, landowners and contractors along with the community to look at ways to work together by sharing equipment, knowledge etc and forming a distribution network to service a biomass fuel source. This project could be as simple as providing logs and as some might struggle to obtain an economic source of them i.e. obtaining from local shops/petrol stations could be higher priced. There was to be an initial meeting on the 25th November in South Pool Village Hall with a core of farmers who were interested and they wanted people on the supply side to meet with farmers, landowners and consumers to bring them together. There would also follow events to research existing hubs by visiting those already working. Last year members had worked with landowners to coppice areas and in exchange received wood for their labour and they wished to do this again. They also intended to work up some form of delivery organisation/company with a community benefit society or community Interest Company. The funding received was small but could get this up and running. Peter asked everyone to please distribute this information to as many people as possible to assist it getting going. He was asked if the pool of wood would be for people to help themselves or was it reducing cost of the material together with a better product. The consultations so far indicated that farmers/landowners would like to provide this as an additional source of income. Maintaining hedges was currently a burden and therefore at present they did not tend to do this but if they benefitted from selling the product then it was felt they would manage the hedgerows better. There were concerns for areas such as The Berry where people had already taken logs left for lying down and there was a large amount of wood in Collaton Wood which could be tidy if tended and cleared up. Peter suggested that the Berry maintenance could be contracted and cleared at an appropriate time together with a storage area but all wood hubs were different and it depended on who was interested and what space was around i.e. farmers’ barns and the ideal situation was to not have too much travel between storage and distribution. Firstly however they needed to get landowners together to ascertain facilities. The community arm in ‘wood for labour’ could create a bit of tension between them and commercial entities so Peter felt they needed days for community and days for contractors to obtain wood. It was noted that as people were taking wood from The Berry as a commercial enterprise it was already a problem.
Peter Sandover left the meeting.
Police Report PCSO Gibson had advised earlier in the day that no crime was reported recently. Town Council however enquired why the theft from West End Garage, Salcombe was not noted

District Councillor Report
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce – Advised that there was nothing of significance to Salcombe to report. She did however note from a recent visit the cracks in the retaining wall between Cliff House and The Grange and felt they needed consideration.

Dist Cllr Wright – Noted that the Open Space Sport and Recreation Plan training had received encouraging feedback and that the officer concerned was fairly new and had given an honest presentation and was taking questions and where he had been unable to respond giving written responses. He and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce attended two drop ins with the Locality Officer at Salcombe Information Centre and the Spar Shop and had received a question about clinical waste bags. He could advise that District do deal with this but users have to be registered and they are provided with yellow bags. As long as the person is registered District would deliver and collect but would not allow the general public to just have bags. There was a reported damp issue with properties at Batson Heights and he met with two Environmental Health Officers as it appeared that the properties had been painted over too quickly and the tenants moved in. This issue was being dealt with. At the South West Water presentation that morning some attending had noted the South West Water car park next to the West End garage needed a sign to state that it was being used as a storage site as some were worried it was a further development site.

Cllr Wheeler noted the South West Water works to be carried out and had been approached by someone who asked why the whole of Fore Street was going to be closed for six weeks in January 2016. It was however being done in two phases and they were always maintaining access to business and properties. The Mayor advised that the original dates requested were hampered by Devon County but all had now been agreed and South West Water were working with those affected.
Dist Cllrs Mrs Pearce left the meeting.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 28th October 2015 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


DEFERRED due to no further applications.


The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
• 2278/15/F Householder application to replace existing conservatory to the front of property 10A Little Hill, Salcombe TQ8 8LZ- Applicant Mr & Mrs Kemp – No objection.
• 2287/15/F Householder application for two storey front extension, external alterations and single storey lean-to extension to garage The Palms, Sandhills Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JP – Mrs V. Smart – No objection.
• 2295/15/LB Listed building consent for removal of one chimney to roof level 11 Robinsons Row, Salcombe TQ8 8EU – Applicant Mr A. Collier – No objection.
• 2311/15/F Householder application for replacement of timber garden chalet 9 Robinsons Row, Salcombe TQ8 8EU – No objection.
• 2312/15/LB Listed building consent for replacement of timber garden chalet 9 Robinsons Row, Salcombe TQ8 1EW – Applicant Dr A. Walker – No objection.
• 2348/15/F Householder application for new dormer to rear pitch of main roof, new secure gate located to the foot of main steps and concealed refuse store located on main veranda Pitchford House, 56 Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8ET – Applicant Mrs D Martin – Objection due to the impact of this proposal on the streetscene in a Conservation Area affecting the Listed Building. The current metal gate opened inwards and the plan appeared to place a wooden gate inside this to open inwards and altering the metal gate to open outwards which it was felt would block another access. It was also suggested that placing a wooden gate behind would detract from the setting of the metal gate.
• 2349/15/LB Listed building consent for new secure gate at foot of main steps, new dormer to rear pitch of main roof and new concealed refuse store located on main veranda Pitchford House, 56 Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8ET – Applicant Mrs D Martin – as above.
• 2383/15/F Construction of dwelling in garden plot with new access off Bennett Road Uppercot, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HJ – Applicant Mr S. Parker – Objection due to overdevelopment of the site with the proposal being larger and higher and its impact on the streetscene and the view from the estuary. There was further concern with regard to the use of materials and the impact on infrastructure and sewage due to the increase in bedrooms provided. The proposed entrance was felt to be unsafe access.
• 2397/15/F Alterations and refurbishment including change of use of ground floor from offices to retail 1 Island Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DP – Applicant Mr J. Palmer – Objection. Town Council believed that any proposal required re advertising due to the property not being ‘1 Island Street’ but at the opposite end of Island Street. They also sought clarification on the use of the upstairs area, which was illustrated as having a bedroom, bathroom, living and five additional rooms, particularly in the light of the proposed roof lights in rooms 1 – 3 and it was felt that such usage needed to be ancillary to the lower retail unit. Objection to the installation of aluminium bi fold doors on a blind corner as this had a step up into the unit which would become a hazard and was on a narrow section of the road where all other doors were wooden and would impact on the streetscene.
• 2398/15/F Householder application for extension and alteration to existing dwelling to form new garage and studio Jocalots Cottage, Sandhills Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JP – Applicant Mr R. Yates – No objection.


• The Mayor advised that a further response to the Hangar Mill Appeal had been submitted.
Dist Cllr. Wright left the meeting.


The Mayor acknowledged that ‘reports’ was for councillors to bring to council any issues raised with them by residents, any issues about infrastructure that they had spotted or feedback from any meeting attended. He was asked what the outlet was for councillors that had opinions they wished to share and get across and others felt that sometimes they just wanted to put on record something that a resident had mentioned. On these matters they could be mentioned to bring forward items that they would wish discussed on the next agenda. However an item that had been raised and a corporate decision made previously was not to be raised again unless there was further information to add. On another matter it was noted that no letter should be sent to any newspaper signing as a town councillor when the opinion was not a corporate opinion.

It was AGREED that topics needed to be included within councillor’s reports should be based on community questions or feedback, maintenance or a request made as to whether a topic could be discussed on a future agenda.


It was AGREED as follows;
(a) that town council would only allow transfer of plots between related parties of unused grave spaces
(b) to remove line six from the proposal with regard to ‘no urn’ ashes;
change the preparation of Statutory Declarations line 10 to all read £100;
change attendance of Cemetery Manager line 13 to all read £50;
remove line 1 triple burial plot from the list of charges but keep as a footnote that consideration could be given to;
before town council accepted the proposed new table of charges and terms relating to Salcombe Town Council as a Burial Authority and to forthwith include charges for administrative activities not previously covered.


South West Highways had been requested to provide confirmation that the late completion of this contract during inclement weather would not affect the condition of the tarmac. They confirmed by email dated 11th November that surfacing can be laid throughout the year with no effect on the quality. ‘We have procedures in place and always test the tarmac delivered that it is up to the correct temperature before laying. The only constraints that we have is that the ground temperature must be above 2 degrees. Surfacing can be laid in light rain due to the speed in which we can get it compacted, if it is very heavy rain, we would just wait until it has passed, the worst case scenario would only result in a loss of days not weeks’.

It was AGREED to request the contractors to purchase reflectors and fit such to the parking marker posts at a cost of £70 plus VAT.


DEFERRED pending more councillors being in attendance.


Two letters had been sent to the Pennon Group on behalf of South West Water and a response was awaited with regard to the legal advice received by town council and ongoing use of the football pitch.

The Lease matter had been passed to town council solicitors and no further communication had been received.

With regard to the Berry a letter had been received from a resident and thereafter another letter from this resident’s solicitor. Historic documents were requested by a few residents with regard to the town council’s title but these did not form part of the title registered at Land Registry. Town council’s solicitor was now in contact with the resident’s solicitor requesting them to provide evidence with regard to access rights.

Following legal advice it was AGREED to continue to install the whole line of fence around the Berry.


The Mayor noted that many people commented how well the Remembrance Sunday service went and an email was passed on complement the work and new planters at the memorial. The Mayor thanked Cllr Wheeler for installing and providing the sound engineering and Cllrs Lang and Mrs Bricknell for implementing and manning the road closure.

The Mayor and Cllr Wheeler attended Follaton House with regard to the Section 106 Open Space Sport and Recreation Plan training and he advised would report more comprehensively at the next meeting. Basically the way to draw down Section 106 money would be tightened up under the new Community Infrastructure Levy regulations. These new plans would be a similar exercise to the Neighbourhood Plan requiring discussions with all sports groups and a short questionnaire to all residents to ascertain their wishes. It would again be an evidence supported plan. There were those present at the training who asked how much District supported Section 106 payments continuing as the intimation was it might not continue and at that point District Council had not decided whether to adopt the CIL in its full format.

He also attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting where they discussed staffing issues in the area and also the impact of the new living wage and the fact that people were still being bused in from afar to work in the area. The Chamber of Commerce were trying to work closely with Kingsbridge Community College to get people interested in apprenticeships.

The Mayor wrote to Boots Chemists in February 2015 raising concern with regard to access to the chemist and following this response he still had a £15 voucher which he felt should be used in the community. It was suggested that this money could be used to purchase sweets for Father Christmas to distribute to the children and this would be done. He received a complaint that the hand rail down Church Street was faulty and this had been reported previously but would be raised again. Following a discussion with the Chairman of the Friends of Cliff House Woods he had been advised that he lived in the Midlands and had been Chairman for eleven years. He and his wife did the maintenance on the woods and having seen the Neighbourhood Plan newsletter wondered if a local person could be found to replace him and his wife on this committee. The Mayor did suggest it might be worth him having an open meeting and asking a Kingsbridge Gazette reporter to attend. The woods were owned by the Trust as they were bought by the people of Salcombe.
Chris Derrick Kingsbridge Gazette left the meeting.

The Mayor noted he had previously reported discussion with Chris Rook County Highways and permits issue to people not resident in Salcombe and he read out a response email from Chris Rook forwarded by Cty Cllr Gilbert.

The Christmas lights switch on would be 1st December this year at 6p.m.

Andrew Arthur had formally advised that this would be his last year as Parade Sergeant and he provided Ceremony Instructions that he used which would be of assistance to any future volunteer.


Cllr Wheeler – Gave a brief update on the website. Arctic Website £495 to assemble website in WordPress to move away from the current rigid framework. Hosting company Krystal is based in Torquay and no extra cost for each email. Could be operational by 4th December 2015.
Cllr Mrs Sinnott – Crab Festival 1st May 2016 and Salcombe Information Centre had requested having Tally Ho bus service running that weekend. It was noted that no decision had been made by town council for dates for the bus for the following season as this would be addressed during the precept. Perhaps businesses would like to sponsor the provision and cost of running over this weekend as Tally Ho had advised pulling this weekend. This would be fed back to SIC. She wished to note that the street sweeper had done a remarkable job of Camperdown Road.
Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Drains at North Sands were blocked along with Coronation Road and all around town. The gullley sucker was sighted in Salcombe but it did not appear to have done anything.
Cllr Lang – The property adjacent to the Town Council parking space had been placing their wheelie bins in the council parking space and advised that District Council had told them to leave them there. District would be contacted and asked to comment on this advice as it was private property. A resident had indicated he was in charge of footpaths on the Neighbourhood Plan Team and Cllr Lang wondered what this entailed in view of his position as Town Council Footpath Warden liaison with County P3 Scheme.


• Letter dated 5th November 2015 from Paul and Jennifer Jenkins with regard to the stability of the breeze block wall above their property which was built on top of the old sea wall.
• TAP Fund – District had advised that two changes had been made to the criteria for application in that ‘environmentally related’ projects such as street cleaning, grass cutting etc and repeat bids would be accepted. However new innovative projects would take precedence in approval.
• The Berry benches raised nails had been checked and dealt with but the old bench that a resident had provided needed removing along with the broken goal posts.
• County Highways planning had investigated and approved the utilisation of the £30,000 appropriated for a new path from Ember Road to the Primary school could be used for street lighting. It was however unclear whether this funding had been drawn down from the developer and who held it.
• Town Council were advised that Chris Kemp wished to carry out works at che House, Coronation Road which backed on to Shadycombe Cemetery. Pictures were provided showing the current size of the plants and then the proposed height of the bamboo marked with a finger. The Laurel on the right would have a tidy hair cut to define shape and remove new growth.
• Devon County Highways had notified that they would no longer charge a fee for a licence to put up banners or decorations so long as communities complied with their terms and conditions as detailed on their website. Permission would have to be sought if groups wished to attach anything to street lighting and any item considered to be unsafe, a nuisance, inappropriate, advertising commercial services or in breach of their terms and conditions would be removed and subject to a £150 release fee.


Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £272,613.43

Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
Cheques approved at this meeting:
003424 Salcombe Yacht Club – Nplan Hire of Chart Room Economy Working Group £30.00
003425 Triangle Design & Print – Nplan A4 Newsletter 2 (reprint) £115.00
003426 Luscombe Landscapes – Installation of benches and picnic tables The Berry £1373.35
003427 SHDC – Bonfire Hill Bin Rental £2.17
003428 Bayleaf Gardening – November contract payment £546.98


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 25th November 2015 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.05p.m.

……………………………………………….. 11th November 2015.
Town Mayor.

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