* Denotes Attendance

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
Cllr D. Cohen – A
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr Miss J. Clark – A
Cllr R. Collings – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr J. Valentine – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr P Coulson – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – A
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Toby Leigh Kingsbridge Gazette – *


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Biggs wished it known that by virtue of his professional and development contacts he would leave the meeting at any point he realised planning matters relating to clients came to be discussed. He would however give advanced notice of declarable interests he was aware of prior to discussion.


Simon Wright was in attendance and advised that he was currently a District Councillor who had been nominated by his political party to stand for the Salcombe area in the next election. He had previously worked in Salcombe town in the marine industry and been in the South Hams for 27 years. He had thoroughly enjoyed the last few years and was looking forward to future years as a District Councillor. When he had first joined District Dist Cllr Coulson had asked him to look into the car parks review and at that time he had to write the Snow protocol for car parks. He had chaired Scrutiny Groups and advised of those groups he was now chairing. It was also noted that he was on the Harbour Board and involved with the Hope Cove lifeboat.

PCSO Gibson whilst not in attendance had advised that from 1st February there had been no crimes reported in Salcombe.

District Councillor Reports

Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce – Advised that District Executive had decided that in future there would only be one fund for people to apply to if they were struggling to pay Council Tax. Therefore the reduction and hardship funds had been amalgamated and the criteria were now harder for people to apply for so Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce asked town council to be vigilant and advise if they knew of people struggling. Transition 18 changes were now moving at a pace and the latest group were up for interviews and this phase would be affecting middle manager level, this was causing disquiet for those awaiting interviews. She noted that there was particular turbulence in the planning department due to this and anyone who experienced any problem should contact Pat Wymer who was in charge of the western and eastern areas at present. Management selection would not be resolved until the next few weeks so responses would come through after that. She was not sure how many current staff had applied for redundancy and which posts were available and this would take time for the successful candidates to apply for. There were however a good core of agency staff who would be around until the vacancies were filled so she asked town council to be patient please. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that the Alston Gate hearing was coming up and if Salcombe Town Council felt they could make a submission that would assist District, as most coming to Salcombe had to pass that development on way in or out, they should do so by midnight by Monday next week. The hearing would be on 21st April at Follaton House and the more in attendance at the Appeal the better and if they were prepared to speak this would be appreciated.

Dist Cllr Coulson – Noted that due to other commitments he had missed the recent Waste Task and Finish Group discussions due to attending a funeral but they were just about through the whole process rejigging domestic collection. There was a Design Panel for Hope Cove for a single house overlooking the chapel which was held and the discussion was interesting. Dist Cllr Coulson also felt he must underpin his fellow district councillor’s plea on the planning front as he had spoken to Dave Kenyon who advised he had no intention of reapplying for his post. He felt District would be losing a vast amount of planning staff and their local knowledge from this area.

The Mayor advised he attended the Kingsbridge and Salcombe Chamber of Commerce meeting and those present asked him to mention the Field of Light display from September to January, based in East Portlemouth but visible from Salcombe, as they had been advised they needed planning permission. He questioned if the organisers had to obtain planning. He was advised by Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce that this was longer than 28 days and in place for more than 14 consecutive days so they had to apply for planning permission.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 25th February 2015 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record. The Mayor advised that he had asked the Town Clerk to change the way the report of attendance was detailed as * – in attendance and A – absent to now add N – no apology given.
Dist CllrWright left the meeting.


The following applications were considered under delegated authority during the holiday period and responses from town council submitted to District.
• 0366/15/F Householder application for roof alterations and extension to main building and renewal of previous approval for car port/garage and deck Eastone Grey, Allenhayes Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HU – Applicant Mr N. Atkin – No Objection.
• 0386/15/LB Listed Building consent for proposed extension (resubmission of approval 41/2010/14/LB) Elworthy Cottage, Higher Batson, Salcombe TQ8 8NF – Applicant Ms G. Lane – No objection.
• 0387/15/F Householder application for proposed extension (resubmission of planning approval 41/2009/14/F) Elworthy Cottage, Higher Batson, Salcombe TQ8 8NF – Applicant Ms G. Lane – No objection.
• 0417/15/F Householder application for alterations to third floor gable window to east elevation 63C Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8ET – Applicant Mr J. Boissier – No objection.


• Most correspondence already received emailed to town council.
• 0279/15/F Copy letter to District from John Pritchard Architects with regard to town council’s response to this application. It was said that the old plans did not show French doors and this new application was totally in view from Baptist Lane and as a Conservation Area was felt should not have balustrading. The old plans along with this application would be scrutinised again and a response or comment with regard to this letter sent to District.
• Anonymous letter with regard to Hangar Farm, Beadon Lane, Salcombe. No response or update could be sent as the person had not identified themselves just raised concerns with regard to its usage. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce spoke to the officer dealing with this application at the end of last week but the decision was still under consideration but progressing.
• Sue Ravell wished her objection that had been posted on the District website to be noted.
Dist Cllrs Mrs Pearce and Coulson left the meeting.


It was AGREED to request one quotation to provide a further quote to provide concrete rather than tantalised wood edging.


It was AGREED to offer the works highlighted by Hi-Line’s survey on trees owned by Salcombe Town Council to Will Hampton.


It was AGREED to offer the grass cutting and maintenance contracts works for a three year period as follows:
(a) the gardening contract – Bayleaf – to review works during the first 12 months
(b) the grass cutting contract – Greenspace – to review works during the first 12 months
(c) and/or if applicable the two contracts together – Split as above.


It was AGREED to award both May Crimp and Mike Wrigley as recipients for Citizen of the Year for 2015.


It was AGREED to appoint Chris Jebb of Hawthorns Accounting as internal auditor and that a meeting would be set up so that town council could consider the internal audit process and
highlight any points they wished considered. Grant Thornton the external auditors had called for the audit papers by 8th June 2015 and notification would be posted of such in due course.


It was AGREED;
• That the review of the benches would be collated and brought back to a future meeting once more information was obtained as to ownership of benches.
• That Cllr Biggs would walk to Malborough to measure the distance from Salcombe to the midway house and thereafter to Malborough in order to work out the percentage split for the TAP Fund monies.
• That following a letter from District Environmental Health advising of encroachment onto town council registered land with rubbish and trailer/vehicles at Bonaventure Woods land town council would write to the person requesting that such be removed.
Toby Leigh left the meeting.
• That due to a further letter having been received from a resident with regard to Bonaventure Close and Onslow Road junction parking problems the resident would be advised that the town council could not do anything on this matter as it was a private road
• That following further inspection of the Onslow Road fencing the old concrete post had come adrift. A lower property constructed three timber posts and tied this to the tree but left the largest amount of the boundary unfenced. Also the section opposite Bonaventure Road had a large tree encroaching on to pavement and road.. The Town Clerk was to write to all adjacent owners pointing out the need for safety and maintenance.
• That quotes would be sought for cleaning road signs.
• That consideration should be given to interpretation boards explaining the maintenance of The Berry and the need to leave wood piles there as residents had been found up there with chain saws and had resonded that they had permission ‘from a lady at Follaton House’ but were carrying out unauthorised cutting of timber from this area. .




It was AGREED to approve the venue of Salcombe Primary School and for the Annual Town Meeting tbe held on Monday 27th April 2015 at 6.30p.m. followed by a Neighbourhood Plan community event at 7.30p.m.


The proposal to increase the rent by 3% was discussed and it was AGREED that Cliff House would be advised that this was not acceptable due to the ongoing damp problem and that the price of utilities had gone down.


It was noted that Cllr Cohen had resigned from Neighbourhood Plan Group due to a personal project he wished to pursue. It was AGREED for Cllr Fice to continue as the representative from town council on the Neighbourhood Plan steering group.


The Mayor had received a complaint with regard to Lloyds Bank opening times changes but at the Kingsbridge and Salcombe Chamber of Commerce it was noted that the major problem with Salcombe bank was that it was totally underutilised. Therefore as the branch was remaining this was felt to be positive even with reduced hours.

He and Cllr Lang had met with South West Water to discuss scheduling of the test trenches – 2 in Fore Street, 1 at bottom of Robinsons Row and 1 at top of Ferry Steps and that these would require a road closure as South West Water needed to see what existing utilities were there. Although there would be a road Closure town council had told them they could not close both ends at the same time as access must be kept open for Whitestrand. These would be done week beginning 13th April 2015. They also needed to close Knowle Road at the narrow section at the same time as Fore Street. Thereafter at Allenhayes Road there would be a closure probably beginning of week 20th April. Devon Road could be done with traffic lights and Ackland, Bonaventure, Kingsale and Herbert Road would be carried out in May. South West Water also needed to consult with County. Fore Street was to be a closure for a week but they might get this done in 2 or 3 days. They were hoping to commence the actual works in maybe September but this depended on whether they could do the top of town before the bottom and Fore Street would be carried out during the quiet period in January 2016.

The Mayor had received a response to his letter to Boots Chemist. They noted they were governed by a pharmaceutical ruling that meant they could not dispense without a pharmacist on the premises. The Mayor would respond drawing attention to the points in his original letter and seeking further comment.


Cllr Biggs – Advised that the Expression of Interest for the bus advertising had been sent out and he had also delivered this information to the shops along Fore Street. He noted that there had been posters attached to the BT green box in Market Street which needed to be removed.

Cllr Whitfield – Noted that the street pedlars et al would soon be returning and residents and businesses had asked him whether anything could be done to stop them before they arrived. As permits for such could be obtained and the police had not moved them on the previous year it seemed that no one had the will or power to deal with such.

Cllr Lang – Noted that Stephen Bellows the current Chairman of the Allotments Committee was leaving the town and therefore a new Chairman was being sought.


• In an election year the first meeting must be held within 14 days of councillors being elected. The count for town and parishes probably would not be known until following Monday. Therefore those elected would not be known prior to an agenda having to be sent out. If there was no election due to not enough candidates standing then councillors would be elected by default and the May meeting could be held on the 2nd Wednesday as normal. However if an election took place then the meeting could not wait until the 4th Wednesday so it was suggested that the meeting be moved to 20th May if necessary.
• Weds 8th July – Ivybridge, Tuesday 15th September – Exeter. Full day courses for Being an Effective Councillor. Town Council were asked if they wished to reserve places at £25 per.person and they declined.
• Fred Hiscock of Devon Road raised concern with regard to changing from analogue to digital and whether town council were aware of anyone else in Salcombe who felt that they now had a worse service as Mr Hiscock had heard of others and whether town council wished to express a view. It was felt that provision of this service was down to the provider and individual residents.
• Road Closure Notification Shadycombe Road and Gould Road, Salcombe. 18th – 20th May for cabling works. It was noted that this would affect the provision of the 606 bus which would only be able to access as far as Allenhayes Road. Town Clerk had notified the Harbour and District car parks. The Harbour acknowledged that this could impact on them and they had advised the District Engineer not to deliver pontoons during this work closure.
• Notification received from Jack Wills that they intended to have maintenance carried out to their building in Fore Street and with the embargo in July and August wished to do this during June. The works would take two weeks and be undertaken with the use of a tower scaffold that would be moved along as each section required. Town Council were asked to comment as to whether there were any concerns with regard to town events during this time. No events known of and works should not affect the town.
• Email received with regard to someone wishing to create a mini golf area at North Sands and asking for town council consideration and advice. Land owned by District and the applicant would need to approach South Hams District Council but town council did not feel it was a project they could be supportive of.
• Salcombe Information Centre had enquired with regard to putting up either a sail or sign to give a higher profile more readily seen down in Fore Street. As landlords Town Council would need to agree to any such proposal but they had been advised to speak to duty planning firstly.
• One expression of interest for the two back panels of the buses had been received with another interested for outside panel and one inside smaller panel.
• Lloyds Bank Salcombe branch revised opening hours were now scheduled for Tuesday and Friday 10 – 15hrs.
• Noted that the nomination papers for the forthcoming election of town council had been received from District.


Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
003295 Pete Robinson – Amazon Samson UB1 Boundary Microphone (Neighbourhood Plan) £62.30
003296 Anne Rainbow – Survey Monkey Subscription (Neighbourhood Plan) £299.00
003297 Greenspace – Maintenance Contract £446.33
003298 Bayleaf Gardening Ltd. – Jubilee Gardens Contract £400.00
003299 Alison Theaker – Neighbourhood Plan PR £1150.
003300 G. Claydon – Office Chair and Copier paper £136.94
003301 Concorde I Ltd – Photocopier £18.41
003302 SHDC – Bonfire Hill Bin Rental £1.96


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 25th March 2015 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.41p.m.
……………………………………………….. 25th March 2015.
Town Mayor.

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