* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – A
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – *
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
Cllr D. Cohen – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr Miss J. Clark – *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr S. Wright – A
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – N
PCSO D. Gibson – N
Chris Derrick – Kingsbridge Gazette reporter – *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting.
The Mayor welcomed Chris Derrick from Kingsbridge Gazette and explained he had taken over from Toby Leigh.
Mrs Crimp wished to speak on behalf of her and her husband with regard to the planning resubmission for Midships adjacent to their property. She read out their objections from a copy letter they had sent to District Planning. Te owners of Midships were also present and noted that since their last plans were submitted they had taken on board all comments and made changes. They had reduced the ridge height by 85cm to give a ridge height 1m above Aldoma the same height as a property two doors away. Also by reducing the proposal by 2metres on Aldoma’s side so this meant they were 6metres away from the boundary and 13m away from Aldoma. Decking was reduced by 2m in depth with a privacy screen1.8m height and therefore he felt addressed all privacy issues over the patio area.
Amanda Burden of Luscombe Maye was representing the Bang Wallop applicants but only present in case of any questions. None raised.
Nigel Grimshaw wished to speak with regard to access concerns from on the entrance to the footpath by Harbour Hotel. The new pedestrian access was a planning gain when the redevelopment took place although there had always been access from the hotel on to Cliff Road to allow bin collection and deliveries. Now the flats in Marine Quay and the new houses could have benefit of direct access. This access way joined at the narrowest point of Cliff Road where it was 2.1m wide and Mr Grimshaw felt a holiday maker, not so familiar with the town, and especially children could rush out where there was no vision splay and a wall jutted out. Cars and vans were getting wider let alone the fear of delivery vehicles which tended to accelerate when they were past the shops to speed up the hill. It was not obvious this was still 20mph and perhaps County could put such speed limit painted on the road. With no pavement even half a step out into the road the pedestrian was not visible and Mr Grimshaw felt this was a dangerous junction that needed addressing. The Mayor understood his comments and noted that in the days when it was readily used traffic was less and it was more for staff access. This concern would be passed to County highways and/or planning to ask about a barrier to slow pedestrians and highlight the road. Mr Grimshaw explained that he worked in private urban planning but felt that from public finds unless a local member was interested County did not take any interest. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce felt that town council could approach County but maybe they should speak to the Harbour Hotel firstly. Another suggestion was a sign saying ‘beware of pedestrians’ and 20mph painted on the highway.
District Councillor Report
Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that there would be a report going to District committee on the Transition 2018 the following day. Two items in Salcombe were going to Development Management the following Wednesday being the proposed new dwelling behind The Hollies and the café in Cliff Gardens. She requested town council attendance and Cllr Cohen agreed to attend and speak.
The Mayor advised he had received a report with regard to delays with the Gin Distillery application. Cllr Mrs Pearce advised that she had queried how the applicants were going to transport bottles down to the unit as they were using the alley as a parking area. The response was that the drums of alcohol and bottles were being brought in on an artic lorry. This highlighted that drums of alcohol were being moved around whereas normally a distillery made alcohol on the spot. If drums of alcohol were on site that was a huge fire risk as it was like storing drums of petrol so she had asked the planners whether the fire authorities and environmental health should be contacted at this point.
District planners were debating whether this should come at the licensing stage but she felt this was a storage issue and should be considered during planning as an ordinary distillery would be contained alcohol not moved until bottled. With boat yards close by there was a huge risk due to varnish etc. so it was worth asking the safety question on this up front.
Mr Grimshaw left the meeting.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 8 th July 2015 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record. Mobile phone it says – Whitfield willing to be rung but not part rota.
It was AGREED to co-opt Lindy Sinnott. The Acceptance of Office and Declaration of Interests would be provided and completed before the next meeting.
The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.
- 1294/15/CU Change of use of premises to A2 (financial and professional services) Bangwallop, 2 Island Square, Island Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8DP – Applicant Ms L. Yabsley – No objection due to other businesses already permitted to operate in this area.
- 1450/15/F Replacement of existing annex with new dwelling (resubmission of approval 41/1481/14/F) Plot adjacent to Lower Deck, Shaws Corner, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JL – Applicant Mr N. Sawbey – No objection.
- 1451/15/F Householder application for replacement of flat roof garage with part pitched, part flat roof with ancillary use in roof space Swallows, Lower Batson, Salcombe TQ8 8NJ – Applicant Mr J. Bees – No objection although it was noted that there was a potential concern with regard to loss of light to the entrance of the neighbouring property.
- 1452/15/F Householder application for replacement of existing garden shed with new summer house The Tree House, Shadycombe Road, Salcombe TQ8 8NS – Applicant Mrs S. Hobbs – No objection. 1455/15/F Householder application for proposed garden room Pinehurst, Herbert Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HN – Applicant Mr and Mrs R. Shortman –No objection.
- 1458/15/F Householder application for external swimming pool with pergola, changing room and associated works including underground plant room Longmynd Main Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JW – Applicant Mrs K. Newman – No objection. There were however four trees to be removed, three of which were covered by TPOs, which were not old specimens but town council would wish the tree officer to assess removal of such trees before any approval were given.
- 1483/15/F Demolition of existing bungalow and replacement new house and garden (resubmission of 41/0450/15/F) Midships, Knowle Road, Salcombe TQ8 8EQ –Applicant Mrs G. White – Objection. This was felt to be an over development of the site which sat too close in proximity to neighbouring properties and was thus un-neighbourly. This application was for six bedrooms and five bathrooms replacing a two bedroom property and in the light of the current problematic sewerage system town council would be interested to know the expected impact of such increase in output into the already overloaded system.
The applicants for Midships left the meeting.
- 1490/15/TW Site: The Moult, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LE Proposal to fell Beech – This tree overhangs North Sands beach but from a site visit town council could not clarify the actual tree and felt this application should be referred back to the Tree Officer to access the property and make a decision.
Mr and Mrs Crimp left the meeting.
- Email dated 22 nd July requested a chance to make a 5 minute presentation to town council for two replacement dwellings, one in South Sands and one in Sandhills Road, North Sands. Architects MP2 Design, Michael Phillips advised that they wished to have pre application discussions but due to timings of meetings over the summer the applications would be submitted. This would be included in the 9 th September meeting.
- 1104/15/F Change of use of public conveniences Cliff House Gardens, Cliff Road and The Hollies, Salcombe – Email received asking for a councillor to attend also for comments at Development Management on these applications.. Cllr Cohen to attend.
- Copy letter emailed by Mr Isherwood with regard to Captain Morgan’s outside space Licence as to how this licence was permitted due to lack of tendering and that the applicant states they are a District Council employee. He also questions the planning application 1073/15/F and current abuse by parking in this space. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that Cllr Wright attended the site and had spoken to the shop proprietors and they were all delighted because they felt people sitting at the café area went on to look in their adjacent shops. The photographs provided were when the café was not using the area as there were cars parked. Town Council noted that any decision must include a condition for no cars in this area. The Town Clerk had discussed the parking issues with Cathy Aubertin who had suggested including this area in the District Parking Order or perhaps placing bollards.
- 0208/15/F Beacon House, Bonfire Hill. Helen Nesbitt Enforcement Officer advised she had been investigating Beacon House for a breach of condition in that the wrong sized lorries were being used for a short period of time on the site. The breach had ceased prior to District taking any formal action and therefore the case was now closed. She understood the neighbours were very unhappy with this decision however a breach of condition notice, had District been in the position to serve one, gave the offender a minimum of 28 days to comply. The breach ceased within days of it being reported to them and therefore it was a good outcome.
- Consideration was given to previous town comments submitted to The Ridings applications and the current Appeal was noted but it was felt that all had been submitted and there was nothing further to add. Cllr Wheeler arrived at the meeting and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce and Amanda Burdon left the meeting.
Cllr Wheeler arrived at the meeting and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce and Amanda Burdon left the meeting.
593. VAT
The Mayor had researched and advised that the parking charge at Bonfire Hill was a Vatable item and classed as a business activity. Town Council however did not have to register for VAT unless such income exceeded £85,000 pa which was unlikely. However if they did not register for VAT they would not be able to reclaim VAT on any item which was a business activity under Class 33. If they registered for VAT this would bring the Council Hall into play and then town council would have to decide whether to opt to tax and include VAT on such rent. Again if they did not opt to tax then they could not reclaim VAT on expenditure on the hall. The Mayor having looked at this noted that town council was currently spending a lot of money refurbishing the car park but going forward expenditure was going to reduce and if VAT was charged there would be a loss of 50p per ticket and therefore one sixth of potential income would be lost and town council would also have to charge VAT on their other business activities.
It was AGREED not to register for VAT unless or until income went above £85,000.
The Mayor, Cllrs Wheeler, Ms Clark and the town clerk met with Fortescue Road and Kingsale Road residents and all present realised they were trying to achieve the same aim. A walk around the Berry reached agreement where the boundary was and that dragons’ teeth would be installed all around the Berry. With regard to the other parcel of land on the other side of Kingsale Road a resident there only had a concern and explained the reason for his inroads into it and explained why he was considering registering such in case someone built on this open land. Town Council had no intention of building and wanted it fenced, registered and to remain open space for everyone. The resident as if a covenant could be put in place similar to the covenant on the Berry so that it was only ever used for open space and recreation.
It was AGREED to ratify the purchase of the picnic tables and benches and accept the quotes for fitting such at the Berry up to a cost of £2130 with the chosen bench contractor Rattery Sawmills and approval fitting with Rob Luscombe being selected.
A fencing contractor had been asked to quote for the dragons teeth and this work would also include the cutting back
and therefore all further quotes should include such.
It was AGREED that there needed to be signs around town especially by the quay saying ‘please do not feed the seagulls’. Such were to be requested for Customs Quay and on Whitestrand and also along by the benches. Cllr Ms Clark advised of an ‘eye sign’ which had been effective with regard to dog waste. District signs for dog waste would be requested for the Berry and other area.
The internal height barriers had been installed and the notices within the noticeboards created. The map had been drawn up and delivery was awaited. A further meeting had taken place with County representatives and signage approved and should be being created. Ringo was to go live 24 th July although at present only on a daily basis due to the Traffic Regulation Order, this could be updated by County to include more days at a time. It was suggested that next year (or before) advertising on the back of the parking machine tickets could be used either for town matters (please put your rubbish in seagull bags!) or local business advertising. There had been a low attendance of officers at present due to the low level of Penalty Charge needing to be issued. However attendance was provided on a daily basis and the balance of enforcement hours could be invested when the need arose in the coming holiday weeks if compliance was problematic.
Pete noted that the new track laying was in progress with felt and barrier material being placed and piles of chipping ready for the roads. Evette Wilbrahams was the lead on the project and was in attendance with the contractor for placement of the sleepers so the job was moving along. Heavy plant was able to access through the additional gate so Pete Robinson acknowledged this installation was worthwhile.
The works and installations up at the Park and Ride were NOTED and the town clerk was requested to question the low level of on street enforcement around town in the summer months.
Cllr Lang approached the Yacht Club but they were already hosting an event. However if they catered in future for the civic lunch they could then provide their own alcohol in Cliff House at their rates.
It was AGREED that the venue and arrangements for this function the year would be Harbour Hotel at £2485 for seventy people.
It was AGREED to delegate authority to the Town Clerk to respond to planning applications, following receipt of observations from town councillors during the August recess and for such responses to be forwarded to District Planning.
A letter requesting a proposed new Lease from Cliff House Trust to Town Council was noted and it was AGREED that the next course of action by Town Council would be to seek charges from solicitors to advise on surrender of the current agreement and the proposed: terms of lease to include:
- What was included in the Lease?
- What were the break clauses?
- What were the review dates and length of lease?
- Was it full repairing or non-repairing
- Together with any other matters of significance for town council to consider.
Chris from the Gazette left the meeting.
The Mayor noted that there had been a Neighbourhood Plan meeting the previous evening at which he raised the issue about them having no costed business plan and not obtaining three quotes in compliance with Local Government accounting. The Neighbourhood Plan was in phase 2 which was the formation of working groups looking at four areas. If any councillors wanted to join these groups they could attend the meeting the following evening in the Chart Room at the Yacht Club. Younger people were needed but they did not seem to be engaging.
Interesting comments were made about the District Our Plan at the Neighbourhood Plan meeting. District was going to release housing numbers to councillors in July but now it would not be until September. At a meeting in Modbury over the weekend, which was chaired by Deputy Leader of South Hams, she was giving a completely different message to what the Mayor felt had been said at a recent Mayors meeting. A Neighbourhood Plan can progress if no Local Plan was in force and could be accepted. On that point Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce felt town council would potentially receive draft policies from Our Plan in September 2015. Cllr Wheeler felt that Government was going to penalise Local Authorities currently creating their Local Plans for any lateness affecting Neighbourhood Plans. With regard to future housing number requirements West Devon Council had already accepted theirs. South Hams District figures were taken back for discussion due to the Cornwall Council Plan being rejected because there was no allowance for second homes. This potentially was why the West Devon numbers came through as there were not many second homes there. Cornwall had to provide a minimum amount of 7% second homes and it was noted that if a Local Plan was rejected by an Inspector it set it back 2 years. The Mayor continued that the Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan Group had promised to provide a costed business plan at their next meeting and he had asserted that unless they did they should not spend any more money. He also reinforced their need to obtain three quotes in line with Local Government Financial Regulations due to the monies being provided by a Government Grant.
The Mayor asked councillors whether they had received a Neighbourhood Plan update newsletter delivered to their houses. Cllrs Mrs Bricknell and Ms Clark had but others were unsure that it had been. Kingsbridge Information Centre had added this delivery to theirs and at present there was concern that the drop had not been done properly.
The Mayor had spoken to a contact in the complaints team at South West Water. At the quay they had identified certain sewers that were leaking and lined some which had been successful. They were installing new chambers just below the Mayor’s garden. However what they were not doing was repairing the chamber by the quay where the main problem was due to the instability of the sea wall but had carried out various trial holes and tests. The Mayor suspected that this would be an argument as to responsibility of property between South West Water and District as to who should pay. The contact at South West Water would ring him the following Monday with an update.
With regard to the Regatta greasy pole event he had sent an email to Debbie Hainey saying that in his opinion it should be cancelled and certainly should not be held off Victoria or Customs Quay. The Committee were going to approach the Harbour Master to see if there was anywhere else clear they could do hold this event. Another issue was crab catching and there were people swimming in this area and crab catching at present but from a Regatta point of view they could not support users becoming ill from doing so. The Favis business was sponsoring the Regatta this year and had said the event could be held on the Fish Quay. Cllr Lang wondered whether Victoria Quay pontoon should be allowed to be used due to the pollution at present and signage was discussed. It was noted that Town Council had requested that District and the Harbour put more signs up and they had stated 2 were enough.
The Mayor noted that just he represented the town council at the Sea Sunday Service. The event was not well attended at all and suggested it was due to the time of year it was now held whereas the Harvest of the Sea used to be and at a different time.
Cllr Miss Clark – Questioned the protocol on the three minute rule in Open Forum and the Mayor’s discretion was explained. She also wished to raise concern with regard to education of people in coming into contact with Hogweed as many councils’ were now not cutting it back. She asked who residents should contact with regard to dealing with Hogweed and it was felt that they would need to seek independent advice.
Cllr Lang – Noted that the on Main Road approaching from Kingsbridge, on your right, the yellow lines had been repainted and if the hedge was pulled back the older lines were visible and the newer ones were so much further into the highway. This would be highlighted with the County Officer. He went on to enquire whether there was a set route for the Park & Ride bus as he had witnessed it coming up Bonfire Hill. Also additional replacement buses had been used and as there was local advertising on the set buses this should be used. A resident had mentioned that there had been builders looking at an unregistered plot of land at the Berry.
Cllr Cohen – Raised an issue highlighted by Annmarie Watson with regard to continued boat parking on the grass at the end of the Harbour boat park. This matter had already been passed to District Assets to seek clarification. Cllr Cohen further advised that there were District notices placed that stated Salcombe Yacht Club had been approved use by Town Council, District Council and the Harbour Office. The Mayor said he and the planning working party would look at the area again when they went out to look at new planning applications. Cllr Cohen continued that there was a scheme in the Scilly Isles used on a couple of shop windows so that if a disabled person wanted to go in they pressed a button and someone would assist. He asked if this would be applicable in Salcombe but it was noted that those who wished to use this scheme already did so as with the Salcombe Information Centre. Helen Nesbitt from planning enforcement had made a comment on a breach that as the matter had been rectified within 28 days this was a good outcome but he did not feel it was. The Mayor noted this comment but advised it was the law.
Cllrs Lang and Cohen attended a site visit at The Hollies. Cllr Cohen was surprised at the high attendance but was concerned that the planning officer stated this application was going to committee with a recommendation for approval. The Mayor noted that planning officer must always provide their recommendation. One point though was whether the planning officer was leading the group but Cllr Cohen noted the officer stated he was neutral but putting all points forward. Cllr Lang felt those present were making really important decisions but were not interested nor really knew the area. Cllr Cohen raised the comment that he would have liked to have known more about the outbuilding at the back and its history as to whether it was deserving of any refurbishment. Cllr Lang noted that he felt Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce;s main argument was not entirely true but agreed with her point of view. It was good to see a lot of greenery at the back of the buildings and this should be preserved.
- Email from Andrew Shadrake, Climate Positive, with regard to attending a meeting to explain renewable energy possibilities and funding. DEFER decision till September agenda.
- Sue Crabtree emailed and noted that Devizes along with Wiltshire Council had obtained a Licence from DEFRA to deal with their seagull problem, 50 miles from sea. Businesses can buy seagull bags from TIC.
- Emails received from WPc Jo Pengilly and Cllr Wright with regard to hair braiders and Pedlers Licence and a suggestion by Cllr Wright that a suitable location be found on Whitestrand. Town Council felt that a place at Chapel End by the RNLI Shop or more suitable would be within the land being considered for licence to Captain Morgan’s.
- Jean-Paul Staniforth Infrastructure Manager Balfour Beatty for South West Water requested a meeting to update town council. Council cannot entertain the first two weeks of August due to the Regatta so the earliest would be the third week or beginning of September.
- Response received from County with regard to the tree at Welcome Gardens that they do not cut trees/vegetation unless a safety concern. Town Council to look at this complaint and liaise with District Tree Officer.
- Cathy Aubertin had attended Salcombe to view the problems with regard to parking on the land adjacent to Whitestrand. At present she was powerless as this area was not covered in District’s Parking Order. This could be included or she suggested that maybe bollards installed.
- Email from Cathy Aubertin with regard to a request by the Deputy Harbour Master to allow a lorry to park for 10 months of the year (not July or August) in the current coach parking bay at Batson Creek. District would issue a licence at a cost of £1000 p.a. which would allow termination when the proposed development proceeded. The Deputy Harbour Master wanted this lorry off the car park. There were not a lot of coaches at the height of the season but there were in April, May, September and October and if there was only one space remaining what message would this send, especially with the Field of Lights coming.
- This would be a further erosion of tourist facilities and town council did not support such.
- Mrs Johnson had requested to place a memorial bench possibly at North Sands. As District did not appear to be putting in place any additional benches other than on their own land an approach was made to County who advised that in this locality a Bench Licence could be applied for by Town Council but they would need to ensure that all works were paid for and carried out and perhaps obtain funding for future maintenance. It was felt that the North Sands bench had been replaced and therefore there would need to be a new location. The Town Clerk was to ask District with regard to such at Victoria Quay and see how to proceed.
- With the removal and manufacture of new gates for Shadycombe Cemetery it was noted that the adjacent kissing gate needed works. This could either be renovation of the current metal one or reinstate with wood. What would town council wish quotes to be obtained for? Also during preparation of the Risk Assessment consideration should be given to the Mortuary due to ensuring it is waterproof/H&S concerns along with an overview on all buildings/property i.e. bus shelters. Town Council are to visit the site and considered an appropriate gate.
Notification received that Town Council had received a clear audit for year ending March 2015. Notices placed on noticeboards and account documentation to be uploaded to the Town Council website.
Annual insurance premium is required. A meeting with the insurance company to review all parts of the policy had taken place and it was advised that the three year loyalty agreement could be extended by two years to five. WPS Insurance Brokers were not tied to one insurer and test the market for their clients. They had a hand-out regarding building valuation and suggested that town council had their buildings/property re valued as if not correct the sum insured might not correspond with amount valued. The Mayor was concerned that town council needed to look at the best deal annually and asked why a three year agreement would be better. It was suggested that the Mayor ring the insurers and confirm satisfaction before a payment was made.
Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £232955.91
Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
003370 Fine Shine Invoice paid under cheque 003365 VAT element £
003371 Tozers Solicitors – legal advice £675.60
003372 Vision ICT – Salcombe Neighbourhood Plan website £276.00 plus £16.20 for Pete Robinson’s Town Council email Total £292.20
003373 HMRC – Tax &NI. 738.86
003374 and 75 Wages £1775.39
003376 Torr View Forge – 2 x internal height restriction barriers at Park & Ride Balance to pay £1290.60
003377 SHDC – Bonfire Hill refuse £14.52
003378 Screwfix – 2 x Master lock & staple 150mm and 3 x all weather padlocks at Park & Ride £75.95
003379 Devon County Council – Producing map for Park and Ride noticeboard £50.00
003380 John Lewis – Adsl Router for office £94.99
003381 W.P.S. Insurance Brokers & Risk Services Ltd – Renewal under a new 3 year agreement £2498.82
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 9 th September 2015 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 22.05p.m.