* Denotes Attendance

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *-
Cllr H. Taylor – A
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
Cllr D. Cohen – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr Miss J. Clark – A
Cllr Mrs R. King – A
Cllr R. Collings – A
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr J. Valentine – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr P Coulson – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – A
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – A
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Toby Leigh Kingsbridge Gazette – A


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.


Police Report – None provided.
County Councillor Gilbert – None provided.

District Councillor Coulson –Most meetings at District during the last month had been with regard to Transition 18. Also he noted that Torridge District had now expressed a wish to join South Hams and West Devon at this late stage but District had already made their new contracts on the basis of certain usage. It was however being discussed. Some District Councillors had met with Sarah Woolaston MP after the Scottish Independent vote of ‘no’ and said that now was the time for rural Britain to be taken into account as a number of rural areas were on the extremities and were anxious that they would continue to be starved of central resources. Devon were spending half the amount on each child as Scotland was due to lack of money provided. Sarah Wollaston MP had gone to talk to Ministers about this democratic and funding deficit. The coastal assets task and finish group at District were to meet the next day and should be bringing together a picture of South Hams Coastal assets. The recent trip on the Harbour Master’s launch looked at these assets and things in Salcombe that needed maintenance. The Mayor noted he found this trip confusing as an officer from District at that trip felt that some things were not their property but Dist Cllr Coulson confirmed they were. The Mayor asked if sea water was getting into the wall and undermining houses behind would this be a District Council responsibility and was advised technically, probably. However Dist Cllr Coulson noted it was not so much sea water penetrating the wall but actually the retaining wall being under high hydrostatic pressure i.e. from the Berry area run off so that there was a lot of wash out in walls and thus land to sea not sea to land that caused cavities. Maintenance however had not been adequate for a long time and Jubilee pier was an example of a District asset being left to deteriorate.

On Monday he was on planning site visits and one included a 10 acre photo voltaic power site on the border of Sherford new town B. This was all good agricultural land which would disappear under this. Also at Wembury and Brixton two new estates were approved.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 24th September 2014 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


Applications received and responses forwarded to District by the Town Clerk under delegated authority:
• 2269/14/F Householder application for erection of balcony and associated works 8 Bonfire Hill, Salcombe – Applicant Mr A. Anson – No objection.
• 2281/14/F Replacement of roof tiles Flats 1 -4 Stonehanger, Herbert Road, Salcombe – Applicant Stonehanger Flats Management Company (Salcombe) Ltd. – Support.
• 2317/14/F Householder application for construction of open-air swimming pool with associated equipment The Moult, Cliff Road, Salcombe-Applicant Mr D. Marks – No objection. The applicant also wanted to take out one mature sea quality palm and hoped to be able to move it. This together with the other tree works town council felt needed input from the Tree officer.


• Most already forwarded by email for information.


It was AGREED to respond to the District planning consultation by 3rd October 2014 expressing concern with regard to the site put forward adjacent to the reservoir on The Berry which it was felt was public open space and would have access difficulties. It was noted that the adjacent owner Western Power could provide access but this was questioned. The field just above Horsecombe Farm which accessed on to the Main Road on the border/edge of Salcombe boundary was noted but concerns were raised with regard to ‘ribbon development’ attiributes. Further sites such as the Field below the current development at Batson Cross and the little car park at the end of Shadycombe Road by Batson Hill were noted but had, as the others, significant constraints.

It was a concern that on further discussion District could return to and review ‘The Crofts’ option and possibly the area by Fortescue Road although this was a consideration being looked at by District with the Charity Commission due to covenants. Town Council should also acknowledge the South Hams Society newsletter critique as it did question the District process. Cllr Cohen noted this matter came up in discussion about Neighbourhood Plans and he asked if people did in fact offer land or whether developers approached them. Dist Cllr Coulson noted that landowners did offer such. Cllr Lang also advised that it was said that District received much more land offered in rural areas which he felt suggested that farmers no longer wanted to continue farming or were perhaps asset rich and cash poor. Dist Cllr Coulson noted that in a District September meeting there was reference to this Government abandoning (giving less weight to) development boundaries and relying on sustainable development. They now had to build near towns so that property owners were not travelling far. There had to be a sensible line around viable communities and Cllr Lang advised that this was a major concern with all the parishes who were present at the development control meeting. On another point the Mayor noted that with development straddling boundaries who would receive the New Homes Bonus . Ivybridge had needed to negotiate with Ugborough as although they were receiving the housing Ivybridge would receive the ‘service provision’ burden. Dist Cllr Coulson advised that ‘sustainable’ mean t no economical or environmental harm.


It was AGREED to accept the quotations received from Torr Quarry – Option 3 to repair and renovate the existing railings around the War Memorial but requested that a reduction in cost be sought for galvanising in view of the Town Council financial constraints. This work would however go ahead regardless of negotiations and a time frame be built in that works were either completed before Remembrance Sunday or sometime after in November.


Cllr Wheeler advised that a current building site just down Bonfire Hill was using Town Council Park and Ride area as a transfer station and he had need to challenge them and met with an aggressive driver. He then saw the foreman who stated he did not know he had a delivery. Cllr Wheeler could not understand why they did not drive down to the site beside the allotments and offload although other felt that there was not turning capacity to return. The refrigeration lorry currently parked at the park and ride caused concern because the owner inferred Chris Rook County Enforcement advised ‘just speak to Town Council and we will not ticket you’. Town Council did not have traffic orders to support this and apparently Chris Rook did not state this but just advised to talk to Town Council to see what was possible. . Two local sites where the landowners might consider parking provision had been offered but the vehicle owner had not researched these.

It was AGREED to
• reimburse the two £3.00 parking charges paid in the car park after the seasonal bus had finished due to issues with regard to the clarity of signs as to the bus provision. However additional costs incurred in the District car park would not be covered. The Mayor and Town Clerk had since met with Chris Watkins County who suggested they could have agreed signs produced ‘inhouse’ to assist Town Council but the minimal costs of such must be met
Cllr Biggs arrived at the meeting.
• to seek quotes for a height and width restriction barrier at the main entrance gate with top which could be swung off for summer access of bus provision.
Dist Cllr Coulson left the meeting.
• obtain a mobile phone to provide a 24hr council contact telephone number for the car park users and this phone would be passed around on a weekly basis to duty councillors.


It was AGREED that Town Council write a letter supporting the four points below for improved transport links into Devon:
• Improvements to the A303/ A30/ A358 to create a reliable second strategic road link from London to the South West Peninsula
• A resilient and reliable railway for the South West Peninsula
• Faster rail journey times and better connections
• Sufficient capacity and quality of our trains to meet demand


It was noted that Totnes had not decided whether to engage and Kingsbridge had decided not to. Ivybridge were planning to. but Dartmouth had not responded.
It was AGREED that at this point Salcombe Town Council could not arrange such raising of flag and service but would keep an open mind to any community group or wishes in the future.


It was AGREED to defer final project consideration to be put forward before 31st December 2014 for:
the Community Reinvestment Fund might be able to assist with the Council Hall, Courtney Park, Benches, Solar Lights from Batson Heights to Jubilee Gardens and then onto Onslow Road and/or rRailings along from Jubilee Gardens to the property just prior to the bus stop.
the Town and Parish Fund could be used for additional bins for dog fouling if a partner parish could be found
any further ideas would be submitted to the clerk and further discussion would take place.


It was noted that these spaces were in the ownership of town council and for their civic business usage only. It was AGREED to accept the proposal paper with regard to securing the parking provision in the council spaces opposite the Council Hall by improving the current signage with new signs stating ‘For use by Town Council members and staff only’ on each bay and placed higher on the wall and a further sign in front on the adjacent wall stating ‘Please do not park in front – spaces in constant use’. .


Quotes had been sought for the catering and Cliff House booked. A further request was made with regard to feedback on the groups and organisations on the list and an Egremont Trust representative was added. It was advised that the Civic Service would commence at 11.30a.m. Sunday 19th October due to the Reverend holding a service elsewhere earlier. Lunch would therefore be 1.30p.m. The Mayor expressed a wish that a councillor hosted each table of volunteers.
A decision on the caterers for the Civic Lunch was DEFERRED awaiting all quotes with the intention that the whole event be provided within a cost of £1750.


The Mayor noted the bench at Chapel End had disappeared when all it required was some screws as these had all been removed. The slats were not rotten and it was a concern that benches around Salcombe just seemed to be removed rather than maintenance carried out. He noted the forthcoming Remembrance Parade and had received an approach with regard to the structure of the parade. Currently the British Legion veterans were at the front of the parade and this meant that when they stopped at the memorial many were left standing a way away and not able to hear ceremony. If the RNLI, Fire Brigade and some other local organisations went ahead and then the Town Council stopped in front of War Memorial it would bring the service into the centre and more inclusive to all.

At the District Mayors meeting they were advised that the tax grant would be cut by 10% next year. Also it was noted that South Hams collect 99.4% of its available council tax which was one of the best return rates. Boundaries on other towns and parishes were discussed due to building developments. Ivybridge Town Council had reached an amicable agreement with Ugborough but Dartmouth had not managed this with Stoke Fleming and thus this would have an effect on the Section 106 payments and where they could be spent for the advantage of those affected. Public toilets fee charging and the closure issue was raised as to how District arrived at the three that would become paying ones. This was down to highest usage and yet Dartmouth would bring in the highest income but would be in phase 2. Totnes stated they could not have charges there as there were a high proportion of homeless. Kingsbridge were content with their figures and the changes.

It was thought that the charging at Whitestrand toilets would cause great trouble to on the water workers and adjacent retail businesses who had no inhouse facilities and no doubt there would be a knock on effect in the neighbouring pubs. It was also suggested that Kingsbridge Fair week with charges in the toilets could give them cause to rethink.

The Mayor also attended the DALC Finance training with the Town Clerk and found this interesting and informative.


Cllr Biggs – Noted that the District refuse lorry seals were broken and as they emptied the fish quay first the stench they left around the town was disgusting. He had tried to contact Stuart Jellings but there was no response and thus he reported this to Dist Cllr Coulson in the evening. He responded that District was purchasing a new fleet. A property owner on Loring Road/Raleigh Road had cut back an overgrown hedge. This foliage had been there for some considerable time and thus this overhang had left a 10inch margin of soil on the public pavement and he asked if someone could sweep this 30 metres length. Also there was some maintenance needed on the pavement too. Cllr Biggs went on to advise that if his workload continued as this rate he would have to consider his position on town council because he did not want to commit to something half-heartedly.

Cllr Wheeler – Noted that he had sent private emails with regard to his personal concerns for the removal and maintenance of benches on The Berry. He had also spoken to Chris Rook County Enforcement Officer in his Town Council role and Chris Rook had advised that there needed to be a global review of parking in Salcombe. Due to the parking concerns in Courtney Street it might be better with Pay and Display machines. Residents could qualify to park there but others would need to pay. Another councillor noted that there were properties in Courtney Street who just gave out a residents house permit to holiday tenants to put in their windscreen. Cllr Wheeler felt that Salcombe now needed to employ a town based enforcement officer.

Cllr Lang – At an allotment meeting it was noted that three or four half allotments were to become vacant this year and there was no one on the waiting list at present. Suzanne from Cranchs mentioned she had put weed killer on the garden area they had volunteered maintain next to the Council parking space in readiness for planting. He had also attended District’s Our Plan meeting which was illuminating as those presenting appeared as lost as those attending. One thing District did not have an answer to was on housing quotas. At present developers provided some affordable housing and twice as many open market houses and District said it was Government policy that they were following. As an aside it was noted that there could be potential legal action against Dartmouth Town Council because their new development had to have a new address and Town Council had called it Millionaire’s Road. District had stated they were hardly getting any areas to build in being offered in urban areas.

Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Noted the pavement stones in Jubilee Gardens were dangerous because they were jagged and slippery etc. Mums with buggies were finding this difficult. She went on to ask when Courtney Park was going to receive some attention as an adjacent property owner had offered £1000 towards a fence to enclose the play equipment and other along there might also contribute.

Cllr Valentine –Had received a request that a list of councillors with brief details be put in the 3 in 1 magazine.


• Attended County Joint Workshop meeting with regard to the Locality work being done around the County. Some pilot towns had been given Link Officers/Champions who were providing a link into County to break down barriers. This model was working differently in various areas but predominantly brought all public, private and voluntary groups/sectors to the table to discuss ways to provide services. This had been community focused in Totnes with a social and welfare hub being provided and consideration being given to learning how to transfer a major building from County to Town, micro commissioning, how to manage large community meetings and setting up a Community Trust. In Tavistock before the locality officer they had a cross council group who worked together across differing volunteer, services and private groups. Therefore their approach had started from a more council focused point. Due to cuts in West Devon in a few months Tavistock Town Council would be a third of the size of their District. Thus they were looking at place shaping, collective governance and dealing with an ageing population so therefore wellbeing day services. They could perhaps have a depot site which would remain owned by County but used by them and they had yet to have challenging discussions with their Borough Council on property.

The politics changed as the community changes and so they were ever remoulding.

It was agreed that the information of this learning in the different pilot areas should be shared with all town and parish councils.

Ali was asked to give her perspective as an officer from County. She noted that the changes had been at speed in the County organisation as well as other partner organisations. Locally she had found that the first port of call had been the town clerk. Also with the change in ethos at County she was enabled to feeeback to a specific place and obtain answers and meetings. She also felt she was working more as a colleague alongside the pilot groups rather than a separate tier of government.
• Devon Association of Local Councils AGM –Councillors to attend ?
• Letter dated 10th September 2014 from Rosemount Management Company Limited confirming that they are content for people to watch weddings from the vantage point of their entrance area as they have historically done. Copy Jo and Daniel.
• District had advised that they would provide £2273 in 2014/15 and £2046 in 2015/16 Council Tax Support Grant.
• Charles Mant had advised that the Jubilee Play equipment would be installed the following Wednesday. It had been requested that there would be somewhere to place a container to keep the equipment within and it was felt a small (22ft) container could be placed within the Jubilee Gardens gate.
• Devon County Council had commissioned Jacobs to deliver a county wide cycle parking installation project in all coastal and market towns in Devon. The locations had been forwarded for town council to consider and approve and also offer advice as to land ownership. This would be an agenda item next meeting.


Bank Balances:
Current Account: £500
Deposit Account: £245168.55

Received: ½ yearly precept £32513.50
Devon County Council – highway verges £497.00

Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
DD Pulse8 Broadband £22.00
0032010 Adrian Mundy – Monumental Mason War Memorial works £225.00
0032011Salcombe Brownies – Entertainment and Arts LGA72 s145 £350.00
0032012 Concorde I Ltd – Copier maintenance £14.42
0032013 Parish Online – Annual fee £33.60
0032014 Sustenance – Neighbourhood Plan £34.08
0032015 Lee Bray- Planning and Regeneration Consultant – Neighbourhood Plan £877.65
0032016 Greenscape – DCC highway verges £497.00


Town council recess during August and therefore the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 8th October 2014 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.27p.m.

………………………………………………….. 8th October 2014.
Town Mayor.

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