* Denotes Attendance

Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – A
Cllr H. Taylor – A
Cllr. R. Wheeler – A
Cllr D. Cohen – *
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr Miss J. Clark – *
Cllr Mrs R. King – A
Cllr R. Collings – *
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr J. Valentine – *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr P Coulson – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – A
WPC Jo Pengilly – *
PCSO D. Gibson – *
Toby Leigh Kingsbridge Gazette – *


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Andy if affects business


Police Report: With regard to last months emailed report by PCSO Gibson it was noted that the crime figures for September which included 2 x assaults, 3 x theft and 2 x criminal damage seemed high due to the fact that 2 assaults and 2 criminal damage reports related to the same neighbour dispute. Thus outside of this there had just been 3 incidents

WPc Jo Pengilly-advised that in the last two weeks there had been one incident which was possession of drugs. This was uncovered by a stop search completed by police in the Salcombe area. There had been a GBH down at Fortescue Arms three weeks ago and that person was now in prison.

PCSO Gibson highlighted the Community Speed Watch which was run by volunteers but supported by police and noted they did not have a scheme in Salcombe. It would take five or six people in the community who could organise and run watches and the police could provide equipment and training. The Mayor enquired how many volunteers had to be present on each run and it would be done with three one vigilant, one writing and one with the speed gun. If anybody knew of volunteers please could they advise PCSO Gibs on. If found to be committing an offence the police would firstly be able to give those noted a warning. In relation to marine crime there had been nothing reported for the last two weeks.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce and Coulson arrived.

Richard Maddox introduced himself on behalf of Kay Elliott Architects together with Richard Seal who was a representative of the hotel group and they had attended to update town council on the Tides Reach Hotel proposals. Mr Seal advised of the hotels that the group currently owned and noted that they had recently taken over Bovey Castle hotel in this area. An overview of the vision and original proposals was provided again. They had undertaken a huge suite of research/surveys for this site. Flooding was an issue and any build could not impact negatively and the team had looked at wave action to protect the structure and area. The concept original ideas were noted along with the three core public spaces within the proposed hotel.

Earlier consultation had broad support but those attending did mention there should be adequate parking and it should continue as a hotel. 3D imagine of what the hotel would like in the location was provided and the plan explained for its topography. The would be less build footprint and they had amended the car park so it had a drop off area and parking with 50% more spaces on site than the previous hotel. For the landscape they were looking to Slapton Ley for ideas such as reeds. There was a terraces step down to protect the hotel from flooding which was ramped gently down to beach. The top roof was not green as this area allowed for rainwater harvesting.

Town Council felt initially that this did not seem much change to the proposals outlined at the Cliff House consultation. Build time was thought to be approximately eighteen months. They were anticipating the application going to the District January committee and they would not demolish until permission was granted but they were anticipating success. It was enquired what about the current construction material and advised it would be removed as due to the nature of its construction it could not be used. Therefore it was questioned what route would be used for lorries. They were trying to work out a route and negotiating with two demolition firms in the area as it was a big problem for everyone locally and they did not want to upset anyone but undoubtedly it would create some problems. It was hoped to start before November but this slipped and as demolition would not start until February 2015 there were concerns how this would impact on the holiday season. They advised that they would endeavour to have the site cleared by Easter and were working with contractors on tenders now to manage this. Cllr Miss Clark felt that the access for DDA compliance was considerate in all ways.

County Councillor Gilbert – Thanked everyone for the pleasant Sunday afternoon and civic service. Residents parking permits had been discussed over time and an email forwarded to the Town Clerk which was relayed on to all councillors. He went on to note that there was nothing unusual in Salcombe and historically County introduced a scheme but with new residents and changes more problems occurred notably Chandlers Heights. The Mayor noted that he was awaiting the half term week for illustrations and would send this collated information to Chris Rook with photographic evidence on the current scheme not working correctly. This was not a criticism but a way to open discussion on changes. Cty Cllr Gilbert noted that personally he felt permits solved one set of problems and created another set. With regard to the Devon Road railings and the concerns of a resident that the railings had been broken, believed to be by trees coming down, and that County did not repair those any longer. It may now be possible that there was a reversal as there was a pot of money to do some repairs on them. He acknowledged that he had mentioned he was hoping to raise a TRO for his thirteen parishes so they could all get ‘bits and bobs’ done but this was proving difficult. He had some emails about the white van parking opposite the Bloor Homes site on the verge some time ago and noted County had a Section 38 inspector who looked after developments – Matt Beddow. He also noted that Bloor contractors did not want to use the car park because of the £3.00 charge. As a County Councillor and District he could not understand a Park and Walk charge and suggested licences be granted but was advised by the Mayor that the current Order did not allow this and it was income for the town. He highlighted the County proposed Highway Budget Review for 2015-16 and was advised this was an agenda item to be considered tonight. It was felt that the Tor Quarry charges were maybe a temptation for fly tipping. He felt however that as he was in charge of this at District when charges for household /building refuse were first put in place this did not arise but District were tough on fly tipping.

On libraries it seemed that libraries had been paying business rates to the tune of £400,000 p.a. so the first principle was to save £1/2 million and put 10 libraries into a Charitable Trust to avoid such business rates. However there would still be a need for efficiencies. Salcombe was a far better library now for less. Cllr Lang asked was not paying business rates giving with one hand and taking with the other. Cty Cllr Gilbert said it was the same with leisure centres in the South Hams which were put into Limited Trusts and this saved business rates but Government had been promoting this for the last decade. It was raised that the railings on Market Street outside the Council Hall had still not been repaired..

District Councillor Mrs Pearce – Since the last meeting enquired about the removal of benches on The Berry. Keith Rennells advised that he had since met with town council and been for a walk around and they were looking into replacements. On the matter of the changes to the land boundaries for South West Water land on the Berry it was felt District and Town Council needed to send letters. Certain facts were being obtained but Dist Cllr Coulson felt a holding letter should be sent immediately. The Gas Works appeal was next week and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce requested that all turned up as the Inspector needed to see local support.
Cty Cllr Glbert left the meeting.
Cllr Cohen explained that he did not understand emails going around relating to claims by the South Hams Society and future administration of the AONB at Follaton House. Cllr Coulson explained that District was the leading authority and the process by which governance was set up was a separate arm’s length independent committee chaired by a District Councillor. The aim was to maintain independence but everybody at District was having to make cuts accordingly. Defra were no longer going to fund AONB so this pot of money had gone and future administration was being scrutinised under the T18 umbrella. Even as a group at arm’s length it would have to go under the same umbrella. The concern was that the AONB was receiving finance from independent sources and this was getting harder to manage. District did provide a lot of support but provided it in kind. If this was coming under T18 such support would need to be reduced but any governance would remain the same as an advisory committee. Therefore with less money coming in they would employ less people. There was no District suggestion that the way it was set up would change but the same budgetary scrutiny. Cllr Cohen noted that enough people seemed to be concerned about this matter so asked had there been enough time for consultation given. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted that at the last AONB meeting a slightly wrong impression had been given to any member of the public sitting there. As far as District council were concerned there was no change. This group came under joint control with Cornwall, West Devon and South Hams in the AONB are so it had to be considered jointly and they aimed to keep it. Such Governance model was set up under the 2002 Prescott Act and the idea was to give it some independence and not make if part of bureaucratic scheme. Cllr Cohen still felt insufficiently informed with insufficient time but the Mayor suggested that this was not necessarily a Town Council discussion. Cllr Biggs felt that there was ‘no smoke without fire’ and that perhaps the South Hams Society should be asked to explain their concerns.

District Councillor Coulson – Noted that he and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce did have prior meeting with regard to Tides Reach and had felt this presentation provided far more illustration. He had unfortunately been out of contact due to his house move to St. Dunstans Road as the telephone and broadband that was guaranteed was totally cut off for a fortnight. The current main issue was the Appeal enquiry and they were doing a lot of preparatory work. Any local information with regard to attempts to purchase the site that could be evidenced should be bought to meeting.
Cllr Miss Clark and Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce left the meeting.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 8th October 2014 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


Councillors considered the following applications and sent such observations to the District as Planning Authority:
• 2403/14/F Householder application for extension to rear and alteration to dormer Fernbank, 14 Coronation Road, Salcombe TQ8 8EA – Applicant Mr M. Ingle – There was already an extension which they wanted to make bigger by 3ft sideways. A letter of objection mentioned a parapet wall on the roof of the extension and restrictive covenants not to restrict the view. The objection was above and town council could not see the impact No objection.


• 2494/14/TCA Location Malt Cottages, Batson, Salcombe. Proposal to Fell Eucalyptus, 9 Elm, 1 Oak and Pear. Crown surgery to Ash. Woodland Management and scrub management. It was noted some blackthorn hedge had already been removed along with a mature Holly. Some Elms were dead and the Oak tree maybe in a dangerous position. Objection to reduction of crown of the Ash and town council suggested there should be no removal of healthy trees and therefore they would rely on the Tree Officers comments. As Elms had a certain life expectancy they should remain.


• Most already forwarded by email for information.
Dist Cllr Coulson left the meeting.


It was AGREED to request further information regarding:
• If County reduced their secondary grit what about access for the lifeboat crew, fire station and health centre so if Main Road was gritted so should Onslow Road as the quickest route for services rather than Main Road also be included.
• There was concern that people needing to visit/attend the older community could not get through.
• A drive around Salcombe found that grit bins believed to be in situ had been removed and it was questioned how many there should be. The Snow Warden policy used a criteria for making the Spar accessible and thus this made the policy unworkable. What happens to Snow Wardens?
• Picnic Sites – No objection as not affected.
• With regard to grass cutting a questioned was raised about high hedges and visibility in town.
• It was noted that Town Council would be forced to increase the precept to cover actions they felt needed addressing but there would be no reduction from County.
• Town Council had been weed spraying in the town for the last few years anyway. With regard to noxious weed treatment did County not have a duty to deal with and if not who did. How would this affect future contamination of areas and was this not ignoring a serious situation
• For the Parish Lengthsmen Service it was questioned how many this would be reduced to. Would those left still do grips and easements four times a year and what level of service was there in Salcombe currently.
• Any reduction in the Neighbourhood Highway Team would have a significant effect with regard to liaising and problem solving especially with the intended reductions.

Waste Management Consultation response required 19th November. With regard to discretionary recycling payments town council had no comment as they did not feel it would directly affect the town. However if each organisation (considering County’s figures for the amount of organisations in Devon doing such) was making less than £3000 from their collection they might no longer collect fabric due to withdrawal of credits and thus there would be a further burden on disposal With regard to household building/maintenance waste it was asked how the quantity of an item would be gauged. The vagueness of the charging principle was too open and more clarity was sought. There was a major concern that this would increase fly tipping.


It was AGREED that a project to repair and reinstate in town urban footways would be put forward before 31st December 2014 for the Town and Parish Fund. The Town Clerk was requested to ask Kingsbridge and/or West Alvington if they wished to support this project.
Toby Leigh left the meeting.


DEFERRED as no attendees were present to report.


It was AGREED that the review of trees and associated woodland management should be co-ordinated to be carried out annually with any defects further investigated and that quotations be sought for such.

374. GRANT

DEFERRED for the History Society to provide actual quotations for equipment desired.


It was noted that Carol and Roger Jones on behalf of the Over 60s wished to pass on their compliments to the Mayor for a thoroughly enjoyable lunch and thank the Town Clerk for organising such. The Mayor summarised the Civic Lunch and thanked all those who contributed.

The Mayor then advised that a meeting took place with Keith Rennells to discuss the South West Water proposed extension of their boundary to their legal perimeter which would fence off a section of The Berry, The Berry tree management and maintenance update together with Section 106 amounts held. It was noted that advice was being sought from Devon County as to registering of Common Land with regard to this matter. It was discussed that some monies could be used towards replacement benches on The Berry (3 or 4) and maybe also at Victoria Quay as there used to be four and now 2. The Victoria Quay ones might have been removed due to residents complaints so this would need to be ascertained and Keith Rennells was checking. All agreed this proposal. It was suggested that a further bench on Gould Road could be looked at as well. The monies due from the development at Batson Cross were also noted and it was advised that the release of such monies had trigger points of when a certain level of houses were finished and occupied.

The Christmas Lights Committee was to celebrate their 30th Anniversary this year and had put an initial enquiry in with regard to a grant. It was noted that they were to purchase a new aluminium scaffold and were in the process of getting an electrician to install external supplier’s boxes so that lights can be reactivated when property owners are not around. This request would be an agenda item for the next meeting but it was felt that if one specific item was costed and town council contributed this would be preferable.

Remembrance Sunday would be on 9th November. The Mayor advised all councillors to meet ready to parade from Whitestrand at 10.30a.m. A volunteer was needed to collect service sheets and Cllr Biggs offered to do so and help hand these out and collect back in. The Gas works Appeal was on the following Tuesday 10a.m. at Follaton House and Cllrs Fice, Lang, Cohen, Wheeler and Biggs would attend but urged all others and residents to also do so. The official opening of Jubilee Play Park was to be held Friday, details within the Town Clerks report below.

The Mayor, Cllr Wheeler and Town Clerk had also met with the solicitor with regard to ongoing legal matters but there was not much to report and they were still trying to collate information. He requested that all started thinking about the precept as they would be having a meeting of the Finance and Staffing Group so any thoughts on items that should be going on the precept should be emailed to the Mayor or Town Clerk now.


• Cllr Lang –Attended a P3 footpaths workshop last Tuesday. Of note was the repair/replacement works to footpath 5 that comes onto Shadycombe Road would be commenced shortly. He also attended Chapter 8 training with Cllr Mrs Bricknell and was advised that communities could not put bunting up without using a cherry picker.
• Cllr Cohen – Complimented the excellent civic lunch and enquired after Annie Mack who had an accident on route to the church. The Mayor advised she had an operation on Monday to restructure her leg and may be in hospital for a while. The Mayor intended to send a get well note from him and the town council.
• Cllr Whitfield – He had been advised that the air ambulance needed somewhere to land when coming to call outs in Salcombe. Cllr Biggs noted that town council would suggest sites but they said they had previously been advised that the crew would decide where they landed on each call as needed. It was felt that the prime site would be the Rugby Club field and they had agreed to this. It was felt that if the Air Ambulance wanted other sites made available they should ask formally.


• Cllr Mrs Bricknell had advised by email that she had arranged for Toby Leigh from the Kingsbridge Gazette to attend the new Jubilee Park on Bonfire Hill this coming Friday 24th at 4pm and if any other councillors wanted to be present that would be good for a group photo for the article. Salcombe Dairy was kindly donating ice cream for all the children present.
• An email was forwarded by Cllr Wheeler with regard to concerns that the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Committee would be taken into District Council along with its central funding and would therefore no longer be impartial. This was discussed in Open Forum.
• Notification of proposed road closures was received from Kier on behalf of South West Water for 9 – 13th February 2015 Allenhayes Road, 16 – 20th February 2015 1 & 3 Dell Court, Onslow Road and 23 – 25th February 18 Buckley Street. It was noted that half term was 16 – 20th February with schools up country and private schools maybe breaking the week before. It was AGREED that this would have minimal impact at this time of year and Kier would be advised of such and the half term highlighted.
• Town Council’s insurers WPS had added the playground equipment at Jubilee Gardens to the policy to cover damage and Public Liability risk associated with a playground at an additional premium of £270.45.
• Response from Baroness Kramer Department of Transport on the response to the consultation and supporting South West Resilience Campaign. It is said that through a feasibility study already carried out they would identify potential future investment proposals as part of their process for longer term investment. The Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership had been awarded £130.3m from the Local Growth Fund which included some local transport schemes.
• Further letter received from the Twinning Committee of Cabourg wishing to find a pen pal for a boy of 14.5years. The Kingsbridge Community College is to be liaised with to find a suitable candidate and provide contact.
• Tally Ho to arrange to send a cheque for parking usage over season but awaiting meeting next Thursday to discuss the figures and also future arrangements.
• Letter dated 16th October together with leaflets entitled Local Homes for Local People received from South Hams District Council illustrating a change from the single shopping list for affordable homes to providing local homes in ways that suit residents more accurately.
• Letter from a resident suggesting a Citizen of the Year for future nomination. This would be acknowledged and kept for next year.
• Arrange meeting for Council Hall discussion – Cllr Biggs to arrange.
• Risk Assessment and Emergency Plan – Cllr Biggs to arrange.
• Town Clerk to arrange a meeting of the Finance and Staffing Group to consider – Staff Contract, Financial Regulations, Standing Orders, Standing Orders Addendum for filming together with the filming notice and the Precept
• A meeting with the Mayor and Town Clerk would also be arranged at Lloyds Bank to set up electronic banking measures.


Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
0032018 Lee Bray- Planning and Regeneration Consultant – Neighbourhood Plan £877.65. This invoice had been queried and the amount agreed as £627.65
0032031Galley Girls – Cash for catering staff £250.00
0032032 SHDC- Refuse bins £28.94
0032033 Hawthorns Accounting Services Ltd. Payslips £84.00
0032034 T.J. Mattocks – Fitting new letterbox on Council Hall £33.75
0032035 WPS Insurance – Addition of Jubilee Park play equipment £270.45
0032036 Cliff House Trust Ltd. – Civic Lunch hire of hall and tables £553.54
0032037 T. Lang – Travel to P3 Workshop Bovey Tracey and Chapter 8 Ivybridge £47.38
0032038 HMRC – Tax NI £543.01
0032039 and 40 Wages £1402.74
0032041 G. Claydon – Napkins £5.34


The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 12th November 2014 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 21.31p.m.

………………………………………………….. 12th November 2014.
Town Mayor.

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