* Denotes Attendance
Cllr. M. Fice – Mayor (in the Chair) – *
Cllr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell – A
Cllr H. Taylor – *
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
Cllr D. Cohen – A
Cllr T. Lang – *
Cllr Miss J. Clark – A
Cllr Mrs R. King – A
Cllr R. Collings – A
Cllr R. Whitfield – *
Cllr J. Valentine – A
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr P Coulson – *
Dist. Cllr Mrs Pearce – *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert – *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) – *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) – *
WPC Jo Pengilly – A
PCSO D. Gibson – A
Toby Leigh Kingsbridge Gazette – *
Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. None received.
It was sadly advised that Janet Richards a previous Mayor of Salcombe between 1975 – 76 had just passed away and all stood for one minutes silence.
Tony Croke as in attendance to speak to the Winking Prawn application. He advised that he was not technically objecting to the proposal. He wished to highlight that the applicant had run this business for the last 12 – 15 years and seating capacity at the café had gone from 60 seats within to include outside up to 140 covers and with the additional awning 180 covers. Therefore this was more deliveries, general/customer noise and staff noise in a café that had gone from non-licenced to licenced. This appeared to be classified operational development and he was told that it did not need planning as long as it related to non-permanent structures. They had basically built a kitchen outside and he wished to cover other items from within his previously submitted letter. On taking over the Sailor V café they had to have a waste disposal plan but all that had occurred was them removing such to deal with at the Winking Prawn in a rubbish compactor which every time it was used was noisy. This café and the properties were set in a sensitive area and the café had undergone a 300% increase in covers with no planning application required. The sound of customers enjoying themselves was not unpleasant but the old kitchen extractor was designed for a business with 60 covers and thus was running full tilt all the time and deliveries started at 3a.m. There was also the smoke from the BBQ. Mr Croke had requested Environmental Health to visit and they advised that if something was not done then they would put an Order on the business. He had tried to approach the owner with regard to the structure and freezer and asked for the bottles to be disposed of once a day but he was not interested in neighbourly behaviour. Mr Croke felt that the storage unit would look nicer than the blue shipping container but would ask for restrictions to be placed on the café as a whole to alleviate the situation. Environmental Health could put some conditions on but these would be to operate in a more neighbourly way. He wished to request that delivery lorries go through the Winking Prawn car park and not along the little track adjacent to their property. Also that empty bottles and the waste compressor be dealt with between 9 – 10.30a.m. The ventilation he felt needed to be upgraded to a standard for the amount of trade being carried out.
The Mayor asked Dist Cllr Coulson for his comments as the working party had been only looking at the proposal before them which was a new structure in an AONB. Dist Cllr Coulson advised that this was what District would be looking at too along with the surrounding street scene. It was for Environmental Health to deal with noise nuisance and fumes and if there were any restrictions these would have to be carried out by EH rather than planning. Mr Croke noted that within the planning for Sailor V one condition imposed was an extractor to remove smell. The Mayor advised that town council had sympathy with the neighbour and agreed his approach to EH but this condition for an extractor on the planning application was due to its change of use from a bank to catering facility. Dist Cllr. Coulson asked, if the applicant agreed to move collections and deliveries into their further car park, would this remove a lot of his concerns? Yes and if bottles and the compactor were done at a specific time agreed this would assist.
Consideration of this town council observations were brought forward to this point of the meeting and noted as below.
Cllr Taylor arrived and Mr Croke left the meeting.
Police Report sent by email for crimes since 1st August 2014 – 7 x thefts (2 of which were shoplifting)
1 x burglary (18-22 August 2014) occurred at The Salcombe – private ground floor apartment where a door was not secured – £300 cash + camera stolen
1 x criminal damage to a vehicle in Whitestrand
The Regatta seemed to go well with no major problems reported. The monthly roads policing theme was to be seatbelts and the police would be carrying out spot checks/issuing tickets in Salcombe
County Councillor Gilbert. He acknowledged that there had been issues of bad parking around the town during the summer season. When District had passed on street parking back to County they felt it had not worked and were aware that County was now recruiting a further 16 enforcement officers. This was too late for this season but hopefully by next season all should be running a lot better. It was noted that there was an inconsistency of applying the rules and Cty Cllr Gilbert requested Town Council to write to Chris Rook with a copy to him and he would follow all these points up. County should formally respond in writing then. Cllr Taylor reiterated that he had heard the same complaint from quite a few Salcombe residents and locally the inconsistency had been upsetting.
Cty Cllr Gilbert noted that in Kingsbridge a County parking warden had been on the street waiting for 8a.m. to start ticketing which was felt to be predatory rather than ensuring ordinary compliance. They have noted this in Kingsbridge before and within the law it was felt to the wrong signal. Cllr Wheeler advised that a local Salcombe taxi driver was waiting in his vehicle on the highway splay of Whitestrand Car Park, on one side there were pedlars providing tattoos and the other hairbraiders and yet the taxi driver was ushered on. He asked the enforcement officer about Normandy Way and the officer replied that is within the Harbour Master’s jurisdiction. Cty Cllr Gilbert advised that if an officer behaved badly or gave incorrect information then their number should be taken and feedback to County. The Town Clerk was requested to collate all concerns and forward this list to County with a copy to Cty Cllr Gilbert. Cllr Wheeler went on to thank County for their assistance with the Regatta and the two parking spaces appeared to have worked well and the Committee then had three spaces in town with the Whitestrand space. Cty Cllr Gilbert noted that he had communication with a couple of new residents, in last 2 or 3 years, and the busy tourist season had come as a shock to them with regard to parking and he had explained this was a busy tourist area. Asking for Residents Parking did not really work as this just shifts parking around and was still not a guaranteed space. Dist Cllr Coulson noted one of the problems was the County dispensations provided to contractors as this was exacerbating the problem as they did not seem to be issued well. Cty Cllr Gilbert noted that there had been a flood of emails across Devon about traders permits and it was a real problem in all prosperous areas. Cty Cllr Gilbert noted that all this was to change and Dist Cllr Coulson asked if County was going to consult on this change and he agreed there would be a review and opportunity for consultation.
With regard to Residents Parking the Mayor was concerned that Devon County officers were not applying the rules on their website. In order to obtain a permit the person applying must pay council tax in that area and their car must be registered at the property where the permit was requested. Someone had a permit and their car was not registered in Salcombe. Also vehicle displayed a resident permit for Hammersmith and another for Salcombe in the windscreen. Cllr Taylor remembered that when Jim Martins was a councillor he had brought this up 5 – 6 years ago noting non-local residents obtaining permits. Dist Cllr Coulson noted that in all areas around Salcombe they would be hard pushed to find residents parking in such and it appeared that all second home owners were getting permits. There were also rows of empty spaces in some roads because formulaically County only issued enough permits for the street allowance and yet many of these were often not in residence. Visitor’s tickets were also going out via the letting companies.
Cty Cllr Gilbert advised that he had no further information on the future of the Salcombe library.
Cllr Lang noted that the footpath along. Spion Kop steps had the repairs to the wall carried out but it remained closed. However it was also badly overgrown with vegetation. Cty Cllr Gilbert noted that this path was not an adopted footpath which had slipped through the Definitive Map Review apparently there were about 20 paths. These needed to get adopted on the next review. A further question was raised with regard to the stepping stones in the footpath entrance wall and its planned deviation. A design for such work had been done but no works as yet, when was this to be done? Cty Cllr Gilbert was to enquire.
Cty Cllr Gilbert left the meeting.
District Councillor Coulson – Highlighted the newly installed Tree Preservation Order taken out on Batson Cross which included a tree within Bonfire Hill Cemetery. This was acknowledged as had been notified.
With regard to The Grange planning issues Nils White District Officer had contacted the applicant about their work as it was felt there had been unauthorised work to the garden terraces and walls. As they did not have planning permission they had been advised to apply. Also there was a newly installed cedar shed which the applicant apparently stated was to replace a similar sized original one. District had requested photographic evidence. There were a number of issues where they were in breach and Dist Cllr Coulson was asked whether a decision had been made on their application for work above the garage and he advised this was involved with this review. The planning officers felt they could work out something sympathetic with the studio and garage.
At the Executive on Thursday District would be going through the Rural Development Programme in which Salcombe had 10 projects approved. Cllr Wheeler noted that this agenda also included car parking review in other areas. Cathy Aubertin had been asked for data that the Modbury model applied and figures for Salcombe but nothing had been received. As any changes required a no loss basis town council needed usage figures. Commuter parking for Salcombe was assured would be in place April May 2014 and this appeared to have just got forgotten. Salcombe lost 34 car parking spaces to accommodate the fishermen’s parking, restaurant and new access without any consultation with Salcombe Town Council and therefore this was not a consistent proposal nor argument.
Also Cllr Wheeler noted he had requested District saved planning policies from Dist Cllr Coulson. Cllr Taylor asked when the town council were going to see Dist Cllr Pearce. He was advised that she had attended South Huish as Dist Cllr Coulson wished to attend this meeting. The Mayor noted that he was impressed with her knowledge and advised on the Appeal process meeting they had at Follaton House.
With regard to the Appeal on the Gas Works site Dist Cllr Coulson noted that the statement that there had been no interest in this site ‘commercially’ was not felt to be correct. District would argue for affordable commercial employment premises as they were felt to be more important than even affordable housing in Salcombe. He noted that it would be helpful if people were in attendance at the Appeal hearing to state from personal experience that they tried to purchase the site as a commercial space. The Inspector would be interested in all comments and would be an expert in planning. Dist Cllr Coulson went on to state that Salcombe needed maintenance hands around the harbour area otherwise it would suffer from not being able to service the marine industry and if the harbour suffered then so did the town. The Appeal hearing would be on 28th October commencing at 10a.m. when anyone wishing must indicate they wanted to speak at some time during the day.
The meeting on Our Plan – the new LDF/Local Plan would be important to attend. Econonic Prosperity would be an important part of starting to balance the infrastructure and search for employment sites. District hoped to drop the historic policy of creating little ‘dribs and drabs ‘of employment units dropped into housing estates. If a business was successful where did they go for expansion and if they are bad they just fail. Therefore a site that could grow with business was needed. Good communication was also needed, roads to be improved, a critical mass of employment in an area and of course satisfactory broadband.
There had been a long meeting with the Environment Scrutiny Committee on broadband as Salcombe was sitting behind whilst Cornwall already had it. West Alvington even had it. Cllr Taylor felt a YMAX system was needed.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 23rd July 2014 were approved by council and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
Applications received and responses forwarded to District by the Town Clerk under delegated authority:
• 1783/14/LB Listed building consent for internal alterations, and changes to rooflights and fenestration with reinstatement of one chimney The Moult, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LE–Mrs D. Marks. No objection. Most of the external work referred to was changing the windows, on the extension that was installed in the 1960s, and the applicant was proposing reinstating a chimney that was historically knocked down. All internal works appeared to be reinstating.
• 1836/14/F Householder application for extension to dwelling Creekview, Bonaventure Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8BG– Mr J. Murch. No objection.
• 1841/14/F Householder application for construction of porch to south elevation Sandhills, Sandhills Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JP – Mr M. Nathanson. No objection.
• 1861/14/F Householder application for relocation of existing balustrade to an external terrace. Installation of additional window to east elevation Fairhaven, Sandhills Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JP- Applicant Ms D. Davies. No objection.
• 1892/14/F Installation of 2no. air condenser units in basement 25-26 Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8ET – Applicant Boots the Chemist. No objection although a concern was raised as to whether there was potential noise from the units at the rear of the basement in this enclosed area.
• 1893/14/LB Listed Building Consent for installation of 2no.air condenser units in basement 25-26 Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8ET – Applicant Boots the Chemist. As above.
• 2009/14/F Householder application for proposed extension Elworth Cottage, Higher Batson, Salcombe TQ8 8NF – Applicant Ms G. Lane. Objection. The materials proposed for the extension were felt to be inappropriate for this Listed Building. There was also potential loss of amenity to the neighbouring property due to possible increased noise from a kitchen being adjacent to the neighbouring property bedroom being only 1 – 2 metres away.
• 2010/14/LB Listed Building Consent for proposed extension Elworthy Cottage, Higher Batson, Salcombe TQ8 8NF –Applicant Ms G. Lane. As above.
• 2066/14/F Householder application for replacement balustrade to existing balconies (resubmission of 41/1496/16/F) Upper Maxpoffle, 11 Egremont Terrace, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8EZ – Applicant Mrs J. Kelp. No objection.
• 2103/14/F Change of use from 2No apartments to one single dwelling Upper and Lower Fernlea, 45 Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HE – Applicant Mr R. Mackness. Objection. There were no objections raised to the internal changes however the removal of part of the wall adjacent to Allenhayes Road raised concerns with regard to the visual amenity of the streetscene.
Councillors considered the following applications and sent such observations to the District as Planning Authority:
• 1481/14/F READVERTISEMENT (revised plans) Extension of existing annex to create separate dwelling Plot adjacent to Lower Deck, Shaws Corner, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JL – Applicant N & A Swabey. There was a slight amendment in plans in changing the roof over the entranceway from pitch to sloping. However there was still no indication or clarification as to works to trees. No objection but town council would still seek clarification with regard to the trees.
• 1783/14/LB REVISED PLAN Listed building consent for internal alterations, and changes to rooflights and fenestration with reinstatement of one chimney The Moult, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LE–Mrs D. Marks. Very minor revised plan internal only to replace roof trusses. No objection.
• 2160/14/F Installation of replacement storage unit The Winking Prawn, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LD – Applicant Mr M. Goodey. No objection. All deliveries through the property car park would be an improvement rather than down the access to the pumping station. One concern was that the building itself would be close to the Winking Prawn, a couple of feet, and would thus block an extractor fan. There was nothing within the plans about what would happen with the extractor fan as it could not be used with a building in front of it. Therefore town council question what they would do about their ventilation system.
• 2189/14/F Householder application for proposed dormer extension and alterations Sundown, Camperdown Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AX – Mr E. Cross. No objection.
• 2204/14/F Householder application for amendments to approval 41/1088/14/F raising of existing terrace, enlarged garage and associated works Lealholme, Allenhayes Road, Salcombe TQ8 8HU – Applicant Pawsey Design Ltd. No concerns raised with regard to the alterations to the terrace and railing but Objection with regard to alterations to the garage as this would remove one on street parking space.
• TPO 908 (No. 908) Land at SX 73395 93457 between Batson Cross and Shadycombe Road, Bonfire Hill, Salcombe. Serving of New Order for listed trees that are prominent in the landscape. No objection.
• Most already forwarded by email for information.
• 2364/13/F APPEAL email received dated 5th August 2014. Land at SX273846, 39275, Former Gas Works. Gould Road, Salcombe TQ8 8DU. Appeal against refusal of redevelopment of former gas works site to comprise erection of five dwellings. Appellants name: Freemantle Developments. Appeal Ref: APP/K1128/A 2221616 A further submission of objection was made by town council on 2nd September to comply with the deadline imposed.
It was AGREED to ratify the works by Adrian Mundy stone mason for pressure washing the war memorial and re-painting the raised lead lettering at a cost of £225 plus VAT.
It was AGREED to:
award the work for replacement noticeboards at the Council Hall and Spar Shop, Loring Road to ‘NoticeIt’ to provide noticeboards in oiled Oak with engraved lettering up to a cost of £2000.
purchase a replacement letterbox for the broken one at the Council Hall from ‘Salcombe DIY’ up to a cost of £12.00
Cllr Biggs arrived.
The District proposals with regard to the ongoing provision of public toilets were circulated to town council and it was AGREED to respond as follows:
District Council were only proposing charging to use the public conveniences in Whitestrand, The Quay Kingsbridge and Bigbury. Town Council questioned why not Dartmouth as it was indicated that these were the most used toilets. Also District were to impose a charge to use Whitestrand and close Cliff House public toilets in the winter and thus users had no choice but to pay all day. How much would the cost of conversion to take 20pence coins be? Was this charge on entry into the facility or each cubical? Town Council were not adverse to a charge being levied for these facilities but it was unfair that yet again Salcombe was seen as the ‘cash cow’. It was assumed that this would be operational by 3rd November when District intended closing Cliff House toilets. There was significant concern for people who work on the water and also shop staff who use these town facilities. Thus
Why again pick on Salcombe?
Why introduce this here when District are closing other toilets in Salcombe in the vicinity.
What consideration had been made for local businesses who use these and have nothing else available.
The closures were acknowledged. However District then offered 7 options to keep such facilities open. Cllr Biggs noted that the figures within the options did not bear any similarity i.e. option 2 and 6. Town Council were not against an asset transfer but what would happen if Town Council did nothing before Stuart Jellings left. Any sum would need to be precepted for and Town Council were not prepared to consider options 2 to 7 due to no precept provided. None of the figures offered in the options bore any relevance to the costs originally mentioned when District illustrated how much the toilets cost them to run annual.
Therefore there was no choice but to go for option 1.
It was noted that one request had been withdrawn since the agenda was published. It was AGREED that the time that had elapsed since the applicant had resided in Salcombe was significant. However the terminology of classification as to whether someone could be considered resident needed to be clarified and therefore Town Council would make a dispensation in this case. The applicant had moved away out of choice but contributed to Salcombe during the time they had been resident. Therefore as a double depth grave was requested the non resident amount of £2550 would be reduced to £1700. It was noted that a new document was currently being drafted for future consideration and this included additional policies for transferring plots.
The Parking Agreement with regard to Devon County Council dealing with enforcement on behalf of the Town Council had now been signed by the Mayor and Cllr Wheeler as previously instructed. The decision to proceed with Devon County was due to the fact that they had provided all that the private company had proposed but were already trained and able to provide ‘Civil Enforcement’ and thus saving town council a further expenditure of £15,000 to train the private company staff. The meters had been put in place with required signage and been activated on Monday 1st September 2014. Further signage was to be discussed the following day in a meeting with Chris Watkins. Also the District Valuer had been contacted with regard to this area now becoming a pay and display car park from beginning of September. It was AGREED to proceed with community signage within the car park and investigate other works required to make this area workable for enforcement.
The lack of commuter parking provision in Salcombe and residents permits had been discussed during the County Councillors report.
With regard to the Town Council parking space there needed to be consideration given to what to do to secure these spaces and possibly some sort of permit system for those parking in them. However there was a further concern with regard to motorists parking across the access and not so much those within. It was AGREED that a proposal would be put forward for consideration next meeting.
A newsletter by the South Hams Society had been circulated and it had some very valid points within it with regard to the District’s Our Plan. With regard to the Kingsbridge K5 site Dist Cllr Coulson noted that the District figures for housing were rejected. With the Plymouth fringe and Sherford site District were trying to say that the rural needs had been met but Sherford was a black hole. The Inspector rejected the District assessment of windfall sites. The sole criteria of the National Planning Policy Framework was sustainability but continued how do you sustain second homes. If there are no boundaries for the town does a community have shops, school etc and the concerns is that this brings ribbon development back in. Housing needs projections are not realistic and the figures provided for District appear more a ‘finger in the air’.
It was noted at this point that a letter had been received by Town Council and District Council advising that South West Water now intended to fence their previously unfenced land within the Berry area. The site allocation consultation also showed that this land had been offered as a site for development and it was overviewed as ‘significant constraints’. Ross Kennerley had expressed concerns that this land had historic access ‘as of right’ and felt the town council should lead on putting in such claim. The Town Clerk had also asked Ross Kennerley and Steve Forsey to seek an opinion from their legal department as to the covenants imposed on the land.
It was AGREED to DEFER a response to the Our Plan consultation to the next meeting.
Toby Leigh, Gazette left the meeting.
It was AGREED to ratify the expenditure from the Front Runner Neighbourhood Plan funding to retain Lee Bray to attend one meeting to provide expert advice and direct the Neighbourhood Plan group on the way forward in setting up the group, engaging with the community and creating such plan at a cost of £500 for preparation and attendance. Ivybridge Town Council had also asked whether Salcombe would contribute towards the cost of Lee Bray attending the Neighbourhood Planning meeting at Woolwell the following evening, arranged by District. The expected contribution would be £100. It was agreed to share resources and acknowledge goodwill with Ivybridge Town Council and hope they reciprocate in future.
Dist Cllr Coulson left the meeting.
362. GRANT
It was AGREED to provide a grant of £350.00 to the Salcombe Brownies to enable them to attend Foxlease ‘Girl Guiding home’ in the New Forest during summer 2015. Power to provide Entertainment and Arts LGA 1972 s 145.
The forthcoming Town and Parish conference/AGM on Saturday 11th October 2014 at Westpoint Exeter was noted and Town Council at a cost of £20 per attendee. It was AGREED that this would be circulated by email to all town council again so that anyone wishing to attend can advise.
The Mayor noted the recent request by South West Resilience Campaign for a letter to be sent by town council asking for improved transport into the County. The Town Clerk was asked to agenda this item. He also noted that at the last meeting it had been decided that the Commonwealth Flag would not be purchased and flown. However a letter had been received from the National Association and so it was decided to place this on the next agenda for discussion.
He went on to note that there was still the lack of a bench at The Berry. Ian Moss District Assets maintenance at Babbage Road had advised he would ascertain what happened to the bench.. An update from Ross Kennerley on section 106 monies was still awaited but it was felt that this fund could be used on benches at The Berry. It was noted that the Creek Car Park bench had still not returned either. More woodchip had been added to the pile at The Berry and it was advised this was from the works to trees in Shadycombe cemetery. This was to be used along the woodland paths primarily for the footballers boots. Iain Randall would be asked for a costing for such works and these would be implemented as soon as possible.
There was to be a Mayors meeting at Follaton house the following Wednesday and on that Friday Finance training at Kenn arranged by the Devon Association of Local Councils both of which the Mayor would attend with the Clerk.
The Civic Lunch was to take place on the 19th October and the list of organisation invites were provided to Town Council for them to consider. Cllr Taylor noted there was a new Catholic Priest and would provide his details. It was agreed that Cliff House would continue as the venue and to use the same caterers from last year, Galley Girls.
The Mayor noted that the group had been successful in securing the funding towards the refurbishment of the Egremont.
Cllr Wheeler –The Football Club had placed a box on the bar at the Rugby Club to purchase their own bench for up at the Berry. Town Council maintain the area but District own it and therefore permission would need to be sought. The few words for the Gazette report were to be finalised on Monday so he asked other councillors please input. The forthcoming Appeal at the Gas Works would be mentioned as a Salcombe employment issue.
Cllr Biggs – Noted that he Cllrs Wheeler, Fice and Lang met to discuss the feasibility of the Salcombe Council Hall study. He had spoken since to the surveyors and asked for a plan of the mezzanine as with the eaves, trusses needed to hold the roof up it would be a very small community room. When they have come back to the working party they would put a proposal to council.
• Email from the Town Twinning Committee sending a letter inviting Salcombe Town Council to nominate a 14 year old to become a pen pal with a student of the same age from Cabourg. An approach had been made to Kingsbridge Community College who felt that a student may have difficulty with written French at this age. It would also be preferable to seek further details as to why just one student was required and the reason for such request coming through the Twinning Group rather than a college.
• Town Clerk to attend a County Local Development meeting in Okehampton on Tuesday 23rd September all day and therefore would not be in office. By invitation only and it was unclear which parish/towns had been invited. Local and National Policy expectations and shared service delivery to be discussed along with County Community project in Barnstaple.
• Invitation to clerk to attend Gloucester University Think Tank on Tuesday 30th September in Gloucester and therefore not in the office. This meeting would include DCLG, SLCC, INLOGOV University of Birmingham, Third Sector Research Centre, Gloucester University plus all those also invited.
• A resident of Rosemount Court attended the office as the secretary to the management company had read the Town Council Minutes. The letter sent to the address on the Land Registry details was out of date. A copy of the letter sent by Town Council had been provided and it was advised that any request to stop people watching church services and the like from this private driveway were a misunderstanding. The management company secretary would write and confirm this historic use and the signs were just to stop any parking issues.
• Community Reinvestment Projects Fund and TAP Fund both are open for application to Salcombe with such needing to have been submitted by 31st December 2014. The Reinvestment Fund relates to parish/towns that have had development commenced or completed since 1st April 2009 with 10 or more dwellings. Town Council should consider projects of a capital nature to improve community infrastructure (i.e. community buildings, sports facilities, play areas, community allotments etc). Question the installation of the shicane and works.
• An invoice for the quarterly payment with regard to the Licence to Harbour Hotel of the land at Bonfire Hill had been sent period 1st June 2014 to 31st August 2014 at a charge of £2875.00. The solicitor would be drawing the licence up shortly.
• The Road Closure for Remembrance Sunday had been prepared to be sent off but was awaiting a certificate from the insurance company stating the level of public liability held.
• Email received from Richard Worrall Food and Drink Innovation UK asking whether there was a process to use the name Salcombe in their branding and whether it had already been used in beers, alcoholic beverages etc. They were seeking to establish a product to compliment the Salcombe image and this is just initial research for views. It was questioned whether the Salcombe name could be registered as a Trade Mark but felt that this was not a matter that at present Town Council could contribute views to.
• Update email with regard to Town Councils and Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth 9th March 2015. A letter also attached from Ken Browse of NALC encouraging Town Councils to take part. If Salcombe are unable to take part they have been asked to advise of this or pass this request on to another organisation in the town who might be able to do so. As stated in the Mayor’s report this would be an agenda item.
• Email dated 26th August from District noting that the Town and Parish e-newsletter advised of the next Our Plan workshop on Friday 19th September at Follaton 10a.m. – 1p.m. focussing on options for growth, including type and location and the role of neighbourhood planning. Cllr Cohen would attend.
• Email dated 2nd September from Melissa Cann Counselling Directory asking for a link from Town Council website to theirs. It appeared to offered contacts for those needing this service but whether it is connected to the NHS was not known.
• Letter dated 9th September 2014 from David Sims advised that whilst there were frequent FP – footpath signs on the footpath just past North Sands they felt it was dangerous and should in fact be completely closed. This was felt to be a steep pathway but no changes were known for a reason for it to close. Cllr Lang as footpaths warden would however walk it to check and report back.
• Works to trees at Shadycombe Cemetery, part paid by residents had been carried out and the invoices were awaited. The residents would pay separately for their requested works.
Bank Balances:
Current Account: £500
Deposit Account: £211465.59
Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
Paid in August.
003197Bayleaf Contract August £400.00
003198 Ashford Solicitors – Parking Order £1440.00
003199 SHDC June 2013 Street Spraying £492.00
003200 Claydon –Sundries and Travel payment April to August £122.28
003201 SHDC Berry Lease £1 and Bin Rental £2.17 Total £3.17
003202 HMRC Tax & NI £543.01
003203 & 04 Wages £1402.54
003205 Dell Computers – Computer screen repair £157.92
For payment September
0030206 SHDC – Bin Rental £14.59
003207 Pear Technology – Technical support and software updates for cemetery computer package £240.00
003208 Bayleaf Gardening Ltd – September Contract £400.00
0032009Greenspace – Grass maintenance contract August £446.33
Town council recess during August and therefore the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 24th September 2014 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 6.30p.m.
Meeting Closed: 10.10 p.m.
………………………………………………….. 24th September 2014.
Town Mayor.